BrightSync’s intelligent electrical control panel, also named BrightSync, is designed to sync engine block heater activation based on outside temperature, calendar day, start time, duration, and zone control to save power usage.

BrightSync’s intelligent electrical control panel, also named BrightSync, is designed to sync engine block heater activation based on outside temperature, calendar day, start time, duration, and zone control to save power usage.

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — New company BrightSync is launching a new electrical control panel designed to be more energy-efficient at the NAPT trade show on Tuesday.

BrightSync’s intelligent electrical control panel, also named BrightSync, is designed to sync engine block heater activation based on outside temperature, calendar day, start time, duration, and zone control utilizing patent-pending technology.

Engine block heating devices can consume a lot of electricity plugged in all winter, and an electrical bill for an engine block heater averages about $350 per vehicle, according to the company.  BrightSync is engineered to save 80% of power usage by limiting the “on-time.”  

BrightSync’s panel mounts next to any existing electrical fuse panel and controls electrical current to outside outlets, and can centrally control up to 40 vehicles, according to the company. There is no modification needed at the outside receptacles or heating devices on the vehicles.

"We are excited to bring a fleet energy solution to the school bus market,” said Jeff Bannister, the executive vice president for BrightSync. “The BrightSync product provides real energy savings for fleet operations."

Learn more at or call (937) 403-0300.

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