Navistar has released its 2021 sustainability report, focused on the company's environmental, social, and governance activities. The company's sustainability strategy is moving beyond risk mitigation into value creation to address the impact a more sustainable future would have on customers and society at large, according to a press release.
The 2021 sustainability report takes a look into sustainability at Navistar, including people, planet, responsibility, and impact. The report also introduces the company's new vision – to accelerate the impact of sustainable mobility – and strategy which prioritizes sustainability as a strategic focus area.
"2021 has been a year of significant change that will set the stage for the future; not only for us at Navistar, but also industry-wide as megatrends like electric and autonomous vehicles emerge," said CEO Mathias Carlbaum. "Navistar is committed to creating a better, healthier world for future generations to thrive in, and we absolutely will accomplish that with a strategic roadmap."
Here are some highlights from the 2021 sustainability report:
- Launched two zero-emissions products, a medium-duty vehicle and a school bus. The fully electric zero-emissions vehicles (ZEVs) can, depending on the emissions profile of the electricity used to charge them, enable a fully zero-emissions footprint.
- Recognizing a critical need for education around the ZEVs ecosystem, Navistar's NEXT Solutions team designed an all-inclusive, mobile educational experience tailored to ZEV sales or service training, to tour North America.
- Committed to a 20% improvement in energy intensity with the U.S. Department of Energy Better Plants program. Navistar also began work on what will be a foundational effort, setting science-based targets that will be submitted to the Science-based Targets Initiative.
- Identified education, equity, and the environment as primary impact areas and began developing a focused giving strategy to support meaningful change in the communities where we live and work.
- Created a diversity demographics dashboard to help drive changes in diversity representation across the company. Accessible by all people managers, this tool indicates real-time demographics including gender, race, and age, among other details.
- Partnered with the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), and SkillsUSA, Navistar built the TECH EmPOWERment platform to support our dealer network in their efforts to recruit, train, and retain qualified personnel. TECH EmPOWERment helps facilitate donations of heavy equipment, training aids, and supplies to technical programs for the purpose of training students to service International trucks and IC Bus vehicles upon graduation. In total, 36 equipment donations were made in 2021 to 32 schools across the U.S. and Canada.
The full 2021 Navistar Sustainability Report can be viewed and downloaded here.
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