MILLBURY, Mass. — Police here are trying to find a motorist who allegedly sped past a school bus and nearly struck a mother and child on Friday, CBS reports.
The woman and her 7-year-old daughter were crossing the street after the child left the school bus. In dash-cam video from the bus, the bus driver honks his horn to alert them to an oncoming car that reportedly did not appear to be slowing down, according to the news source. Witnesses said they believe that the driver of that car was texting and never saw the stop arm on the school bus, and the bus driver could see that the driver was on her phone, according to CBS.
Millbury Police Chief Donald Desorcy told the news source that if the bus driver hadn’t honked the horn, the situation may have turned out differently, and that this is the worst case of distracted driving that he has witnessed. Desourcy added that although the bus video is not clear enough to completely identify the license plate, investigators were able to identify the vehicle type and are quickly narrowing the search for the motorist through the Registry of Motor Vehicles.
The school bus driver said that he and other drivers have been told to stop filling out stop-arm violation reports because there are too many incidents to investigate, according to CBS.
To read the full story and watch video obtained by CBS of the incident, go here.
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