A Message to the Industries We Serve
A Message to the Industries We Serve

A Message to the Public Transit, Motorcoach, and School Bus Industry from Bobit Business Media’s Ground Transportation Group:

With thousands of followers across two different media brands — METRO Magazine and School Bus Fleet — we do not take our responsibility lightly. With that, we would like to say that we both condemn racism and stand in support of everybody who is using their right to voice their intolerance for racism at this time.

We are also here to listen to ways that we can do better in serving the communities that are impacted by the events that are going on all over the U.S., and hope to move forward with a new resolve to never look back to this time hoping we did more to affect change.

With that said, we are ready to unite, empower, honor, elevate, and serve our audiences in any way we possibly can.

Equality is something that is not earned, it should be given to all no matter their race, religion, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. The industries we serve make a real impact in the communities they work in and we are proud that accessibility, inclusiveness, equity, and access are issues that are already a focus of theirs on a day-to-day basis.

We would like to urge all of our partners in the industries we serve to move forward with a new resolve to hear the voices of the unheard, to continue to find ways to better serve our communities, and take the excellent services you provide to an even higher, more inclusive level.

We at METRO Magazine and School Bus Fleet commit to further being the change that we want to see in the world and within our industry:

  • We have never, and will never, condone racism in any form.
  • We have never, and will never, condone sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, exclusion, belittlement, or purposeful alienation.
  • We will continue to be allies to ALL those in our industry who provide exceptional customer service and elevate and mentor those professionals who are new or emerging within our industry.
  • We will continue to spotlight the achievements of all transportation industry professionals, regardless of their race, creed, nationality, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
  • We will continue to be open to feedback on how we can do better and further diversify our content.
  • We will continue to serve YOU, the transportation professional, no matter your race, background, or socioeconomic standing, recognizing that ALL humans are worthy of accolade based on their proven capabilities, and not their origin in life.

 We hear you. We see you. We serve you. We thank you. 

- The Team at Bobit Business Media’s Ground Transportation Division