School Bus Fleet

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stop-arm running/illegal passing

NSTA Returns to Capitol Hill to Promote School Bus Safety

The National School Transportation Association convened on Capitol Hill for the 2024 Bus-ln, urging legislative action on illegal school bus passing. Advocates engaged in more than 85 meetings, pushing for support of HR 3998. Events included receptions and meetings with representatives, emphasizing student safety. The initiative underscores NSTA's commitment to addressing critical transportation issues.

January 2024 Litigation Roundup

A roundup of recent headlines involving lawsuits and other litigation related to pupil transportation, including a lawsuit over a boy allegedly beaten on a school bus, a lawsuit after a deadly crash involving a school bus, a challenge to a school bus camera program, and a lawsuit over delays in the construction of a a transportation complex.

Editor's Note: Can't Pass Up This Complaint

School Bus Fleet Executive Editor Wes Platt urges more awareness about illegal passing of school buses by motorists in too much of a hurry to seem concerned about red flashing lights and extended stop arms.

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