I read an interesting thread in our Forum about whether bus drivers should be allowed to yell at their passengers. Most of the respondents believe it's OK, and often necessary, to yell at students. Others said department policies prohibited them from doing so.

As the father of two boys, ages 6 and 8, I can assure you that I occasionally have to, uh, speak loudly to get their attention. They get so involved in what they're doing that they don't otherwise hear me. It's only rarely that I yell in real anger, although that can serve a purpose, too.

I would be much less inclined, however, to yell at other people's children. In some ways, however, school bus drivers eventually begin to regard their passengers as more than "other people's children." They develop a familiarity that reduces the distance between them and, perhaps, creates a situation where yelling seems appropriate.

Once I've gotten my kids' attention, silence seems to work as well as volume. Letting them know that I'm angry about or disappointed in their behavior is sometimes enough. Continued yelling seems like an overreaction.

But everyone has their own personality and style. For some people, loud outbursts are common and seem to be a natural extension of their personality. For others, calm, measured communication is the norm.

If you have a few minutes, read the thread in our Forum and see what you think.

Until next time.
