• <p>Orange (Calif.) Unified School District director of transportation Pam McDonald says leaders are continuously looking for ways to improve.</p>
    When I think about leadership, I think of people who demonstrate great communication, persistence and determination.

Some people are born with these characteristics, and others develop them. Here are some key leadership qualities:

• Leaders refuse to let anyone or anything get in the way of achieving their dreams.
• Leaders move their vision forward despite any obstacles, always striving toward their goals.
• They are continuously looking for ways to improve.
• They are always willing to help.
• They follow through.
• They reach out to those who need mentoring.
• They offer their advice to energize their teams and to help their organizations achieve success.

Are you a leader? You can be.

A great leader must increase his or her influence, up and down the ladder. There are bad, good and great leaders, and anyone who is a leader should continuously evaluate his or her own leadership skills.

In order to be a great leader, one should always remember the three Rs:
• Respect for self
• Respect for others
• Responsibility for all of one’s own actions

Remember to stop and take a look at the big picture. Plan, organize and then make it happen.

Build real trust and follow through. Do the right things instead of doing things right. Remember: If you lose it, you lose credibility.

Another point to remember: Great achievements very often involve great risk.

Always understand the needs of others and strive to meet them. Give people more than they expect, and communicate with them in ways that lead to fair and positive outcomes.

Take a look around, and you will realize how many great leaders you are in the midst of. It is OK to use what you see in them to make yourself a better leader.

Pam McDonald is director of transportation at Orange (Calif.) Unified School District. She is a member of the SCHOOL BUS FLEET editorial advisory board. She can be reached at pama@orangeusd.org.