Maryland Bus Fleet Reports Improved Fuel and Emissions Efficiency
Maryland Bus Fleet Reports Improved Fuel and Emissions Efficiency

Maryland’s Chesapeake Charter, Inc., collected data from its 40-bus fleet to determine that its diesel buses have enjoyed an average fuel savings of 15% over baseline and a 95% reduction in DPF (diesel particulate filter) regens while performing under standard operating conditions.

That improvement is credited to fuel treatment Oxon2, produced by Nevada-based FuelMatrix.

“I like to think of Chesapeake Charter as an innovator,” said Jake Lonergan, the bus company’s president. “Oxon2 is the biggest innovation I have witnessed, and I look forward to enjoying the operating cost reductions and cleaner air the product delivered during our test for many years.”

Test data was collected by Chesapeake Charter using numerous sensors and the CAN (Controller Area Network) bus system on each vehicle. The study also involved looking at the reduction of particulate matter emissions, including a drop in forced regen cycles from an average of every 4 hours to every 24 hours.

"We are excited to count Chesapeake Charter as a customer," said FuelMatrix President Robert Biddle V. "We are honored to do our part in making Chesapeake the cleanest and most efficient operator in the country, and our message to other fleets is that you can both save money and dramatically reduce harmful diesel emissions to benefit your communities."

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