The series includes sprayers sized for a wide variety of applications and spaces ranging from...

The series includes sprayers sized for a wide variety of applications and spaces ranging from small to large.


Wagner SprayTech released a new series of four disinfectant sprayers, designed to quickly and effectively apply water-based EPA List N disinfectants, sanitizers, and deodorizers, while ensuring consistent and complete coverage.

Each model creates a pattern that effectively distributes the spray at the appropriate cover rate to kill bacteria, helping business owners and cleaning professionals disinfect with confidence. 

The series includes sprayers sized for a wide variety of applications and spaces ranging from small to large. Examples include restrooms, cubicles, auto interiors, waiting rooms, children’s play and learning areas, locker rooms, exercise rooms and gym spaces, bleachers, stadiums and arenas, movie theaters, public transportation, and other public areas. 

D300 Handheld Disinfectant Sprayer

  • For small- to medium-sized spaces
  • Sprays up to 200 ml (6.5 oz) per minute; two cup sizes to match project size needs
  • MSRP $149

D500 Stationary Disinfectant Sprayer

  • For medium-sized spaces
  • Sprays up to 200 ml (6.5 oz) per minute; two cup sizes to match project size needs
  • Turbine sits on the ground to reduce user fatigue
  • 15-foot hose for 30-foot working radius
  • MSRP $249 

D700 High Efficiency Airless Disinfectant Sprayer

  • For medium- to large-sized spaces
  • Sprays up to .29 gallons per minute pulling from a one- or five-gallon bucket
  • 50-foot hose for 100-foot working area
  • High Efficiency Airless™ technology for advanced control and reduced material waste
  • MSRP $449

D800 High Efficiency Airless Disinfectant Sprayer

  • For large-sized spaces
  • Sprays up to .29 gallons per minute pulling from a one- or five-gallon bucket
  • 50-foot hose for 100-foot working area
  • High Efficiency Airless™ technology for advanced control and reduced material waste
  • Portable cart design makes it easy to wheel to different locations
  • MSRP $549


The disinfectant sprayers are available through online retailers.

Originally posted on Metro Magazine