Families who use RideAlong for their school transportation also receive the ability to track...

Families who use RideAlong for their school transportation also receive the ability to track their child's whereabouts through GPS technology provided by the company.

Photo courtesy of Pedro Lastra via Unsplash

RideAlongNow Inc. announced that it will provide student transportation for Chicago Public Schools (CPS). 

The company says families in Chicago will be matched with dependable, safe drivers who will work with the school district and students' caregivers to meet the needs of the communities. The drivers are regular, recurring transportation providers for the families they support.

"It's our honor to be called upon by Chicago Public Schools to provide a solution for safe, reliable, transparent student transportation," says RideAlong Co-Founder and COO Christine Kennedy. "The school bus shortage is impacting students coast-to-coast. RideAlong's drivers put students first, meeting all mandates and following strict health and safety protocols. They are looking forward to supporting Chicago families with school transportation services."

All RideAlongNow drivers are fully vetted to ensure they meet RideAlong's standards.

"We have explored many solutions to safely transport our Chicago Public Schools students to and from school, and are confident RideAlong will provide our students and their families with safe and reliable transportation services," adds CPS CEO Pedro Martinez.

RideAlong says that its model is unique, where drivers are employees, not contractors, who live in and around the communities they serve. Families of the students have the ability to track their child's whereabouts through access to GPS technology provided by RideAlong.