Melody Coniglio and Kimberly Rentner won election by National Association for Pupil Transportation members to two posts.
Coniglio, transportation director for Kenston Local Schools in Ohio, earned the most votes in the race for NAPT Region 3 director. She outpolled John Benish, Jr., president and chief operating officer of Cook-Illinois Corp., and Katrina Falk, transportation director for Shelby Eastern Schools in Indiana.
She will succeed Brad Aemisegger, transportation director for Toledo Public Schools, who for six years has represented NAPT members in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and the Canadian provinces of Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward. Aemisegger plans to retire at the end of this year.
Rentner, industry engagement consultant for Tyler Technologies, ran unopposed for a 3-year term as NAPT’s Business Affiliate director, representing the organization’s business partners.
No one ran for NAPT President-elect. Per the association by-laws, the NAPT board will appoint a regional director to serve as acting President-elect and then determine when and how to fill the regional directory vacancy.
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