AMF-Bruns of America named Elaine Hernsberger as the winner of its National Special-Needs School...

AMF-Bruns of America named Elaine Hernsberger as the winner of its National Special-Needs School Bus Driver of The Year award. Shown here, Steve Barker, sales manager for AMF-Bruns, presents her with the award.

Securement supplier AMF-Bruns of America has recognized a special-needs school bus driver for their outstanding service for the third year in a row.

AMF-Bruns named Elaine Hernsberger as the winner of its National Special-Needs School Bus Driver Of The Year award, according to a news release from the securement supplier. She works for Hays Consolidated Independent School District, which is based in Kyle, Texas.

Hernsberger improves the riding experience of her special-needs students by reaching out to parents when she sees their children having difficulty adapting to riding the bus, according to AMF-Bruns. This collaborative approach, combined with her always-positive attitude, helps these students take a positive outlook to their bus rides to and from school.

In addition to her responsibilities as a special-needs school bus driver, Hernsberger trains new bus drivers and monitors on providing outstanding customer service, proper wheelchair securement, wheelchair lift operations, and proper child safety restraint system installation for the students.

“Special-needs school bus drivers are the true unsung heroes in the school bus community,” said Peter Haarhuis, CEO of AMF-Bruns. “They go over and beyond the call of duty helping those with the greatest needs.”

Hernsberger was recognized for this achievement and received her award at a special ceremony held at her school district.

Haarhuis added that AMF-Bruns received a tremendous response from candidates across North America.

“Choosing one winner amongst this extraordinary group of candidates was a difficult undertaking,” he said. “Each nominated bus driver could have easily won the award. We thank everyone for their nominations.”

Nominations are now being accepted for the fourth annual AMF-Bruns National Special-Needs School Bus Driver of The Year Award.

Get more information on qualifying criteria and the application deadline.