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 OH teen boys accused in rape of a third
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Posted - 04/01/2006 :  04:27:45 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
04-01-2006 - Hamilton Journal News, OH -- WEST CHESTER TOWNSHIP - West Chester Police Chief John Bruce said that one 15-year-old Lakota freshmen boy was charged with rape and another was charged with complicity to raping another freshman boy on a school bus. The two students have been suspended from school, and a possible expulsion looms. The assault was reported by the school bus driver.

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Thomas Ford 85-16
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Posted - 04/01/2006 :  11:06:59 AM  Show Profile  Visit Thomas Ford 85-16's Homepage  Send Thomas Ford 85-16 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
This article doesn't make this situation out to be as serious as it really is. Can't adults be faced with the death penalty when convicted of rape? This is a very serious issue... The kids who made the decision to do this have really screwed up their lives! Off to jail with 'em.
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Posted - 04/01/2006 :  1:26:54 PM  Show Profile  Visit JK's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Some laws first requirement for sexual harassment and sometimes sexual assault require opposite genders involved. My understanding is a considered 'crime status' tends toward adults in some states - for kids toward kids it can be considered a social crime more than a sexual crime. Gay Bashing is a hate crime, gays raping another male is not considered a hate crime. Where there is no cooperation I would consider rape - rape - period. And where cooperation is present among the kids involved - both have committed a crime, not just one person, in my opinion. (jk)

Edited by - JK on 04/01/2006 1:35:44 PM
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Posted - 04/01/2006 :  6:13:49 PM  Show Profile  Click to see william's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
This is a serious offense. I can't believe that these boys thought that they could get away with this sort of thing. How ever they label this, these kids should be prosecuted to the limit the law allows.

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Posted - 04/01/2006 :  8:00:56 PM  Show Profile  Visit JK's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by william

... How ever they label this, these kids should be prosecuted to the limit the law allows.

Yes, definitely. I agree with you to the max. But the ACLU and other special interests want otherwise. I don't think this is over and may escalate. (jk)

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Edited by - JK on 04/01/2006 8:02:23 PM
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Posted - 04/01/2006 :  8:48:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
“The freshman school did send a letter home to parents about an incident that happened last week that was two boys assaulting a third boy on the bus,” said John Weidlich, district spokesman. “The (assault) was intended to humiliate the victim.”

The two male freshman students have been removed from school and officials said a possible expulsion looms.

“In a case like this, we try to have a lot of sensitivity because of the fact that there is a victim,” Weidlich said. “We try to be very sensitive to (the victim’s) needs. ... (The two assailants) will both face school consequences and whatever charges that were filed as well.”

“They had their initial hearings (on Thursday),” he said. “We actually got some information there was bullying on board the bus. Through the investigation we developed information that led to the rape charge.”

My opinion: The assailants raped the victim to humiliate him (weather it be labeled gay bashing, the outcome is: humiliation, violation of one’s body and esteem, belittling to oneself, destructive to the soul, embarrassing, life changing, destructive, I could go on forever - expel the rapists from the school. Teach them a lesson.

Send them to juvenile jail. This is humiliation that is sickening. Why did they humiliate him? Were the two assailants straight and the victim supposedly gay? Who knows.
It doesn't matter what the gender is. Rape is rape. Treat this as if it was any gender. How rowdy was this school bus that the driver didn't realize what was going on?

Expulsion looms? Expulsion should be the outcome and they should be required to register as juvenile sex offenders.
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Thomas Ford 85-16
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Posted - 04/02/2006 :  05:40:50 AM  Show Profile  Visit Thomas Ford 85-16's Homepage  Send Thomas Ford 85-16 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by #80AmtranRE4
How rowdy was this school bus that the driver didn't realize what was going on?

For the record, I do not believe the bus was overly rowdy because it was the driver who reported the incident. However, JK would argue that training would help drivers spot situtations before they happen. There was so little mention of the actual bus environment (the driver's role was summed up in a sentence) that it makes it hard to tell what it was like on th ebus.
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Posted - 04/02/2006 :  05:53:02 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Thomas Ford 85-16

Originally posted by #80AmtranRE4
How rowdy was this school bus that the driver didn't realize what was going on?

For the record, I do not believe the bus was overly rowdy because it was the driver who reported the incident. However, JK would argue that training would help drivers spot situtations before they happen. There was so little mention of the actual bus environment (the driver's role was summed up in a sentence) that it makes it hard to tell what it was like on th ebus.

Oh thanks for the update- I was wrong then. It's kind of scary knowing that someone can be raped on a school bus even with a well controlled enviornment. I tell the kids if someone is bothering them to tell me, but usually that is for the younger kids, I would assume the older kids would tell me, but anyways, the 15 year olds need help (juv. del. jail) with extensive treatment-because even if it was done to humilate the victime...they are still considered juvenile sex offenders. I saw a show about this on operah or dr phil, i forgot which one
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Posted - 04/02/2006 :  10:09:22 AM  Show Profile  Visit JK's Homepage  Reply with Quote
From the story:

... “The (assault) was intended to humiliate the victim. ...

... “They had their initial hearings (on Thursday),” he said. “We actually got some information there was bullying on board the bus. Through the investigation we developed information that led to the rape charge.” ...

According to WKRC Local 12, the assault was reported by the school bus driver.

From The WKRC Story: Superintendent Philip Ehrhardt told Local 12 the driver first reported that it appeared to be a simple fight.

"It wasn't a situation where it was a major fight," said Dr. Philip Ehrhardt, Lakota Schools Superintendent. "It was more of they were throwing fists at each other. And as a matter of fact, the driver at the time did not even know who the student was. He just said, hey they are some kids throwing punches on the bus, you need to investigate it."

Police say details of the sexual assault didn't emerge until later in the investigation.

A WKBC video reported the superintendent also said they were looking for a previous incident that led to this one and that they were reviewing their bus safety procedures.

Guilty would mean the event happened beyond a reasonable doubt. There obviously was some doubt involved here.

It's odd the boy (the alleged victim) is right back in school. I have suspicions as to what actually happened, based on the stories, an apparent lack of trauma and so little reaction at the newspapers forums or press follow-ups.

We here know full well how some school and some police investigations can evolve to a false conclusion. It may be that a jury would not be convinced a rape actually took place. Something more along the lines of bullying, aggressive depancing and threats of rape, not actual rape. And it could also be the alleged victim's response to retaliate with an accusation of rape.

When kids are boarding the bus at their school, I walk the bus aisle talking to the kids, asking questions - letting my presence in every part of the bus known and felt. Restless, loud or busy kids are moved toward the front area during this time. The bus does not move until me, The School Bus Captain, believes it is calm and safe to begin the route.

I had a situation, while students were boarding and while walking in the back area of the bus, where some girls mentioned to me that a troublesome boy I keep close to me in the front area asked a girl to have sex.

When I talked to the girl, she said he'd only asked her for a date, not sex. I reported the findings to the office, so that in the event they received any phone calls concerning this issue, staff would be armed with good information rather than bad speculation.

Remember this as a mini training thought: The good is like a calm, comforting, welcomed fire that seldom goes anywhere uncontrolled - while the bad spreads among adults like a wildfire with a hot wind pushing it onward.

Too many adults seem to have minds of straw,
in my opinion. Perhaps even myself on occasion.

On a calm bus the bus driver can often hear conversations clear to the back area. Rustling around is usually immediately obvious. And in an environment where children feel safe the least offense is reported immediately or shorty after.

But most notable, when reaching that level of both calmness and a professional relationship with the kids, it remains the reality that some kids can get things mixed up in their minds and in effect make a false report based on a false perspective or perception. If not caught immediately can lead to escalations from parents and staff.

Been there as well in the distant past, and on occasion have not wondered so much about the minds of kids - they're kids - but have given more attention to the peculiar minds of some adults - both parents and staff.

What I perceive from the stories is that the school bus driver caught something going on and reported it as, "throwing punches." There are subtle indications from the stories that the school bus involved is not a calm, safe environment, nor is bus driver violence prevention training adequate.

Based on the information at hand, I would have to conclude that many of that transportation provider's school buses may not be calm, safe places for kids or the bus drivers, and that the drivers probably have not received much training in the area of violence prevention - if any. (jk)

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Edited by - JK on 04/02/2006 11:19:01 AM
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Posted - 04/03/2006 :  7:43:42 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Lakota rape suspects may be tried as adults

Hamilton Journal News, OH - WEST CHESTER TOWNSHIP — Citing the suspects’ ages and the seriousness of the charges, the prosecution may choose to try two 15-year-olds as adults, Butler County Juvenile Justice Center Director Rob Clevinger said Monday. The two suspects — being held in the county juvenile detention center pending a Friday hearing — have a history of bullying the 15-year-old victim, school officials and West Chester Township police said.

One suspect allegedly pulled down the pants of the victim and held him while the other suspect used an object to assault him, according to police reports. Weidlich said the bus driver didn’t witness the alleged sexual nature of the attack, but students who were on the bus gave information to the school resource officer that confirmed the incident.

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Posted - 04/07/2006 :  08:47:00 AM  Show Profile  Visit ooms7j's Homepage  Click to see ooms7j's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Good what they did was wrong. they should be charged as adults IMO.

Emergency situations are my responsibility, Drive Safe, ooms7j
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Posted - 04/07/2006 :  5:11:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Suspects in rape on school bus denied release

HAMILTON – Judge David Niehaus refused to release two 15-year-old Lakota freshmen accused of sexually assaulting another boy with a pencil on a school bus in front of 30 other students last month. They return to court April 27, when authorities will present evidence against the teens.

The students were already under investigation by the school for a March 23 bus incident, Sgt. Brian Rebholz said. School officials said the bus driver didn’t see anything unusual March 22, when the sexual assault allegedly occurred so, he didn’t report it.

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Posted - 09/11/2006 :  7:10:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Teens Found Guilty In School Bus Rape

September 11, 2006 - Channel, OH - WEST CHESTER -- Two teens accused of sexually assaulting a classmate have been found guilty.

They were accused of attacking another boy on a school bus last March while attending Lakota Freshman School.

A defense attorney described what happened as horseplay that got out of control, but prosecutors argued the two defendants were bullies.

"I thought we proved this was consensual horseplay," defense attorney Clyde Bennett said. "Our story was they were playing around, and we're sticking with our story because it's the truth."

One of the teens was found guilty of rape, and the other was found guilty of complicity to rape.

They could be sentenced to several years in juvenile detention, but defense attorney Ken Lawson said the result of the case could've been worse.

"The most important thing that occurred here, we were successful and kept them from being bound over as adults," he said.


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Posted - 09/12/2006 :  01:31:45 AM  Show Profile  Visit JK's Homepage  Reply with Quote
... And sometimes the accusations are true. Wish that were not the case.

None of the new information sounds like three fun-loving boys just having some consensual fun. Strange approach to use in the attempt to get the boys off the hook. This outcome should help calm the buses down. Most kids do not like incarceration any more than most adults.

They were just kidding around - like bullies’ kid around that is. Hate to see the lack of an effective intervention process before events go this far. (jk)

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There is no school bus driver shortage!
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Edited by - JK on 09/12/2006 01:33:49 AM
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