If you're like me, you're constantly putting out fires. Most of them are small and don't require much thought or enterprise. But they sure add up!

Over the course of a day, I attend to dozens of things that were not on my to-do list. Some of them could have been postponed, but they were easy to resolve and gave me a small sense of accomplishment. The more complex, thorny tasks tend to stay on my to-do list for an unnaturally long time. In most cultures, this would be referred to as procrastination. When you're constantly dealing with deadlines, the P word always looms large.

Overcoming procrastination is not simple. I thought my problem was a disorganized office, so I had an administrative assistant who's a certified organizer come in and take a look. She was visibly shaken by the sight of it. Organizationally, it's, uh, not good. She made a few quick comments about the importance of having a filing system and then fled.

I like to think that my filing system is actually pretty good. I know where everything is, but it's scattered all over my desktop and other flat surfaces in my office. To the untrained eye, this system would appear haphazard. I know better, but it's little comfort. It doesn't help with my procrastinational tendencies.

If you have any ideas for dealing with the P word, let me know. I'm not particularly desperate. Things do get done, although maybe not exactly when they should get done. 

And I feel better now that I've got this blog entry out to you.

Until next time.
