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Official Virginia School Bus Thread

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Topic author: IC RE 1629
Subject: Official Virginia School Bus Thread
Posted on: 05/05/2005 03:08:04 AM

I've been all over the Northern half of Virginia visiting school districts and photographing buses. I have seen alot of neat things. In this thread I hope to have people share what they know about the different school districts and buses in Virginia. Compare and contrast different counties, talk about private school buses you've seen, whatever! If it relates to school buses in the State of Virginia, please share it here. BTW, if it mainly pertains to Fairfax County Public Schools, post it over in that topic. That topic is for anything and everything Fairfax County. Thank you for your participation in this topic.


Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 05/05/2005 11:37:49 AM

Williams Bus Lines in Fairfax has some of the best looking buses in the area.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/05/2005 12:08:08 PM

Virginia has got some of the most interesting buses Ive ever seen really...As has been mentioned before, no district owned buses (and a few private buses) have any roof brandings. Most would say that makes a bus look naked, but I kinda like it! I'm from the southern half of the state, and you dont see the super nice, AC equipt transit style buses around there. Just good ol 64 passenger conventionals, and a few transits here and there. Norfolk City Public Schools has mostly late 90s International Thomas buses, but my understanding is that they were previously run by a contractor, who owned mostly Ward Internatinoals. Their new buses though feature manual doors (atleast through the 90s), Grey interiors, white roofs, and most have tinted windows, and they ALL have air brakes and automatic transmissions. Next door in Va Beach, they are in the process of retiring their 88 and 87 GMCs, both Blue Bird and Thomas bodies. Since 1980 though, Virginia Beach has spected their buses with Automatic Transmissions, Air brakes, and Diesel engines. In 95, they introduced the white roofs, then in 96-97, they introduced the air doors, and finally, in 00 (ish) they introduced tinted windows. They are mostly conventional still, however they do have a few Thomas HDX CNG buses floating around as well. They are the only Thomas HDX buses I have ever seen with only one roof hatch! They also have a few All American REs from the late 90s (also with one roof hatch).

Farther to the middle of the southern part of the state, in places like Sussex County, the buses are ALL conventionals, most still with the barest of specs. Some even still get their buses with Manual transmissions (Thomas Freightliners of course). Its very interesting to see how the state of Virginia specs buses. As a state, they only have technical requirments (engine ratings, light placement, switches, etc. They leave most of the luxuries up to the districts to spec, like the air doors, automatic transmissions, white roofs, and stuff like that. Id suggest traveling south if you want to get some GREAT pictures of Virginia Buses...It might seem like a blast from the past for northern virginians.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/05/2005 12:36:43 PM

I have seen several buses when I travel towards west Virginia, I know in Nelson County they have late 90's Thomas Internationals spec'ed to bare minimum, and most likely with mannuel transmissions and mannuel doors. it is a whole different scene here in Fairfax, we spec our buses amazing! Same thing next door in Loundon and In Arlington.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/05/2005 2:26:28 PM

Williams Bus Lines has pretty good buses alright. Has anyone ever seen where they park there buses? I have tried to find the lot, I also called them to ask if I could photograph there buses, but was denied. Of all the districts I've visited, they are the only people who have denied me. Any help?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/05/2005 2:32:36 PM

I beleive they are allowed to take their buses home, at least that is what my driver told me

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/05/2005 11:48:25 PM

Yeah...Arlington specs their buses fairly nice...whats cool about arlington, is they are totally Transit Type D RE with regular ed...I actually live in Arlington now, and their buses are nice, but not as nice as Fairfax's. Their oldest bus has to be a 93ish Thomas ER with a CAT engine, that is only used as a spare...They do have some Vista speical ed buses, and a RARE old Ford Thomas running around for special ed as well that are the oldest Ive seen. In 2004 I believe, they started buying IC REs. The first generation in Arlington has the T444E, and look almost identical to Fairfax's last year, but without the AC. When you look closer though, they have a few other chages. They have the black grille on the back, an Air horn, and blue interiors...ALL are different from Fairfax. Their newest IC REs though feature the DT466 engine, which makes them RE300s, as opposed to Fairfax's RE200s with the VT365 engines. Still though, no buses (even in special ed) in Arlington have AC. I was shocked though to see Arlingotn get something other than Thomas. They have been Thomas for YEARS.

Arlington County also has a few white buses that say "Arlington Community Centers" on the side...They are all spected with high head room, and AC, but other than that, are identical to the school buses of the respeictive year. kinda cool.

There you go...some insite on Arlington County...The smallest county (area wise) in VA.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 05/06/2005 01:57:14 AM

IC 1629

Williams doe not tell anyone where they store their buses. They say that is for security reasons.

With all the different groups and schools they serve, they say they just can't take the risk.

They make the drivers sign a papaer that states they will not give out the address.

Mechanics check each bus storage compartment and underneath each morning. Sometime they even have a dog go through and around each bus.

In this area, I think Loudoun County has the most heavily speced buses. Push button chains, a/c dark windows, storage boxes, etc. They split their purchases between Thomas and IC.

Arlington for the upcoming year will be buying Thomas.

Williams had been buying all Thomas for several years. Then switched to IC. Now they are going back to Thomas for their new bus purchases.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/06/2005 02:51:05 AM

Alexandria City Public Schools has a nice set up too. I visited them in January. The director of Transportation (David Rose) is a very nice person. He told all about what they plan to buy this school year. Some IC CE's for spec-ed and IC RE's for regular ed.

They have a few small Thomas Ford's, Thomas HDX's and MVP ER's, MVP EF's, IC FE's, International FE's, and some Thomas Freightliner's.

For only having 97 buses, they have a pretty well mixed fleet.

Mr. Rose even gave me a sweatshirt, golf shirt and hat with the Alexandria City Schools Tranportation logo on it when I visited them.

BTW, I can understand the issue of security on school buses, though I tend to believe Williams takes a little too much caution.

Reply author: Thomas00
Replied on: 05/06/2005 09:49:47 AM

I don't live in Virginia but I do have a few question for you guys. Why on most Virginia type D Re buses there only 1/1 kick out window on each side and not 3/3 kick out? I also notice the roof hatch, how it have hump on it, look like a white mountain top? I must say the mirrors setup from the past, man how did you guys see out them one flat mirrors and that small convex mirrors? Did you guys ever feel like that y'all were behind time of school bus age?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/06/2005 12:41:15 PM

I am going to make a guess that we only have one kick out window on each side becasue we also have an Emergency door on each side plus the two roof hatches (which by the way i don'y know why they are sheaped like that) and of course the rear door (on the RE's it is a rear hatch) But that is just a guess, Busfreak, maybe you can shed some light on this?

Also Fairfax and I believe Loundon, and Williams spec the emergency door on each side, but Arlington does not, just one on the left, from far away, their buses look EXACTLY like ours, their Thomas ER's too. I don't realize it is one of their until I see the wording or that they only have one door

Reply author: thomas86_a
Replied on: 05/06/2005 1:28:21 PM

If you spec side doors on each side then the amount of windows/pushouts needed is lower. I don't know the exact formula however when figuring emergency exits you go by the capacity of the unit and the amount of students that can be evacuated out of each emergency exit. The amount they figure can evacuate out of a door is higher than a pushout or hatch so that's why less exits are needed when you spec doors. I could be wrong on this but it is what I was told.

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 05/06/2005 3:25:24 PM

We Have 78 busses in Our fleet in Caroline County Most Of the new Ones are Thomas Freightliners
We still have some Busses That have gas Engines but most of them are Diesel We have six schools in our county Two Primary two Elementary One Middle and One High But they are getting ready to build a new Elementary
Here is our website

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/06/2005 3:42:48 PM
Message: are some answers...

Why does there only have to be one pushout on each side?
-Apparently, FVMS standards allow a minumum of 5 exits on full sized buses (not sure what that range is). Virginia does not require any more than that. Conventional buses in VA typically have ONE roof hatch, two pushouts (one on each side) one emergency door, and the service door, totalling to 5 exits. Fairfax specs an emergency door on both sides of their RE buses, therefor adding an exit, along with the additional required pushout in the rear. Most Type D RE buses also have the (optional) second roof hatch, although it is not required! That brings their exits up to 8 including the service door. The second emergency door is an added option, that only Fairfax is doing (in northern virginia). Loudoun, Arlington, Alexandria, and Prince William all only spec one emergency door on RE buses. Loudoun has a few from 2000 with a door on both sides, but if you look at those buses, they are spected identically to Fairfax buses inside and out, including the specific roof hatch that Fairfax uses. My theory on that is they somehow piggybacked on the Fairfax purchase, but thats just a speculation.

2...Why are the roof hatches shaped that way?
-For many years, Fairfax spected the Specialty Manufacturing model 5015 (I think)or equivilant because it has whats known as "brush guards." The way the hatches work, is you can either open them fully as an emergency exit, crack them open towards the front, or open a smaller black screened vent. The sloped fin like shapes prevent tree branches from getting caught on that small screened vent. Ive seen a few other districts get some buses like that, but Fairfax has consistantly spected them since atleast 1996, and retrofitted many older buses with them as well. One may notice however, that the 2006 models do not have them, but rather have normal specialty roof hatches. My guess is, its not necessary to go all out on the roof vents when the bus has AC. Although the 02, 03, and 04 models have AC and the brush guards, the newest ones do not.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/06/2005 4:34:12 PM

BusFreak, could you add that to the Fairfax County topic? That is good information there.

This weekend, I am going to a roadeo in Spotsylvania County. I will let you all know how it goes.

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 05/06/2005 5:32:33 PM

IC RE 1629 Is The Roadeo Going to be at the Spotsylvania High School or where I grew Up in Spotsy My family still lives there I am only about 15 minutes from there I wish I could Go See if you see any Caroline County Busses

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/06/2005 5:35:31 PM

Specialneeds, how do you all spec your buses?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/06/2005 5:39:32 PM

The roadeo will be at River Bend High School in Fredricksburg, Va. 12301 Spotswood Furnace Road. Hope you can come!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/06/2005 6:52:42 PM

In Fairfax we also spec small strobe lights on the roof towards the rear or the bus (2nd to last ceiling panel) but I noticed other companies like Williams Has Large strobes on their buses. I am not sure if Loudound and other surrounding counties do that either.... anybody?
we also spec white roofs on all buses since 1993, however many of our older bsues that were repainted came out with white roofs as well, I know that Loudoun specs white roofs too. I see Williams bus number 8 everyday at my shopping center and it looks to be a 2001 AmTran RE without a white roof but I see an Older Williams bus number 18 that has a white roof, How do you guys do yuor spec'ing disneynuts?
How do other counties spec their interiors?, we do Grey seats with a light blue grey floor, but in our 1997-98 Thomas MVP ER's and out 1999 AmTran RE's we have a black floor with gray seats. I like the interior on the 1999 AmTran RE's a lot. The drivers area on all or our AmTran and IC RE's are raised a bit and are black.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/07/2005 12:38:35 PM

I went to the Spotsylvania roadeo today. It was alot of fun. They had two other counties participate, Caroline and Essex. Two Spotsylvania buses were used in the roadeo. A 2002 Thomas Freightliner (77 passenger) and a 2003(???) Thomas Freightliner (77 passenger). They also had a 2006 Thomas Saf-T-Liner C2 that they just received yesterday. After the roadeo they took the C2 about the course. Everyone was offered a chance to ride the bus. Those with CDL's were allowed to take a turn driving.

The C2 is an ok bus, though there is too much plastic on it. The stop arm, the dash, etc were all made of cheap plastic. The bus was already falling apart!

To top that off, most of the drivers resented the bus. They have been driving Hydraulic Brakes and Manual Transmissions since forever, and the C2 specs air brakes and an Allison Automatic! Most drivers did not know how to drive the bus!

Is anyone else in Virginia getting any C2's?

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 05/07/2005 1:45:36 PM

IC RE 1629
Do you Know if Caroline won anything

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 05/07/2005 5:06:00 PM

Thank You

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/07/2005 8:26:03 PM

Today I took a trip into Loudoun County and snapped a few photos, their buses are nice, they are very similar to our buses. Here is the Link...

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/08/2005 1:08:54 PM

Loudoun does have some neat buses. Alot of them are similar to Fairfax buses, but with minor differences. They have IC RE's just like we do, except for they have regular headroom and a few other differences for instance.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 05/09/2005 01:53:40 AM

Williams specs their buses according to the contract the bus is bought for.

Being a contractor that works in all three districts, va., md., and d.c. each district have their own requirement.

Bus # 8 is a Md speced bus. Bus # 18 is a Va speced bus. Maryland send state inspectors each three months to inspect the buses. If they find a major defect, they take the tags off the bus. You get the tags back after they reinspect it.

At one time before IFTA came along, our buses had two or three license plates for each area.

Mayland allows more addons than va. for instance, in the driver area in md you can get speakers for the radio installed, in va. you cannot. All lights have to be operational without the key being on in the md. buses. switches for the red lights, emergency brakes have to be to the right of driver so other passengers can operate them in an emergency. no locks on anything, doors, compartments etc.

dc allows a strobe on the front and rear of the bus, along with lettering on the rear door about stopping when the red lights flash.

any other infor i can give, let me know

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/09/2005 11:40:52 AM

Disneynuts, I see bus 8 and 18 every day, Is it a requirement that Maryland buses have a black stip above the wondow's? Also, does 8 have a DT466 in it becasue it sounds quite different than our AmTran RE's

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 05/09/2005 1:01:50 PM

IC RE 1629
I found out One the Bus Drivers from Caroline won First place in one of the Events She Drove bus 27 I guess that is the Bus she used

Reply author: bus92dvr
Replied on: 05/09/2005 3:26:42 PM


I know Virginia Beach and Chesapeake are allowed to take the buses home, and Norfolk parks theirs at their barn.

Virginia Beach is also getting one of those C2 buses.

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 05/09/2005 3:36:10 PM

We Take Our busses home also
IC-RE I'm Not sure what you mean by Spec I'm sorry I am a Dummy LOL
Please Explain

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 05/09/2005 3:39:24 PM

IC-RE, I drive for Loudoun County and I'm curious where you took the pictures on your link. Loudoun's buses are a lot like the buses used in Fairfax. I believe all we are buying now are the IC-RE's and every new bus is air conditioned. A lot of the Thomas buses that were purchased just a few years ago have had major problems so those buses are being replaced first. I drive a 1991 IC-RE and I wouldn't drive any other kind of bus.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/09/2005 3:45:15 PM

VAdriver, I belive the AmTran - IC RE did not hit the market until 1996, di you mean 1999? I took those pictures at Stone Bridge High, I was there with my friend waiting for someone, so we took a walk through the buses. At first, I thought they were a bunch of Fairfax buses, bt then I saw some HDX's and some Thomas's without two emergency doors. I LOVE the 2006 IC RE's they are soooo nice!

By the way VAdriver, It is great to see you back aroun dthe forums !!!! it has been a while

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 05/09/2005 4:48:35 PM

the black stripe above the windows is an option, and is called a streamer. most blue birds have them from the bird back to the rear.

in maryland, once you purchase a bus and have it inspected and ready for tags, when you tag it, you cannot add or delete anything to it. that is why bus # 8 has the yellow roof.

Bus # 8 does have the DT 466 engine, eith the allison 3060 transmission. the dealer had it built to run out at 84 mph. it will not shift into high gear until it reaches 60 mph. its a runner, but the seats are too close for me.

if you want to see some new maryland buses, the dealer J.Price Int'l. is located in Hyattsville Md.

They sometimes have as many as 50 new units in stock waiting for delivery. If not they usually try to keep 2-3 stock. Phone is 301-772-5100 ask for Pam.

You know that the entire state of maryland is contractor operated with the exceptions of prince georges, montgomery and city of baltimore.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 05/09/2005 4:51:10 PM

ic 1629

we are scheduled to take delivery of a c2 sometime this summer. can you tell me what was already falling apart?

look closely at the switch panel to the left of the driver in the ic, it too is plastic. everyone uses plastic in their buses.

Reply author: vaoverland
Replied on: 05/09/2005 8:14:45 PM

ARA, which was purchased by Laidlaw, contracted Norfolk's' non-special needs service for 15 years. In 1976, about 350 1976 IHC-Wayne lifeguard 66 passenger models were purchased. The five year contract was renewed in 1981, and as the next one approached, the company bought some 1985 Ford-Waynes, and then a full fleet replacement of 1986 IHC Bluebirds and IHC-Wards. The 1986 models had AT and Air Brakes. When the next 5 year came up, Norfolk elected to opt out and convert to self operation, and purchased the bus garage and most of the fleet, including all the Bluebirds and most of the Wards.

The remaining work in the area was too small fro Laidlaw to maintain a division, so the private school and charter business was sold to Virginia Overland Transportation Services of Hampton, along with about 38 buses and their 2-way radio base station and frequency. That operation now is known as Transquest. Norfolk Schools replaced most of the former Laidlaw buses with a trade-in to Sonny Merryman for new IHC-Thomas conventionals around 1996.

The same strongly-opinionated (and presumably well-intentioned) individuals (now thankfully retired) at the centralized education powers in Richmond were responsible for the ridiculously inferior top-supported side mirrors as well as a campaign to eliminate contracting, partially through the use of misleading expense statistics. Hopewell Schools was the last to convert to contraction in 1996 following years of state pressure on local officials. One of the leading former State Employees in Pupil Transportation came out of retirement just to see his mission completed.

IMHO, a good district operation can usually do better then a contractor. However, there are situations where a contractor is the wiser and less expensive choice. Best option: a division should always have a choice, which should help district operators stay on their toes.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/09/2005 11:21:44 PM


Do you know anything about the contractor named SERCO, who took over quite a few private schools in Virginia Beach, including Cape Henry?

I'm so glad you chimed in, as I thought that Virginia Overland and Laidlaw had something to do with Norfolk City Public Schools.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/10/2005 02:22:29 AM

In response to several of the above posts:

specialneeds54....Only buses 271 and 30 of Spotsylvania County were used in the roadeo. The driver probably ment 271, just forgot the "1". Glad you posted that information.

VAdriver....Welcome! I've been to Loudoun several times myself. Atleast once or twice a year I go to visit Alvin Hampton. Know him? He shows me around the garage and the lot in Leesburg. I've got several of my own photos of Loudoun buses

disneynuts....Yeah I know the IC's use plastic too. Though they don't go overboard with it. The Saf-T-Liner C2 (in my opinion) is going overboard with the plastic. In response to your above question, several screws to various things (I couldn't see exactly what) were popping out. I think part of the floor in the driver's area was coming up or something. I didn't get a chance to take a good solid look.

By the way....What counties are you all from? As you may already know...I am from Fairfax County.

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 05/10/2005 06:05:03 AM

Ooops, I meant I drive a 2001 IC-RE! It's been a busy couple months around here. We've gotten very busy with sports trips and I seem to be driving at least 3 a week, besides my son's basball and my daughter's soccer games and horse shows. I wonder if my bus could pull a 4 horse trailer?? LOL Everyone in the western part of the county is wondering what's going to happen with our routes in the fall. All of the elementary schools will now start at 7:50 a.m., instead of some starting at 8:00 and some at 9:00. Rumor is that most of the western rural routes will be shortened and all drivers will do elementary and then their high school runs. In the central and eastern part of the county the middle and high school runs are done separately, but in the western part we put middle and high school together since it's at least a 20 minute drive to the schools once we finish picking up students. I think we're going to see several of our drivers quit as they won't want to drive the middle school kids. Ought to be an interesting summer!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/10/2005 08:09:10 AM

My aunt who lives in Leessburg, Va has a neighbor just down the street from her. This neighbor became a Loudoun County school bus driver a few monthes ago.

The school times are weird here in Fairfax. My school starts at 7:20am and gets out a 2:05. The drivers here at Fairfax High School need to do there high school run and then be at either Lanier Middle School or Providence Elementary School. Both of them get out at 2:50pm (and start at 8:00am). After that, they need to jet over to either Daniels Run Elementary, Fairfax Villa Elementary, or Willow Springs Elementary. Those three schools let out at 3:30.

That is just the Fairfax Pyramid schools. I know other schools which are part of FCPS start and finish at weird times.

Has anyone seen buses from districts in the South West corner of Virginia? Areas like Pulaski, Lee, Scott?

In case I have confused anyone, here is a map:

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 05/10/2005 2:03:38 PM

ic 1629

the last time i was at sonny merrymans the less affluent counties were ordering freightliners with one roof hatch, a couple of heaters, and not much more.

there are state specs that most of the counties order from, and state bids. all are listed on the web. don't have the address right now, but will try to post it later.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/10/2005 2:47:32 PM

IC RE 1629, Both Lanier and Providence are less than 5 mins from my school, it is crazy that they consider that Area II. Here in Area III we have three different types of schedules a driver can Take. They can do a High School and 2 Elementary schools, A High, 1 middle, and 1 Elementary (MOST POPULAR CHOICE), 2 Middles and 1 elementary.
I will give you my drivers scheduale for instance, and then I will give a driver who drives option 3.

My school Starts at 7:20 A.M. and dissmisses at 2:05 P.M. but my driver gets us to the school by 6:40 becasue she has to JET back dow interstate 66 to pick up Rachel Carson Middle school at 7:15 AM and then they get to school at 7:35 and are forced to sit on the buses until 7:50 AM and then she has a short break and has to pick up Crossfield elementary school at 8:45 and then drop them and leave by 9 AM and then she is on morning break until she must pick up again starting at 2.

Another driver may Drive Franklin Middle which starts at 7:30 and then Rachel Carson and Crosfield.

The last option would be to drive My school (Oakton High) than Mosby Woods Elementary and than Waples Mill Elementary school.

We NEVER mix schools or age groups unless it is an Academy (special Fairfax county school program where students travel to other high schools around the county to take classes not offered at their base school) shuttles.

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 05/10/2005 3:12:28 PM

I was Talking about Caroline Our Busses do Not go pass 78 I wish I had of went You don't have any Pictures Do You

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 05/10/2005 6:25:13 PM

Hey gets even more complicated than that! For example, Willow Springs Elementary recieves buses from FOUR pyramids (that I know of)....Fairfax, Robinson, Woodson, and Chantilly. I think it's because of that GT (gifted and talented) program. I know of a Robinson bus that goes to Lanier. I also know a Fairfax driver that has a Mosby Woods run. And a Fairfax driver that does a Rocky Run run.

Is Franklin Middle an Area III school? That would be weird because, a while back, I took a busload of them to Chantilly High (Area II) for orientation.

Anyhoo, my hat is off to the rangers and bakers that keep all that stuff straight!

About Southwest Va buses. I often go Galax (Carroll County) to pick banjo with my hillbilly buds and the buses I see down there are all IHC conventionals. I don't know enough (yet!) to identify the body make. (Why doesn't Va allow logos on buses anyway?) They are lower capacity too....I count 9 windows on each 64 pax Wayne has 11.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/10/2005 6:42:56 PM

Our Waynes have more leg room too, they have only one less window then out IC's, yet out IC's are 78 pass and The waynes are 64.... huh.... A LOT less legroom, except on several of the 2003 IC RE's, they are a 78 pass body, but are only accomdating for 72 students becasue they have the headstart (carseats built in) to the first several rows, I believe until the emergency doors (side)

I will post the second part about the schools under the Fairfax county thread

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/11/2005 02:41:41 AM

It is amazing that they can keep up with all the runs, routes, schedules, etc.

specialneeds54...I have some roadeo pictures. Could I get your e-mail address?

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 05/11/2005 08:41:58 AM

Sure it is Thanks so Much

Reply author: bus33
Replied on: 05/11/2005 11:09:44 AM

All of these different routes sound so complicating.. My county only has 4 schools that we cover. We have 60 buses in our fleet. No bus going past the year 1996. All 7 of the 1995 blue birds were given 05 IC-CE's. I spend an hour and a half driving in the morning and an hour in the half in the afternoon unless I do a fieldtrip.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/11/2005 11:38:00 AM

What county are you from?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/11/2005 1:48:00 PM

Here we have 235 schools (Middle, High and elementary) We have about 1,600 buses roaming our roads, and our oldest buses are 1987 Ward internationals, 1988-89 GMC and Ford Waynes. All Converntionals that we currently have (the ones I just mentioned, there are several hundred of them) will be retired before the start of next school year so I am told. After they are retired, uor oldest buses will be 1989 Blue Bird All American FE's. Almost al of our drivers drive in the morening from 6 AM until 9:30 Am and than in the afternoon from about 11 AM (if you have a kindergarten run) if not from 1:30 until in most cases until 5:30 or 6 PM

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 05/12/2005 4:10:11 PM

IC RE 1629 Thank You for the pictures

Reply author: vaoverland
Replied on: 05/13/2005 01:30:17 AM

RE: SERCO, VOTS (formerly a subsidiary of Virginia Overland -Richmond) was sold to JL Associates of Hampton in 1991. JL was a military contractor that diversified into municipal services, great people. It was sold to SERCO, an British firm, sometime around 1999 I think. I have seen what was formerly SERCO buses in Norfolk operating under the name Transquest LLC in the Norfolk area. I am am out of touch with our former coworkers there, a good batch many of whom came over from Laidlaw in the summer of 1991. I not sure if SERCO sold the Norfolk school bus operation, or what. Last information I had was Serco Management Service, 994 Scott St, Norfolk, VA (757) 455-5555.

Virginia Overland in Richmond closed down in June, 2004. Fairfax was always as much (or more) more concerned about driver comfort and safety items than any other county/city in the years I sold Wayne, and as an 800 lb gorilla, was able to be brave and force many changes through the red tape and "we've always done it this way" thinking at Va Dept of Education. BTW, I thought Williams Bus Service was sold to Laidlaw? Any update on that?

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 05/13/2005 01:57:28 AM


Williams sold their buses to laidlaw in 93, but kept williams bus lines, inc. open and operating a few buses. For the first year laidlaw did not know williams existed. we never heard or saw from anyone, until we had a fender bender and had to turn it in to their insurance co.

After Disney pulled out of the No. Va. plans, Laidlaw lost interest in the No. Va. area, since they could not convince any City or County to move to contractor.

In 96 they announced that they would close the terminal in two weeks. The moved everything out, and left the managers sitting on a milk crate with one telephone.

Williams bought some of the buses from them and went back to serving their friends and long time customers.

Laidlaw seemed only to care about a 10-12 percent profit. Drivers, mechanics, buses, and managers did not seem to matter to them, after their east coast vice president left to start STA.

Although, Williams has only owned a few Waynes, Internationals, we know that you have sold many of them, and as a contractor was quite helpful to the owners.

Good luck, and thanks Mark for all your help.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/13/2005 02:04:49 AM

Mark, that's cool how you helped sell the Wayne's. I know a few drivers here that really like them. They are good buses, and we will be sad to see most of them go this summer.

Reply author: the_bus_drivn_man
Replied on: 05/13/2005 08:33:28 AM

i live in richmond and i must say that we have a wide varity of buses here. they are very nice buses and we usally have a new modle each year. the bus drivers are allowed to take there buses home.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/13/2005 12:00:48 PM

What kinds of buses do you have down there?

Reply author: vaoverland
Replied on: 05/13/2005 2:40:37 PM

Matt must live in Henrico or Chesterfield county, otr perhaps outlying. Richmond (and Petersburg) City school buses are compounded.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/13/2005 3:04:58 PM

Henrico has some nice buses too, but a good mix of ALL types....FE, RE, Conventional, and all three major body types. They have some more luxurious specs for VA though, like white roofs, tinted windows, extended skirting...etc. The newest type I have seen was Thomas HDXs with ONE roof hatch!! It just looks so odd to me.

Chesterfield has a whole slew of Thomas Vista 3600s with T444Es, and tons of FEs for their newer additions. I'm pretty sure most of them have White roofs, and the transits mostly have tinted windows as well. One of my buddies is a teacher there, and happens to also drive the teams to games. They assigned him a 80s GMC Ward I think, with a diesel engine and a 5 speed. I think that is one of their oldest buses though.

Richmond City has some nice buses as well though...They seem backwards to me though. They have alot of Vistas for regular ed, and alot of full sized RE transit for ortho and special ed routes. They also have a few IC CEs and some regular ed RE transit buses. I'm sure there are some FEs floating around there as well.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/13/2005 3:09:45 PM

BusFreak, what type of engines do we have in out Vistas becasue they sound very different than the T444e's in the RE's.

Also, do our AmTran and IC FE's have the DT466?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/13/2005 4:21:26 PM

The Vistas believe it or not have the DT360s in them...I'm guessing they are some of the last built with that engine....Kinda sound like the old International Wards with the 9.0 dont they...Not the same engine, but sound similar.

The AmTran Genesis/IC FEs the county has do indeed have the favorite engine EVER. Actually, here is a break down of what engines the county has...

Int. Wards - Internatinal 9.0
GMC/Chevy Waynes - Detroit Diesel 8.2
Ford Waynes (both reguar and special) - Cummins 5.9
TC2000s (All of them) - Cummins 5.9
94 Thomas ERs - Cummins ISC (however many HAD the Cummins CNG engine)
94 Vistas - DT360
95-96ish Thomas ERs (no extended skirting) - CAT 3126B
All Amtran/International/IC REs (except the 06s) - T444E
All AmTran/International/IC FEs - DT466
97-98 MVP ERs - CAT 3126B
97 MVP EFs - Cummins ISB
99-01 MVP EFs - CAT 3126E
06 IC REs - International VT365

There you have it!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/13/2005 6:51:23 PM

Thanks Busfreak, I thought the MVP EF's sounded similar to the Blue Birds! My Favorite sounding engine in our fleet is definetly the Blue Bird TC 2000's. I just love them they start with a rumble followed by the whistling. Don't ask why, I just like them a lot. Next it would have to be the T444e, like a Jet plane, however, they just aren't powerful enough for me! The Beasts of the fleet would definetley be the 84 Passenger 1989 Blue Bird All American FE's, those beasts are Beautiful, especially the ones with the white roof... 1256. They have the Caterpillar engine in them, in my opinion they sound a lot like the International 9.0's.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/13/2005 11:19:58 PM

You're right..I forgot to mention the 1989 Blue Bird All Americans...They have the CAT 3208 engine...not quite the same as the International 9.0 liter engine, but you're right..they do sound similar!

Reply author: vaoverland
Replied on: 05/14/2005 01:23:25 AM

About Richmond City Public Schools, there are still some late 80s vintage Thomas Safety-Liners in the very active portion of the fleet, outlasting some newer Vistas. Also, more than a few newer FE Genesis units. IMHO, Richmond's streets and driving conditions are rougher on equipment than the suburban counties, where underground plumbing isn't as old and cobblestones are not as nostalgic (read bumpy).

The observations were keen about RPS special ed, er needs, equipment and timing of replacements. Unlike Henrico and Chesterfield, who have each had hundreds of school buses since before 1960, and have followed fairly orderly replacement cycles with a portion of the fleets replaced almost every year, Richmond had only 14 buses in 1969, mostly for special needs. Then in 1970 and 1971, due to an large (23 sq mile) annexation of Chesterfield, and court-ordered busing as part of a desegregation plan, 176 66 passenger buses were added. Although the court-ordered busing ended in several phases, including magnet and model school programs, and a much wider choice of schools than the 2 surrounding counties, the fleet actually grew a little from the size during the most controversial years of crosstown "forced busing". After several major plans, with mixed success, Richmond Schools finally found it way to the winning solutions and regained a lot of public respect (and stemmed some of the flight to the suburbs of all races) by offering multiple program choices, and transporting to almost all of them via yellow bus. This type of transport challenge costs a lot more than serving 1 elementary, 1 middle, and 1 high school in a given geographic zone, for an example.

Although some orderly replacement of about 30 a year began in 1977, by 1982, half the fleet needed to be replaced. By lease financing, 102 Ford BB 64 pax were acquired, but that took most of potential replacement money for 5 years, which knocked the special needs portion "off cycle". That was caught up in late 80s, and then again, the 10 years old lump in the snake's belly dictated the large number of Vistas without special needs equipment. Finally, within the past few years, the district has been able to achieve a better age balance and is also equipping more buses with special needs feature so they and the school bus drivers can be better utilized. The students of Richmond Public Schools are apparently not the only ones learning.

RPS also appears to have solved what was a nightmare relationship with the underfunded City Garage by contracting maintenance, which appears to have worked well for Portsmouth also. Contracting fleet maintenance alone by a school board to escape a problem with city (not school) run garages did not draw the ire and anti-contracting behavior state officials that school bus driver and bus or driver only contracting did. It is important to realize that schools and county/city governments are semi independent to understand how one can be a "captive customer" to the other, with somewhat different political control and executives, perhaps all trying to do a good and honest job, but with different priorities, and funding sources. Its like being in business with in-laws, and doesn't always work so great, even though it appears to be all in the family.

At the risk of being repetitive (duh), I stand by the statement that access to a choice and options by a school district is the best way to keep service and standards high and costs under control. A smart director of a Virginia district driver bus and garage operation should mentally try to pretend contracting the whole thing or a portion could be an option, especially when working on safety, budget, and PR issues. (I know of no such major move afoot at any particular district or statewide, I just think that thought makes good sense).

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/14/2005 04:46:58 AM

I love the T444E's of the AmTran's, those things roar like a jet fighter plane!

Reply author: vaoverland
Replied on: 05/14/2005 9:23:00 PM

I am glad to hear that Williams ducked under the radar and waited it out. In eastern Virginia motorcoach markets, Newton and Groome did similar things during the Tourtime America buyouts, waited out their non-competes, and reemerged. The big guys like Laidlaw are not going in when there isn't sufficient volume, nor stay when a major contract is lost, if there isn't a certain economic base. On the other hand, smaller family-run outfits probably never plan to close up, and try to spread out their risks on contracts.

I have my hands full with a very elderly parents and another disabled person at home right now, but enjoy being able to answer questions online when I can. Right now it isn't possible for me to take on new employment, but the computers and groups such as these are a great way to stay involved, and hopefully, still contribute. I'm glad to share and learn any knowledge from the past that helps understanding todays and helping plan for tomorrow.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 05/14/2005 10:40:03 PM

Hey, if this thread has drifted to which engine sounds the best...let me enter the "winner"! Sorry, but the sound of the motors that power my pride and joy...a lovingly maintained 57 foot 1967 Chris*Craft Constellation are the BEST...better than the best bus motor ever made! My boat is powered by her original pair of 8V-71N Detroit Diesels, turning 28"d X 28"p 4 bladed propellers through 2.5:1 Twin Disc trannies.

Now, you have to understand, marine exhaust systems are entirely different than your "dry" bus/truck exhaust systems.....they are "wet" systems. High capacity, belt driven, "Jabsco" type water pumps pull sea water through underwater hull fittings and circulate that water through the heat exchangers (the marine equivalent of a radiator) and then throw that water out through a a pair of 6 inch diameter copper exhaust pipes. The end result is that exhaust gases and cooling water are expelled through those HUGE pipes simultaneously.....and the sound is INDESCRIBABLE! (I still get a thrill hearing those Detroits fire up...even after 20+ years of owning the boat!)

The only one here that might even have a clue of what I'm talking Buskid, owner of a 2 stroke Jimmy diesel powered Crown Supercoach!

BTW, I fueled the boat today and she took over $1900 worth of diesel.....about what I clear in a MONTH of driving school bus! LOL.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/15/2005 04:57:13 AM

I would love to see Laidlaw in Virginia with a few contracts, but judging by what has been said above, I doubt it will happen.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 05/15/2005 06:11:45 AM

williams was bidding on thirty eight bus contract in the area, the school said the other three, laidlaw, first student, and sta would not bid. not big enough.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 05/16/2005 01:49:07 AM


glad to hear you are doing well. hope things go well with your parents. i'm glad to see you are taking care of them at home.

good luck, keep us posted

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/16/2005 01:54:59 AM

I drove past the Warren County lot yesterday. I saw a Blue Bird FE (possibly TC/2000), several AmTran's and IC's, a few Thomasas. Hard to identify everything while going by at almost 55 MPH.

Reply author: vaoverland
Replied on: 05/22/2005 02:46:27 AM

Virginia folks especially may want to read a post I made over in the safety forum about a success story in one of Virginia's smaller cities.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/25/2005 02:10:18 AM

That was pretty neat! Thank you for pointing that out.

Reply author: vaoverland
Replied on: 05/25/2005 10:45:39 PM

In Virginia, many counties have the problem that they have trouble ordering options beyond min state specs (looks like wasting taxpayer money). When we have met in past years, they asked for stuff to be required as only way their county could get. I recall years ago windows in bottom of rear emergency doors were such an item. It sounds like short-term thinking, but it is still a common problem, especially in the more rural divisions. Also, some divisions just don't have routing which require the largest sized buses and 9 row models (vs standard 11) were quite popular. Easier to turn around at county lines and dead ends. For a long time, 2 standard sizes for conventionals in Virginia were 6 row, 9 row, 11 row.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/27/2005 02:04:41 AM

You're right about that. Virginia does have tough school bus regulations.

For instance, after 9-11-01, Loudoun County wanted to put a small (probably 2 inches x 3 inches) American flag by the bus number. The state turned said NO!

So, as I was told by an LCPS Transportation official, they got a new law made that allows for small American flags to be placed on the bus.

Now, you see all Loudoun buses with an American flag by the bus number on the driver and passenger side.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/27/2005 11:52:34 AM

Yes, we have a few drivers that have done that as well in Fairfax. Also in 2001 many drivers mounted a flag on the Antennas of their buses. I liked it a lot and thought it was very patriotic, and I would have done the same. Many drivers tied ribbonds to their crossing mirrors, and bus those plastic sticky flags on their windshields.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/28/2005 06:40:39 AM

I noticed some drivers who had a front engine or a conventional put a ribbon on the front of there bus.

Reply author: deleon
Replied on: 05/29/2005 06:57:25 AM

hello buckingham county school have one of the new CE200 by ic. buses this bus is so nice.
what type of switches are on your buses.(like strobe,warning,override,etc.)Have anyone seen some va school buses photo online.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/29/2005 07:09:07 AM


Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/30/2005 11:35:15 AM

Welcome deleon! We have just basic switches on our IC RE and FE's here in Fairfax. Warning Light, Stop Arm Cancel, Master Cancel, Booster Pump, Strobe Light, Rear Heater, Defroster, Throttle Swithes, Etc.

Reply author: deleon
Replied on: 05/30/2005 5:50:10 PM

what the basics switches.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 05/30/2005 6:26:28 PM

They are rocker switches, about 2 inches long and 3/4 inch wide, with a symbol and the word(s) telling what they control, and a little strip that lights up when they are on.

They also put them right where you accidently hit them with your left sometimes you fry the kids in the back with the rear heater when it's hot weather.

Reply author: vaschoolbus
Replied on: 05/30/2005 8:23:30 PM
Message: see if ya like it!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/31/2005 06:34:55 AM

Welcome vaschoolbus! That's cool that you've created your own forum, but I think I'll being staying here on SBF.

Reply author: TMack8402
Replied on: 05/31/2005 6:34:53 PM

Anyone have any pics of PG County or Montgomery County school buses?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 05/31/2005 7:35:28 PM

not exactly true loundon county IC Re's have exented and the HDX's have extended. But the Hd's do not have extended room and the HDX and HD's look the same expect the front panel is different. and Loundon county still has the roof hatches that can open up top and in loundon county a lot of the bus drivers open them.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/01/2005 10:00:35 AM

Does Loudoun County have the RE 200 or 300? I want to say 300, but I am not certain.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/01/2005 3:14:37 PM


Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/02/2005 02:03:28 AM

Ok, that's what I thought.

Reply author: scottyd
Replied on: 06/04/2005 06:51:17 AM

TMack8402, I'll check with Bus801. He and I went to the Montgomery County bus lot recently and I think he took some pics.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/04/2005 8:50:09 PM

Does anybody know if there are any Conventional style buses in Loudoun County, because I haven't seen any before. All I ever see there are Thomas ER's and AmTran and IC RE's. Just curious, same with Arlington, I believe they only have a handful of Type c's left. In Fairfax, they are saying we will be strictly type D's by the beginning of next school year.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 06/04/2005 11:55:20 PM

In Loudoun, Ive seen quite a few Thomas Internationals...I'm sure they must still be around. As for Arlington County, their regular ed fleet is 100 % Rear Engine Transit...Mostly Thomas, ranging from 1991 through 2003, and then IC REs for the 2004 and 2005s. Their special ed fleet though does have atleast one more conventional shorty lingering around. LOTS of Vistas (type B) as well. The newest are FE transit buses like Fairfax uses.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/05/2005 06:54:01 AM

Loudoun does have a few conventionals. So does Prince William, Alexandria, and Fauquier.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/05/2005 06:55:44 AM

Really, I never knew that about Loudoun

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/05/2005 2:17:47 PM

I will send you some pictures on IM.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/05/2005 2:37:54 PM

OKay, great, thank you!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/08/2005 02:03:47 AM

Loudoun, Alexandria, and Prince William are trying to get rid of their conventionals. Prince William for instance has several 1990 Blue Bird Chevy conventionals that they are trying to replace. They also have alot of 1991 Thomas International's they are trying to rid of. They are buying Thomas MVP EF's and HDX's.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 06/08/2005 6:55:22 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Welcome deleon! We have just basic switches on our IC RE and FE's here in Fairfax. Warning Light, Stop Arm Cancel, Master Cancel, Booster Pump, Strobe Light, Rear Heater, Defroster, Throttle Swithes, Etc.

what is a booster pump?

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 06/08/2005 7:11:30 PM

I think he's talking about the electric pump that pumps the hot coolant back to the rear heater core (or to the front on a RE). It would take forever otherwise.....

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/09/2005 01:56:06 AM

The heater booster pump. Without it, your heater are pretty much useless.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 06/09/2005 4:57:49 PM

Hey 1629, I don't know about other buses, but on my Ford/Wayne, you only had to run the booster pump for a little while...maybe 15-20 minutes. Then you could shut it off and the hot water would continue to circulate throughout the bus.

The pump on my Ford was a Jabsco rubber impeller pump of a type identical to several I have aboard my Chris*Craft. I've replaced MANY an impeller in those pumps, so I thought it was a good idea to run that booster pump on the bus only as long as necessary.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/09/2005 5:09:10 PM

IC, how you holding up in that Thomas Bus with the heat, yesturday, a driver of a Thomas came on board our bus for several minutes because we have A/C and the poor women was sweating to death, I thought she was having heat stroke, then that was when she said she wished she were back in her Ford Wayne because when it was hot outside, it circulated the air better with the windows open, and that her Thomas was holding in all the hot air, which she is NOT lying, same on the AmTrans without A/C, Our bus went in for service today, and we are in a spare Blue Bird TC2000, and Man we were dying, but my driver said that they were going to give her a Thomas to use and she said NO way because of the heat. Luckily her friend who got an 06 RE won;t be here tomorrow, and we may get it for the day. Man we are spoiled with that A/C, which by the way, doesn't work that great on the buses, BUT HEY, Its' SOMETHING. I don't know how I used to live!!

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 06/09/2005 6:13:00 PM

Hey IC-RE, I hope these drivers of whom you speak have closed the heater valves on those buses! All our buses have different places, but they all have them. You turn them OFF when it gets you don't have hot coolant circulating through the heater cores which, as you know, are near the driver and passengers.

The first hot day, I set out to find them on my Thomas....they are behind a little door, up high, in the (left) side compartment where the radiator is located. On conventional buses, they are under the hood, on Amtrans, they are in plain view inside the left engine door. I have no idea where they are on the Blue Birds, other than they have to be up front near the motor. Anyhoo, I shut mine off and it has been bearable on my bus....damned hot, but not heat stroke hot!

So, tell those drivers to turn those valves off, or flag down the next road man they see and get him to do it!

Note: These valves are "gate valves" which take MANY turns to close fully. They ain't like faucet valves that only take a turn or two to close!

Reply author: Jim
Replied on: 06/09/2005 6:42:02 PM

Originally posted by IC

Note: These valves are "gate valves" which take MANY turns to close fully. They ain't like faucet valves that only take a turn or two to close!

And don't forget, "righty tighty, lefty loosey."

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/09/2005 6:45:46 PM

IC, glad to hear all is well on your 97!! will make it a point to let the driver know, the driver is actualy an Area II driver that does various work for Area III like field trips and actualy has a regular run at one of our elementary schools!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/10/2005 01:53:46 AM

On the AmTran's I know that the booster pump has to run for quite awhile if you want good heat. This holds true for 1629.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/10/2005 11:43:28 AM

Yes, in the winter, my driver idles the bus for 15 mins, and she has a 15 minute drive from west ox to pick us up, and when we get on it is still freezing, but after a minute or so of us breathing, it gets REALLY hot!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/10/2005 1:07:26 PM

1629 has some stubborn heaters. Especially that rear heater. I love 1629, but the heaters on that bus aren't very good. Though on the other hand, the A/C works GREAT!!!

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 06/11/2005 12:02:00 PM

Well the AC's on the HDX's work great but they also have it so the vents are through out the whole sides of the bus.

Originally posted by IC-RE

IC, how you holding up in that Thomas Bus with the heat, yesturday, a driver of a Thomas came on board our bus for several minutes because we have A/C and the poor women was sweating to death, I thought she was having heat stroke, then that was when she said she wished she were back in her Ford Wayne because when it was hot outside, it circulated the air better with the windows open, and that her Thomas was holding in all the hot air, which she is NOT lying, same on the AmTrans without A/C, Our bus went in for service today, and we are in a spare Blue Bird TC2000, and Man we were dying, but my driver said that they were going to give her a Thomas to use and she said NO way because of the heat. Luckily her friend who got an 06 RE won;t be here tomorrow, and we may get it for the day. Man we are spoiled with that A/C, which by the way, doesn't work that great on the buses, BUT HEY, Its' SOMETHING. I don't know how I used to live!!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/11/2005 5:33:30 PM

When I visited Loudoun County, I noticed how the new Thomas HDX's have that neat feature. I wish Fairfax would consider something like that.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 06/11/2005 6:16:25 PM

Of all the pictures online I never seen a all around ac units in a IC RE I don't think you can do the type in an IC re. The Roof isn't designed like the HDX and ER.

Well what I mean is like look where the Speakers and Lights are in the IC RE and then look where the Speaker and Lights are in the HDX and RE. All that equipment in the ic would get in the way of the AC Unit and then it would put the ac units to high on the roof. but what fairfax can do is put it in the middle of the roof.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/12/2005 05:30:24 AM

They could do that. Though you could ask IC to reposition things like the interior lights and the speakers. They could easy probably move those to the center of the roof. Just an idea.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 06/12/2005 06:42:56 AM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

They could do that. Though you could ask IC to reposition things like the interior lights and the speakers. They could easy probably move those to the center of the roof. Just an idea.

I mean like they could put the AC unit in the middle. But fairfax county is kinda cheap. when it comes to certain things. I had lot of conversions about this stuff with a couple of my bus drivers.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/12/2005 08:05:05 AM

Another optiion, that I THINK is a available on IC Corporation buses is the roof mounted A/C unit, which I think LOOKs ugly, but they are supposed to work miracles. When It comes to A/C who cares what it looks like!

Reply author: CPCSC_TD
Replied on: 06/12/2005 11:42:29 AM

The roof mount systems are gorwing popularity. I like the way they look because they stand out. They also do not interfere with the interior cabin making it look almost invisible.

The way to go is with roof top systems because:
Condensers need to be washed routinely and cleaned. With the skirt mount they suck in dirt and debree causing condnser failure. Roof mount systems prevent this. If you have a bus wash, that will clean the system.

Most municipalities have been with roof mount systems for years and the answer is evident- reliability.

They cost more but you have none of the mechanical failures that would if it were mounted on the interior.

It's also amazing how many districts complain about the ppor service from the interior systems.

Notice all the new companies going with roof mounted systems and existing companies are experimenting.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 06/12/2005 2:09:41 PM

Hey Drew19,

We have the ducted a/c systems on our 2001 hdx's. while the passenger compartment stays cool, the driver area is not cool at all.

Can you check with the loudoun drivers and see if they think it is cool in the front of the bus?

If they do, can you find what system loudoun has. Ours are carrier a/c 120,000 btu units with three speed fnas.

that is one of the reasons i did not take one of those.

all of the split system, free blowing systems, stay cool and even shoot some cool air on the driver.

thanks for your help.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 06/12/2005 3:41:25 PM

What I think is so stupid with each bus company is that most of the them have vents in the for the Driver and They Should put AC Through them. I know that the HDX have vents for the driver and I think the IC have floor vents. I think Loundoun uses Carrier for the HDX's I know they use the carrier for the IC RE's

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 06/12/2005 3:44:04 PM

Also CCSD in Neveda has some of the HDX's have the Roof Mounted systems. go To his website to check it out.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/12/2005 3:47:17 PM

We have the two vents under the front bulkhead for the de-fogger-de-froster, that my driver says A/C comes out of. We are in a 2002 IC RE, we have the same vents on our 2002-2006 IC RE's. We have carrier units (2) one in front passenger side, and one on the rear bulkhead. We do not need the roof-mounted systems because we are in Northern Virginia, and not in Florida or Calfornia where it gets very hot, we just have the two blowers, and they work well most of the time, just they could be a little better on days when it is in the high 90's and 100's. But hey, they are better than our buses with no A/C at all!

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 06/12/2005 4:36:25 PM

Um I do live in VA. I went to FCPS and LCPS. Im saying like the factory Vents should hook up with the AC Units.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 06/12/2005 4:38:07 PM

Originally posted by IC-RE

We have the two vents under the front bulkhead for the de-fogger-de-froster, that my driver says A/C comes out of. We are in a 2002 IC RE, we have the same vents on our 2002-2006 IC RE's. We have carrier units (2) one in front passenger side, and one on the rear bulkhead. We do not need the roof-mounted systems because we are in Northern Virginia, and not in Florida or Calfornia where it gets very hot, we just have the two blowers, and they work well most of the time, just they could be a little better on days when it is in the high 90's and 100's. But hey, they are better than our buses with no A/C at all!

Some of the bus drivers in FCPS complained like its not cold enough. it only cools down like from 90 to 80. THe HDX in Loundon work a lot better.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 06/12/2005 5:32:04 PM

Any ways My Favorite IC RE the 06. THe Best Looking IC RE. Before I didn't think it looked so good.

My Fav buses HDX, IC RE, Blue Bird AA RE. What year is the Blue bird TC 2000 FE's in FCPS I used to ride them. I like the reg ed versions then the Spec ed. The most anoying thing in the TC 2000 in special ed is the strobe light it was so loud and they didn't have an am fm radio to block out the noise. I don't think even the Radio would have block the noise out. the county bought some newer tc 2000's then what they bought for regualar ed.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/12/2005 5:35:10 PM

Our A/C's do work pretty good. Though one thing that would really help is if we had DT466 engines. The little T444E and the VT365 are too weak to run all the A/C compressors, air brake compressors, air suspension systems etc. We severly overwork those little engines with all the new stuff on our buses. We need a bigger engine that is designed to handle the extra stuff without stressing itself out. The mechanic at Newington told me that the FE buses with the DT466's in them work very well. The A/C works better, the suspension and brake systems work better. He says that the DT466 really makes a difference.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/12/2005 6:13:16 PM

The General Ed TC2000 FE's are 1990 and 1991. For Special ed, they are 1990, 1991 (tinted windows and strobe) and 1994's (high headroom, Am/FM/casette, with a white roof and tinted windowsm and of course they all have the Cummins 5.9

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/13/2005 01:52:53 AM

We also have some 1992 Special Ed TC/2000 FE's.

Reply author: CPCSC_TD
Replied on: 06/13/2005 05:44:37 AM

Thoams allows air conditoning with any manufacturer on the C2.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/13/2005 11:30:54 AM

In your opinion, what is the best A/C you can get for a school bus?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/18/2005 11:56:14 AM

Does anyone know if Spotsylania got its other C2?

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 06/27/2005 5:21:31 PM

I recently seen a thomas C2 in Madison Heights from Amhearst County public schools. I was at a stoplight with a group of elementary kids on our way to Natural Bridge (rd 130). The C2 was at a gas station and a regular thomas international was parked beside it. I noticed the the old thomas was taller than the new C2. I also notice that the newer buses that Thomas makes come with a really big strobe light cover, kinda makes the bus look cheap but i guess it's better for safety purposes.

In closing, the C2 looked like it was a piece of plastic compared to the older bus. It was eye catching to the teachers,chaperones & students but not to this driver, maybe the C2 and the new IC will grow on me later, but i doubt it. i'm a old bus buff.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/27/2005 5:28:56 PM

Did you happen to catch the number of the bus? Just to get an idea of what number range that district has.

What district are you from? What kind of buses do you have?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/27/2005 7:51:22 PM

The large strobe covers are not standard, they are spec'ed that way

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/04/2005 10:29:14 AM

Has anybody ever seen or heard anything about Newport News school busses? I am from there and would like to learn more about those busses.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/05/2005 11:21:44 AM

Welcome to SBF! I haven't been down that way, so you'll have to tell me a few things. For starters, do you know what kind of buses they have down there? Blue Bird, AmTran/IC, Thomas?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/05/2005 11:44:06 AM

I know that for the longest time, Newport News was an all Blue Bird fleet. They had all TC2000s, with older FEs, and REs were introduced in the mid 90s. VERY basic spected buses. They all have air brakes, and most if not all have white roofs and one roof hatch....Thats about it. No tilt steering wheels, they have manual doors, and no tinted windows, unless any of that has been changed in the past few years. I know they started to get AmTran Genesis FEs in the late 90s with the same specs listed above, and I think some Thomas EFs too. I found it interesting though, that almost their entire fleet was fairly new in the 90s...I diddnt see many old Newport News City Public Schools buses on the road.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/05/2005 12:40:29 PM

How big of a fleet do they have?

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/06/2005 04:14:44 AM

We have about 425 busses, sequentially numbered starting with #1. Most of the Thomas EF busses are special ed, but there are quite a few EFs for normal runs. They normally run in another part of the city so I don't see them. THey bought quite a few FE Amtran Genesis busses, then the Amtran FE. I think in 2000 was the first Air Door speced on the bus, and in 2003 they got IC Conventional busses. Last year they bought those UGLY Blue Bird Vision busses. BRING BACK FORD, I say. From the IC Conventional on the busses had tint on the windows. Yes the busses are speced cheaper, most likely to save money to buy much more busses at a time. Now is when they like to replace the old with new. Our oldest busses (Blue Bird RE, no white roof) are 89s, most likely to be retired soon too. If you want to know more, I can find out some more. I could also tell you about busses in surrounding cities/counties that I have seen.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/06/2005 06:26:10 AM

So there are some people in Virginia who have the Vision. I didn't think that any school districts in VA got the Vision.

Sure thing, I'd love to learn about what surrounding districts have.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/06/2005 07:31:49 AM

wow, alot of districts down that way got IC conventionals last year. I know that hampton city school got quite a few of them. They had been getting AmTran/International REs for a while. I believe that Hampton was the first in the area to start specing the tinted windows and air doors. Chesapeake City also has some awesome buses...TONS of Thomas ERs.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/06/2005 08:03:08 AM

Hampton and York County got IC Conventionals last year. That has been all York County has ever got since they quit making Thomas International Conventionals. Also, the new York County ICs are the first, I think to have Automatics. Yes, the old Thomas Internationals had manual transmissions. York County also has some older Thomas ERs, and just this past year received some nice IC REs. I no nothing else about them, though. Williamsburg/James City County has some older Blue Bird TC2000s and has been getting Amtran/IC RE's, but that is all I know about them. They might also have some Amtran's with Front Engine for Special Ed too.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/06/2005 08:20:16 AM

I can remember some real old Ford Thomases. All had the 4-way warning system. Some were gas powered, and some were diesels. I think that it was funny that the ones with the swing out door were diesels and the gas powered had jack-knife doors. Then they had some Blue Bird Fords that all had the four-way warning system, and again some were gas, and some were diesel. The only way to tell the difference was if you looked at the fuel door, it would say GAS in big bold letters or DIESEL in condensed letters, since all these had the jack-knife door. The last conventional they bought until recently were Blue Bird Fords, all were diesel powered with the 8-way amber/red warning system. All these buses were automatic. I can't remember any manual transmission buses for Newport News. My favorites were the Blue Bird Fords with 4-way warning system. Never did like those old Thomases, since the handrail was on the right side by the door, unlike all the newer buses with the handrail on the left side on the first seat kick plate.

BTW, the only busses for general education that have ACs are the old TC2000 FEs with tinted windows. The newer special ed busses have the AC as well. I rode one of the TC2000s with an AC everyday when I was in 5th grade. I don't think the AC worked though, as they didn't maintain them. Most likely it was because why bother to do that if none of the other busses have it.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/06/2005 09:44:26 AM

Wow, that's pretty neat. Does anyone down that way have any Type A or Type B buses? Like the Thomas Minotour, or Thomas Vista, IC BE, Blue Bird Micro Bird, etc?

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/06/2005 11:54:39 AM

I think York County is the only one with a type A bus, most likely the Thomas Minotour. They might even have the IC BE type B bus as well. Not sure about Microbird buses, haen't seen one here before. Hampton has a lot of those old Thomas Vistas on the International Chassis.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/06/2005 11:56:04 AM

vabuslover, what is your favorite bus model from your district?

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/06/2005 11:59:44 AM

My favorites were the Blue Bird Fords with 4-way warning system. Never did like those old Thomases, since the handrail was on the right side by the door, unlike all the newer buses with the handrail on the left side on the first seat kick plate.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/06/2005 12:37:17 PM

Blue Birds conventionals are kinda neat. I think of them as being a classic American school bus. Prince William County has several 1991 Blue Bird Chevy's. They are kinda neat, though many have been retired recently. The rest were due to be retired this summer I believe.

Rappahannock County in the Northern half of Virginia has a lot of Blue Bird conventionals. A couple of GMC's, but mostly International chassis. They did buy one of the new Blue Bird coventionals on the new International chassis. I must say it is a nice looking bus. I should try to get a picture of it soon. We see it every time we pass there parking compound on the way to my dad's cabin in New Market.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/06/2005 3:48:21 PM

There was alot of Blue Bird down in that area for the longest time. Virginia Beach always had a good mix of both major manufacturers, and in the late 90s they were getting tons of blue bird conventionals. Things seem to be switching over to Thomas for them though, with lots of freights and HDXs. They also have a small handfull of type A buses, and about 20 full sized Vistas from 1995-1996. Norfolk also had a good number of Vistas from the early-mid 90s.

vabuslover, do you remember when Hampton City Schools used to transport the high school kids on PenTran transit buses with the swing out traffic warning sign? I think that has all gone away with the merge of Pentran and TRT (HRT). I always thought that was interesting though. York County has ALOT of those manual transmission buses, as does New Kent County. Honestly, Id say that most of Virginia was manual transmission up untill the demise of the 3800 chassis. I'm sure there are still a few who are getting the Freights with sticks (Spotsylvania JUST started getting autos).

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/06/2005 4:43:29 PM

I think that Hampton City Schools still uses HRT to bus their middle and high school students, because every now and then there is an article about how people don't like public transportation busses acting as school busses. I don't either, they dont have the safety flashing lights.
The Blue Bird Conventionals owned by VA Beach are GMCs, they used to have some older BB Fords, which are now retired. They, along with Norfolk, Chesapeake and Portsmouth are getting a lot of those FS-65 Thomases. I think Portsmouth has a few IC COnventionals too.
For the longest time I have seen Chesapeake with Thomas ERs and Saf-T-Liner ERs. They used to have Thomas Fords, which I have seen them auction off. Now they are all RE Transit busses.
Suffolk I think has some BB AAREs, or they might be much newer-looking TC200 REs. They, too also had some Fords on many different kinds of bodies, possibly Ward or Wayne.
I don't know if you all know about Poquoson, the LOWEST point in Virginia, but I have seen only a couple of their busses. They have AmTran Genesis FEs, possibly some Amtran REs, and Thomas FS-65s, but that is all I know on them.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/06/2005 5:09:34 PM

Are there C2's down that way? Spotsylvania County is the only county I know of that has any C2's. They have 2 of them.

There are alot of major Thomas districts. Some though are now buying other buses. Fauquier County for instance bought alot of Thomas conventionals. They also have a few Blue Bird International conventionals in the late 90's to early 2000's range. Now they are buying IC CE's. They've been buying those since 2003 or so.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/06/2005 5:32:49 PM

Never seen a C2 up close either...Only place they might be is in Virginia Beach or Chesapeake or Norfolk as they have newer Thomases.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/06/2005 11:48:33 PM

RIGHT...vabuslover! Virginia beach has not only some BB GMC conventionals, but also alot of international bb conventionals. ALL of the regular ed have the T444E engine. They do have some of the C2s along the way, or they are already there. They also have atleast two BB All American REs from 1999, and a few Thomas HDX CNG buses from the early 2000s. All the rest from the later days are Thomas Freightliners with MBE engines.

From what I have seen, Poquoson has the AmTran FEs with heavy specs, including tinted windows, white roofs, and plenty of under floor storage space. Glouchester (spelling???) has similar specs to York and New Kent Counties.

Believe it or not, the newest Portsmouth and Norfolk City Schools buses I have seen are Thomas Internationals with tinted windows, manual doors, and white roofs. Not that that means very much, but thats how old I am. I grew up in Virginia Beach WAY back in the day.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/07/2005 04:18:10 AM

I have seen quite a few Gloucester buses, as I have been to Gloucester a lot. I do not know the years of their busses, but They have what look like older Thomas Internationals, again similar to York County. They also have Blue Bird Internationals, and are now getting the newer IC-CE busses. I think they also have some much older busses, but haven't seen to many of them. They look to be a different body type from BB or Thomas.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/07/2005 04:52:12 AM

BusFreak, you mention some Thomas HDX buses that run on CNG. Do they work well? I know we tried to start a CNG program here in 1994, but it didn't work.

What kind of engine do they have in the CNG buses?

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/07/2005 05:41:23 AM

She said that those busses are in Virginia Beach, so we are not too sure if they are any good or not. I wish that we could get people from down in my area to come in and talk about busses.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 07/07/2005 4:31:15 PM

Reporting from South Central VA and other rural counties: this is not current just off the top of my head from what i remember last year or so:) (in alphabetical order)

* all buses are conventional unless otherwise stated*

Amelia County- from as far as i can remember this was a strict thomas international fleet, every once in a while they would try a gmc or ford. To this day, they have remained true to international going with IC, with the exception of one or two freighters. they have no transit style buses but they do have a few int/vistas.

Appomattox county- don't really know much about them just that their buses are spec to 54 pass or less. not quite sure what it is but i do know that their buses are shorter than the surrounding counties. they run international on thomas and a few amtran.

Buckingham county- don't really know alot about Buckingham but i can say that as far as i have been paying attention to them, they have been a thomas district, running Int and Gmc's. They do have two Thomas HDX as far as i know.

Brunswick County- This district first caught my attention because of the mixture of the fleet. Bluebirds/Carpenter and Thomas with chassis ranging from Chevy/Gmc to International and Fords. They had a lot of Bluebird chevy/gmcs/Fords. In recent years due to driver input, they county has been replacing their buses. They are still buying a mixture of international IC's/Bluebirds mainly and i saw a one 98-99 ford thomas. Haven't seen any Transit style yet.

Cumberland County- this is one of the counties around that keep their buses for a long time (getting the bang for the buck. With the price of buses and fuel, can you blame them?. This fleet consist of thomas freighters and the New IC's. several older thomas int/gmcs round out this county's fleet.

Charlotte county- Bluebird county, charlotte is another county that will get their bang for their buck. International and Ford are their chassis. The first signs of thomas in that county came in a 98 or 99 thomas international. Not much more is known about this county right now. Charlotte does have atleast one Bluebird FE.

Dinwiddie County- Mostly international Bluebirds but they are now buying thomas freighters and i thought i saw a couple of the new IC's. Dinwiddie does run Thomas EF's.

Greensville County- had many bluebirds (gmcs,chevys) but now i see that they are following the Dinwiddie trend with Thomas and Ic's. they have atleast one transit (thomas RE around 1997) it's been a long time since i've been there.

Lunenburg county- this was the home of the Thomas Gmc and Chevy. This is another county that "back in the day of super narrow roads" ordered the 54 pass or less. Within the past 7 or 8 years, Lunenburg has started to purchase the "standard" 64 pass buses. Internationals were here and there in the 80's, but when chevy and gmc got out the business, international reigned supreme and remains their chassis to this very day, even causing them to switch over to IC. There are no transit style buses in this fleet.

Mecklenburg county- just by driving when school was letting out, you can clearly see that this was also a Bluebird county. This county caught my attention because of the age of bluebirds still in service. Many of the buses were Ford and chevy/gmc Bluebirds. last year i saw signs of thomas in their ranks with a thomas special needs bus.

Nottoway county- this is a Thomas Ford county since 1969. now there have been a year they tried an International (1996), dodge (1977 model)and chevy/gmc 77-82). In 1997, this county bought their last thomas ford. From that day on they have been strict thomas Freighters. they do have two vista special needs and one thomas RE 1990 model for activities purposes. Like charlotte and cumberland, Nottoway keep their buses for a long time too. Not by choice but because of money i suppose.

Prince Edward- This county has been (in my eyes) the most stylish county around. International thomas reign supreme since early 90's. the spotlight ws shared in the 80's along side Ford and GMC. i found out recently that prince edward was a Wayne county in the 50's up early 70's. They style issue comes in with Prince Edward being the first county around that started to get the white roof spec, tinted windows, and lastly mud flaps. their buses look good because those buses are always shining when i see them. Now they are going to freightliners. They do have a few Carpenters that are spares. they do run thomas RE's, two HDX and three 98-99 models.

Prince George- this is also a thomas Ford county. don't really know alot about them. i believe that they switch over to freighters now.

Powhatan - ( i think that's spelled right) bluebird/thomas county as far as i know. this county is not really rural anymore being that it's taking the over flow of chesterfield residents moving in. international is their main chassis with freighters coming in second. One transit Bluebird is in their fleet as long as i know. it's and RE and it's used for Activity purposes.

Sussex County- driving past their bus shop a while back i saw that they were a straight carpenter fleet i believe in the late 70's early 80's. Now they have thomas int and freights.

Now this information was compiled by a individual who has had a loooooooooooong day. As stated before this is not current to July 7 2005, but i would be happy to clear up any questions you may have,or if you want to know more about the specs a particular county have.
this comes from my memory from about 1-5 years ago and if anyone is from the area i'm talking about, you know things change slow and laidback down here.:) i love it!!!1

In closing most of the localities in this part of the state have switch over from gas to diesel in the 80's. Counties like Brunswick, Mecklenburg (for example) have older buses running because of the
county's size and because of the lack of any significant economic development that would put more money in the school system. I applaud all rural counties that keep the oldies going. that's it for now!!!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/08/2005 12:16:06 AM

Poor Driver, are most of those conventionals you mention Manual transmission? and are any of those counties still purchasing manual transmission to this day? Im just curious.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/08/2005 04:45:32 AM

If I could ever drive a bus, it would be an old GMC bus.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/08/2005 06:26:36 AM

Wow, poor driver, that is awesome. Thank you for sharing that. I too along with BusFreak am interested in whether or not they still have manuals.

I know Spotsylvania County just started buying buses with auto's.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 07/08/2005 1:46:49 PM

Before i answer the main question i must update two counties. Powhatan has and is buy IC's also. Cumberland has an Amtran FE and a Thomas HDX. (i saw these particular updates today)

Answer to the question about the manual transmissions.

The only districts that i can comment on about the manual transmissions are Lunenburg, Amelia and Prince Edward. Lunenburg has received their first automatics this year (ICs). Prince Edward has had standards up until 1999, in 2000 they started buying auto (freighters). Amelia start buying automatics (ICs) in about 2000 i think. Nottoway has been automatic since 1985. Sorry don't really know much about the others.

I would assume if not all, over half of Dinwiddie is an automatic fleet because of it's closeness to Petersburg (which had alot of Thomas Fords, now switching to Freighters). Most of the counties that still buy manuals has alot of hills and dirt roads in them. i did talk to one driver that district started to buy automatics and they said that when it's time for them to get a bus, they hopw that they get a manual because the automatic don't drive as well. In closing, i believe that everybody has a mixture of both so i can't be for sure until i find more information.

Hope that was of some help. This is fun anymore questions?
Hope that answer your question.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/08/2005 4:50:24 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

BusFreak, you mention some Thomas HDX buses that run on CNG. Do they work well? I know we tried to start a CNG program here in 1994, but it didn't work.

What kind of engine do they have in the CNG buses?

I think it's a john deer engine.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/08/2005 4:56:25 PM

I thought so. John Deere has been making CNG engines for a little while now, and they seem to me to be popular with those using CNG.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/10/2005 06:13:02 AM

I went by the New Baltimore International place near Warrenton, Va yesterday. I saw a few buses there. There were a couple of Fairfax buses there, but I saved that for the Fairfax thread.

On another note, there was a 2002 IC CE for Culpeper County. There were two 03-04 IC CE's for Fauqier County, A 1980's Thomas International for Walnut Grove Child Care Center, A 1990's Blue Bird International for The Potomac School, and a late 80's early 90's Carpenter International for Highland School.

Anyone know anything about places like Highland School or The Potomac School or any of the other places I listed above?

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 07/10/2005 06:17:39 AM

the potomac school is located in mclean, just off 123 by the cia.

they have about 35-40 buses, all different makes and models and sizes.

the last new ones were ic's 36 pax with a/c.

you can ride right up to the lot. north on 123 to right onto potomac school road follow into the school.

the highland school has a smaller fleet, maybe 6-10 buses.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/10/2005 06:18:56 AM

Wow, thank you. I will have to go up there and check it out.

Does anyone know anything about Fauquier County's fleet? I know they have 100+ buses. I also know they park alot of buses in a hidden lot on Business Rt. 29 in Warrenton, Va. Where else do they park their buses?

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 07/10/2005 10:43:54 AM

Me and Scott went to the Potomac School yard a few months ago. I took a few pictures there. They mainly have all conventionals, Thomas's, Blue Birds, Chevy Waynes, and the new 05 IC CE's. They do have a lot of nice buses there.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/10/2005 3:18:27 PM

I will going down there soon to check it out. Are their any other private schools in the area that have a fair amount of buses like Potomac School?

Bringing back my previous question.....
Does anyone know anything about Fauquier County's fleet? I know they have 100+ buses. I also know they park alot of buses in a hidden lot on Business Rt. 29 in Warrenton, Va. Where else do they park their buses?

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/10/2005 4:05:03 PM

Anybody know about Flint Hill School....big private school on Jermantown Rd? I was turning around in their lot the other day and saw a bunch of buses parked.....mostly nice late model Thomas conventionals. But the were painted navy blue? Didn't see a SCHOOL bus there at all. They must be activity buses....a school bus HAS to be yellow, right? Maybe they own activity buses and contract out the student transportation?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/10/2005 5:17:34 PM

Your right IC, a school bus must be painted school bus yellow by federal law. Sorry, I don't know anything about that school. I've heard of it before, but that's about as far it goes.

Just a note, I added some new pictures to the "Misc. School Bus Photos" album on my Webshots page. Check them out. I added the Potomac School and the Highland School bus.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/10/2005 6:15:34 PM

IC, my school is right near there, so we pass it daily, here are the details, they contract with Williams Bus Lines for SCHOOL BUSes, and theu own their own activity buses. They have several GMC/Chevy mini Thomas buses, a large yellow Thomas Vista, and a few I can't remember if they were International or freightliner, but they were Thomas built.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/10/2005 7:28:54 PM

The Gum Springs school in Alexandria has some REALLY nice buses...mostly, if not all conventional. LOTS of Blue Bird Internationals, all with A/C and tons of extras. Not really sure how many buses they have either. They are off Rt 1 near the Krispy Kreme (my favorite spot EVER).

Also, St. Agnus &St. Stevens school have some nice buses. Their newest are Thomas Freightliners with AC and aluminum wheels. I know that one of the drivers parks her bus in Fairfax City, behind the Expo design center near the ugly KMart on Jermantown Road. They also have some Blue Bird GMC/Chevys with AC, and atleast one Blue Bird Ford. Their buses look nice though. I know that their school is also in Alexandria, and they share busses with Bishop Ireton High School.

Near me, Bishop O'connel high school has atleast one SWEET Blue Bird vision with AC, and aluminum wheels....I'm not sure what else they have, but I think they contract through McClean Transportation.

Hope this helps!

Reply author: Thomas Ford 85-16
Replied on: 07/11/2005 05:47:07 AM

School buses aren't required by law to be yellow. I believe we've come to the conclusion before that there's a federal recommendation for School Bus Yellow, and its up to each individual state to enforce it as they wish. If you've seen some of The School Bus Yard website before it went into disrepair (lots of 404 errors now), you'd occasionally catch a New Jersey bus that was purple or something. The only yellow on it was around "SCHOOL BUS" because federal law does require SCHOOL BUS on each bus, in 8" black letters, on a yellow background. I also remember reading that Minnesota used to use an Orange color up into the 1980s.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/11/2005 06:58:31 AM

Thank you BusFreak. I'll have to check out some of these places.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 07/11/2005 1:46:32 PM

flint hill contracts the school routes to williams bus lines. they own their own activity buses, freightliner thomas and chevy thomas minotour. they also have one thomas vista, and a gmc/chevy blue bird that is painted white.

o'connell does have one new vision this years model. cat engine, a/c chrome wheels. they also contract with williams bus lines. mclean transportation does the transportation for bolling air force base in washington. they transport the air force kids to a lot of schools.

the bullis school in potomac, on falls road has a fleet of about 20

the german school in potomac has a fleet of about 15

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/11/2005 3:18:00 PM

What road is the bullis school and the german school on?

I bet you all are wondering as to why I am asking these questions. Well, I am looking to add more bus photos to my collection. Particulary of buses that are NOT Fairfax County. You guys are helping me to find locations where I can photograph buses that are not Fairfax County buses. Thank you!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/13/2005 10:02:28 AM

This was brought up in the "Vandalism" thread. Why do some districts not get locks on their buses? Like Drew19 stated in the "Vandalism" thread, isn't that just asking for trouble?

Reply author: BBAllAmericanRE
Replied on: 07/13/2005 10:10:45 AM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

This was brought up in the "Vandalism" thread. Why do some districts not get locks on their buses? Like Drew19 stated in the "Vandalism" thread, isn't that just asking for trouble?

Well, our district is worried that a driver will forgot to check his/her bus, get off the bus lock the doors and a student will be trapped in. Yeah its pretty lame.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/13/2005 11:04:13 AM

I guess that's a good idea. A kid left on a school bus is not good. I just find it weird that some buses would not have locks.

Reply author: CPCSC_TD
Replied on: 07/13/2005 11:06:19 AM

My fear is the bus doors or exits being locked in the event of an emergency.
I knwo they are wired so they cannot start the bus when they are locked but as we have all seen in modern school bus manufacturing, it can fail.

I don't believe school buses should have any locks.

Reply author: thomas86_a
Replied on: 07/13/2005 11:19:23 AM

I agree with CPCSC_TD,

We spec many options on our buses however locks are not one of them.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/13/2005 11:59:06 AM

I guess im so used to both of the counties I lived in the buses have locks on the entry doors. most of the time people can't get into the bus. There has been buses back then where the two way radios would get stolen. Does the newer radio's have anti theft deterent.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/13/2005 1:08:50 PM

I don't understand why someone would steal a two-way radio.

I hate the locks on the rear windows of AmTran/IC RE's. None of the drivers I know ever lock that window. For some reason they say the buzzer or something goes off.

Reply author: Chris
Replied on: 07/13/2005 1:20:17 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

I don't understand why someone would steal a two-way radio.

I hate the locks on the rear windows of AmTran/IC RE's. None of the drivers I know ever lock that window. For some reason they say the buzzer or something goes off.

Do you know how much those radios cost? A fleet's worth of stolen 2 way's would bring quite a bit of good money on eBay.

Reason for the buzzer is to remind someone to unlock the window. What good's an emergency exit if it's locked

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/13/2005 2:54:49 PM

I think locks are long as they can't be locked from the inside. Couldn't a kid left in a bus get out an emergency exit?

Reply author: thomas86_a
Replied on: 07/13/2005 3:29:59 PM

Originally posted by IC

I think locks are long as they can't be locked from the inside. Couldn't a kid left in a bus get out an emergency exit?

Well the rear door (and side door if equipped) are going to be locked as well, if they weren't there would be no point in specing locks in the first place. The only other option this leaves is push-out windows if those are installed on the bus and that would be quite the fall out of one of those.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/13/2005 4:49:58 PM

You can still get out from the emergency exit.

Reply author: Thomas Ford 85-16
Replied on: 07/13/2005 5:16:00 PM

Originally posted by Drew19

You can still get out from the emergency exit.

If they are locked, the only emergency exits you can get out would be the pushout windows, since they have no exterior access, and therefor no need for locks. Any lock on a school bus however must have an ignition interlock. When any door is locked (whether it be a service door, emergency exit door, or a roof hatch), the interlock will prevent the starter motor from turning over, and therefore keep you from driving a bus that has locked exits.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/13/2005 5:32:31 PM

Well, the emergency doors are locked, but just with those simple slide bolt type things. I think most kids could figure them out.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/13/2005 5:47:47 PM

Originally posted by IC

Well, the emergency doors are locked, but just with those simple slide bolt type things. I think most kids could figure them out.

I seen those bolt types on Blue Birds Fe's and the wards and waynes. Does the thomas and IC/Amtrans have the side bolts too? or all the locks electronic locks?

Reply author: Chris
Replied on: 07/13/2005 6:12:31 PM

Originally posted by IC

Well, the emergency doors are locked, but just with those simple slide bolt type things. I think most kids could figure them out.

If it's one thing I've learned throughout my years here, and hearing school bus news stories, it's to never assume a child could "figure it out." If it were that easy there wouldn't be stories of children being left on buses, waking up and not being able to get out when all they'd have to do is push on the door.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/13/2005 6:12:51 PM

ICs and AmTrans have the slide bolt. Thomases have a little round bar about an inch long on a chain that you stick in a hole in the door latch mechanism to jam it so the door handle can't be moved.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/13/2005 6:27:55 PM

Chris, I said "I think MOST could figure them out", and I still think that, but you are right that one must never assume anything.

Another thing one must never do is leave their bus without a THOROUGH check for students! I ALWAYS walk front to rear at least twice. I get on all fours in the rear to check under the seats behind the rear wheelwells and then kneel on the service door stairwell to check under the seats forward of the rear wheelwells. If it's dark I use my flashlight.

IMO, leaving a kid on the bus is inexcusable (and is grounds for dismissal here.). It's pure laziness on the part of the driver if it happens.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/13/2005 8:06:56 PM

I thouroughly agree, you are a very responisble driver IC, and I praise you for that!

We have locks on all of our exits except for the window push-outs. The rest have slide bolt locks like IC said, and the roof hatches are locked with a key my driver said.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/14/2005 04:17:26 AM

If you have to check the bus before locking it up, then there should be no reason why a kid is left on the bus. That is why it is safe to put locks on busses.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/14/2005 06:29:19 AM

When a kid wakes up after being left on a bus, he/she would panic and not be thinking logically. So that could cause a few problems. But then as vabuslover pointed out, if you check your bus completely, you shouldn't have a problem.

Has anyone in Virginia every had a kid that was left on bus? (i'm hoping not)

Reply author: thomas86_a
Replied on: 07/14/2005 08:49:30 AM

Originally posted by vabuslover

If you have to check the bus before locking it up, then there should be no reason why a kid is left on the bus. That is why it is safe to put locks on busses.

Well you can spec locks on your buses, I will continue to leave mine free of locks when purchasing. At night our buses are fenced in and on field trips we tell them not to leave any valuables on the buses. We have not had anything happen to the buses while on field trips, we did have two seperate problems before we had a fenced in lot however that is the reason for insurance.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/14/2005 10:58:30 AM

If I was a bus driver right now, that would be one thing that would concern me; field trips. Up here in my area, alot of trips are made into Washington D.C. and that can be a very un-friendly place often times.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/14/2005 12:47:00 PM

do you know if fcps will get activity buses. I rode them in lcps there loaded. with adjustable ac vents reading lights and storgage comparments above with blue rub rails. but they still the warning lights switches still left on the dash. I would love to see IC RE Acitivy buses. the HDX"S are taken to dc, fbla compaitions and so forth but we still use regular bus too. IS there another county in va to have activity buses. the activitys buses in Loudoun county we use in Thomas HDX.

Reply author: Rich
Replied on: 07/14/2005 1:24:21 PM

I also don't like the idea of having any form of a vandal lock. As already pointed out, problems with these systems DO indeed happen, and all you need is that one day where the system fails to have a catastrophe.

Have a secure lot, and don't leave valuables on the bus, and you shouldn't have a problem!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/14/2005 1:58:40 PM

Don't count on Fairfax ever getting activity buses. Enough said on that.

Loudoun though does have some nice ones. Does anyone else have them?

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/14/2005 4:10:17 PM

"Has anyone in Virginia ever had a kid that was left on bus? (i'm hoping not)"

You kidding, 1629? It has happened in Fairfax County, and more than once! They tell a story at the Training Center about the kid that was found wandering around the Newington lot. Somebody turned a bus in for service with the kid still aboard!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/14/2005 5:45:06 PM

I heard that too IC. I kno wthat the locks on the old waynes and Blue Birds are no longer reliable, like you told me a while a go, and I see drivers do it all the time, you can just lightly kick the door and it will open.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/14/2005 5:58:31 PM

I snapped a few pics of a bus that was parked where I work today. It is a 89 or ealy 90's International Ward Volunteer. Here is the link...

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/14/2005 6:08:06 PM

Originally posted by IC-RE

I snapped a few pics of a bus that was parked where I work today. It is a 89 or ealy 90's International Ward Volunteer. Here is the link...

Loudoun county got rid of the wards. Also lcps wards had 8way warning lamps.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/14/2005 6:08:44 PM

Here in FCPS, we got ride of our Wards too, all but two that is!

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/15/2005 04:35:28 AM

Originally posted by IC-RE

Here in FCPS, we got ride of our Wards too, all but two that is!

I know that. But LCPS got rid of their's years ago.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/15/2005 04:47:40 AM

Another thing on the locks. THey should put those emergency release locks like they have on cars for buses. on all of the doors. Another quesion on the IC re's since there is no bar going across the door to lock it. is it hydrallic locking?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/15/2005 06:24:27 AM

Loudoun County had a couple of 1994 Ward/AmTran Volunteer Fords. I have a picture of the former 228 which was a 1994 Ward. Now 228 is a 2004 IC or Thomas.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/15/2005 08:37:44 AM

Has anybody seen a Northumberland County bus? I saw one in York County yesterday, coming from Gloucester. It was a mid-late 90s BB International. That is all I know about the bus.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/15/2005 09:43:27 AM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Loudoun County had a couple of 1994 Ward/AmTran Volunteer Fords. I have a picture of the former 228 which was a 1994 Ward. Now 228 is a 2004 IC or Thomas.

All I seen was the older wards of lcps before I moved there. I used to live near the Herndon police station and lcps buses had to travel that way because of a sterling Neighbor hood so that would go thru herndon and go back onto route 28.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/15/2005 2:52:39 PM

I'm suprised they got rid of them. They were only 1994's. I guess there not as strained on money as Fairfax. That is why we still have two 1987 Wards.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/15/2005 4:09:53 PM

Well since Loudoun county is growing so we have been buying so many buses. I think what we did is that each we would buy an IC or an Thomas. I have seen only one early or late ninteys Blue Bird TC/2000 RE there nice. There engine cover in the back are dirty though. You mostly see transit style buses with lcps. We have some Frightliners, Blue bird conventionals some internationals. Thomas, IC Amtrans. My busdriver last year her beginner bus was a 98 Thomas er. I think with an cummins engine. It's a little quiter then the cat.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/15/2005 5:44:08 PM

LCPS only had three 1998 Blue Bird TC/2000 RE's. Atleast that was true when I visited their Leesburg parking compound and office. I've seen the Thomas Freightliners and the Thomas Internationals. You say that Loudoun had some Blue Bird's? I've never seen those. Also, do you know anything about the Type A buses they have?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/15/2005 5:51:20 PM

no I don't know about the type a's but I did seem them though. Come to think of it it had might of been Freightliner bluebirds. But those had no tinted windows so I think they were before 98.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/15/2005 7:14:23 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

I don't understand why someone would steal a two-way radio.

I hate the locks on the rear windows of AmTran/IC RE's. None of the drivers I know ever lock that window. For some reason they say the buzzer or something goes off.

Sell them.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/16/2005 05:15:54 AM

Sell the lock or the bus? If you mean the bus, sorry but we kinda have to keep the bus. Though I wish we would not spec our new buses with that rear window lock.

Reply author: Thomas Ford 85-16
Replied on: 07/16/2005 07:26:47 AM

He means they steal the radios so they can sell them for parts.

In regards to the locks, the buzzer is probably going off if the key is still in the bus.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/16/2005 07:42:57 AM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Sell the lock or the bus? If you mean the bus, sorry but we kinda have to keep the bus. Though I wish we would not spec our new buses with that rear window lock.

No sell the two way radio's. sorry for the misunderstanding.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/16/2005 12:56:56 PM

I think that locking the rear window causes it to move in a way that causes the buzzer to go off. The buzzer I am referring to is the one that goes off when an emergency exit is opened. I apologize for not making that clear. Many buses have several different buzzers and beepers for various things like an air pressure low alarm, starter interlock alarm, etc. It's easy to confuse them.

Thank you Drew19 and Thomas Ford 85-16 for clearing that up.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/18/2005 08:09:46 AM

What are the rules for a bus stopping at a railroad crossing? One day last week I saw a bus stop at a crossing and not only turn on its 4-way hazard flashers but it turnd on its amber warning lights as if it were picking up a student from a bus stop. Of course when the driver opened the door the red lights came on and the stop sign came out. This was a Northumberland County Bus seen in York County, coming from Gloucester. it was a BB International 3800, a late 90s model bus. Is this standard procedure, because all the buses I have ever seen or rode on only turned on the 4-way hazard flashers.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/18/2005 11:57:37 AM

You are correct, vabuslover.....only the 4-way flashers are used at RR crossings...NOT the traffic lights.

That driver probably just had a brain fart......I've activated the ambers without thinking at my RR Xing and went OOPS, and canceled them real quick like. I've also activated the ambers instead of the 4 ways when I was about to back up.....again I instantly realized it and canceled them. Traffics probably flashed no more than once or twice before I killed 'em.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/18/2005 12:01:25 PM

I thought it was weird, especially because it was an out-of-town bus.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/18/2005 12:17:00 PM

My understanding is that school bus RR crossing procedures are federal laws and thus uniform throughout all 50 states.......

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/18/2005 12:29:32 PM

I believe your right IC. Have there been any accidents involving school buses and trains in Virginia?

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/18/2005 12:38:44 PM

There probably has been train/school bus accidents in Va, but I've never heard of one. They still talk about a close call we had at the RR Xing in Burke years ago. That crossing is no longer a grade fact, there is only ONE RR grade crossing left in all of Fairfax County....the one in Clifton. They make all the Clifton drivers go to meetings about it....annually I think.

I believe the worst school bus disasters in history involved trains...

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/18/2005 1:41:40 PM

We have several railroad crossings in this area. In fact, Newport News is split down the middle by a RR line, in some places it is two tracks. However, the Major streets that cross this line have either bridges over or under the crossings. There is even one unsignaled crossing (2 tracks 100 ft apart) in an Industrial Park! This track is a feed off the main line into the industrial park and eventually to our power plant. I wish that the train companies would delay their VERY long coal trains from using the crossings until off-peak hours. One time I was on a bus to school (it was late to begin with) and we got caught by a train coming off the mainline going to the power plant! It was blocking the main street crossing, and the crossing on the feeder road to cross the mainline, snce there is a split off the mainline near us. We were about 20 mins late that day, arrived when the tardy bell rang. The rains are so slow because there is a speed limit on train tracks in Newport News.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/18/2005 1:43:59 PM

I also dislike the crossings in which the pavement is crumbling or buckling from all the traffic. They feel really rough when you cross them (especially in our busses, they are standard spec'ed, no extras!). The city can only fix them as the VA Dept. of Transportation can fund it. They also have to come to terms with the RR company to do work near the tracks.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/19/2005 07:39:23 AM

Norfolk Southern Railways recently did some work at the Rt. 29 crossing in Gainesville, Va. That crossing is very dangerous. The tracks run diagnally across the road. There are alot of people who sit on the tracks when traffic is backed up. Hate to be there when a train comes!

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/19/2005 09:53:08 AM

In Williamsburg there are two set of tracks that run diagonal to the road, but I do not think they are used anymore, since the grass near the tracks is very tall. The other set runs into a military base but I am not sure if that track is used either. Traffic in these areas usually doesn't back up so there so nobody stops on the tracks.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/19/2005 11:25:28 AM

That's good that no one stops on the tracks. I've heard rumors that in Gainesville they are talking about building a bridge over the railroad tracks. I've heard that they have also considered building a bridge for the tracks to go over the road. I am not sure exactly what will happen.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/19/2005 7:02:09 PM

I don't know if they still do it, but VRE used to run their commuter trains into DC and then, rather than turn it around, they would just back the train all the way back to Manassas and Stafford. I always thought that was DANGEROUS! You could sit at a RR crossing and see the back of a train car and logically think it had went by, but in fact it was coming AT YOU at high speed!

Reply author: Thomas Ford 85-16
Replied on: 07/20/2005 04:36:27 AM

I believe they normally have a conductor at the last car if there aren't any controls. Often times, there will be locomotive controls accessible to the train car in the very last car, and so the locomotive is under remote control. ...not always though.

Reply author: sbdlax22
Replied on: 07/20/2005 08:08:00 AM

I ride VRE to work on occasion and that is called push/pull operation. Like you said, it is to avoid having to turn the train around (which apparently is very hard to do!) In the morning, trains run "backwards" or are "pushed" into Union Station with the locomotive at the back end of the train. When this happens, conductors operate the train from a cab car (the car at the other end, in this case, the front end). All the locomotive does is power the train; all necessary controls in the locomotive are also on the cab car. Also, trains always have white lights at the front of it and red at the back, so you should always be able to tell which direction it is traveling in.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/20/2005 08:47:20 AM

sbdlax22 has it exactly. VRE still operates at full today. They just changed the consist of there trains this month. The consist is the make-up of the train. All there trains used to be 6 cars trains. Now they have two 8 car trains.

VRE also re-newed there lease of two Sounder train sets. These sets consist of a EMD F59PHI locomotive and 6 Bombardier Bi-Level commuter cars. These two train sets are very neat looking. Check out the photos of them here:

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/20/2005 10:27:03 AM

The only passenger train that runs in Newport News is AMTRAK, and the end of the line is at the station in downtown NN. I don't know how the trains get to Norfolk or Virginia Beach, but I know they don't go through the water (no tunnels yet).

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/20/2005 10:45:37 AM

I looked on some maps, and I think the trains come around the other way to get into Norfolk. I would have to study the maps more.

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 07/20/2005 11:56:56 AM

We got Two New Busses in This week I Have Not seen them yet But Now We Are A 80 bus Fleet I know we are a small County. Most of ours are internationals I think we Started getting in Thomas Freightliners in 2002 we Only have One Gas bus all the others are Diesel We have 5 Special Needs Bus 2 International 3 Freightliners

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/20/2005 12:17:08 PM

What kind of buses did you get?

Reply author: rrodriguez34
Replied on: 07/20/2005 1:32:01 PM

Va Bch driver here. I've been driving for about three years now. Figured I'd get online and see what (if any) information about buses/drivers was out there... Found this site... I had no idea.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/20/2005 4:26:45 PM

Hey! Welcome to SBF. What kind of bus do you drive?

Reply author: rrodriguez34
Replied on: 07/20/2005 6:45:25 PM

Thanks for the welcome IC. I drive a 2004 Freightliner

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/20/2005 7:09:57 PM

WOW...I grew up in Virginia Beach. i remember when my first bus was a brand new 1985 Blue Bird International. They are still using a hand full of those at the high schools or field trip buses. love to chat about the buses youve driven!

Reply author: rrodriguez34
Replied on: 07/20/2005 7:18:27 PM

I've only been driving for three years... started out in a 94 International; graduated to a 95 International, then a 00 Freightliner, then a 04 Freightliner... I was kinda in the right place at the right time for the last two upgrades... most of the people on the "seniority" list where I am at have 97-98 Internationals or Freightliners

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/20/2005 7:46:58 PM

I wish some drivers from Newport News were on here.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/20/2005 11:39:34 PM

wow, rodriguez...I actually remember when the driver I had all through elementary school was upgraded to one of those 99 Freightliners (the year with the TWO roof hatches). When I first saw the freightliners, I was a bit taken back. they just looked sooo wierd. Those were the only ones to have the Cummins engine in them too. I believe, ever since then, they have been CAT, up untill the newest (with the all glass doors) which have the MBE engines. My mom actually trained on one of those new buses. She's a teacher, but drives all her own field trips. Do you have any experience in the Thomas HDX ERs with the CNG engines?

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/21/2005 07:06:15 AM

Do the EFs have MBE engines in them too?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/21/2005 09:26:25 AM

Originally posted by vabuslover

Do the EFs have MBE engines in them too?

Never heard of the ef have a mbe engine. The c2 switches are from like the older s or e class sedans. The MBE Engines in the Eclass now and then are very reliable.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/21/2005 11:49:55 AM

I take it that you drive a Thomas Freightliner. What other kind of buses does your district have. I saw you mentioned the Blue Birds. What else?

Reply author: rrodriguez34
Replied on: 07/21/2005 5:23:23 PM

IC are you referring to me? I drive a 2004 Thomas Freightliner, it has a Mercedes Benz engine.

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 07/21/2005 6:51:45 PM

rrodriguez34 I posted this on another Board But Nobody Answered maybe you can tell me
I am driving a 2004 Thomas Freightliner for the Summer It has a Mercedes Benz Engine Also
Does your bus Vibrate a Lot especially when Sitting idle and can you feel just about every bump in the road
My 2003 Thomas Freightliner that i drive during the Regular School year does not do this but it was recalled this summer so I have been Driving the 2004

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 07/21/2005 6:53:49 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

What kind of buses did you get?

most likely Thomas Freightliners I will post When I Find out

Reply author: rrodriguez34
Replied on: 07/21/2005 7:03:21 PM

The Freightliner I have does not vibrate, but I do know of a couple (5-10) that other drivers have had that vibrated severely. I believe they all had Mercedes Benz engines. A co-worker of mine had a Mercedes Benz engine Freightliner that was so bad, she "returned" it... asked for a Catepillar instead. LOL

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 07/21/2005 7:25:39 PM

I wonder why they do it. I wonder if a Mercedes Car Idles as Rough and if they Vibrate. I Know That a car and A bus are different but they both are mercedes It is a nice bus The Air Doors are just Cool It has the child find Button in the back you have to press before you get off the bus AM/FM CD Player But it Irritates the heck out of me My bus Does not have any extra's on it Just tinted windows and a cup holder AC White Roof But it drives and runs so smooth i miss it a Lot

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/22/2005 06:19:43 AM

Newport News buses are like yours specialneeds54...we have no extras, not even the AM/FM/Tape or CD player! Plus, the suspension on our buses is like yours, can feel every bump in the road.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/22/2005 11:30:50 AM

I got photos of a 2006 Blue Bird All American RE demo bus that visited Fairfax County. See the photos at:

Reply author: lvbuscrazy
Replied on: 07/22/2005 11:52:26 AM

IC RE 1629,

I am so impressed with the driver's area of the 2006 Bluebird All American RE. As a driver it helps to have the extras.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/22/2005 1:10:25 PM

lvbuscrazy, glad you liked the bus. It was a nice bus, but like I said in the Fairfax County thread, this bus needs A/C and gray or blue seats. LED warning lights would be cool too.

Reply author: Rich
Replied on: 07/22/2005 2:03:04 PM

I wonder why they do it I wonder if a Mercedes Car does thst also

[Deleted by Admin]

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 07/22/2005 4:29:34 PM


[Deleted by Admin]

I do Not usually Like to get Mixed up in Quotes on this board I just Chaulk it up to ignorance try to Uphold Standards that a bus Driver is supposed to have But You Just Insulted me and I do not appreciate it I am not Stupid It was a innocent Question If a mercedes Car runs as rough as a Bus Engine
From Now on do not reply to any of my Questions Just IGNORE them I have read a lot of your posts and have seen how rude you are to People yes some of them deserved it but Thank goodness they are gone But I do not have to put up with your Insults and I will report this to the Mods.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/22/2005 4:37:15 PM

As the creator of this topic, I would appreciate if you all would please stop the rude behavior. Let us get back to the positive discussion of School Buses in Virginia.

So, I've only heard a few opinions on the Blue Bird demo bus that I posted photos of. What do you all think?

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/22/2005 4:53:40 PM

If it helps, Teresa, I don't think you or your question was stupid. Diesels, by their very nature (super high compression), vibrate more than gasoline engines. I drove a Mercedes Benz 300D(diesel) sedan for a few years and it vibrated more than it's gasoline cousin (the 300E). I am sure Mercedes' engineers go to great lengths to isolate the diesel vibration in their make them more "car-like"....but you could still tell it was a diesel up there.

A school bus is built on a truck chassis with a much larger diesel engine and, I am sure, much less effort is expended on the part of the engineers for such niceties as engine vibration. Maybe soft motor mounts are less durable? Anyway, trucks are supposed to feel and drive like trucks!

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 07/22/2005 5:00:32 PM

Thank You so Much for an honest and intelligent Answer.
I appreciate not being talked down to

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/22/2005 5:17:04 PM

Is is me or do Type C buses built on Ford Chassis seem to vibrate more. I know bus 55, a 1989 Wayne Ford, vibrates very badly. None of our other buses vibrate that badly.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/22/2005 5:54:25 PM

You mean when they are idling? They sure do! My Ford/Wayne shook the crossing gate to pieces one time.....had to have a whole new one!

Hey 1629....have you asked Ernie what those BB AA REs cost? I'm pretty sure it's considerably more than the it ain't likely they'll switch. BUT, I do think they are getting sick of the IC's reliability too. SOOO many of them won't start when it's cold. And I walked past a few of the '06s at West Ox the other day and I couldn't believe it. One deadline sticker said "transmission"....another said "starter".....another said "do not drive-steering". Come on...these are brand new buses! But who's to say the Birds would be any better? The old ones we got conk out all the time too.

Speaking of bus source tells me that the new IC FE special-ed buses cost $88,264 per bus....that's almost $2000 MORE than the reg-ed REs cost! Granted they have the DT466 and the lift, but 2 grand more than a big bus?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/22/2005 5:58:26 PM

See my reply over in the Fairfax thread.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/22/2005 8:02:42 PM

[quote]Originally posted by IC

You mean when they are idling? They sure do! My Ford/Wayne shook the crossing gate to pieces one time.....had to have a whole new one!

Hey 1629....have you asked Ernie what those BB AA REs cost? I'm pretty sure it's considerably more than the it ain't likely they'll switch. BUT, I do think they are getting sick of the IC's reliability too. SOOO many of them won't start when it's cold. And I walked past a few of the '06s at West Ox the other day and I couldn't believe it. One deadline sticker said "transmission"....another said "starter".....another said "do not drive-steering". Come on...these are brand new buses! But who's to say the Birds would be any better? The old ones we got conk out all the time too.

Don't they have glow plugs? When 448 was out we had an gennis as a spare it had a button and it would spray something in the engine and it would start right away. sorry I don't rember what it was called.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/22/2005 8:34:27 PM

That stuff is ether....sometimes called "starting fluid". Some of the older buses have ether start systems (I don't know if any of the bottles have any ether in them though).

The newer buses have glow plugs and block heaters and some still won't start.....

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/23/2005 06:04:02 AM

Ether and other starting agents like that are not recommended for use anymore. I've been told that they can cause alot of damage to the engine.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/23/2005 06:51:50 AM

Does all of the IC's and Amtrans have trouble starting.I can understand if it's below zero but that's costing the drivers and machanics a lot of time. One of the busdrivers I had got upgraded to a 99 or 00 amtrans which the fast idle broke so she always had to leave her acelerater down in the cold mornings. she also when she had the thomas when she had the defrosters and everything else running she always turned on the fast idle to give the engine or I forgot what it called more power.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/23/2005 07:31:35 AM

No, not all of them won't start in the cold. But one morning last year it was 9 degrees and 200 buses (mostly AmTrans) wouldn't start.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/23/2005 08:34:29 AM

If you have the avaliability of plugging your bus in, then do it! Also hope that the block heater works, and the outlet you plug into works too.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/23/2005 08:40:01 AM

Well IC's have grown on me. I think fcps should stay with IC a little bit longer. Love to see the new design.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/23/2005 09:26:23 AM

We probably will, but who knows, that Demo Blue Birds has made itself at home here in the county......

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/23/2005 10:15:34 AM

We will know for sure during the winter, according to Ernie.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/23/2005 7:50:06 PM

I have seen early 80's Birds with green interiors and green seats. Wouldn't that look old, or would that be cool?

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/23/2005 7:51:21 PM

A friend of mine is going to Caroline County for the Boy Scut Jamboree. I think he said that they use school buses for shuttling visitors around. Maybe if he can get some pics he can share them with me.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/23/2005 8:53:18 PM

I think that the color of a bus's seats does not put an age on the bus, it just gives it character. For some odd reason, in my head, I see brown seats as cheap (don't ask) and grey seats as luxory. While blue, green, and red seats are just plain EXCITING!!! When in reality, we all know that seats are seats!! LOL

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/24/2005 05:21:46 AM

I tend to feel that seat colors depict age. Green seats being from the time buses started using these vinyl covered seats to the 1970's or 80's. Brown being the 80's and early 90's. Blue being mid to late 90's and gray being 2000-present. Just my thoughts.

IC-RE mentions red seats. Do bus seats come in any other color then green, brown, grey and blue?

Reply author: Jim
Replied on: 07/24/2005 06:03:12 AM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

IC-RE mentions red seats. Do bus seats come in any other color then green, brown, grey and blue?

We have a BB All American RE with red seats in our fleet. I don't care for red seats myself.

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 07/24/2005 08:11:26 AM

Originally posted by vabuslover

A friend of mine is going to Caroline County for the Boy Scut Jamboree. I think he said that they use school buses for shuttling visitors around. Maybe if he can get some pics he can share them with me.

Is he already here i mean I have seen Charter bus After Charter Bus Coming In Exciting time for us One year President Clinton Came I am not sure who is performing at this years Jamboree The Schedule Has not been in the Paper yet I Hope he has Fun and Enjoys are beautiful County I don't know about The School Busses being Used but I will Find out I have to go to the Shop Monday to turn in this years contract I want to see the New busses we just got in AP HILL may have bought our old ones and is using them.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/24/2005 09:03:34 AM

Specialneeds, what type of buses are you supposed to get this year, I assume the Freightliner Thomas's, but I don't know, so most-likely would.

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 07/24/2005 11:53:16 AM

I don't Know Most Likely Freightliners I think Spotsylvania has a Lot of Freightliners too They are a whole lot bigger fleet than we are I would love to go their yard and see all of them I think Richmond mostly have what I call Pug nose Buses Please Forgive me But I assume they are Blue birds I don't Know if I would like Driving one of them looks like you are right on the window
PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF THAT SOUNDS STUPID I don't want to be insulted again LOL

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/24/2005 12:14:01 PM

Yes, I think Richmond does operate Blue Bird TC2000 FE's with the engine inside the bus at the front. The drive does sit close to the front window, but there is awesome visibitly. We have a few of them from 1989-1991. They are now used as spares because all of our newer buses have the engines in the rear. Virginia is almost an all Thomas Built bus state with the exception of a few counties Like Fairfax. Loudoun Operates Thomas among many other models.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/24/2005 12:55:30 PM

Lived in lcps for a couple of years now from herndon big difference. Um I think we switch from thomas two IC each year. FCPS and LCPS specs our buses similair but there is some differences. We have HDX's some with cats and some with Benz engines (excellent), we put automatic snow chains on the buses, not all of the thomas buses have am fm rado's and non of the ic's that iv'e seen have any am fm radios. and some of them have outside cameras mounted at the top of the drivers window. Plus lcps have doesn't have such an older fleet like fairfax has. also all of the thomas buses have black window trim and they haven't faded out yet. In all your opinion which is a better engine to put in a thomas since you cannot get a internation engine. the dt466 engine is so quite. the t444e sounds like an jet engine.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/24/2005 1:04:28 PM

Loudoun had a split bid with IC and Thomas for a few years. All of our AmTrans and IC's as well has our Thomas's have AM/FM/Casette/PA system in them. The 2003-2006 IC RE's have 6 speakers while the 1993-2002 Thomas MVP ER's, Thomas SafT Liners ER's, AmTran RE's, IC RE's have only 4 speakers. The 1996 AmTran RE's have an exterior speaker recessed into the roof cap, and the 1993-1995 Thomas SafT Liners have exterior speakers above the drivers window. The New AmTrans and IC's have only interior speakers.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/24/2005 1:10:12 PM

Originally posted by IC-RE

Loudoun had a split bid with IC and Thomas for a few years. All of our AmTrans and IC's as well has our Thomas's have AM/FM/Casette/PA system in them. The 2003-2006 IC RE's have 6 speakers while the 1993-2002 Thomas MVP ER's, Thomas SafT Liners ER's, AmTran RE's, IC RE's have only 4 speakers. The 1996 AmTran RE's have an exterior speaker recessed into the roof cap, and the 1993-1995 Thomas SafT Liners have exterior speakers above the drivers window. The New AmTrans and IC's have only interior speakers.

I lived in fairfax county for years and the specs on our buses are nice. but the ac units on the hdx's are really nice. they aren't seperate like the ic's all of the ic's and thomas in lcps has the pa system but not all of them have a am fm stero. I'm so used to having all of the buses have am/fm radios. I think I would be bored to not listing to the radio for a while. also some of the hdx's have cd players. no sure if there mp3.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/24/2005 3:14:18 PM

Hey. I added two new pictures to my Webshots site. Bus 169 of Fauquier County and Bus 115 of Culpeper County. Both are IC CE 200's. Most likely 2005's.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/24/2005 6:25:44 PM

Very nice pics 1629!

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/24/2005 7:39:51 PM

Like the 06 RE'S interior.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/24/2005 7:50:25 PM

I Like it too. It has the black interior window frames with the glow in the dark tabs to guide you when opeing the window. The emergency side door window is level to the rest of the windows. It has higher seat backs, and is just nice!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/25/2005 05:40:06 AM

Thank you for the complement IC-RE.

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 07/25/2005 5:09:40 PM

Originally posted by vabuslover

A friend of mine is going to Caroline County for the Boy Scut Jamboree. I think he said that they use school buses for shuttling visitors around. Maybe if he can get some pics he can share them with me.

VAbuslover Did you hear the news about four or five people getting killed today at Fort AP Hill Something about a Car hitting a Pole and Knocking power Lines on a tent Killing everyone that was inside I think it was all adults very sad
Do you get channel wwbt 12

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/26/2005 07:43:50 AM

I heard about that incident. According to the Washington Post, these cub scout pack leaders either had or were setting up their tent and one of the metal tent stakes touched the power line and killed them.

I'd think they would have the sense not to pitch a tent near a power line.......

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 07/26/2005 12:23:23 PM

The Link
So Sad

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/26/2005 3:24:23 PM

Let's hope that kind of accident never happens again.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/26/2005 4:11:55 PM

I'read that this may be the last Boy Scout jamboree at Fort A P Hill anyway. The Army spends some taxpayer money to host the thing and some group has sued to prevent public money from going to a religious group (Boy Scouts). It is said that the lawsuit was payback for the Scouts successfully throwing out some gay scout leaders.....POLITICS!

This jamboree is a pretty big deal.....10s of thousands of scouts come from all over the WORLD.....not just the States.

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 07/26/2005 4:42:18 PM

We made national news today President Bush is going to be her tomorrow I started to drive by there today just to see all the news people I live only 5 Minutes from there someone had mentioned about them using School busses to transport I seen them on the news today but they are not ours
My heart breaks for the family of these leaders that were Killed
Can we please say a little prayer for them and thier families tonight

Reply author: rrodriguez34
Replied on: 07/26/2005 5:47:41 PM

good point specialneeds we need to keep the families in our prayers

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 07/27/2005 03:14:26 AM

the boy scouts use contractors from waldorf maryland. keller bus and compton bus. each of those have over 150 school bus contracts with charles county. there are many other contractors in maryland.

keller has served the jamboree since 81 when it moved to a.p. hill.

drivers stay at a hotel near kings dominion. work long hours for the two weeks.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/27/2005 06:04:49 AM

Anyone know what kind of buses these two contractors have?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/27/2005 1:43:03 PM

Disneynuts, what bus did you end up taking, The HDX, The C2 or an IC RE?

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 07/28/2005 02:39:55 AM

ic re

still driving the hdx. the c2 is not here yet. should be in the next week.

the ic were not available to me.

1629 keller bus and Compton Bus use IHC chassis. Thomas bodies up until they could not get IHC. Now IC Bodies.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/28/2005 05:37:55 AM

Originally posted by disneynuts

ic re

still driving the hdx. the c2 is not here yet. should be in the next week.

the ic were not available to me.

1629 keller bus and Compton Bus use IHC chassis. Thomas bodies up until they could not get IHC. Now IC Bodies.

How do you like driving the HDX? Do you guys still own some carpenter buese a couple of weeks ago I think I saw your service use one but the first part of the lettering on the side was black out.

Reply author: thomas86_a
Replied on: 07/28/2005 08:36:36 AM

Originally posted by disneynuts

ic re

still driving the hdx. the c2 is not here yet. should be in the next week.

the ic were not available to me.

1629 keller bus and Compton Bus use IHC chassis. Thomas bodies up until they could not get IHC. Now IC Bodies.

Are you going to take the C2 when it comes in or stick with the HDX?

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 07/28/2005 08:49:34 AM


we still have one carpenter. the name should not be blacked out.

it is being traded in on the c2.

thomas86. will drive it and see. the hdx is really great. the mercedes engine is very quiet compared to the cats.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/28/2005 08:53:55 AM

Originally posted by disneynuts


we still have one carpenter. the name should not be blacked out.

it is being traded in on the c2.

thomas86. will drive it and see. the hdx is really great. the mercedes engine is very quiet compared to the cats.

oh I saw one whe I was on the toll road and it was going into herndon, it was a carpenter with IHC front.

Reply author: thomas86_a
Replied on: 07/28/2005 09:52:32 AM

I was in an 04 Freightliner the past two years and really enjoyed that and was impressed with the performance of the Mercedes engine. We bought out first HDX an 03 model a few years ago bus I passed on it since I liked my conventionals. We had two new 06's come in and I've decided to take one, I like the drivers area in the HDX and the visibility transits give these have the MBE engine as well so I imagine I'll like the bus. Everyone that first drives the HDX's always says that the mirrors take a little getting used to at first, which I agree with, I really like how all three flat/convex/crossview are integrated.

Let us know what you think of the C2, our next bus might be a conventional instead of an HDX so I like to get lots of opinions.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/28/2005 10:40:54 AM

The Thomas HDX is a nice bus, though I don't like how the dash is set up. It is really cluttered and chaotic looking in my opinion. This is also a reason I prefer an IC, because the dash is a very simplistic layout, and a little nicer looking.

One thing I will say though, I really like the huge engines available for Thomas buses. More power is better in my opinion.

Reply author: thomas86_a
Replied on: 07/28/2005 11:51:24 AM

There is a lot on the dash however I like it that way, I prefer having the light monitor and radio controls on the dash or control panel instead of up above. This is of course the reason why some people prefer some units over others, it all depends on how you like things set up.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/28/2005 12:09:31 PM

I agree. Everyone has there own liking. For instance, you like the cluttered set-up of the Thomas HDX, and I like the simplicity of the IC RE.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/28/2005 2:24:52 PM

I am really starting to like SOMEof the Thomas Built prodicts, I was on an 05 HDX the other day, and it was NICE, I like it with the newer rear with only the one rear winddow, not the three, I just don't like how you have to look to the side to see your guages. I like how the switches to the left of the driver are lest cluttered then the IC RE. I do like the IC's dash right in front of you and not off to the side, but many a driver have complained about how the switches to the left of the driver are not spread out, and you end up hitting more than one switch as a time. I HATE the Thomas's we have, they are 1993-1998 MVP ER's, that dash is TERRIBLE, but they did a nice job on the HDX's! The C2 is growing on me too, but I will forever be an International LOVER, go AmTran, Ward, and IC!!

Reply author: Thomasfan89
Replied on: 07/28/2005 2:29:01 PM

I agree. Everyone has there own liking. For instance, you like the cluttered set-up of the Thomas HDX, and I like the simplicity of the IC RE.

I know you have stated your reasons for not liking the HDX driver's area, but that's ergonomics for you. I personally cannot stomach any IC RE or FE for that matter. The CE is very nice in my books, but the IC transit offerings lack driver's ergonomics. They layout is too spread out, and some things are out of reach (for instance the climate control and other stuff above head). Just about everything in the Thomas HDX is within an arms reach. AH to each his own. I dont think it is cluttered, maybe a little busy. I would guess when the new IC transits come out, they too will be busy. It's all design ergonomics.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/28/2005 3:42:57 PM

Like I said, everyone has there own tastes. Some like Thomas's, some IC's, some Blue Bird's, etc.

Moving on......

Does anyone know of contractor named Woodlawn? I've recently been seeing there buses around and want to know more about them.

Reply author: Rich
Replied on: 07/28/2005 6:44:42 PM

Now that I've had a chance to drive a couple of HDXs, I must say, overall the driver's area and mirrors make a lot of sense, and are very functional. Before I had the chance to drive an HDX, I didn't care for the way the driver's area was designed, but once I had a chance to see it in action, I was very impressed. While the mirrors take some time to get used to, they seem quite good!

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 07/29/2005 02:36:00 AM

woodlawn is out of baltimore county.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/29/2005 05:19:12 AM

Is that a Virginia county? I'm sorry, I don't know the names of many Virginia counties, neither am I good at geography.

What kind of buses do they operate. I know Blue Bird Internationals for one.

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 07/29/2005 11:41:26 AM

I seen three of the Busses from the Boy Scout Jamboree Wednesday Fueling up same time I was They Have Charter on the Top of them and and Charles COunty On the Side of them Some of the drivers were in Uniform Some were not. The were very Polite I am sorry I am ignorant when it comes to certain bus Types I think they were Freightliners Looked like it anyway anyone who has watched news Footage on the Jamboree will most Likely know what they are. I seen a Spotsylvania Bus today that was a Pug Nose I did not know Spotsy had any of these It had Thomas On the Front of it.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/29/2005 12:34:21 PM

From your description, I think your talking about the C2 that Spotslvania recently bought.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/29/2005 2:06:56 PM

Hey 1629, I do believe Baltimore County is in Maryland....

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/29/2005 2:59:29 PM

I think your right. Like I said, I stink at geography!

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 07/29/2005 3:10:11 PM

i just Googled Baltimore and there is one in VA
Looks like it is near Warrenton

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/29/2005 7:12:12 PM

Yup, that is where the New Baltimore repair place is that IC RE 1629 goes to.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/30/2005 04:45:43 AM

Exactly. The little town is officially called New Baltimore.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/30/2005 07:30:16 AM

There's an International dealer there where the buses go for warranty repairs. And I love it when they ask me to go with a group of drivers to ferry buses back and forth from there!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/30/2005 08:10:06 AM

I think people are a little confused here.

Yes, there is a town called New Baltimore near Warrenton. It is home to the New Baltimore International dealer. Several of our buses as well as buses from other counties end up there for repairs.

Can we move on to another topic?

Here is a question for you all, does every county in Virginia have a contract with a bus manufacturer like Fairfax does with IC?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 07/30/2005 1:28:59 PM

Good question Princewilliam parks some of the buses at the cat dealership on 28 the only buses that I see of their's are Thomas EF's special ed and HDX's,does anybody else know if they have different brand of buses?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/30/2005 1:44:19 PM

Prince William has Thomas EF's and HDX's. They also have Thomas ER's and MVP ER's. They did have several Thomas International's and Blue Bird Chevy's when I visited them in Spring 2004. The Thomas Conventionals and BB Chevy's were slated for retirement, so I am not sure if they are still around anymore.

Prince William also has three main compounds. But there are some buses parked at driver's houses and other places.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/30/2005 8:53:52 PM

Doesn't Prince William have a few 2005 IC CE's?

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 07/31/2005 04:39:03 AM

Sonny_Merryman opens a bus center in the tidewater area...check out the site!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/31/2005 05:07:21 AM

They might have gotten some. I haven't been down that way in awhile. I know that neighboring Fauqier County has several IC CE's.

Though it would be very weird if Prince William got IC. They are such big Thomas people!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/01/2005 05:46:06 AM

That is really awesome how Sonny Merryman has a new place. I wish all three of the bus dealers were closer to Fairfax. Reason being, I could visit them more often to take bus pictures. So far I've only visited Kingmor Supply (IC Dealer) once. They are about 4 hours from where I live.

Reply author: Jared
Replied on: 08/01/2005 08:49:47 AM

Woodlawn Motorcoach is out of Baltimore Maryland. I'm not even sure how their name came up, just clarifying. Baltimore County Public Schools contracts out a great deal of work to them. They are I think all Blue Bird International right now. They used to have one 1995 Wayne International with black sash and tinted glass that looked down right amazing, and three or four 93 or 94 Blue Bird GMC's spec'd rather well.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/01/2005 09:04:55 AM

Do you happen to know about how many buses they have?

Reply author: Jared
Replied on: 08/01/2005 12:05:54 PM

I used to have an idea based on their numbering system. However, now their numbering system makes absolutely no sense to me. I could estimate 300 or so.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/01/2005 12:56:47 PM

I might try and visit them to take some pictures. I appreciate the info.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/01/2005 12:58:22 PM

I would have thought Baltimore would have well over 500 becaus ethey are a arge city!

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 08/01/2005 1:19:25 PM

Originally posted by poor_driver

Sonny_Merryman opens a bus center in the tidewater area...check out the site!

I think that is where we get our busses from at least that is what is on my Keychain I think it is an IC I call them Pug Noses

Reply author: Jared
Replied on: 08/01/2005 1:52:44 PM

Originally posted by IC-RE

I would have thought Baltimore would have well over 500 becaus ethey are a arge city!

Well, they are only one contractor. IC RE 1629, where are you from? I was thinking of visiting their yard too.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/01/2005 1:53:28 PM

Sonny Merryman is a Thomas Built dealer, we order some couty buses from there like fastran buses

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/02/2005 12:32:34 AM

Jared, are you in Baltimore these days? If so, it would be awesome if you could show me around some of your yards (if you have the connection of course). email me if you can though!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/02/2005 07:41:10 AM

I am from Fairfax County, Va.

Why do you ask?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/04/2005 06:43:50 AM

When does school start for differnt counties in VA? Fairfax is starting Sept. 6th this year.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/04/2005 08:31:05 AM

I think loudoun county starts the last week of august. LCPS didn't partipate in the kings dominion this year like they did last year.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/04/2005 09:04:15 AM

The Kings Dominion? I know what Kings Dominion is, but what does that have to do with Loudoun County?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/04/2005 10:16:39 AM

it's an agreement with some schools not to start before labor day. so they make more money. Thats why fairfax always start after labor day.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 08/04/2005 12:17:13 PM

Williams Bus Lines, Inc. will have the first day of school on Monday, August 29, 2005.

We are still short three drivers. If you know of anyone looking, let them know.


The Kings Dominion law was passed so that KD could stay open until labor day. No schools were permitted to start before labor day. Schools had to ask for permission to start early and it was only granted due to the number of snow days lost the previous year. Fairfax never qualified due to the low number of snow days.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/04/2005 12:28:08 PM

Personally I think that's a dumb policy. I think schools should be able to open and close based on what the school district wants to do and not what Kings Dominion wants to do. Just my two cents...

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 08/04/2005 2:26:19 PM

I've never heard of the King's Dominion law, but if it's true.....Paramount must have spent a BUNDLE buying all the politicians necessary to pass such a law (I think there are 100 State Senators and 140 House Delegates). But all of 'em are crooks and for sale to the highest bidder.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/04/2005 2:47:57 PM

WOW. Having lived in Virginia my whole life, and Virginia Beach at that, I never knew that was the reason behind opening after Labor day. I always thought it had something to do with the meaning of Labor day. You learn something new every day! Anywho, I can understand why many are opposed to opening so late, but really, why? I can promise you that if they did indeed change the law, parents would throw a FIT (especially in NoVA). Ive worked with high school band programs where the parents refuse to let their kids compete after Nov 1st, so they can plan vacations. Of course, we convinced them otherwise after a year because that policy was holding them back from bigger and better competition. But my point is, they had better be ready for a fight from Fairfax Mommies and Daddies who regularly make plans for one last cruise at the end of the summer.

I know that there have been a few "pilot schools" in Fairfax that were starting two weeks earlier to see if two more weeks of school before the SOLs were given would make a difference, I have not heard any results of the study though. Really though, whats wrong with two more weeks in the summer. The length of the summer vacation will not be affected, and why not go to Kings Dominion or Busch Gardens!

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/04/2005 2:50:33 PM

A lot of people never heard of it. My mother was a teacher at buzz aldren and found out about that law and it is true. We live in lcps for three years but she is going to teach in lcps this year.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/04/2005 2:56:13 PM

I agree with all of you. I never knew that either and I think it is pretty dumb.

IC, you make a good point about VA's politicians!

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 08/04/2005 4:04:52 PM

But there ARE some Fairfax schools that opened this past Monday August 1. I think they call them "modified schedule". The ones I know of are in the JEB Stewart pyramid......Glasgow Middle and a few others.

PS: I still don't believe such a law was passed to benefit a cheesy amusement park! At least, it wasn't "advertised" as such....people would have complained too much. Now, it could well be that a law was passed with that intent.....but it would've had to have been wrapped in BS to disguise the real intent to make it palateable to the electorate.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/04/2005 4:37:02 PM

I find that to be a confusing mess how some FCPS schools open and close on different days. Like IC-RE told me that his school closed 6/23/05 and mine closed 6/24/05.

The start and end times are also very confusing sometimes. For instance, in my family there are 4 kids and we go to three different schools. Me, Fairfax HS, which starts 7:20 and ends at 2:05. One brother goes to Lanier MS which starts at 8:00 and ends at 2:50. The other two brothers go to Daniels Runs which starts at 9:00 and ends at 3:30. Personally they should make it a little simpler. Something like this would probably work:

Fairfax HS -- 7:20am to 2:00pm
Lanier MS -- 8:20am to 3:00pm
Daniels Run ES -- 9:20am to 4:00pm

The school day would be a slight bit shorter, but it would still meet the requirements for the amount of hours were supposed to be in school. It would also be more straight forward and easier for the bus drivers. Keep in mind this is just my opinion.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/04/2005 8:10:28 PM

I will move this to the FCPS thread, that is where i will continue....

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 08/05/2005 02:55:21 AM

the law was passed shortly after kd opened. back then they were one of the biggest employers in the state. paramount did not come along until years later.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/05/2005 07:43:57 AM

I really wish they could change that law, but there is something to consider. Virginia's economy could be negatively affected if they did that. No one wants to see the economy suffer.

I was telling my mom about this law and she told me that the law helps Virginia's tourism alot. Without it, there could be negative effects.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/05/2005 1:26:42 PM

Today I saw a nice looking Thomas Freightliner on the Fairfax County Parkway (Rt. 7100). It belonged to Virginia Regional Transit. I've never heard of this company. Anyone know anything about this company?

I didn't know there were so many little contractors in this area. Middledorf, Woodlawn, Williams, etc.

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 08/07/2005 08:23:20 AM

I Live Only 20 minutes from Kings Dominion I did Not know if affected Children as far away as Fairfax I thought is was only the surrounding areas But I Also heard Spotsy is going back the last week in August I think that is to get more School hours in in before the Winter Months Come

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/07/2005 09:00:56 AM

This year Fairfax's winter break is being cut short. Since Christmas & New Years fall on a Sunday, we only have a week off. Break starts December 23rd, 2005. We come back to school on January 2nd, 2005.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/07/2005 7:14:02 PM

POO! That stinks!

But yes, I guess the KD rule is a factor around here in FFX.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/08/2005 04:43:51 AM

I liked it much better when winter break was about two weeks long.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/08/2005 11:46:14 AM

My friend told me that the buses used at A.P. Hill at the Jamboree were from contractrs serving Charles and Calvert County schools in Maryland. About 90% of the buses were Thomases on International Chassis. They had either the DT466/DT466E or the T444E engines. The real old ones had the old DT466. I have no idea how old any of the buses are. I can tell you that the newer-looking ones had the black-power window frames. All had a PA/AM/FM radio, which most drivers left off. They only used the PA system if they needed to talk to the passengers. There were some IC CEs, mostly with the DT466E, but one or two had the VT365. There were some Thomas Freightliners, some it sounded like had the same engines found in the BB TC2000 FEs I'm used to. I guess the rest of them had Mercedes or Cat Engines; I wouldn't know since he said he doesn't know much about Freightliner buses. There were also a handful of Thomas Efs, and only one ER. But, there was a Blue Bird on an International chassis. And, he said, there was a brand-new C2 from Thomas. It was very nice, and it too had black-powder window frames.
The interiors of all the Thomas buses with International Chassis were blue. The EFs had blue interiors too, and so did the C2. Other buses, most notably the BB International, had Green or Gray interiors. Very few, mostly the very new Thomas Freightliners, some EFs, and the C2 had AC. Some buses even had a little piece under the windows that was the same color as the seat.
He didn't like the few Freightliners or EFs that vibrated a lot when they idle. A few of the older Internationals with 466s did that too. He also noticed that the trandmissions that were operated with a push-button made a weird sound when shifted from neutral to drive or vice-versa. Again, he never dealt with that before. All of the International chassis buses (Thomas and IC) had hydraulic brakes. Some Freightliner and all Thomas EF and the ER and C2 had Air Brakes. He didn't get any pics. But he did say that the logos of the manufacturer were left on the bus, and all but like a handful of the IC CEs had both the yellow turn signal marker on the front sides and a red turn signal marker in the back on the sides of the bus, along with some of the ICs and newer buses having arrows on the back turn signal markers. The Thomas C2 was also very quiet. It was also mentoned that Some buses had high headroom, and some did not. It was mostly newer ones with the higher headroom. You could tell a high headroom from the other buses from the windows extending above the entrance door on high headroom, and the door was taller than the windows on lower headroom. That us all he could find out about the buses.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/08/2005 12:00:11 PM

Thank you for sharing that!

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 08/08/2005 1:50:26 PM

You May find Some Pictures of the Busses on this Link It is all the Pictures that The Free Lance Star took at the Jamboree I don't know How many Pics There are But when I get Time I will run Through them also

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 08/08/2005 2:05:13 PM
Bus In The Background
Just The Front of one

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/08/2005 2:13:05 PM

Thank you for the link!

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 08/08/2005 2:48:36 PM

Check out the last link I posted it is a Convoy of Busses Taken From The Air

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 08/08/2005 3:00:30 PM
No Busses Pictures of Special Needs Children enjoying The Jamboree God Bless Them
Charter Busses
More Charter Busses

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/09/2005 04:02:00 AM

Thank you for all the links specialneeds54. This is all very interesting. Those pictures are really cool.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/09/2005 04:48:40 AM

I just remembered some important things. There were also two Thomas Vista buses, one had the T-444E, and the other had the DT466. Only some of the newer Freightliners had white roof, and all buses, new or old, had a flashing light on the roof near the back of the bus; however, it was never used. I was told that they only use it in bad weather. I was also told that some buses did not have a school district painted on them, and a couple had the contractor instead of a district. There was also a bus that had the motor fan running constantly, and you could hear it while the bus was moving. I know it was the DT466, as some of our AmTran/IC FEs have this problem too. There were wvwn a couple buses with two stop signs-one in front and back. I really wish I could show you pictures of their buses, even though they look kinda old, they were kept very neat.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/09/2005 09:22:01 AM

It may just be me, but I find that buses with two stop arms look a little weird.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/09/2005 1:54:23 PM

I think the same, but that is juts because we are used to the buses around here with just the one

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/09/2005 2:09:11 PM

I think the only real benefit of two stop signs is the car behind the bus can see the stop sign better. But if the red warning lights are flashing, why do you need a back stop sign?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/09/2005 2:25:54 PM

There you go vabuslover!!! Plus, our over 130 2006 model buses in the fleet have STROBING LED warning lights that are MORE than noticable, they are blinding along with the strobing stop sign! AND THE YELLOW PAINT!!!!!!!!

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/09/2005 2:33:54 PM

I agree. A busdriver would tell me when people hit buses they say they didn't see or the red lights. To me that's bs because HOW CAN YOU MISS A YELLOW 16 TON BUS!!.

By the way how much does the newer IC's weight.

Reply author: Rich
Replied on: 08/09/2005 3:02:55 PM

The rear stop arms, which are required in New York, do help to stop red light runners, from what I and others have seen. Sometimes, even with strobing LED warning lights, the sun can hinder visibility based on the angle of a car, or whatever the situation... and in these cases, the rear stop arm helps to add another layer of protection.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/09/2005 6:05:54 PM

I have never seen a bus with strobing warning lights, only on the stop sign. Maybe the new buses in Newport News will have that. I have no idea weather NN will go with the Birds again or go back to IC.

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 08/09/2005 6:31:51 PM

My 2003 has The Strobe lights on the Stop Sign I think its neat

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/09/2005 7:42:02 PM

If you think the strobing stop arms are neat, Specialneeds, let me tell you, you would FAINT at the sight of these warning lights, I know I am making a bid deal, but man thay are AMAZING, and I think all buses should be retro-fitted in my area just because they are soooooo effective, on driver that got a new bus around here, said he had NO light runners since he got the bus in February, where as in his old Thomas MVP ER with just strobing stop arm, he was run at least 4 times per day. Specialneeds, if you have any authority, or know someone who does in your district, let them know about these new lights, and to maybe look into them! We went with a cheaper bus, so we were able to get a lot of extras, like A/C, and LED, and Strobing LED lights, Tinted windows, and White roof, had we have gon with Thomas, we may only have tinted windows, and nothing else, but who knows.!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/10/2005 04:08:15 AM

IC-RE makes a good point. Do see if someone can look into those LED warning lights. By the way, does anyone know what company makes our LED warning lights? They look light Sound Off, Inc. lights to me.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/10/2005 05:13:25 AM

I've added some pictures to my Webshots page. Details are in the Fairfax County thread.

Reply author: vaoverland
Replied on: 08/15/2005 02:17:14 AM

In Virginia, the no pre-Labor Day K-12 School Opening Law we have had since early 1970s was related to the opening of Bush Gardens and King's Dominion, as well as considerable pressure in support from Williamsburg, Virginia Beach and the Tidewater area. At the time, high school students were a major workforce issue, although college students have become even more so. BTW, Paramount was nowhere around when this thing went through, with heavy support from tourism factions, which include hotels, motels, and thousands of other attractions.

Reply author: bustroy
Replied on: 08/15/2005 03:52:01 AM

Here is a company called Transpec Worldwide. That make the LED

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/15/2005 12:20:44 PM

For the other lcps people or people who have info. Since we have been getting IC RE and HDX's The new IC RE's are led loaded, Does anybody know if The HDX's will have 8 way led strobe warning lights? The HDX's arleady have the led turn signals and side markers etc.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 08/18/2005 5:26:26 PM

talk about schools opening early..Prince Edward started on the 10th of August! also i just wanted to say that i saw a Thomas c2 oddly on Route 60 headed towards New Kent county...thinking that sonny merryman would go down 460 or either 360 to get there, but oh well i guess they know the way:)

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/18/2005 5:56:13 PM

poor_driver, what was the markings on the c2 that you saw?

Here in Newport News school starts day after Labor day, but I saw a driver testing out her run this morning on a very old bus, an 89 BB TC2000 FE.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/20/2005 12:07:45 PM

This will be the 2nd time I've said this, but I'm bored and need something to do so...

I'm back from vacation.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/20/2005 2:27:58 PM

It's been slow around here while you were gone IC RE 1629.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/20/2005 2:32:21 PM

That's what i've seen.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/21/2005 05:55:19 AM

I saw an un-marked Blue Bird All American RE on the inner loop of 495 in Virginia. At first I thought that it was the demo bus that had visited Fairfax County, but there were some notable differences between this bus and the one that visited us.

I guess it could have been a new bus someone was receving.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/22/2005 04:46:29 AM

I think that this was discussed earlier. I forget where on SBF it was though. But is the Thomas EF going to be redesigned anytime soon? It is the only one of Thomas's buses that hasn't yet been redesigned.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/22/2005 1:56:40 PM

The FS-65 was never redesigned and it was INTRODUCED not sold in 1998, it was put on the market in 99. And the ER was re-designed FINALY after a million years! That is what I like about IC, they always have a "new" product, and they just seem more futuristic!

Reply author: Rich
Replied on: 08/22/2005 2:15:27 PM

The FS-65 was introduced in 1996, and began full production in 1997. Thomas redesigned the control panel on the FS-65 in 1999, and changed the control panel and added an electrical panel in 2003.

The ER was introduced in 1980, and modified a number of times in the 80's, redesigned in 1991. It was a winning design, and really didn't need much. There were only slight modifications until 2000, when the HD was unveield, which is the current look of the HDX. Even when the AmTran RE was unveiled, the Thomas ER still had better visibility, and a nicer control panel, even though it was a 1991-layout essentially.

IC doesn't have a "new" product by any means compared to Thomas. I'd say that Thomas advances their products further, and more often then IC. Just look at the HDX, and now the C2. Much more revolutionary, compared to IC's evolutionary.

IC right now is playing the catch up game with their conventional, and are working on their next transits to come up to Thomas' level, or try to beat them.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/22/2005 2:52:56 PM

IC has made several really good improvements over the last few years. Their buses get better each year.

Atleast in my opinion...

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/22/2005 5:28:34 PM

I just meant that IC's exterior appearence is continually changing, and it is more sporty, and well, I like it! As far as thomas, the rear of the ER remained the same from 1980 until 2002 or 03? that is 22 or 23 years! WOW, I do like the HDX, don't get me wrong, but I have been riding AmTran- IC RE's since 99, and I am only 16!

Reply author: thomas86_a
Replied on: 08/22/2005 6:44:56 PM

Originally posted by IC-RE

I just meant that IC's exterior appearence is continually changing, and it is more sporty, and well, I like it! As far as thomas, the rear of the ER remained the same from 1980 until 2002 or 03? that is 22 or 23 years! WOW, I do like the HDX, don't get me wrong, but I have been riding AmTran- IC RE's since 99, and I am only 16!

WOW! Some people just don't get it, yes the roof caps, windows, and doors were the same from 78-00/01, however the interiors had modifications as Richard mentioned and also a new winshield in 91, that is a redesign. AmTran did not even have a rear engine product until 1995.

I also think Thomas did a pretty good job of selling that FS-65 once they stopped building on the 3800 chassis. International came out with the "IC" conventional but Thomas made modifications to keep up to some extent. I found it somewhat impressive since the C2 was already on the drawing board, some people just let the old products go and don't bother to update. They are doing this with the EF to some extent however they don't sell many of those units.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/22/2005 6:54:03 PM

NO NO, don't get me wrong, I am just saying, this year there was a drastic change on the IC RE's and FE's, the RE change was big like the MVP to the HDX, I know what you mean, I personally like the looks of the IC CE over the C2, but it is growing on, I like the HDX, in fact I like it a lot! I know the interiors have changed, in my county we have HUNDREDS of Thomas MVP ER's, and Saf T Liners ranging from the years of 1994 through 1998, they are not bad, however they all seem to look the same with a FEW differences inside and out, and some of ours are high headroom, most are not. That is all I meant, but if you look at our first AmTran RE and our latest IC RE, there is a lot of changes, (a 1996 model, and a 2006 model) inside and out, it is A LOT different! They are my favorite, but our 1994 Thomas ER and our 1998 Thomas look a lot alike, and the sides and rears are just like the 1980 model, do you know what I mean? I know IC is a cheaper product, and that is why they win our bid! plus we like them!

Reply author: Rich
Replied on: 08/22/2005 7:03:55 PM

The RE change was peanuts, just a new roof cap, and a new rear door. Nothing else.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/22/2005 7:06:13 PM

It was big around here, higher seat back, side doors were alligned with windows, VT365 engine, rescessed cleearence lights, single rear access door, we like them!

Reply author: GMCBlueBird83
Replied on: 08/22/2005 7:14:37 PM

I don't see what is so significant about the changes to the 2005 IC FE and RE. If anything I think both looked better before, the new roofcaps are too large. The interiors are not much different then they have been since 2000 or so. Thomas has made more improvments to its line overall excluding the EF or course. And I also believe from what I've seen myself and heard from others that Thomas just makes a superior product overall.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/22/2005 8:15:25 PM

I personally like the look of the new roof caps IC produced, but hey that is just my opinion. hehe. I do like Thomas, I don;t know why everyone is accusing me of not liking Thomas, I see pros and cons with them just like any other school bus, I just have more wonderful things to say about IC, because I am around them so much! I DO NOT like the Thomas's my county has (1994-2001) ERs and EF's, but I DO like the new HDX, and the C2 after seeing in person is growing on me. I am just saying I like the LOOKS of the IC's better than that of the Thomas, I know a Thomas is more expensive, and is probably better quality, I just am accostumed to the IC, and I like it a lot, I am sure if my county had all Thomas's I would like them better, that is probably the same situation with most of us?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/23/2005 04:10:42 AM

Arlington County had their Fair this weekend at TJ Middle School, and they had one of their brand new Thomas HDXs there. They have been getting IC for the past two years, and its cool to see them go back to Thomas, which they had been getting since atleast 1990. Their last three years of buses (including the last year for Thomas), they had gotten high head room. Wierd, that this year they have gone back to the low head room. They also went with storage under the bus, and the same LED package that Fairfax went with this year with the strobing warning lights. They also got that cool LED stop sign that Prince William County gets. Ive noticed that the new Thomas buses in VA (coming out of Sonny Merryman) all have the higher profile strobe light on top. I thought that VA required a low profile strobe, but I'm guessing the new strobe is more effective. Anyway, the bus looked like a super nice bus, inside and out. It would have been cool if Arlington County had stayed all Thomas. Regular ed is 100% RE buses, and they havnt changed much as far as specs go since 1991.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/23/2005 05:03:30 AM

We will all have to wait and see what IC has in store for us when the RE and FE get redesigned. I can't wait to see what happens.

Reply author: B. Busguy33
Replied on: 08/23/2005 2:38:17 PM

We will all have to wait and see what IC has in store for us when the RE and FE get redesigned. I can't wait to see what happens.

I am sure whatever happens, they will closely resemble their other relative: the CE.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/23/2005 2:57:57 PM

If I am right, the 2007 model year RE and FE will be the redesigned ones?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/23/2005 3:01:00 PM

like B, Busguy said earlier, 2007 might just bring the door and drivers window as well as windshield level with the passenger windows. In an article in the post though, it said FCPS would be getting IC's this year with door and warning light controls in the steering wheels, and it couldn't be a CE because we don;t order conventionals, so maybe this is the year?

Reply author: Rich
Replied on: 08/23/2005 3:02:14 PM

Sounds like 2007 will be the year, although I wouldn't be shocked if the new models get unveiled at NAPT in November.

I wouldn't expect much to be changed on the transits, except the larger windshield, door, and driver's window, along with a new driver's area. I suppose they'll also work on the headlights and front area as well, but probably nothing behind the driver's seat will be touched.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/23/2005 3:53:25 PM

That is enough for me LOL

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/23/2005 5:21:19 PM

All I can say is, I can't wait to see what happens!

Reply author: B. Busguy33
Replied on: 08/23/2005 7:48:21 PM

Hard to believe, but NAPT is only about two months away! I am sure we will see the changes for the 2006 model year on the ICs they have on display there. Then we will have a better idea of what the 2006 ICs will look like.

In 2007, there will be another round of emissions requirements for the engine manufacturers to meet. This may impact all of the bus manufacturers -- most if not all will have to reconfigure at the very least the engine compartment of their buses to accommodate the modifications for the new engines. Remember how the TC/2000 was discontinued mainly due to the fact that the Cummins ISB wouldn't fit in that bus anymore? (That was part of the reason for discontinuing the TC.)

I think the 2007 model year will be a big year for the bus manufacturers.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/24/2005 05:17:07 AM

Is the DT466 avaliable for the RE 200?

Reply author: GMCBlueBird83
Replied on: 08/24/2005 06:05:20 AM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Is the DT466 avaliable for the RE 200?

Nope. Anything with a 200 is a VT365 or T444E if its an older model. The 300 series ICs are what have the DT466, or DT570 if its a fully loaded to the gills RE

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/24/2005 07:34:51 AM

I wondered. I was told that our 2007 RE's will have DT466's in them. So I guess that they will be RE 300's instea of the RE 200's that we have bought since 2002.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/24/2005 09:58:10 AM

Posted pictures of some 1989 Blue Bird All American FE's on my Webshots page.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/24/2005 5:58:51 PM

Nice, I love those old clunkers! (except 1255, there is a thread about this bus)

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/25/2005 06:09:48 AM

I will have to so some searching of past posts to see what I can find about 1255.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/25/2005 2:54:29 PM

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/25/2005 3:46:39 PM

Thank you sharing that. Very interesting I must say!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/27/2005 05:28:32 AM

Does any other VA district have any TC/2000 RE's? I know Loudoun has two or three. My buddy in Loudoun was telling how they plan on getting rid of them. I was wondering if anyone else in VA might have a few?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/27/2005 10:43:14 AM

Newport News has many many TC2000 REs. Virginia Beach City Schools has a few 99 AA REs, and Sufflok City Schools has new AA REs. Im also pretty sure that James City County has some kind of Blue Bird RE.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 08/27/2005 11:24:00 AM


sorry for the delayed response. The markings that i saw on that New Kent bus was just the standard yellow & black (you know). It did have tinted windows but i'm not sure if it had a white roof or not. the sun was facing my way and i didn't want to run off the road for staring at that bus for soooo long:)

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/27/2005 12:32:54 PM

Thanks poor_driver. I have only seen one c2 but it was from Maryland.

BusFreak we have a lot of TC2000 REs in Newport News. In Fact, we were mostly BB until 1997 when we started with AmTran (now IC). But we have some 2005 Visions from last year. Wmsbg/JCC has AmTran/IC REs. Never saw any BB REs there yet.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/29/2005 03:54:13 AM

Loudound County start there school today.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/29/2005 07:13:08 AM

We've got another week until we start. Though the week will fly by really fast.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/29/2005 1:21:58 PM

I Think Newport News has finally let go of their 89-91 BB TC2000 FEs and REs. I cannot confirm this, however I have heard bus numbers that were once spares going out for everyday runs. These were the oldest buses in the fleet yast year. However, I do not know which buses are replacing them. I hope it is some sort of IC product. BB would be ok, but definitely not Thomas, unless its c2s they went after.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/29/2005 3:55:15 PM

I hope you guys get some nice IC's.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/29/2005 5:38:07 PM

I might know tomorrow. I'm supposed to be going with the band to the School Board Convocation for a performance tomorrow. Last year our group got one of the 2005 BB Visions. Boy was it smaller than a FE/RE! But it rode nice and quiet. Wished it was a little bigger.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/30/2005 05:05:42 AM

I wonder what it would be like if Fairfax got Type C buses again. That would be weird.... Though I know its never going to happen.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/30/2005 05:19:37 AM

Why did we stop buying type c buses.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/30/2005 06:59:59 AM

Does any other county own activity buses besides loundoun. I wish virginia allowed activity buses to be yellow when the white gets worn or dirty it's ugly.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/30/2005 07:34:51 AM

Is there a regulation regarding the color of activity buses?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/30/2005 08:07:20 AM

I think I saw it cannot be school bus yellow under va regulations.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/30/2005 08:09:57 AM

Personally I would just use a yellow school bus for an activity bus. Though I would do as some districts in the U.S. have done and spec it with some luxuries. Better engine, better a/c, better seats, etc.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/30/2005 08:16:25 AM

a. School activity vehicles shall not be painted national school bus yellow. The lcps activty buses have nice seats inside and have reading lamps and like Captain seats but does't have cloth seats and occurse has gps but I think all new buses for the county have gps.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/30/2005 08:39:53 AM

Nottoway High School has (or atleast used to have) a dark brown 1991ish Thomas ER activity bus, but it doesnt have AC, or activity seating. Virginia Beach City Schools also has some white activity buses, which replaced the use of vans. There is atleast one more district in southern VA which has white buses with a red and blue graphic on the side, but I forgot what district. They had conventional activity buses.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/30/2005 08:47:04 AM

Does LCPS ever use motor coaches?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/30/2005 09:09:38 AM

yeah for one time but it was for a long trip. But a lot of times they also just use them for field trips. At monroe they took a HDX activity bus to roanoke and going on 81 for a school bus when everyone else going around 70 to 80 mph. it took them 5 hours the, teacher drove down their and it took him 3 hours. it was a skills usa competition. Monroe is like chantily academy.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/30/2005 09:29:31 AM

Have you ever ridden one of the LCPS activity buses Drew?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/30/2005 09:43:51 AM

Yep. I like it, quite comfy.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/30/2005 10:17:42 AM

I wish Fairfax had some nice activity buses like that.

Drew, aren't you in school right now? How are you posting on the forums if your in school?

I don't have the luxury of computer access at my school. There are computers at my school, but I can't ever get to them during free time like before school or during lunch.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/30/2005 10:29:59 AM

Im a adult student at Monroe I got every other day to school.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/30/2005 12:38:08 PM

I wish I only went every other day.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 08/30/2005 3:15:13 PM


Nottoway County still has their activity bus with the "activity bus" sticker in the spot where the school bus sign is and it does have A/C. I'm from around that area. I was told that they were getting another one this year. Most districts in Southside Va have activity buses.. For example:

Greensville County- used to have an GMC Bluebird painted the school's colors Green and Yellow with a big Eagle on it.

Nottoway County- as Bus Freak stated before is a thomas er or mpv painted maroon and gold.

Prince Edward- a "shorty" thomas freghtliner and a regular Thomas vista both painted Purple and

Halifax county- has alot of activity buses all of which are painted Blue and White

Powhatan county- has a Bluebird all american (i think. i know it's a bluebird though) that is painted Orange and White.

Not many counties are buying a specific bus for activities any more down here, i think it was just a fad in the mid eighties to mid 90s. The rest of the counties around southside VA used either the newest route buses or spare buses to run activities, for instance, i have seen chesterfield send some of their remaining thomas gmc's along way from home (that's gotta be a trustworthy bus).

anywayz just wanted to note the one thing about Nottoway but thought i'd share on some other districts.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/30/2005 3:22:14 PM

Yeah the lcps HD's and HDX's have white and blue scheme which looks nice as long as you take care of them and all of our hdx's have ac units and cd player and activity seating. some of the IC Re's I'm guessing that are used for acitivty's only have the racks above the seats and storage compartments under the bus.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/30/2005 3:26:47 PM

Here in Fairfax, we use our older buses for activity. Usually our 1988 Wayne GMC's.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/30/2005 3:57:56 PM

I would think the 89 AA Fe's would be good because of the storage bays under the bus.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/30/2005 4:05:03 PM

Those aren't luggage bays. None of our buses in Fairfax have luggage bays.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 08/30/2005 6:04:43 PM

Hey 1629....those old activity buses are driven by teachers and coaches. Like rookie regular drivers, the County must not trust those activity drivers with a decent bus!

You know how I found out about activity buses? I took the girls field hockey tean to Madison HS one night and the parking lot was packed. Then I saw a big spot by the building marked "activity bus".....I figured hey, that's me, so I parked there. Wrong....about halfway through the game I see a '88 GMC/Wayne easing through the lot towards that space. So I ran over and moved out of the guy's space. He was a pretty nice guy...for a teacher. LOL is still the Areas' responsibility to get those activity buses in for service. I took the one from Jefferson down to NEW several times last year. It was 740, an '87 IH/Ward, so I guess it's history now....

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/30/2005 6:14:29 PM

Weird I remeber putting my lunch in a bay thing on the right side of the bus and it was a 89 FE maybe they got rid of them.But that was in forth Grade and was on a feild trip. but It was def not kept on the bus.
And I just look at the webshots and none of them had them, can ya ask ernie and ask him if some of the AA FE's have storage bays.

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 08/30/2005 6:24:29 PM

I drive in Loudoun County and I've never seen GPS on one of our buses. I don't believe the yellow activity buses, which can be used on regular routes, have inside racks either. They do have storage underneath though.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 08/30/2005 6:28:36 PM

Oh maybe I heard wrong when the activity bus driver talked to us.But does you Also have a black box above your drivers area. the HDX activity and the other hdx had it too. I said I thought the yellow buses might hade the inside racks. have you ever driven an activity bus? Do you drive for Monroe and like stone bridge or briar woods? Briar Woods is right near my house and it's a brand new school. I apoligze if Im wrong.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/30/2005 8:18:41 PM

They do have the GPS that tells the office dispatcher where and HOW fast the bus is going at all times, but not the driver.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/31/2005 06:19:12 AM

In Newport News, we use whatever bus the driver assigned to the activity drives for activities. So if the driver is driving a crappy bus, we have to ride that. Most of the time they try to assign drivers with nice buses to activities. Or, the driver will be given a better-looking bus for the activity. (Mostly that is for weekend band/sports trios, or out of town sports activities. The driver for the basketball team normally drove a 96TC2000 FE, but when we went to Richmond, he drove an 03 IC CE. He also drove us on a 05 Vision when we went to Chesapeake)

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/31/2005 06:53:58 AM

I wondered about the activity buses. I know one of the P.E. teachers at Fairfax High School was thinking of becoming a school bus driver so she could drive the students down to the bowling alley on days when the P.E. classes go bowling.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/01/2005 09:59:30 AM

VADriver, what kind of bus do you drive?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/01/2005 11:05:43 AM

I e-mailed my buddy in Loudoun. He said they currently have 2 Thomas C2 buses. He also said that they will see how these two buses perform before deciding whether or not to buy more.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/01/2005 1:52:11 PM

Drew19, our 89 Blue Bird All Americanm FE's DO have the understorage bays! But we don;t you them.

At My school the driver of our Activity bus (88 GMC Wayne) is one of our Music teachers!

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/01/2005 2:16:31 PM

Yeah I understand why we don't use them anymore there are probaly all rusted out but when I was little they were used. At least on the field trip I was on. The AA FE's were the first bus I was on that had a AM/FM radio, I was in fourth grade at the time.

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 09/01/2005 2:24:34 PM

I drive a 2001 IC-RE. I keep hoping I'll get a new air-conditioned IC but mine only has 44,000 miles on it so it probably won't be this year.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/01/2005 3:05:51 PM

We have luggage bays on our AA FE's? I didn't think we did.

VAdriver, what is the criteria for getting an upgrade?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/01/2005 4:48:46 PM

Yes we do have luggage bays on the 89's! And what a great question for VAdriver 1629!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/01/2005 6:30:13 PM

Thank you IC-RE!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/02/2005 06:55:20 AM

So far I've confirmed that Loudoun has 2 C2's. Prince William has 3. And Arlington is getting 3. I wonder what Alexandria is going to do. I know they were buying CE's, FE's, & RE's for awhile.

Prince William is using there C2's as activity buses, not school buses. Judging by what my buddy over there told me, I think they have the activity bus paint scheme on them.

Reply author: MongoKen
Replied on: 09/02/2005 07:17:14 AM

If I'm not mistaken, the Type C buses are still purhased for training/road testing purposes (Administering the road test for new drivers). I could be wrong thoug....

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/02/2005 09:15:27 AM

Not here in Fairfax County. We haven't bought a Type C bus since 1989, with the exception of our 1994 Thomas Vista's. But those are actually Type B buses.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/02/2005 1:52:56 PM

I know at the training center here they used to use the 87 Internationals, now they have GMC's and Blue Birds I believe?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/02/2005 2:23:19 PM

I think your right. They also might have an AmTran, Thomas or two.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 09/02/2005 4:29:54 PM

When I went through the "academy"....they pretty much had at least one of (most) every kind of bus in the fleet. They very first one they let us drive was 715 ('87 IH/Ward)...(RIP 715!) They had several Ford and GMC/Waynes, a Thomas ER or two, an '89 BB AAFE (but no TC2000s), and a late model AmTran/IC (w A/C, I think) and a few Special Ed buses.

I took my road test in bus 8....'88 GMC/Wayne, which is still there....I saw it the other day on the road!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/02/2005 5:35:18 PM

Why is that drivers have to trained to drive an A/C bus? I heard them awhile ago call for a driver who could take one of the 02' or 03' RE's from West Ox to Newington or something like that. One driver responded. Area 2 asked if they were certified to drive an A/C. The driver said no, and Area 2 said that they wouldn't be able to help.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/02/2005 6:06:37 PM

I was told they had to be certified because of the different style transmission, and braking system, but in my pyramid, the Bakers allow drivers of non A/C buses to use them when A/C drivers are out sick or something.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/02/2005 6:09:13 PM

I guess that would make sense. I'd like to hear IC's take on this.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 09/02/2005 8:44:38 PM

Yes, they often ask if you are trained on an "A/C bus", but it has nothing to do with the air conditioning. It has to do with the brakes and the push button tranny. The '02-'04 buses have that safety thing....can't think what they call it....but you can put the bus in gear push in the park brake knob but the bus won't move until you press firmly on the service brake pedal. Similar to the system in modern cars that the shifter won't move unless your foot is on the brake. You wouldn't BELIEVE how many times I've heard this on the radio:

bus: This bus won't move!
Area II: Step on the brake pedal.
bus: It still won't move!
Area II: Press harder!
bus: Uh okay, it's moving now.....thanks, area II.


BTW, the '06s are different.....the park brake knob cannot be pushed in unless your foot is firmly on the service brake just pops right back out.

Another thing different is the A/C buses have the touch pad tranny control instead of a shift lever....but I can't believe there are drivers that couldn't figure that out...

I think there's another minor point, but I can't remember what it is.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/03/2005 05:40:46 AM

Your right about that. The 06's are extremely different in tha respect.

I like that safety feature. Does Thomas or Blue Bird do that now?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/03/2005 1:55:15 PM

1629 can you get any pics from lcps C2's inside I would like to see how they would put the ac units or are they intergraded in the pannels on the side of the celing like where they put the speakers?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/03/2005 4:04:24 PM

Drew19, I can send you pictures of Spotsylvania's C2.

I plan on going around later this fall to different counties like Loudoun and Prince William. Going to visit with my buddies, and snap some bus photos. I'll be sure to keep you all posted on that.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/03/2005 4:06:30 PM

I found the bus garage and the main lot for Shenandoah County Public Schools. They had alot of Thomas Internationals there. A few late 80's ones and some mid 1990's ones. There was also a 2000-2004 Blue Bird International. And finally they had some 1990's Wayne Internationals.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/03/2005 5:52:18 PM

That would be great thank you.

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Drew19, I can send you pictures of Spotsylvania's C2.

I plan on going around later this fall to different counties like Loudoun and Prince William. Going to visit with my buddies, and snap some bus photos. I'll be sure to keep you all posted on that.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 09/06/2005 6:42:58 PM

Good News! No, I haven't seen our new buses. In fact, I think some drivers are driving older BB TC2000 FE/REs (89-91s) only so they will get the newer buses that will replacing them. The good news is that I wrote to Newport New's transportation Director, and the Operations Coordinator wrote me back saying he would be happy to answer any questions I have about our buses. Once things quiet down after the first few weeks of school, I might even be able to get a tour of the operations facility! With this, I might be able to put together a site with lots of bus pictures! I can't wait to find out more!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/07/2005 02:26:17 AM

That is awesome! Please keep us posted on how things go!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/12/2005 1:19:35 PM

We are now in the second week of school up here. This is the third week for some. How are things going so far?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/12/2005 2:28:07 PM

Going well. Um I saw an HDX activity bus but it was a handicaped one never seen one like that. It looked brand new.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/12/2005 3:06:15 PM

Has anyone seen Loudoun or Prince William's C2's?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/12/2005 3:36:13 PM

Not yet.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/12/2005 3:55:45 PM

Not me, But I DO see Williams Bus lines number 9 almost every day, it is a nice 2005 or 2006 Thomas HDX ER! I think it is awesome looking ofr a Thomas, and I get excited when I see it! It has all the goods, LED, A/C, white roof, High headroom! I like it a lot!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/12/2005 4:05:45 PM

What is the oldest bus Williams owns?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/12/2005 4:12:46 PM

I think it would be 18 the 89 Thomas ER, or there is also a Caprenter International that is in SAD shape!

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/12/2005 4:34:27 PM

Most all of the HDX's in LCPS have led's and Hight head room all the HDX's have ac but the HD's some of them have ac. Didn't loudoun put ac in their buses before fairfax?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/12/2005 6:07:21 PM

What is the difference between an HD and an HDX?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/12/2005 6:13:06 PM

In the front the HDX has a three piece panel where the turn signals are and the HD is on piece and the HDX does not a three windows in the rear. I don't know what else is different between the two.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/12/2005 6:14:54 PM

I thought the new HDX's only have one window in the rear as well?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/12/2005 6:22:52 PM

Originally posted by IC-RE

I thought the new HDX's only have one window in the rear as well?

Yes the HDX's do not have a three windows

Reply author: thomas86_a
Replied on: 09/12/2005 6:35:56 PM

When the Saf-T-Liner ER was redesigned for 2001 they had two models the Saf-T-Liner ER and ER HD. The HD stood for heavy duty, basically when you upgraded certain specs it became an HD model.

For 2003 they decided to drop the two seperate models and call it the HDX, this did not make for a lot of changes, standard items remained standard and of course you could still spec the heavy duty specs. At the time they did this they also changed the front slightly from the one piece panel in the front to a three piece. In addition they made the changes to the rear of the bus as well, removing the two narrow windows.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 09/13/2005 01:46:24 AM

the hdx is a 2006. the c2 will be on the road starting tomorrow. there are no carpenters left. the oldest is 89 Thomas MVP.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/13/2005 02:48:25 AM

Can you buy either a HD or HDX today?

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 09/13/2005 11:14:34 AM

only the hdx

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/13/2005 12:38:43 PM

Here is a list of what rear engine buses Thomas offered in the past few years. Correct me if I am wrong:

1998 -- Saf-T-Liner MVP ER and Saf-T-Liner ER
1999 -- Saf-T-Liner MVP ER and Saf-T-Liner ER
2000 -- Saf-T-Liner MVP ER and Saf-T-Liner ER
2001 -- Saf-T-Liner ER and Saf-T-Liner ER HD
2002 -- Saf-T-Liner HD and Saf-T-Liner HDX
2003 -- Saf-T-Liner HD and Saf-T-Liner HDX
2004 -- Saf-T-Liner HDX
2005 -- Saf-T-Liner HDX
2006 -- Saf-T-Liner HDX

I think I've got this down. Again, please correct any of my mistakes.

Reply author: thomas86_a
Replied on: 09/13/2005 2:04:06 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Here is a list of what rear engine buses Thomas offered in the past few years. Correct me if I am wrong:

1998 -- Saf-T-Liner MVP ER and Saf-T-Liner ER
1999 -- Saf-T-Liner MVP ER and Saf-T-Liner ER
2000 -- Saf-T-Liner MVP ER and Saf-T-Liner ER
2001 -- Saf-T-Liner ER and Saf-T-Liner ER HD
2002 -- Saf-T-Liner HD and Saf-T-Liner HDX
2003 -- Saf-T-Liner HD and Saf-T-Liner HDX
2004 -- Saf-T-Liner HDX
2005 -- Saf-T-Liner HDX
2006 -- Saf-T-Liner HDX

I think I've got this down. Again, please correct any of my mistakes.


Please re-read my post and it states what models were around and when.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/13/2005 2:45:22 PM

Could you rewrite my list with the corrections? I've read your post over and over, I am not catching something. I would appreciate it.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/13/2005 3:54:12 PM

I feel the same way, I just don't understand Thomas!

Reply author: thomas86_a
Replied on: 09/13/2005 4:06:01 PM

Oh My!

1978-2000 Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER (also had the MVP's in there for quite a while)
2001-2002 Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER and Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER HD
2003-Present Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/13/2005 4:28:46 PM

THANK YOU! I am just more familiar with the IC's and AmTrans!

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/13/2005 5:36:47 PM

Originally posted by IC-RE

THANK YOU! I am just more familiar with the IC's and AmTrans!

We forgive you.

Reply author: thomas86_a
Replied on: 09/13/2005 6:29:40 PM

Originally posted by Drew19

Originally posted by IC-RE

THANK YOU! I am just more familiar with the IC's and AmTrans!

We forgive you.

We don't forgive him, that's a sin to be more familiar with AmTrash products than Thomas products. (just a joke based on personal preference, don't take me seriously)

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/13/2005 6:55:30 PM

LOL! thanks! Yeah we just have more AmTran product here then Thomas, (ONLY IN FAIRFAX) most counties in VA have Thomas Built even in the boondocks, they have Thomas! But IC is making its way!

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 09/13/2005 7:00:55 PM

Most counties had Thomas. Newport News had some thomas back in the early 80's but changed to all Blue Bird until 1996, when we first got AmTran Genesis FEs.

Virginia Beach also has a lot of Blue Bird.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/13/2005 8:26:20 PM

That's what nice about Loudoun they have alot of Thomas and IC Products and loudoun isn't really the boondocks.

Also the other person who works in Loudoun has lcps put led warning lights for the HDX's?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/14/2005 02:16:33 AM

I know LCPS has LED warning lights on it's 2006 IC RE's.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/14/2005 04:38:20 AM

I know that I saw them I there. But I've seen other Thomas buses with led warning lights.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/14/2005 11:41:08 AM

Is Sound Off the only company that makes those Strobing LED lights?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/16/2005 3:19:06 PM

I just thought of this. What do you do if your at a bus stop loading/unloading children (with red lights flashing), and an emergency vehicle (ambulance, fire truck, etc) approaches? Let's say that your in a position where you would need to move the bus in order for that emergency vehicle to get through. Let's also say that your loading/unloading several (10 or more) students and not everyone has gotten on or off.

Read this scenario over a couple of times, before forming your answer. (little trick I've learned in school).

Reply author: thomas86_a
Replied on: 09/16/2005 4:12:23 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

I just thought of this. What do you do if your at a bus stop loading/unloading children (with red lights flashing), and an emergency vehicle (ambulance, fire truck, etc) approaches? Let's say that your in a position where you would need to move the bus in order for that emergency vehicle to get through. Let's also say that your loading/unloading several (10 or more) students and not everyone has gotten on or off.

Read this scenario over a couple of times, before forming your answer. (little trick I've learned in school).

There really shouldn't be a need for the vehicle to be moved in order for an emergency vehicle to get through. While the emergency vehicle may be traveling the same direction as you, the bus should not be blocking both lanes of traffic which means it should be able to get around the bus.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/16/2005 7:07:01 PM

We had this situation last year, My driver was loading students (it was on a road that is one lane in each direction) and certain Traffic artery around here (WOX for VA people) and there was a bus loading in the opposite direction in front of us, and there were about 20 students crossing the road going to the two buses, and 2 Ambulances and a Fire truck approached, and my driver started yelling for us to scramble and get on the bus so she could move, but the guy in the ambulance yelled to my driver that OUR safety was more important, and to make sure that we load safetly, YET EFFICIANTLY, we were RUNNING! and then we boarded and moved to the right, but man was there stress, and it was only 2 minutes but it felt like a lifetime! I was freaking out, and i am not even the driver! Around here we have well over 230 schools and centers so each bus stop serves a few schools, so it gets confusing, but we have done it for all of these years! Anyway, it was a scramble and we ended up students from the other bus, (they got on the wrong one) so dispatch said for us to go to both schools, what confusion those few minutes caused ! LOL!

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 09/16/2005 7:45:09 PM

They told us at the Training Center that Virginia law requires ALL vehicles to stop for school buses that are loading or unloading. That includes cops, ambulances and fire engines....EVERYBODY.

This subject reminds me of my week of on-the-job-training (OJT).....I was driving down a winding, narrow 2-lane country road with no shoulders and an ambulance with lights and siren going came up behind me. I didn't know whether to **** or go blind! The OJT driver sitting behind me told me to put on my 4-way flashers and as soon as the road straightened out (so the the ambulance driver could see down the road a little ways)....stop and let him go around me.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/17/2005 05:44:48 AM

Wow. This has generated some interesting responses.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/27/2005 08:59:52 AM

Ok, here is another scenario for you.

NOTE: I VERY HIGHLY doubt this would ever happen, but it could.

What would you do if you were driving down the road with full load of children, and you saw an approaching tornado?

Like I say, there is an EXTREMELY good chance this will never happen.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/27/2005 3:39:20 PM

I wouldn't know the answer but a Tornado have touched down in VA. But I doubt it that a bus would encounter it here.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 09/27/2005 7:08:12 PM

Aren't you supposed to lay down in a ditch in a tornado? Or maybe find an underpass to get under.....I've seen that on TV.

I remember a tornado touching down in Northern was a Sunday afternoon in the early 70's. That sucker tore part of the roof off Woodson High School. It demolished a house on Sideburn Rd (near where Robinson is today). Now get this....the twister also took a school bus, parked at Pickett Shopping Center, and rammed it through the front of the ABC (liquor) store (newspaper ran a pic of just the back of that bus sticking out of the liquor store)!!

I remember I was driving home from Annapolis at the time and heard about the tornado on the radio.....I missed the whole thing, dammit!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/28/2005 04:04:44 AM

That must be interesting, to see a school bus sticking out the front of a store like that.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/28/2005 04:12:46 AM

I think a tornado touch down some where in Virginia this year.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/28/2005 04:21:26 AM

Several have touched down over the years. Some years we have more than others.

Reply author: vaoverland
Replied on: 09/28/2005 6:22:24 PM

See a new thread in on this board about the tornado risk in Virginia. you may be surpised to learn that we average 6 a year.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/28/2005 7:12:24 PM

we have really nice Amtran/IC RE and MVP ER/HDX special ed buses and there really short.Does anybody else in this state uses RE's for special ed?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/28/2005 7:16:35 PM

Fairfax tried out the idea. We have several 2002 and 2003 IC RE's that can be fitted with wheelchair lifts. Only a few of them (about 10 or so) actually have lifts in them.

For our purposes, an RE lift bus does not seem practical. though it does seem to work well for Loudoun!

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/28/2005 7:31:57 PM

Well the thing is that fairfax just had a 78 passenger body for the wheelchair lifts where loudoun I think has a 60 passanger body for there special ed ER's and RE's. and I think some of the MVP special ed's are really small or at leat they look like them.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/29/2005 03:44:53 AM

Loudoun does seem to do well using rear engine lift buses. Fairfax could probably make it work, we just need to think it through better.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/29/2005 12:22:53 PM

All i think they need to do is get a smaller passenger body than 78. What is the passenger body for the Blue Bird tc2000 special ed's those are the smallest ones besides some of the waynes.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/29/2005 12:40:07 PM

The TC's have a 40 pax body. The reason it works well in Loudoun is because in your rural areas many of your routes are a lot longer than a route in Fairfax, or an urban area in Loudoun. Here we have too many tight turns and cul-de-sacs for spec ed, and not fot Reg ed. There is just NO need for a 78 passenger RE to have a lift around here, it is stupid. The only reason our IC FE's are as big as they are (60 pax) is because that is the smallest capacity transit bus IC offers, and the RE's Loudoun has are exceptions because usually the smallest IC RE body is a 72 capacity, which almost all of the 2003 IC RE's in Fairfax are 72 cpapcity but are the length of 78 pax bodies with extra leg room, and child car seats in 2/3 of the bus.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 09/29/2005 1:04:29 PM

I seen some Special ed buses in Loudoun going into cul-de-sacs with no problems but you are right there is more in fairfax and plus there is one neighborr hood in alabama drive that's a apartment complex in herndon that is really tight. Loudoun might have to start buying fe buses soon with the building around. But alot of the new neighbor hoods that have wide streets.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/29/2005 2:26:20 PM

I did notice that, my cousins are moving out to that new neighborhood off 606, and it is nice, yet still rural, and that is a good RE spec ed bus application! Because the ride is still a bit lengthy, and rather than sending a spec ed bus and a reg ed bus, they can send a combined bus.

Reply author: scottyd
Replied on: 10/01/2005 04:08:59 AM

I think Fairfax only has 5 reg ed lift buses: 5, 32, 240, 969, and on other number I don't remember. We get calls to pick and area kid because the reg ed bus is at the garage.

I remember that tornado in '72. I think it was associated with Hurricane Agnes. It tore the roof off of Woodson HS, destroyed the Safeway at Pickett Shopping Center, I don't remember the school bus in the liquor store, though.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/01/2005 08:02:50 AM

Well until we get the FCPS thread back, I will post updates here. Ok, scottyd, the other lift bus is 236, a 2002 IC RE, 32 drives for my school, snd i see it al the time.

Also, can you give me the layout for 11 oaks, I just went there as a dry run for monday, but I didn't drive behind the school, when I pull in, where do i go?

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 10/01/2005 7:52:57 PM

Hey bout we just make this the default Fairfax thread? I think it's better that the word Fairfax doesn't appear out in the open, and all. We got enough panties bunched up now!

Be careful going into 11 Oaks....It's like a one-lane bridge.....2 vehicles can't pass each other, what with the building, parked cars, and the big blue dumpster being where they are. Go through the gate and hang a's one way.....counter clockwise around the center row of buses. And go slow! Back when I parked there, it used to tick me off to clean my bus and then have 'em racing around there and kicking up huge clouds of dust!

I'm varnishing one of my boats tonight and am just taking a back after awhile to sing praises of my BB TC2000, which I'll have been in a week come Monday.....

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 10/01/2005 8:34:04 PM

Oh, and remind me to tell you guys about the Signal 9 on Friday....a BB AA FE got into it with a Thomas ER at a traffic light....I guess they weren't kidding when they said watch your tailswing!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/01/2005 9:17:24 PM

Oh man, that seems like a lot to watch for, it runs out i am scheduled to work tomorrow and will not be able to go, but maybve next week, thanks for the heads up! Hey, I can;t wait to hear what happened with the signal 9, I hope we aren't loosing another AA RE. Hey, 1629, I saw your old driver in 1399 on Friday near my school on Chain Bridge Road.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 10/01/2005 11:41:50 PM

Nahhh,'s just a gravel can handle it!

Hey 1629.....a Rebels bus called in a Signal 13 last Friday....on Old Lee Hwy. For the life of me I couldn't remember what a Sig 13 was, so I pulled out the PTM. DISTURBANCE ON BUS! I don't want to put it on here......but these are among the most serious situations you can have on a school bus. Ask scotty what a Signal 13-W is.....

And the Stuart pyramid had a serious medical emegency on one of their buses....kid had a siezure and went unconscuious (sp?)....more than a fainting....driver said he had a bracelet that said he had a shunt in his neck. This was a reg-ed bus too. Ranger 211 (Cyndi) was all over the radio until the rescue squad took the kid away......I sure hope he's okay tonight.

It was a busy Friday!!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/02/2005 07:07:12 AM

Awww man what a Friday!

Reply author: AmTran 241
Replied on: 10/02/2005 07:33:51 AM

IC -- Is your bus ready yet? What happened to it again? You are liking the TC2000 you are in?
Tell us about the accident are the buses ok?

1629 -- Is your old drivers bus back? Did we find out the problem?

Sorry guys I need to catch up!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/02/2005 07:44:07 AM

As of Friday 1629 was still in 1399 (94 Thomas ER) because I saw her.

No problem AmTran 241. Are you still in your 2005 IC RE? Did you hear the news, This year we will be getting 2007 IC RE 300's with the DT 466 engine, CD players, and light controls in the steering wheels

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 10/02/2005 08:23:46 AM

Well, the Signal 9 happened like this....The Thomas ER was stopped at a red light waiting to turn left, and the BB AA FEwas turning right at the light. The BB either was making a right on red (legal there) or had a green light. Anyhoo, as he turned the left rear of the BB swung over and took out the right side mirrors on the Thomas. He didn't even know it happened so he kept getting up.....but she got his bus number....

Hearing about that really reminded me to be extra careful, especially in the TC2000 I've been driving! There's a whole lot of bus behind the rear wheels of that TC...I'd say about 10 feet. I have a real tight turn off a busy road (really gotta turn the wheel on that one), and I wait until the lane next to me is empty because I think that tail could hit a vehicle in the adjacent lane.

Hi AmTran! Thanks for your kind words over in the other thread...let's hope that nonsense is over. Last Monday, when I got back from runs and was going to my car....I noticed the anti-freeze from my Thomas ER running down the lot. The road man later said it was the water pump and had to taken to the shop....he patched it up enough so it didn't need to be towed. The gave me a '91 TC 2000 FE for a spare and I'm liking it! I was telling the folks here that I hoped they take their time fixing my bus.....and it looks like they are, Thomas been gone a week tomorrow. That TC has a Cummins in it, and while it sounds a little has lots of pep, moves that big bus just fine. It climbs steep hills much better than my Thomas (Cat). It's just an all around nice bus. It'll be 15 years old in November and has almost 300K on the odometer. Maybe I'll have to be a Blue Bird fan now, LOL I've always believed that the best buses are the ones that hold up best over the long haul....and this TC sure has!

They call you on the radio when your bus is ready and they haven't....some drivers call the garage to bug 'em to hurry up. Not me.....I don't care if I EVER get that dog back!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/02/2005 08:58:08 AM

Are you allowed to ask if you can have a Blue Bird instead of a Thomas until you get the AmTran, or do they not allow that?

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 10/02/2005 1:13:51 PM

I think all the TC2000s are no way you could have one as a line bus. You can turn down upgrades though, and I wish I had kept the '97 Thomas...the am/fm radio worked and the governor didn't. My '98 is the reverse....the governor works and the radio doesn't. LOL

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/02/2005 1:37:38 PM

I'm back. I was gone Thursday-Saturday.

Let's not let this thread get as big as the Fairfax one did. I believe that was the reason that it got deleted.

Anywho, I went to Frederick County, Va. They have alot of neat buses. Some TC/2000 RE's, C2's, HDX's, Vista's, TC/2000 FE's, etc. Alot of neat buses. If you want pictures, post your e-mail and I'll send you some!

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/02/2005 1:43:32 PM

Yes Please Love to see the tc/2000 RE's

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/02/2005 1:45:30 PM

Well, it doesn't matter how large the thread gets, its the fact that while you were gone, it turned into 3 pages of WAR!!! It was crazy.
Anyway, 1629, their fleet seems pretty stuck on Blue Bird and Thomas, I am sad to see NO IC or AmTran! I do like those little shorty C2's kind of that it.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/02/2005 2:15:35 PM

Not much in the way of AmTran-IC up there. Shenandoah and Warren County have some AmTran and IC conventionals. They are the only ones that seem to have those up in that area.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/02/2005 2:36:32 PM

Yes, it seems that most of Virginia is all Thomas Built with the exception of a few Blue Bird here and there, But I like our IC's and AmTrans!

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 10/02/2005 3:41:55 PM

Hey 1629.....I didn't know they made a TC2000 RE. Could you stick a pic of that one in your webshots thingie?

I always thought the TC2000 was an econobus....a transit for (near)conventional money. I would have thought if you want an RE, you'd have to spring for an All American. Learn sumpin new every day!

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 10/02/2005 4:11:20 PM

Hey, did I tell you guys what I saw the other night? It's about 5:30 pm and I'm driving home from the bus, and I saw THREE training buses on the road.......I've NEVER seen 'em out at that hour! The main reason the trainers take the job is to get off at 2:00 pm. The only thing I can figure is that the new starting pay is having it's desired effect, and they're up to their arses in trainees.

I sorta hate to see that.....lots of new drivers might mean less, or NO overtime! And, in my opinion, the only reason the County is so nice to work for is because they're afraid you'll quit if they're otherwise. A glut of drivers might affect that too!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/02/2005 4:26:57 PM

WOW, I see a lot of training buses up near Reston, and in the Great Falls area!

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 10/02/2005 5:06:36 PM

At what times are you seeing them? Any late stuff?

PS: they like Great Falls for the "country driving" segment.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/02/2005 5:27:42 PM

It was in the summer, and I was seeing them at like 10:00 A.M. until around 1ish

Reply author: scottyd
Replied on: 10/03/2005 4:40:08 PM

The training center starts you off on a conventional. I see them all the time around Moseby Woods sub-division off Lee Hwy in Fairfax. Then you graduated to highways then to the Interstate. Then they train you on the transit style, same method--neighborhood streets, etc. I never did Great Falls in my training, but I did Clifton, the one and only railroad crossing in the county. Yook my CDL road test in 722, a GMC. That was the only time I've ever driven a GMC.

Any of you remember when they still had the railroad tracks across Telegraph Road near Ft. Belvoir? They had taken the tracks up along the whole line because they weren't in use, and left them across the road. So we had to stop for nothing.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 10/03/2005 5:15:21 PM

I don't remember that, scotty, but I do remember when trains crossed Shirley Highway (I-395 now) near Glebe Road. Can you imagine that today? LOL

I hear drivers talking about the spur line in the industrial park near General definitely have to stop there because they still push freight cars up in there every now and then.

Are those tracks still on Telegraph

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 10/05/2005 1:51:21 PM

I'd like to see the pics that you took IC RE 1629. Send them to

BTW, I saw a few Fairfax buses in Richmond last weekend. It looked like they went to a Band Competition. I saw a few AmTran REs and a TC 2000 FE. I only caught one number, an AmTran in the 1100s. But I also saw a Hampton AmTran RE with a lift in the middle of the bus. Looked weird, but I also remember a TC2000 RE in Newport news that had a lift in the bus. It looked weird too.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/06/2005 04:13:33 AM

Does any district in VA have a bus with those air dump switches on them?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/06/2005 12:02:11 PM

I saw a brand new HDX yesterday and it had a huge strobe light. Don't like'em big, it's not as bad as some of them in Maryland.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/06/2005 12:50:59 PM

I posted pictures of the Frederick County Buses on my webshots page. Check them out:

Also, does any district in VA have a bus with those Air Dump switches on them?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/06/2005 1:00:08 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

I posted pictures of the Frederick County Buses on my webshots page. Check them out:

Also, does any district in VA have a bus with those Air Dump switches on them?

Nice. It looks like those HDX's have LED warning lights (strobe's). Also nice fog lamps.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 10/06/2005 1:09:04 PM

I'm not a big fan of the big strobe lights either. I seaw them on Maryland buses, but i am more used to the smaller oones.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 10/06/2005 1:20:29 PM

The Frederick County buses are neat. I must say that their BB TC2000 REs are different from ours, in that they all have outward opening doors, most of ours have the inward opening ones. But the newer ones (95? I believe) I have seen have the outward opening ones. There aren't many like that in Newport News, but I think we go t them the same time we got the newer FEs from BB. Our oldest RES set to retire real soon have the same dash style as the real old TC2000 FEs.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/06/2005 3:08:37 PM

I've posted pics of Loudoun County's TC/2000 RE's. The latest I heard was that they have three. I think one was retired.

See the photos under Loudoun County Public Schools.

I'll post more Loudoun bus pics later.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/06/2005 3:21:05 PM

Oh cool I see 296 alot.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/06/2005 3:24:40 PM

Drew, do you or anyone else from Loudoun happen to know how many TC/2000 RE's Loudoun still has?

For some odd reason, I think one was retired. I don't why I think that.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/06/2005 3:51:07 PM

Don't know. I haven't seen 296 in awhile. But now a leave a little later for monroe.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 10/06/2005 9:44:20 PM

You know, all of the newest Thomas buses Ive seen come out of Sonny Merryman this year have the large strobe light. Virginia Beach's freightliners, Spotsylvania's freightliners, Arlington's HDXs. They also all seem to have the low profile roof hatches. Those of you out in Loudoun, take a look at your newest activity buses....the roof hatches are almost not noticable.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/07/2005 02:20:24 AM

I think those big strobes are ugly!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/07/2005 09:06:17 AM

I added a pic of Loudoun bus 17, 2005 IC RE 300, this morning. I'll be adding more bus pics from Loudoun this evening.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/07/2005 4:43:08 PM

Like I promised, I posted the rest of my Loudoun pics. Enjoy!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/10/2005 06:57:15 AM

I was watching the Weather Channel a moment ago. Saw a 2005/2006 IC RE stuck in the snow in Evergreen, Colorado.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/15/2005 05:53:05 AM

This is from LCPS website

National School Bus Safety Week, October 16-22
National School Bus Safety Week is October 16-22. Loudoun County Public Schools operates and maintains a fleet of 625 school buses that travel more than 7 million miles taking more than 35,000 students safely to and from school each year.
The purpose of National School Bus Safety Week is to emphasize the need for increased care by motorists and students when near a school bus. Among the things that will be done during this week are:

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 10/15/2005 08:23:52 AM

I was up in nothern VA the other day and i saw a Fredrick or Warren county C2 with yellow fog lights on want to see a clark county bus.

Also, for those of "y'all" or "yall" in northern va (fairfax) how long did it take for you to know which side is Maryland, D.C, and Virginia...the other day i saw a Fairfax bus followed by a D.C bus going north on 95 and a Maryland bus was beside me going southbound....i believe i was about at the Tyson corner or springfield exit. If i'm wrong then it's whereever they are doing all of the construction where traffic merges together.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/15/2005 09:28:48 AM

Originally posted by poor_driver

I was up in nothern VA the other day and i saw a Fredrick or Warren county C2 with yellow fog lights on want to see a clark county bus.

Also, for those of "y'all" or "yall" in northern va (fairfax) how long did it take for you to know which side is Maryland, D.C, and Virginia...the other day i saw a Fairfax bus followed by a D.C bus going north on 95 and a Maryland bus was beside me going southbound....i believe i was about at the Tyson corner or springfield exit. If i'm wrong then it's whereever they are doing all of the construction where traffic merges together.

You can get to maryland from both exits but it will take you to diffrent places. We take the maryland exit to go to Bowie and the spring field exit to get to St marys county maryland and other places.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/15/2005 6:11:41 PM

We take the Dulles Toll Road into MD, and exit towards Anapolis

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 10/15/2005 6:32:14 PM

IC RE 1629 - I know the drivers of several of the Loudoun buses shown on your site. My first bus was 229, another 1998 Blue Bird RE. I now drive a 2000 IC RE which is identical to bus 107. I was dismayed to see how dirty some of the buses looked, but with all the rain we've had and the dirt roads, it's hard to keep them clean all the time! A lot of the buses you have pics of are actually spare buses.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/15/2005 7:52:21 PM

VAdriver, how many TC/2000 RE's does Loudoun still have? There were 3 when I last visited there (296,297,298).

Also, which of the buses on my site are spares?

Reply author: scottyd
Replied on: 10/16/2005 10:30:21 AM

Welcome aboard Poor Driver. You will see DC and mainly PG, MD county buses over here in Fairfax because they shuttle students to classes. Don't know what we offer that the other counties don't. And the buses are always SE buses.

Did you know DC schools DO NOT have reg ed buses? All the buses in their fleet are Special Ed.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/16/2005 10:53:26 AM

I know most other counties come out to Fairfax for Thomas Jefferson High school.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/16/2005 12:10:52 PM

DC doesn't have any regular ed buses? That's weird.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/16/2005 1:13:53 PM

They must be like some of our 2002 and 2003 IC RE's full size buses with lifts, although i think they are shorter so they can manuever better through their streets?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/16/2005 1:19:20 PM

I know they have alot of Type A and B buses.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/16/2005 3:29:45 PM

I added three new Loudoun pics. They are yard shots of the lot on Colonial Hwy in Purcellville. Enjoy!

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 10/16/2005 5:12:27 PM

1629 -- Loudoun has 6 of the TC/2000 RE's, 295,296, 297, 298, 299 (my first bus) and 318. They are all spares except for 318. From the rest of your pics shown, 107 and 271 are spares. There may be a few more but I'm not positive. We've had to create so many new routes this year because we opened 5 new schools that some spares have been turned into regular route buses again.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/16/2005 6:19:19 PM

Originally posted by VAdriver

1629 -- Loudoun has 6 of the TC/2000 RE's, 295,296, 297, 298, 299 (my first bus) and 318. They are all spares except for 318. From the rest of your pics shown, 107 and 271 are spares. There may be a few more but I'm not positive. We've had to create so many new routes this year because we opened 5 new schools that some spares have been turned into regular route buses again.

Hey vadriver do you know why they only put Am/FM radios mostly in the HDX's and ER's? Also which area of lcps do you drive? Do you ever drive for Monore tech?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/16/2005 6:37:16 PM

Loudoun has a HUGE mix of different buses! 107 a 2002 IC RE is a spare?? Wow, how newest spares are 85 Thomas's!

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 10/16/2005 6:48:59 PM

107 is currently a spare because the route it was assigned to had a couple of really hard turnarounds on narrow dirt roads so the driver exchanged for a shorter bus. It will probably be sent to the main garage and assigned as a regular route bus there. I drive in the Western part of the county and drive a 2000 IC RE. I have driven for Votec a couple of times to cover for another driver.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/16/2005 6:50:00 PM

When will you be up for a new bus VAdriver, will it be a newer IC RE, or a Thomas HDX?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/16/2005 6:57:47 PM

My busdriver in lcps was a brand new bus driver and her first bus was an 98 Thomas ER. Push Button Transmission black powder windows etc.

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 10/16/2005 7:00:45 PM

I'm sure I won't get a new bus anytime soon. There are a lot of drivers who need them more than I do. Loudoun seems to be getting a lot more Thomas HDX's than IC's.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/16/2005 7:05:37 PM

ohh ok, does your 00 IC have the T444E engine or the DT466?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/17/2005 04:47:47 AM

I don't think they are t444e's I have been next to one and it wasn't as loud as FCPS but I could be wrong.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/17/2005 07:12:08 AM

That's wild that some of the newer buses are spares. I find it very interesting how Loudoun does things slightly differently then us.

Thank you for the information on the TC/2000 RE's. I'll see if I can locate the ones I don't yet have pictures of.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/17/2005 08:25:28 AM

Yeah I rode a another 98 Thomas and that was a spare.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/17/2005 09:53:23 AM

What are the oldest buses Loudoun still has?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/17/2005 10:41:25 AM

Don't exactly know but there was a spare that another bus driver had to pick up used where her bus was in the shop and it was an 91-94 ER

Besides that the other buses I have only seen international conv which has a t444e and it isn't as loud when Idling like the RE t444's , BB/Frightliner and Thomas/Frightliner Am/IC RE's Thomas ER's/HD/HDX's and Thomas Vistas/ Type A. We even have type a activity buses! Oh and BB TC2000 RE's

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/17/2005 11:26:44 AM

Drew, have you seen Loudoun's C2 yet?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/17/2005 11:42:34 AM

No but im sure I will see the C2's soon.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 10/17/2005 4:35:30 PM


Yea i did notice that now that you've mentioned it. most of the buses thati've seen in Prince George county (MD) are short too.

I Thomas is losing out this year. During my travels, i see more districts and contractors buying the ICs instead of C2's. Sometimes i wish Virginia public or private schools would offer contracts for owner operators because the private contractors buses i saw up north are spec nice.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/18/2005 02:11:36 AM

FCPS has a contract with IC right now. It expires soon though. Sometime next fall, we will know who our new bus supplier will be. (I'm hoping it's IC again. But I can live with BB's).

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/23/2005 4:32:03 PM

Sorry forgot your user name but the other driver from LCPS the GPS systems in the HD/HDX's are the devices shaped like a cell phone.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/24/2005 02:13:21 AM

Loudoun has GPS in its buses?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/24/2005 03:31:20 AM

Yep but only in some of it's newer buses. Ever check on a newer HDX or even an older hdx it's right above the drivers seat.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/28/2005 07:24:27 AM

Only about 30 of our buses have it.

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 10/28/2005 4:12:22 PM

WE went on a Field trip Thursday to The Belvedere Plantation Pumpkin Patch in Spotsylvania County. I seen a Lot of different busses there. I Could Not tell you what they were But a lot of them were what I call Pug Noses I few Special Needs A lot of Thomas Freightliners like mine They were from Spotsylvania, Stafford and Prince William County. Prince Willliam has some Long Busses It was neat to talk to a lot of different Drivers from other Counties and see what the other Busses Look Like I still Say I Like Mine Better.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/28/2005 6:43:50 PM

Those other counties have the Thomas HDX's. They are very modern looking!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/29/2005 05:10:13 AM

Prince William has some pretty nice looking Thomas EF's. I also like those old Blue Bird Chevy's they have. (Actually I think all of those finally got retired).

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/31/2005 04:01:38 AM

Rappahannock County has a new Blue Bird Vision. First one I've seen in Virginia! It looks really nice too!

Reply author: 04ICCE
Replied on: 11/01/2005 04:07:13 AM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Rappahannock County has a new Blue Bird Vision. First one I've seen in Virginia! It looks really nice too!

i see that bus everyday and i think it is uglier than an ugly red headed step child.
i do like the small window down low and ahead of the passenger door. it looks like a prism window.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/01/2005 07:24:20 AM

I think it is a pretty nice looking bus. That new BB International that they have is pretty cool too.

04ICCE, how many buses does your county have? Are they all BB's except for the one HDX I've seen?

Reply author: 04ICCE
Replied on: 11/01/2005 2:54:46 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

I think it is a pretty nice looking bus. That new BB International that they have is pretty cool too.

04ICCE, how many buses does your county have? Are they all BB's except for the one HDX I've seen?

i am not with the county school system i am with a private school but do know that most of the fleet are BB. i would guess around 25 buses. the neww BB is on a BB chassis and last years BB is on an IC chassis. i believe the hdx was bought from loudon county, Tim the mechanic and the driver eddie wish they never got it, constant electrical issues since new but it climbs to the top of chester gap twice a day (elev. 2600 ft with 12% grade).

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 11/01/2005 4:25:38 PM

Lcps hasn't had to much trouble with HDX's. There nice.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 11/01/2005 7:03:18 PM

We have not had problems with our Blue Bird Visions, and we have gotten a few more this year. These do not have the extra rubrail down the side, and have fog lights on the bumpers! I will work to get pics asap!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/02/2005 02:40:15 AM

Can't wait to see some pics vabuslover.

04ICCE, what school do you drive for?

Reply author: 04ICCE
Replied on: 11/02/2005 03:27:19 AM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Can't wait to see some pics vabuslover.

04ICCE, what school do you drive for?

i drive sports and activities for Wakefield Country Day School in Huntly

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/11/2005 08:52:29 AM

How many buses does that school have? I think I've seen a few of them. Can't remember any off hand.

Reply author: 04ICCE
Replied on: 11/12/2005 04:33:09 AM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

How many buses does that school have? I think I've seen a few of them. Can't remember any off hand.

we have 9 total, 05 IC conv 64 pax. 05 Thomas conv 34 pax. 04 IC conv 64 pax. 99 BB 64 conv pax. 93 thomas conv 64 pax. (former LCPS bus bought used from sonny merryman) 88 microbus 24 pax. plus three vans.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/12/2005 04:57:45 AM

Are these buses parked at the school? Reason I ask is that my dad and I head out that way every weekend to go to our cabin up in the mountain. I may drop by to snap some pictures of these buses.

Reply author: 04ICCE
Replied on: 11/12/2005 2:38:32 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Are these buses parked at the school? Reason I ask is that my dad and I head out that way every weekend to go to our cabin up in the mountain. I may drop by to snap some pictures of these buses.

my bus the 05 IC is there most weekends, the 88 micro should be there and the 93 should be at the lower parking lot as it is the spare. if you want call 540-551-2344 or 540-622-7764 when you are in town and i would open mine for you.

will be on an overnight field trip the 20th and 21st.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/12/2005 5:13:02 PM

What is your e-mail address?

Reply author: 04ICCE
Replied on: 11/13/2005 01:11:12 AM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

What is your e-mail address?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 12/01/2005 05:59:29 AM

Does anyone know if any IC BE's have made their way into any VA fleets?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 12/01/2005 08:47:23 AM

I thought I would show this. Though most of you might have already seen it. This is the oldest FCPS bus I've seen!

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 12/08/2005 08:39:01 AM


Oh yea the classic. I like that bus, i could dare say that it's my favorite. i see alot of those buses in junk yards and on farms or people yards down here in South central Virginia...i know for sure that Nottoway, Buckingham, and i think Cumberland county had alot of those. i remember riding through there (nottoway) a couple of years ago and saw one of those fords "getting in" down the road. That bus was shining and sounding good.( It was hauling football equipment to the field).

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 12/08/2005 08:41:17 AM

I forgot, one day when i make my millions, i going to buy everyone of that style thomas ford that i see and restore them to showroom condition........well...that's my i a bus nut?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 12/08/2005 11:57:18 AM

poor_driver, I take it you like Thomas's?

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 12/09/2005 08:56:48 AM

naw i'm more of a chassis fan than a body fan.....if you really want to know...i love Waynes but thomas and bluebird and the rest are ok.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 12/09/2005 09:21:16 AM

That's cool. I've never heard of someone being a chassis fan. So what would your favorite chassis be of the one's avaliable today?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 12/09/2005 10:59:48 AM

I've finished with the massive update. I added all the Loudoun pics to the album "BUS HUNT 12/03/05". All Loudoun buses are labeled like "Loudoun XXX". Enjoy!

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 12/12/2005 10:09:54 AM


Good question.

WEll right off the back i would have said GMC but being known that the GMC (type c) chassis isn't available anymore..........hard to say but i guess.........i really can't say, i've driven both Navistar and Freightliner buses......i guess Navistar (international).

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 12/29/2005 07:34:12 AM

The Virginia Dept of Education wanting to raise the speed limit for buses? a link to the Richmond Times-Dispatch discussing the speed change. They want to raise the speed limit from 35 to 45 in a 55-MPH zone, and allow buses to travel at 55 MPH when the speed is higher. What do you all think of this new law?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 12/29/2005 07:59:51 AM

As I posted in the Breaking News Forum:

There are several points to this.

1) I agree with the lower speed limits because of the added safety it provides. I disagree with the lower speeds because of the traffic tie-ups it can create.

2) I agree with the higher speeed idea because it can help keep traffic moving. I disagree with it because it could cause some safety concerns.

I could go on, but I think I'll stop here.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/17/2006 1:22:45 PM

Hello All!

I updated my Webshots. I took that album "BUS HUNT 12/03/05" and broke it into two albums. So you now have the Fairfax bus pics in one album and the Loudoun in another. Both of these new albums have "bus hunt 12/03/05" in the title.

I've also gone back thru the Loudoun pictures in the "bus hunt" album and added the "year, make, and model" of all the buses.

I intend to add my pictures of Prince William County buses soon. Stay tuned.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/27/2006 04:08:05 AM

I'm having a mind blank here. Who is the driver from Williams Bus Lines? I have a question about them that I think they could answer.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/27/2006 07:26:08 AM

disneynuts is the driver from Williams, he has posted an entire list of their buses and specs in the FCPS thread. It even has their model years.

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 01/28/2006 5:14:39 PM

Loudoun has some new buses! I'm not sure how many we got in, but I've seen three just in the part of the county I drive in. They are all the IC conventionals. I haven't seen inside one yet, but I know they have the door and warning light controls on the steering wheel.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/28/2006 5:18:16 PM

WOW, Loudoun Bought IC CE's? That is very interesting, I know they have two Thomas C2's. I wonder if they are going to stick with conventional buses??

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 01/28/2006 7:32:23 PM

I don't believe Loudoun will be converting to all convetional buses. A good portion of the routes have too many students to be able to use the conventionals. The two new buses that I've been out in my area both replaced older conventionals that drive very rural routes where a smaller bus is needed.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/28/2006 7:58:09 PM

Oh okay, I forgot, in your county they have buses assigned based on routes, and not drivers like here in Fairfax. Here no matter where a driver goes and no matter what route they are assigned, they keep their own bus until they are elligible for a newer one. This applies unless a driver tranfers to another area in the county.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 01/28/2006 8:37:45 PM

Hey guys....disneynuts signed one of his recent posts with his real name. It ended in I thinks he's more than a WBL driver... ;-)

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 02/17/2006 3:05:52 PM

Today I saw my first C2 in person. I was behind a Prince Georges county C2 on I 66 today, nice bus, black window frames look wierd though. I wish I would have caught the number

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/17/2006 4:24:46 PM

I didn't know Prince George's had any C2's. The C2 is becoming popular around the D.C. Metro Area.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/17/2006 4:26:39 PM

My original Webshots page reached full capacity. I opened a new page up. I added photos from the 2005 Spotsylvania/Caroline County Bus Roadeo. Enjoy!

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 02/17/2006 5:01:20 PM

and there are more C2's to come in Virginia ......

Reply author: specialneeds54
Replied on: 02/17/2006 5:21:57 PM

great Pictures I wish I could have been There maybe Next Year if it is held in Fredericksburg again

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/18/2006 05:30:47 AM

722, who else has got C2's coming in Va? I know Williams has them, Loudoun, Prince William, Frederick, Spotsylvania. Who else?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/18/2006 05:31:15 AM

Hey does anyone know anything about Loudoun's IC CE's?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 02/18/2006 10:20:47 AM

bus801 said they were 64 pax, and VAdriver was saying that since their buses are assigned based on route and not by driver seniority, these buses were replacing older Conventional buses that were assigned for very rural routes.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/18/2006 1:25:09 PM

I wonder if Loudoun uses the same contract system we use. I wonder how they decide what buses they are going to buy.

Loudoun's fleet is becoming more and more diverse. Here is a list of current models they have:

Thomas Saf-T-Liner C2
Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX
Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP ER
Thomas Freightliner Conventional
Thomas International Conventional
Thomas Vista International
Thomas Minotour
AmTran RE
Blue Bird TC/2000 RE

This is almost the same amount of different models we currently own.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 02/18/2006 9:33:59 PM

I am guessing that the larger orders like the HDX and IC RE's are on a yearly bidding schedule, and the C2 and CE's were randomly ordered?

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 02/19/2006 12:11:51 AM

Hey, I saw a Stafford County IC-RE Activity Bus the other day over near GMU. Snow white and lookin GOOD!

PS: it even had a big ole IC badge on the rear bumper!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/19/2006 06:38:01 AM

IC-RE, that must be how they do it. I can't figure any other way.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/19/2006 09:04:29 AM

I made another update to the new page.

I added photos of Prince William County buses. I visited their main lot over spring break in 2004. Please note that many of the buses I have pictured may now be retired. Also note that I don't have totally accurate model year information for Prince William's buses. I plan to visit them again this spring to take better photos and hopefully get more accurate information.

I also added pictures of Fauquier County buses. I've never visited their main lot, but want to badly. I can't get a hold of anyone from transportation over their. The photos I have though, are of buses that I've found parked at schools and other misc. places. Enjoy!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 02/19/2006 10:02:33 AM

Originally posted by IC

Hey, I saw a Stafford County IC-RE Activity Bus the other day over near GMU. Snow white and lookin GOOD!

PS: it even had a big ole IC badge on the rear bumper!

Stafford went IC?? Yes thats what I like to hear. I think they were strictly Thomas for YEARS

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 02/19/2006 11:24:29 AM

Stafford started buying IC CE buses last year. That is all they are buying now,64 passenger buses. They do have 5 Activity buses.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/19/2006 12:39:06 PM

What county is Stafford next to? Anyone know where they park their buses?

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 02/19/2006 1:29:19 PM

Stafford is right below Prince William county. They have 294 buses and 5 Activity buses now.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/19/2006 1:34:24 PM

Thank you Rob. I ought to look at visiting them sometime soon.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 02/19/2006 1:55:54 PM

You can Kinda sorta see one of their yards off of 95 South through the trees...I typically miss it though, because you really have to be looking for it. I'd give you a land mark, but everything looks the same on that highway at that point.

PS...Stafford has a whole slew of Blue BIrd Internationals with fairly simple specs. They have air brakes, air doors, auto tranny, white roof, and the best spec is the DT466E. They are good buses though!

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 02/19/2006 1:59:11 PM

It is right after Exit 136, go under the Mountain View Road bridge on 95 and it will be on the right going south.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/19/2006 3:25:06 PM

I'll definetely try to visit their facility this spring.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 02/19/2006 4:21:52 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

722, who else has got C2's coming in Va? I know Williams has them, Loudoun, Prince William, Frederick, Spotsylvania. Who else?

Falls Church & Arlington currently have them and other local districts have them on order. Keep your eyes open....

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/23/2006 11:59:21 AM

I found out that both 377 and 378 of Prince William County are being used as "billboards" as was already mentioned. One bus is at Garfield HS as mentioned, the other is at the Hooe Rd. lot. Judging by what I was told by my buddy at PWC, the fate of these two buses is not yet known.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/23/2006 1:24:45 PM

I updated the Prince William County album on my new Webshots page. I removed three of the pictures. The three 1990 BB Chevy's were removed, because I have confirmed that they were retired.

Reply author: The Thomas Vista
Replied on: 03/02/2006 3:13:14 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

722, who else has got C2's coming in Va? I know Williams has them, Loudoun, Prince William, Frederick, Spotsylvania. Who else?

I saw one in Amherst County markings.


Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/03/2006 02:43:05 AM

They are becoming more popular in VA then I would have guessed. Wow!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 03/03/2006 11:54:00 AM

Hopefully, someone will be able to help me here...

So, Today, I was going down the Dulles Toll road towards the Airport, and saw a VERY intersting school bus. It was a Thomas HDX, spected similar to a Fairfax bus (obviously, it wasnt though, since it was a Thomas HDX) and had air conditioning, and the works. Intersting though, it had some CRAZY graphics up the sides. Not quite sure what they said, as it was going by quickly, but the grahpics were kinda blue and grey. This is the second time Ive seen this bus, and both times have been in Fairfax County, however I see alot of different districts buses in Fairfax County. The bus looks to be a normal Thomas HDX with high head room from the front, but again, the sides are painted with this graphic! ANyone else seen this bus?

OH, and I saw Williams Bus Lines C2 today on the toll road as well....NICE BUS!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/03/2006 12:03:50 PM

It may have been a Williams Bus. It sure can't be a public school bus, because VA State Reg's do NOT allow any kind of special graphics. It could have also belonged to some private school or a bus contractor from neighboring Maryland.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 03/03/2006 2:41:25 PM

Busfreak, that is a Naismith private school bus, they have an 01 HDX, and an 04 HDX with the blue banners down each side. That school is right near my house, and on the same road as my middle school. I live 2 minutes from this school. They also have an early 90's Blue Bird Chevy.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/03/2006 4:15:12 PM

IC-RE, do you have pictures of these buses?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 03/03/2006 9:18:17 PM

I can try to snap a few this weekend but they will be from afar because these buses are secured and locked it by a gate.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/04/2006 05:18:33 AM

Do your best. I can't wait to see the pics!

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 03/05/2006 10:26:49 AM

There are two yards i see on 95 north...i think one is Prince William and the other is Stafford. one has alot of thomas transit style's right as you pass the trucker scale house "chicken coop"..the other (if you're going north is on the left) i see alot of blubirds and waynes that it looks like they are getting rid of.

oh yea..there is one in fairfax going south on 95...i think it's a special needs bus shop.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/05/2006 2:25:26 PM

I know you can see alot of FCPS buses parked at Marshall HS off 495. Can you be more specific where the Stafford one is? That one in Prince William must be the one in Dumfries.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 03/05/2006 2:39:33 PM

okay, I got the pics of the three Nysmith buses, they are terrible because I had to sneak in and out real fast, the lot is heavily gated LOL but I made it.

I will put them in my webshots later tonight

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/05/2006 2:56:26 PM

I can't wait to see them! Thank you in advance IC-RE!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 03/05/2006 3:30:56 PM

Okay here they are...

Bus 1 - 01-02 Thomas HDX
Bus 2 - 03-04 Thomas HDX
Bus 3 - 80's-90's Chevy Bird

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 03/05/2006 3:54:48 PM

Hey poordriver, the yard you can see from I-95 south has to be Alban Garage. They service school buses (not just spec needs) and the tractors that pull trash from the I-66 transfer station to the Lorton landfill. Alban is the smallest (by far) of our 3 garages.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/06/2006 05:31:19 AM

Those were pretty good pictures IC-RE!

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 03/09/2006 2:04:55 PM

IC 1629

i'll get back with you next week, i have to go to baltimore. i think that it's either stafford or caroline...shucks maybe even spotsylivania...but i do believe it's you go north it think it's right at route 1 where i overpasses 95.....look i don't want to tell you the wrong thing so i'll let you know for sure next can't miss it it's after you pass central park in fredricksburg and before patomac mills, itt's on the left and you 'll see some bluebirds and waynes (fords n gmc's) blacked out right at the fence near the highway.

the prince william is right as you pass the scale house up on a hill.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 03/09/2006 2:13:53 PM

Thats Stafford County...You probrably see a bunch of Blue Birds, and some Thomas HDXs and conventionals.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 03/09/2006 2:22:56 PM

i thought so...know i 'm getting old but shucks i thought i knew what i saw...many thanks

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/09/2006 2:57:15 PM

Is this a secured facilty? Does it have a fence and gates surrounding it? If so, I want to try to secure permission to go there.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 03/09/2006 3:00:34 PM

as far as i know it is...but then again i never been to it just seen it from does have a fence that i can see through a few trees

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/09/2006 4:24:59 PM

I went up to Point of Rocks, Maryland to do some train spotting and found something interesting on the way up there. I stopped in Lucketts, VA because I found Loudoun County's two new IC CE's. Buses 651 and 652 which are both 2006 IC CE's.

These buses are awesome! They have A/C, automatic tire chains, FULL LED lighting, etc.

They also have some new features. Both of these buses have a front and rear stop arm, just like most California buses! I've never seen that before on a public school bus in Virginia.

Finally, the "LOUDOUN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS" on the side is written in a different font then all the other buses. I posted pictures of the new font and the old font for comparison.

I posted pictures here:

BTW, I caught three trains on my trip. Two CSX and one Amtrak.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 04/09/2006 5:00:37 PM

Wow, what's with that rear stop arm? Good looking buses!

Your mention of Lucketts, Va sure brought back memories! They used to have Saturday night dances at the Lucketts firehouse......and the bluegrass band I played in years ago had that gig at least once a month. As folks started liking our sound....we became the "house band" and played there every week. There were usually 2 other bands also. Phew.....I had a LOT of fun in Lucketts!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/09/2006 5:26:21 PM

I sent an e-mail to my Loudoun buddy asking about that. I've never seen a rear stop arm on a bus like that here in Virginia.

Does anyone else in VA have that feature?

Reply author: Thomas Ford 85-16
Replied on: 04/09/2006 5:44:54 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

They also have some new features. Both of these buses have a front and rear stop arm, just like most California buses! I've never seen that before on a public school bus in Virginia.

California only has rear stop arms. States such as Florida and New York require front and rear. Most others allow for the option for front and rear if they only require front stop arms, but I have never seen a CA bus with a front stop arm.

Reply author: Thomas Ford 85-16
Replied on: 04/09/2006 5:49:56 PM

Oh, and I have a question! Why do so many Virginian buses end up with the funky roof hatch tops? I have seen them before, but never on a bus from a state other than Virginia. What advantage do they offer, and why did they become a requirement (if they are)?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 04/09/2006 6:14:12 PM

Those are not required roof hatches, they are just popular with the VA dealers. They are made by Specialty Manufacturing, and have what are called "brush guards." Basically, if the smaller black vent within the hatch comes in contact with a low lying tree branch (of which there are plenty in VA), the guards are there to deflect the brush from the vent, and keep the branch from ripping it off. They do increase the hight of the bus a little, but they seem to work. They are not as common as you may think though, as there are only a few districts in Virginia with those specs. Untill the 2006 buses, Fairfax spected these types of roof hatches. I'm not quite sure why that spec disappeared.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 04/10/2006 01:55:52 AM


williams new buses the hdx and the c2 have the rear stop sign.

maryland now requires it

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/10/2006 06:14:31 AM

Really? I wonder if any other Public school districts in VA have rear stop arms.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 04/10/2006 06:25:57 AM

Hey disney, I see Williams bus 22 (AmTran RE) almost every day, and man does that bus sound good....better than any of our AmTran REs....what is it powered by? It either has exhaust/muffler "issues" or an unusual engine in it...

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/10/2006 11:52:05 AM

I bet it has a DT466 in it.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 04/10/2006 2:39:42 PM

Word has it that Arlington will also have dual stop arms on the new buses this fall. This is currently a pilot program in Virginia that is very likely to become required equipment when the Virginia state specifications are revised.

Reply author: 80-RE4
Replied on: 04/10/2006 3:09:27 PM

Originally posted by IC-RE

okay, I got the pics of the three Nysmith buses, they are terrible because I had to sneak in and out real fast, the lot is heavily gated LOL but I made it.

I will put them in my webshots later tonight

1. wow i think that's kind of funny-sneaking in a bus yard to take pics...but no harm done..and you weren't caught..

2. please tell me this isn't a real school bus, what happened to it....what's with all those adds

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/10/2006 4:51:31 PM

2. That's a real school bus. A private school bus.

I asked for more info on the two Loudoun buses with rear stop arms. He stated that it is currently not a state reg, and that Loudoun is purely trying it to improve safety. As of now, it is undecided whether or not future Loudoun buses will have rear stop arms.

When are the VA state regs to be revised again?

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 04/10/2006 5:35:50 PM

I was in Stafford and King George Counties today and saw lots of school buses.....apparently it is NOT Spring Break down there! Saw lots of Freightshakers and IC-CEs and a few Birds.....oh, and one HDX.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/10/2006 5:51:41 PM

Cool! Any of those buses look appealing to you?

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 04/11/2006 12:27:08 PM

ic, thanks for the heads up on the exhuast. i reported it to the mechanic and the driver had not reported it yet. repairs will be made soon.

1629, yes it does have the 466.

722, isn't it great that williams bus brings all these new features to va?

if it were not for williams, you would be riding in conventionals with brown seats, still doing 45 on the interstates.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 04/11/2006 12:28:20 PM

1629, is 1037 an 07 or 06 bus?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/11/2006 12:56:05 PM

Are you talking about Fairfax County bus 1037? If so, 1037 is a 2007 IC FE 300.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/11/2006 12:57:33 PM

What do you all think? Should VA make rear stop arms a state reg?

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 04/11/2006 2:49:47 PM

Hi my friend, Disney. You know how much I hated the brown and green seats and pushing on that pedal as it pushed back on my foot. How about getting them to send me over a set of chromed wheels (bling, bling)!!!!

I stole the blue, but just can't get the wheels.... (he,he,he)
In VA WBL got the chrome wheels as an exclusive option. The wheel has to still be solid black on the public buses.... no grey and no chrome...

Had not see your buses with the dual stop signs, but have seen the dual stop signs PG county. If I am correct, Henrico is currently piloting the dual stop arms...

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/11/2006 4:45:42 PM

I hope they change that reg stating no chrome. Chrome wheels can make for a really nice looking school bus.

Personally, I'd be willing to give dual stop arms a try. After spring break, I'll have to talk to some of the bus drivers at my school and ask them what they'd think of the idea.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 04/11/2006 5:09:13 PM

Dual stop arms? Phooey!

I'm working on designing a system that, at the push of a button, fires a spike strip across the road. They'll probably still run the warning lights, but they won't go far on 4 flat tires! That'll teach 'em, eh?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/11/2006 5:47:57 PM

LOL, not a bad idea!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/13/2006 05:30:32 AM

I found another one of Loudoun's CE's. I thought they only had two, but I guess not. I found a third one parked in a mini-lot in Lovettsville.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 04/13/2006 2:37:17 PM

That is a beautiful looking CE! (both of them pictured) I just don't like how the driver mirror is suspended like that.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/13/2006 3:22:03 PM

Are you talking about that driver's side mirror? I think it looks alright, but I would like to see what a CE with that mirror in another position would look like.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 04/13/2006 8:31:01 PM

I know you can spec the CE to have the driver side mirror like we have on our FE and RE buses. I have seen them like ours more than I have ones like the Loudoun CE's. They look fine, just upside down from what I am used to.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/14/2006 05:03:01 AM

IC-RE, this may be off topic, but is your e-mail not working? I sent you something the other day, I don't know if you got it.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 04/14/2006 5:47:16 PM

I would like to see Newport News try rear stop arms in addition to front ones. It might cut down on red light running.

Some of our buses are testing a LED sign on the back door that lights up and says "Preparing to stop" when the yellows are turned on and says "STOP" in big red letters when the bus stops. I never seen one work but I think it is cool.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 04/14/2006 6:16:32 PM

Go check out buses being converted to bio diesel!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/14/2006 6:20:26 PM

I've seen ad's for that device in School Bus Fleet and School Transportation News magazine. It seems like it would be a helpful device.

If I'm correct, I believe one Fairfax bus has that on it.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/14/2006 6:23:04 PM

Cool article on the Biodiesel. I wonder if FCPS would consider trying it. I know we tried CNG back in the early 90's, but that didn't go so well. That's another story though.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 04/14/2006 6:23:47 PM

It might cause more districts to consider it, since it seems like it is easy to do. I wonder what it costs to do that.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/14/2006 6:54:06 PM

It seems like a smart and easy thing to do. I really hope others across the country follow suit.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 04/14/2006 7:38:49 PM

I don't think they will try biodiesel. It would cause too much trouble for cafeteria see, the exhaust from biodiesel smells like french fries (some say popcorn). So in the morning as the buses are in line to unload....instead of choking on the stench of regular diesel exhaust....the bus would fill with the smell of french fries. Have you ever seen several hundred students storm the cafeteria at 7:00 am demanding an order of fries?

Well, it wouldn't be pretty!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/15/2006 05:17:30 AM

LOL, That would be interesting no doubt. I really hope we try it. Remember that study that was released awhile ago? The one where they determined that FCPS buses don't let off excessive amounts of dangerous particulates? I don't believe a word they say in that report. Many of buses blow out smoke and exaust of every possible color.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 04/17/2006 09:54:37 AM

But, from what I read in the article that there is very little odor from the exhaust of biodiesel. If that is true then people will not even notice the bus is running on it, and the kids will not run into the school asking for fries or popcorn.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/17/2006 1:23:14 PM

I'm sure IC was just making a joke, like he often does.

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 04/18/2006 7:33:13 PM

IC RE 1629.....I haven't been on the site for several weeks and just saw your posting about LCPS' two new IC CE's. I can tell you that we have a LOT of the new IC CE's on the road. We have two at the Lovettsville Fire & Rescue where I park and I know that that there are at least 20 on the road in in the western part of the county. Most of them are parked at our lot in Purcellville.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 04/18/2006 7:53:55 PM

wow, so these CE's seem to be a real hit here in Virginia, I was just shocked to see Loudoun order ANY conventional buses because we haven't even thought about them here in Fairfax as far as I know. Have you heard whether or not the Thomas C2's are favored, or are the CE's preferred?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/19/2006 02:38:00 AM

I saw the one at the Lovettsville FD. Are you talking about that lot on Colonial Hwy in Purcellville? I haven't been by that lot in quite awhile. Next time I'm in Loudoun I intend to visit the Lovettsville lot, the Purcellville lot and also capture about 20 type A buses that are parked at Heritage High in Leesburg. I am guessing I could almost add a 100 new Loudoun bus pics to my collection. I need to get out there!

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 04/19/2006 2:51:47 PM

1629.......I personally prefer the IC's. I drive a 2001 IC RE extended. It is also parked out at the Lovettsville lot. There are now of the CE's at Lovettsville, as well as 4 or 5 that park at home. The Purcellville lot is the one on Colonial Highway, across the street from the school. The one interesting thing about the CE's Loudoun has is that they did away with the Child Checkmate button in the back of the bus. In order to shut off the bus without all the alarms and horn going off you have the walk to the back of the bus and open the rear door and shut it. I actually like the dual stop arms, although I could probably paint my bus neon green with purple spots and people would still run my lights. I'd much rather have a new RE bus, but to get the air conditioning I'd drive the CE. Unfortunately, since I drive a fairly new bus I'm sure I'm far down on the waiting list.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/19/2006 3:52:53 PM

How do they determine upgrades in Loudoun?

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 04/19/2006 6:31:47 PM

The first determination is the age and condition of the bus. If two buses are of the same age and condition, the driver with more seniority determines who gets the bus.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/20/2006 02:36:10 AM

Interesting. Have any other new buses come this year? Any new IC RE's or Thomas HDX's?

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 04/26/2006 5:22:09 PM

Kinda off the subject but.....

While taking several trips across the state i notice that there are some beautiful people that drives a school bus...especially in those big in particular...chesterfield....mannnnnnnnn! yall need to take a look!..i'm pretty sure there're more out there i just go through there alot.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 04/26/2006 5:57:09 PM

Nahhh man.....the HOTTEST babes drive for Fairfax!

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 04/26/2006 7:43:31 PM

bio-diesel costs more to use than reg diesel- might be better for engine & envirorment, but costs are too high for FCPS (take the lowest bid!). article not too long ago in W Post about the subject, Arlington runs on it, said they could afford to cos their fleet was small.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/27/2006 02:40:28 AM


Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/05/2006 8:59:21 PM

There are several FCPS buses, and a bunch of Loudoun Buses.

Reply author: wantamustang94
Replied on: 05/05/2006 10:55:07 PM

Hey, I live in Mount Airy, N.C., just across theborder from the Blue Ridge area of Virginia, and the buses in that part of Virginia are quite old!!I go to school surplus auctions and buy all the desks, chairs, and yes, BUSES! I have 41 old buses in a storage yard 50 miles south of here in Lexington, N.C. I use them to store furniture. Last year, Grayson County, Va. auctioned off 5 buses, 2 1981 Ford conventionals with Thomas,and 3 1982-83 Blue Birds with Internationals (conventionals) They brought a little high for gas buses, a junk yard in this area goes to all the sales and runs them and police cars quite high!! Last October Carroll County, Va auctioned off 2 1988 Ford Diesels-Thomas convention als. Grayson's were gas. Carroll County must be strapped for cash...Grayson's were complete and running, yet Carroll took off the entire front ends, and stripped the motors of the alternators, starters, etc. The outer two rear tires were even missing!! Half the windows were taken out of another bus!! And most of the seats were missing the seat covers. The same junkyard bought them at a princely sum of $900.00 each!! the same he paid for running buses over in Grayson. Here in North Carolina, the state, not the county, specs all the buses and buys them and doles them out to the counties on a as needed basis. All our buses down here have had automatics since 1977, and diesels since 1984. The state prices and sells all the used buses in each county to be retired each summer. The prices are a little high. Right now, Surry Co,NC has a few 1986 Thomas-Ford conventional Diesels that they want an average of $2,200.00 for!! I've seen running ones in Virginia here and there bring as little as 300.00 for gas and 750.00 for diesel! I have a Virginia bus in my collection. It is a 1980 Ford-Wayne conventional. I bought it from a Baptist Church here in N.C. Under the blacked out area on the sides it says "Fairfax County Schools" and I even found an old registration card in the glove box from when it was used in Fairfax! I used to live in Gettysburg, Pa. before I came back down here, and I had 18 buses up there which I had to sell off when I moved, and quite a few were from Northern Va., which was only a 1 hour drive (to Leesburg) from my home up there. I had a 1977 Int'l-Carpenter from Fauquier Co, another IH-Carp. from Spotsylvania,(1978), and a 1980 Ford-Carp from Warren Co.,a 1977 Thomas-Ford from the Manassas Park City schools, and another '77 Thomas Ford from Prince William Co., and a 1969 IH-Carp, from Stafford Co, all of which were bought back in the early '90's at school auctions down there.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/06/2006 05:56:38 AM

Admin has been notified. Action will be taken.

Reply author: scottyd
Replied on: 05/06/2006 08:06:12 AM

I started a new fcps thread

Reply author: LBDboater
Replied on: 05/06/2006 08:35:43 AM

I'm so sorry that he also ruined this topic. This is getting redicioulous. And to think its only Saturday morning.

Reply author: scottyd
Replied on: 05/06/2006 7:01:16 PM

I've noticed he's been on the new FCPS thread, too.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/06/2006 8:18:06 PM

really? Thats very interesting. Something tells me we won't have all of our buses in our county until summer because they still have to go to the dealer, get inspected, have radios installed, and then assigned.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/09/2006 4:58:16 PM

Hey all

Sorry it took so long for me to respond.....The fleet i saw off of 95 northhbound was right off of route 1...stafford a matter of fact they are selling some of there buses on (as of may 9th 2005)

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/10/2006 02:36:34 AM

Thanks for the info!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/13/2006 5:36:34 PM

This may be a bit late, but my Webshots pages have been updated for May. Here's what we got this month:
New "School Bus Of The Month". 2007 IC RE
Added a new album called "NEW PHOTOS - MAY 2006". This album showcases photos from my visit to the Newington facility for FCPS on May 12th, 2006.

Any commments appreciated.

Reply author: School Bus 7
Replied on: 05/21/2006 1:58:20 PM

About 2 weeks ago I Was in Wise County, VA and Lee County, VA there on the Western Tip of the State there real Rural Countys. I saw in Wise County 3 Thomas Saf-T-Liner C2,s 65 Passenger Buses. And in Lee County All the Buses I saw was Mostly Thomas Freightliner FS-65 they Looked Shorter then 65 Passenger and a AmTran RE Looked like a 78 Passenger Bus and a Bluebird International 3800 65 Passenger Bus. I didnt see any New IC,s or New Bluebirds. I wasnt Use to Seeing anything Shorter then 65 Passenger most of the Type C Buses around here in WV are 71,77 and our Type D Buses are 78, 84 and are Handys are 65 and a Few 30. But I just thought I,d Share some Info with Yall about those 2 Countys.

Reply author: The Thomas Vista
Replied on: 05/21/2006 2:17:23 PM

"I sent an e-mail to my Loudoun buddy asking about that. I've never seen a rear stop arm on a bus like that here in Virginia.

Does anyone else in VA have that feature?"

Henrico County has that on a few C2's. I did a double-take when I saw that at first. Looks wierd with the VA spec buses!

On another note, does every bus have to get retrofitted with the signs now?

Reply author: The Thomas Vista
Replied on: 05/21/2006 2:22:46 PM

Originally posted by IC

Nahhh man.....the HOTTEST babes drive for Fairfax!

Then you haven't been looking at the right places my friend!

On a side note, Chesterfield got some new Saf-T-Liner EF's. Wonder what powers them, because they seem more powerful than they once were...

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/21/2006 2:28:42 PM

All of the buses in Virginia had to get retro fitted with stop signes years ago

Reply author: The Thomas Vista
Replied on: 05/21/2006 2:30:43 PM

I meant with teh rears.

Anyway...a few weeks ago, on the border between NC and VA (near the coast) I noticed a VA and NC bus parked next to each other. Kinda cool, IMO.

Reply author: ThomasER0005
Replied on: 05/21/2006 2:45:29 PM

Originally posted by School Bus 7

About 2 weeks ago I Was in Wise County, VA and Lee County, VA there on the Western Tip of the State there real Rural Countys. I saw in Wise County 3 Thomas Saf-T-Liner C2,s 65 Passenger Buses. And in Lee County All the Buses I saw was Mostly Thomas Freightliner FS-65 they Looked Shorter then 65 Passenger and a AmTran RE Looked like a 78 Passenger Bus and a Bluebird International 3800 65 Passenger Bus. I didnt see any New IC,s or New Bluebirds. I wasnt Use to Seeing anything Shorter then 65 Passenger most of the Type C Buses around here in WV are 71,77 and our Type D Buses are 78, 84 and are Handys are 65 and a Few 30. But I just thought I,d Share some Info with Yall about those 2 Countys.

Not too long ago I was in Pigeon Forge, Tn and I saw a Wise County C2 roaming through there. Nice looking bus.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/21/2006 3:14:09 PM

I wish I get down to the Southern part of Virginia to see some of those buses for myself. Whenever I get my license, I'll head down that way.

Reply author: The Thomas Vista
Replied on: 05/21/2006 3:31:36 PM

Not much. Gates County (NC) has Vistas and Minotours while Isle of Wight (VA) uses Bluebird.

Do the mountain counties (IE Highland County or Wise County) have to have special gear ratios to climb the hills? Goodness how much torque they would need.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/21/2006 3:58:46 PM

I wonder if they use transmission retarders?

Reply author: The Thomas Vista
Replied on: 05/21/2006 4:49:45 PM

Explane what a transmission retarder is. Sorry, I am not that smart when it comes to the buses' internals .

Hmm...better ask a bus driver or truck driver than me!


Reply author: The Thomas Vista
Replied on: 05/22/2006 1:44:39 PM

Originally posted by The Thomas Vista

Originally posted by IC

Nahhh man.....the HOTTEST babes drive for Fairfax!

Then you haven't been looking at the right places my friend!

On a side note, Chesterfield got some new Saf-T-Liner EF's. Wonder what powers them, because they seem more powerful than they once were...

Sorry for the double post, but Poor Driver, if the driver you saw was in Bus 513 (1996 Thomas Vista, one of the few that look barely driven), that driver does runs to my high school. w00t.


Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/29/2006 7:39:34 PM

Mannn i can't many of them... I will say this..Fairfax has sosme nice ones too.but that's on rare occasion that i see one of them on the interstate. There are beautiful All over Virginia, some counties just have more than the other but that's all right,,if you are in one that dosen't...enjoy what you have and take as many trips that you can:).

IC Re 1629

What you want to know about us southern Va Bus Drivers (note i'm speaking of south central VA)..covering hwys 360,460,29,58,522,13,60 I85, I95 ...well a rough estimate of the area to the mostly central and eastern (partly) VA/NC border

Sonny Merryman calls me and asks for directions!:)......kiddin

Reply author: vaoverland
Replied on: 05/30/2006 3:15:02 PM

1. The second stop arm is an experimental thing being tried in some VA school divisions. IMHO, anythin g that helps get the attention of traffic could be a good thing. I think most voilators aren't deliberate, but rather either uneducated or mostly inattentative.
2. For a long time, some rural school divisions in VA have used shorter (ie 9 row) buses because they do not have routes which fill up larger ones and turning around at dead ends and county lines is easier with the shorter buses.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/30/2006 4:11:50 PM

Originally posted by vaoverland

I think most voilators aren't deliberate, but rather either uneducated or mostly inattentative.

No, I think most are just plain stupid or are on there cell phones and need to hang up. (as most of my bus driver friends would say).

Reply author: The Thomas Vista
Replied on: 05/30/2006 4:17:27 PM

It's not really a case of "or" but "and." I say bring on the second stop arm. If it helps, retrofit all the buses with it. And I mean, come on. It's big, yellow, has people coming out of it, has 8 flashing lights, and if you run into it, you will die; HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT?!

Cell phones need to be banned while driving. Handheld AND hands-free. They cause too many deaths to not be banned.


Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/31/2006 02:12:12 AM

I know how they can stop people from talking on cell phones when driving. If you get caught, $5,000 dollar fine. That would be what I would push lawmakers to do.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/31/2006 1:37:00 PM

I agree with the second stop arm because a bus is very long, and there is only one arm and that is in the front. If drivers are too close to the rear (I know it is not intentionally I have been driving and close behind a bus in traffic) anyway when you are near the rear of the bus, or off to the right a bit, you cannot see the front stop arm and a rear one would be practical

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/31/2006 3:40:13 PM

I wish more drivers would follow the 3-second rule I was taught in driver's ed. You should keep 3-seconds distance between you and the vehicle in front of you.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/31/2006 3:52:02 PM

I do follow that rule, but when in traffic, I sometimes don't realize that I am following so close, not too close but closer than if we were moving regular speed. I usually leave tons of room for buses though

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/31/2006 3:58:50 PM

Sadly, few people do follow that rule.

Reply author: 2006.AAFE.#21
Replied on: 06/12/2006 12:20:18 PM


I was looking on your Webshots at the Nysmith HDX's those are actually HD's. The HDX's have the 3 piece front while the HD's do not and the Nysmith buses don't have the 3-piece. The HD's were only 2001 and 2002 model years before the HDX's were put in production. Just to let you know well now that you say the one is a 2003 maybe some EARLY 2003's had the one piece

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/12/2006 12:55:27 PM

I should go thru my photos to see if there are any mis-identified HD's in my collection. I didn't realize there was an easy way to distinguish them.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/12/2006 2:24:59 PM

I was also thinking that, but that second bus, #2 is a 2003, so I guess it had a replacement part put on, or something else.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 06/13/2006 12:44:57 AM

Actually, before the HDX came around (with the three piece front) thomas offered two versions of the ER in 2001 and 2002, similar to the MVP ER vs ER setup, only with the new body style. The replacment for the MVP ER became the ER, and the replacment for the ER became the ERHD. HD stood for Heavy Duty, which catered to the more extreme markets, such as those in California. The ER was for the less extreme market, like us wimps out here in AT545 land. Most of the pre HDX post MVPER Thomas Rear Engine transit buses around here are Thomas ERs, not HDs. I think there is some kind of distinction with the rear side grille, but I'm not sure. My guess is, the 2001 and 2002 Thomas ERs have a larger version of the MVP ER grilles, while the Thomas ER HD has a grille similar to those on the new HDXs and the older (such as 99) Thomas ERs, which looks more like chicken wire. Does anyone else have any input on this often forgotten past time?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/07/2006 1:49:29 PM

For any of you familar with Dan's Steak House on Rt. 211 between Luray and New Market, you'll recall a Blue Bird convetional that is parked behind the steak house. Well, driving by today I noticed that the owner of that birdy has put her up for sale. Not sure for how much though. You can see a pic of that bus here:

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/24/2006 1:49:15 PM

I saw something interesting today. Bus 10 of Falls Church City Public Schools was broken down on University Drive in Fairfax. The bus was sitting right by GMU. Bus 10 is a Thomas International conventional. Not sure what was wrong with it, but they had the hood popped open and a mechanic was looking under the bus near the rear gearbox.

This bus has a T444E in it according to the decal on the hood.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/24/2006 1:52:53 PM

I saw one of their IC RE's parked right next to one of our IC RE's, They look identical aside from the fonts.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/24/2006 4:24:37 PM

Falls Church City Public Schools has an IC RE? I thought they only had conventionals.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/24/2006 6:06:43 PM

Falls Church has a good variety. They have a few Thomas Internationals, but then they fell on the type D bandwagon in 2000ish with a beautiful Thomas MVP ER with high head room. They got atleast one more Thomas ER (the new style) after that, with low head room. I think after that, they tailed onto a fairfax order, because they have an 04ish IC RE that really is identical to the ones Fairfax has, only without AC. It has the right side emergency door and everything! The newest buses Ive seen then with are IC CEs. You should check out some of their buses! They park some of them at George Mason High school, right by the West Falls Church metro station. Take the Rt 7 exit off of 66, and turn right. You should see the backs of the buses lined up on your left in the school parking lot.

Oh, they also have a few Type A buses. I dont think that any of their regular ed buses have AC.

I see bus 10 quite a bit on Glebe Road. Its pretty basic specs, with tinted windows and a white roof being some of the only options. It has a manual door, which is something I havn't seen on newer buses in Northern Virginia for a while.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/24/2006 6:12:57 PM

I'll be up in the Falls Church area Thursday. I'll have to see if I can swing by GMHS and check out those buses.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/24/2006 8:53:47 PM

I think it was bus 18 that is the IC RE, I had to take a double take, I thought it was one of ours. It even has LED

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/24/2006 11:33:38 PM

Yeah, I kid you not that I think they tagged on our order that year. To the bone, it looks like our IC REs. Arlingtons IC REs of the same year look SIMILAR, but not the same. They have the extended skirting and the T444E, but not the extra door, the grey interior, or the roof hatches. The Falls Church ones however have all of those, plus the LED lighting. They even a yellow grille in the back, which Loudoun and Fairfax are the only ones in the area who spec that.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/25/2006 05:14:14 AM

I noticed something the other day while I was driving down to the southern part of the state...I passed a new Suffolk City school bus (REALLY nice blue bird RE) and instead of the normal "Suffolk City Public Schools" being painted on the side, it said "City Of Suffolk Public Schools." Is that allowed now? Are the other city districts doing the same? Brian, maybe you can answer this one.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/25/2006 06:29:11 AM

Interesting BusFreak. Personally I think "City Of __ Public Schools" would look better and sound better.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/25/2006 09:30:43 AM

BusFreak-- Suffolk for some reason goes with that lettering weird but the Ward body company use to letter their sides like that Va. Beach had 1972 International Wards labeled the same way. Suffolk had a mandate several years ago to paint all buses at 10 years old and they would use "city of......" on the repaint.I guess now they go with that on all buses from the factory.They have a couple of 1996 Ford Waynes that had large lettering in that same style.However from some old pics of the 1973 Ford Wards it is as va.beach city public schools.They do get a lot of All American transits in Suffolk.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/25/2006 09:34:23 AM

I have a pic of a 1964 International Thomas and it is labeled Va.Beach City Public Schools. I am not sure when that photo was taken but it was the old old Bus # 138.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/25/2006 10:01:49 AM

Could you share that pic?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/25/2006 11:36:57 AM

Can you send me your email address. I will be glad to email it to you.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/25/2006 12:06:57 PM

Hit the send user a e-mail thing in my profile. I'd prefer not to announce my e-mail on the forum.

Reply author: VetteMonte
Replied on: 07/25/2006 5:21:50 PM

"Next door in Va Beach, they are in the process of retiring their 88 and 87 GMCs, both Blue Bird and Thomas bodies. Since 1980 though, Virginia Beach has spected their buses with Automatic Transmissions, Air brakes, and Diesel engines. In 95, they introduced the white roofs, then in 96-97, they introduced the air doors, and finally, in 00 (ish) they introduced tinted windows. They are mostly conventional still, however they do have a few Thomas HDX CNG buses floating around as well. They are the only Thomas HDX buses I have ever seen with only one roof hatch! They also have a few All American REs from the late 90s (also with one roof hatch)."

Yes, we have 7 transit style buses. Buses 73, 74, and 78 are 1998 BlueBird All American REs. Buses 280 and 150 are 2004 Thomas Safe-T-Liner HDXs. Buses 301 and 302 are 2006 HDXs. All 4 HDXs are CNG powered. Bus 120 is our sole Thomas C2. The driver RAVES about it. Below are all the major changes in our fleet

1983 (Ford/BB) diesel, automatic, airbrakes
1984 no buses purchased
1985 (Int/BB) year of the gajillion Internationals, late buses have wider emergency doors
1986 (GMC/Thom)
1987 (GMC/BB) 8-lamp warning system
1988 (GMC/Thom)
1989 (Ford/BB) turbodiesels
1990 (Ford/Thom) Air brakes in SpeEd buses
1991 (Ford/BB) intercooled turbodiesel, vandalock system
1992 (Ford/BB) high back seat, 3-pointbelt, smaller vandalock auto in SpeEd buses
1993 (Int/BB) "new" Internationals (Navistar)
1994 (Int/BB) white-tops, side emergency door
1995 (Int Thom) some Vistas, roof vent
1996 (Int Thom) air door (some Vistas, ONE SpeEd conventional)
1997 (Int/BB) ALL air doors, no side door, pop-out windows instead
1998 (Int/BB) strobe lights
1999 (Frt/Thom and GMC/BB) Freightliner Dynasty begins, 2 roof vents
2000 (Frt/Thom) Side mirrors change to split type
2001 (Frt/Thom) Crossview change to elliptical from banana shaped
2002 (GMC/BB and IC) No FS-65s
2003 (Frt/Thom) MBE904-190 engine trials
2004 (Frt/Thom) tinted windows
2005 (Frt/Thom) childminder system
2006 (Frt/Thom) 2-stage air door switch (coolest thing EVER)

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/25/2006 7:56:47 PM

VetteMonte's list is pretty accurate expect that there were two years of the 83 fords the first year with tan interior and green seats the second year had tan interior and brown seats and the left side number went in front of the stop sign. The 84/85 Internationals were in two years with the back door being wider the second year and with a painted black stripe along the rub rail at the battery box.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/25/2006 10:46:10 PM

Brian, used to wonder about that black stripe on the batter box! There was also one Blue Bird Ford diesel/auto/air from 82ish that had an all green interior. I want to say it was bus 3, but I could be very mistaken. My driver had it once as a spare in middle school, and it sounded like the engine had been rebuilt, as it was much quieter inside than the others of the same era.

Some other improvments to go on the list are:

1999 the Blue Birds got high back seats. Before, only Thomas had the high back seats.

1990 Ford Thomas also had a 3 point safety belt. Some had the real deal (like 192) but others just had the lap belt with a shoulder strap that was permanently attached to the ceiling and floor

2000 was the first year for the Thomas buses to have the center mounted fuel tank.

1994 was the fist year they got TWO fans in the drivers area, and also the only year the Blue Birds had those extra convex mirrors above the double nickle mirrors. This was also the first year for Vinyl lettering for the number.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/26/2006 06:11:38 AM

One of the first diesels was all green that very well may have been Bus 3 i was never really around that one to much. I drove 5,8,and 10 but never bus 3. The driver that had that Bus 3 from 1983 had Bus 52 a 1972 International Ward and she drove lots of miles along Shore Dr after bus 3 she went to Bus 381 and then she moved to Florida.The 88 GMC 381 got torched in 2000.

Reply author: VetteMonte
Replied on: 07/26/2006 4:37:16 PM

<shudder> Green seat Bluebirds...

"Some other improvments to go on the list are:

1999 the Blue Birds got high back seats. Before, only Thomas had the high back seats.

1990 Ford Thomas also had a 3 point safety belt. Some had the real deal (like 192) but others just had the lap belt with a shoulder strap that was permanently attached to the ceiling and floor

2000 was the first year for the Thomas buses to have the center mounted fuel tank.

1994 was the fist year they got TWO fans in the drivers area, and also the only year the Blue Birds had those extra convex mirrors above the double nickle mirrors. This was also the first year for Vinyl lettering for the number."

You are correct on all counts. Also, 2002s got the 2000 series transmissions. Earlier models got the AT545. 1993 Internationals also had different rear end gearing because of the then pending speed limit increase (45 to 55 on Interstate highways) to allow the buses to go 55 without over-revving the engine. They were still governed at 45, though some of them have been reset.

My friend Heather drove old bus 1 as her first assigned bus. When a new bus 1 was bought (2001), hers was renumbered A1. She DARED her students to forget it, after all, how many people ride to school in a bottle of steak sauce?

My favorite bus EVER was old bus 236 ('83 Ford). It would haul @$$ (75+ mph). I didn't do it on purpose. I had the new bus 10 (1999) last year and the year before. I had the '88 GMC 369 for two years (now I have the NEW 2006 ['07 on the registration] 369), and the bus never had me waiting for a service truck (except the one time "someone" left the headlights on all weekend...stupid vandals). The next driver to get it broke the starter 2 days later and blew 2 transmissions. I guess it missed me.

Almost all of the 1989-1992 Fords are spares along with a few '93 Internationals. Most of the 87/88 GMCs and some '89 Fords are part of the "A-Fleet" of school activity buses now, and most earlier buses are gone.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/26/2006 11:47:52 PM


How long have you been driving for Virginia Beach? I am a graduate of Salem from back in the day. I dont recognize any of the buses you mention, but I bet they were good ones! I remember when bus 1 was one of those older ford blue birds.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/27/2006 11:29:00 AM

The first Va. Beach Bus#1 I remember was a 72IHC Ward there were just a handful of them starting with Bus 1,27,40,44,52,56,86& 94 not sure why they bought so few them other maybe someone else backed out of the purchase all were labeled city of virginia beach public schools.they ran them pretty hard till 1985 they were the first buses to get pushed past a 12year life cycle.The two years buses were not purchased some buses had already been sold.

Reply author: VetteMonte
Replied on: 08/02/2006 03:30:18 AM

"How long have you been driving for Virginia Beach? I am a graduate of Salem from back in the day. I dont recognize any of the buses you mention, but I bet they were good ones! I remember when bus 1 was one of those older ford blue birds."

September will start my 9th year of driving for VBCPS. My first bus was #324. It was one of those old Internationals. Top speed was 54 mph, but it would get to that speed in a loud, smokey hurry! My friend Heather (we signed our contracts the same day) had the old bus 1 that you're talking about. I used to pick on her because my bus was newer than hers. She'd say hers was faster, and I'd start mine up so I couldn't hear her...good times. She was the last driver to be issued that one. I liked those buses. They were pretty dependable, reasonably fast, and fairly quiet (for a NA diesel).

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/05/2006 2:07:31 PM

Visited Shenandoah County's main bus facility today. They have all there buses parked there for the summer. Lots of cool things there. Here is a list of different models I saw:

AmTran International Conventional
Blue Bird International Conventional
Thomas International Conventional
Thomas FS-65 Conventional
Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX
Wayne Lifeguard International

I will be posting the pictures I got (over 30 pics) when I do my update next week.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/05/2006 2:37:08 PM

From What Gini showed me they also have at least 1 or 2 BE's. You can tell by a small vent on the hood, if there is one on the pax side than it is a BE and Not a CE

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/05/2006 2:59:57 PM

The two new IC buses that I photographed were CE 200's. I found the CE200 decal by the entrance door. There were about 15 or so IC buses parked up by the office and garage. I didn't go up there, because the garage staff was working and I wanted to stay out of there way. If there were any BE's, then they should have been up there.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/05/2006 4:09:31 PM

Okay, cool that would make sense. Any A/C buses up there?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/05/2006 7:05:28 PM

No A/C buses that I saw. The new CE's and BE's they have are replacements for the Wayne International's that they used to have. I only found two Wayne's today. Last time I visited, they had quite a few left.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/05/2006 9:42:53 PM

Interesting.... sad to see all the VA Waynes on their way out. I think That Shenandoa is the only other county in VA that I have heard of to have Waynes, what other counties around here do?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/06/2006 01:11:38 AM

I can promise you that Staunton and or Agusta County have their newer Wayne International 3800s, as well as the few other counties that purchased those in the 90s.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/06/2006 06:25:57 AM

Shenandoah and Fairfax are the only counties in VA that I have seen Wayne buses in.

I must say though, the IC CE is becoming popular in VA. Counties that I've seen them in include:

Loudoun, Fauquier, Shenandoah, Warren, Alexandria City.

What other counties do you all know of that have a significant # of CE's?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/06/2006 08:19:10 AM

Culpepper County, Williams Bus Lines,

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/06/2006 08:36:53 AM

Oops! I forgot about those two!

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 08/06/2006 08:40:03 AM

Stafford County and the City of Fredericksburg both had 1989 Ford Waynes and some Chevy Waynes. They had the green interiors and manual Ford gas engine with hydrulic brakes.

Chesapeake also had 86-87 4 lamp GMC Waynes.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/06/2006 09:06:54 AM

The city of Portsmouth had 4 light wayne gmcs to but they have been gone for a while now. I remember when Portsmouth was way behind in keeping their fleet up to date but now I think are ahead of everyone else they have a really nice fleet.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/06/2006 09:36:47 AM

What's Portsmouth fleet like today?

Bus801, do you have an pics of Stafford buses?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/06/2006 1:11:37 PM

They have some C2s not sure how many . They also have been getting the ICs and Freightliners the last few years. They are still running some 91-93 Fords but they must be close to being replaced i know they have been trading in at Sonny Merryman for the last few years.They have a lot of 95,96 International Thomas.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/06/2006 4:02:23 PM

How big is there fleet?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/06/2006 6:11:30 PM

i do not believe they are over 200 yet. They do not use their buses during the summer monthes from what i can tell anyway. I know one of their bus parking lots is competely empty during the summer they usually have 50 buses or more there during the year.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 08/07/2006 05:56:18 AM

Most of the Waynes i see in Va belong to private schools or their up in Fairfax. i didn't know that Alexandria and Manassas had their own buses? i figured the county served those cities

One more thing. I was surprised to see alot of Virginia back in the 80's early 90s bought alot of GMCs/chevys. I don't see the chevy cowl anymore (mostly bluebird). I still see the Gmcs(Thomas mostly (statewide)& Bluebird (mostly tidewater area). I see them still running really in Chesterfield but they are on their way out. i got to get one!!!!!!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/07/2006 06:22:52 AM

Falls Church city also has it's own fleet.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/07/2006 07:36:54 AM

Virginia Overland use to have a big operation near Petersburg or Richmond do they still exist and how big is their operation now. I know at one point they took over in Hampton Roads as the lead school bus contractor when Laidlaw got bought out by the city of Norfolk I have not heard or seen much of them since.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/07/2006 10:48:50 AM

York County and Gloucester County also has a lot of IC CEs in their fleet. York County has been getting them since they were called International (between AmTran and IC). Gloucester also has a lot of Carpenter and BB IHCs from the 90s. Those Carpenters look weird comapred to the rest of teh buses they have. Oh, and by the way, they do not get white roofs in Gloucester County. That is how I know that I see a Gloucester bus compared to all the other buses in the area.

Hampton ahs some IC CEs as well.

Reply author: Busdude3
Replied on: 08/13/2006 6:40:15 PM

How many Carpenters are in Virgina? Though I'm not in Virginia much, I've really haven't seen many from pictures or in person.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/13/2006 6:48:29 PM

They do not have many here although at one time they had a bigger share of the market.Carpenters were always a more expensive bus and most Virginia local school boards
only bought based on lower bids. The state usually had the chassis bid done in Richmond and the
body companies summited to the actual local school board.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/13/2006 6:51:34 PM

Cheaspeake and Hampton use to have some and other areas bought some in the nineties but they were just never a bus someone bought every year .

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 08/13/2006 7:06:02 PM

Fairfax County once had a fairly large number of Carpenter buses. They were 1978 models with Ford chassis, Automatic and air brakes. What I remember about these buses is that they had a inford/outfold door and a 60 gallon gas tank. The 1979 models where Thomas/Fords and were the first buses to come from the factory with the Vandal-lock system and stop signs.

Recently Manassas City auctioned off about 10 Ford diesel powered Carpenters, they were 1989 models. Manassas no longers has any Carpenters. There are Carpenters scatter among the state, but they are not in large numbers and very rare to spot one.

Reply author: Busdude3
Replied on: 08/13/2006 7:50:28 PM

I think I remember seeing those Manassas Carpenter Fords on eSurplus along with some Chesapeake Carpenter GMCs (1988s I believe). Being a Carpenter fan, I'm glad I live in a state with lots of them. In Virginia, is there any of the 2000+ Carpenters? That would be awesome to see those with Virginia spec's.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/14/2006 06:17:35 AM

I know Fauquier county has some 1990's Carpenter Internationals. At least they were there about two years ago. I not sure what they're retirement cycle is, so they may have been retired.

Here is one of them I got a pic of:

Reply author: Busdude3
Replied on: 08/14/2006 5:09:42 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

I know Fauquier county has some 1990's Carpenter Internationals. At least they were there about two years ago. I not sure what they're retirement cycle is, so they may have been retired.

Here is one of them I got a pic of:

I gurantee they still got them. When I was at Mike & B's in July, they had even more '87 Thomas Internationals there (possibly a 89-92 as well) than last year. And I'm also pretty sure those are pretty fresh out of retirement.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/14/2006 5:11:23 PM

I'd love to visit Fauquier's lot in Warrenton, VA, but Fauquier's transportation department hasn't been very kind to me.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/09/2006 2:06:08 PM

Has anyone in Virginia been using the new bio-diesel? if so how does it work? or how does it smell? they are going to start us on that very soon.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/09/2006 3:38:20 PM

I think there are some VA districts using it. Can't remember then off hand. I know FCPS was supposed to get a hybrid bus from IC, but the last I heard from the head of the garages is that we are in fact NOT getting this bus.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/09/2006 4:57:45 PM

They had an article in todays Va. Pilot about a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new fuel pump which is big because the school system has us fueling at commerical sites(Papco fuels). The location I fuel happens to be the site of the biodiesel fuel. The stuff we get at some of these sites can cause the bus to run rough.I hope they do not monitor what we use because i like the old pump and the new pump is in a tight hole between to brick walls.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/09/2006 5:38:43 PM

Here's a question for you, since you seem to be quite interested in this stuff. Which do you think is better? CNG or Bio-Diesel?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/09/2006 11:01:19 PM

Arlington County's fleet ALL runs on Bio Diesel. They are not as big as Fairfax County, but Id venture to say their buse fleet pushes 300.

Personally, Id go for the Bio Diesel, simply because its a semi-renuable source of energy. Part of the diesel fuel is derived from plants, as opposed to the CNG which is just a bi product of oil drilling. Bio Diesel is just safer for the environment since its able to be grown to a certain extent. Thats my two cents anyway.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/10/2006 12:17:09 PM

Not to sure of any fuel type difference but understand the need for change although a cleaner burning fuel would be nice. I am just trying to figure out how the bus is going to handle it. I know the cng is nice but they have a time getting that around here besides only 2 of those 4 buses even works now. Bus # 331 is rough sounding as it is so changing the fuel is going to be interesting or do they run better on the bio-diesel.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 09/10/2006 1:25:57 PM

Originally posted by BusFreak

Arlington County's fleet ALL runs on Bio Diesel. They are not as big as Fairfax County, but Id venture to say their buse fleet pushes 300.

Personally, Id go for the Bio Diesel, simply because its a semi-renuable source of energy. Part of the diesel fuel is derived from plants, as opposed to the CNG which is just a bi product of oil drilling. Bio Diesel is just safer for the environment since its able to be grown to a certain extent. Thats my two cents anyway.

Both Falls Church City and Arlington County are using bio-diesel. There are side effects that are known and some that are not known. A big concern is the fuels ability to lubicate internal parts (such as bearings)and will there be any future engine damage as B20 is known to remove nickel from head bolts. Also during the winter, the fuel pump and filters are more prone to freezing up. Bio-Diesel is more costly and 2007 emmissions with the low sufer diesel may make it a mood point for some systems.

Falls Church has about 14 buses and Arlington County has 128 - 132 after the new buses are finished being delivered I understand.

Arlington County also has four John Deere CNG-powered buses on order. They are aware of the special maintence that is required and that the drive range is very limited. From what I have seen, all other new buses are Mercedes Benz powered including HDX's, 77-passenger C2's and various other Special Needs models. At the fair they had two of thier new buses there and they have dual stop signs and webesto pre-heaters as new equipment this year. True, still no A/C.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/10/2006 5:48:52 PM

Good Luck with the CNG that is what we have here and two of them are very undrivable. Thanks for the tips on bio-diesel as it will be about 200 buses or so expected to fuel up on it at that facility. We were given some paper work on it but the local newspaper had more about it this weekend.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/11/2006 12:02:22 AM


Interesting to see that Arlington is buying CNG buses for a try. Honestly, I have never heard of a success off CNG powered school buses. From what I understand, the cost of maintnence is rediculous, and the buses end up not lasting their full potential life span.

Full size C2s eh? I never thought Id see the day that Arlington would go back to full sized conventionals, as there are some TIGHT corners to be cut around here. It's a good cost saving measure, but man is it going to be a tight situation. Do you know if Arlington is going to buy any more IC REs? Last year, word was that they were going back to Thomas, and they did for part of their order, but the rest were IC RE 300s with the strobing warning lights and one roof hatch. That tells then apart from the previous REs. I see more of them than the Thomas ERs of the same model year. Infact, I think the only new Thomas ER I've seen was at the Arlington County fair last year! I was shocked to see it had low head room. This year, the only buses I saw were the ones used to transport people to off-site parking. I live right next door to the fair, so I try to sneak a peek here and there.

Back to the B20 fuel being long as the bus is properly maintained, the fuel should do little damage to the engine. The cost is MUCH more, but it is a good step in the right direction towards keeping the environment safe. CNG does infact burn cleaner, but it wont be around as long as Biodiesel.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/11/2006 02:35:49 AM

FCPS made an attempt at a CNG program years ago, with failed results. I'll have to see if I can dig up an old e-mail sent to me that gives a whole 3 page disertation on why we tried, what went wrong, etc.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/11/2006 09:37:10 AM

the 2 buses 150 & 302 with the CNG engines main problem is that they just lose power they still run but have no power to move. I thought 302 had been fixed because it had been returned to the Oceana garage but it since has dissappeared. I am not sure Bus 150 will ever return as it was purchased in 2003 and if it ran two full monthes would be a stretch.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/11/2006 11:48:37 AM

I know that was an issue we have with our CNG buses. No power.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 09/11/2006 4:20:44 PM

The Arlington buses that I saw this year were on the carnival midway (a different place than on the sidewalk as in the past. As for the C2's they are not a replacement for the HDX's as I have been told.

I have driven the 77-passenger C2's and they manuver great in urban traffic, the tail swing actually is not an issue because the front wheels cut extremely tight. These are basically a replacement for the front engine transit buses (mainly special needs buses).

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/11/2006 10:41:26 PM

Funny you the we mention Arlington, as I just saw one of the new HDXs today on my way to work. It was parked at TJ Middle School waiting to pick up the kids. It looked sharp! Interestingly enough though, it had low head room. I find it odd that Arlington opted to go back to low head room this year and last year with the HDXs. Anywho, the dual stop arms look awesome on that HDX. I'm also liking the larger roof strobe that Sonny Merryman is putting on the Thomases. All new Thomas buses I've seen in Virginia for the past two years have them, and I think they look great. They are bright as could be!

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 09/12/2006 01:56:26 AM


WBL looked at bio during the summer. Decided it was not all that it was cracked up to be. Too many filter changes.

Those C2's are great. WBL will be going back to them instead of any more transits.

Those large strobe lights are great. Good thing we asked for them in 98. Same with that extra stop sign.

I hear Loudoun will be getting the polished wheels next year on their new C2's.

Hope everyone had a great summer. It seemed to go by too fast.

Be safe, be courteous and have fun.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/12/2006 7:06:50 PM

i guess i will find out more about the bio-diesel tomorrow as i was invited to ribbon cutting ceramony of the pump well me an my bus anyway. I am not exactly sure what they are doing but sounds like it will be interesting.I hope the bus likes that fuel.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 09/13/2006 5:43:14 PM

I know that Gloucester County uses biodiesel in all their buses, and some of the buses in Willimsburg/James City County and Portsmouth City school buses run on biodiesel as well. I am sure if it works and is cost effective we will see it in use at more districts around the state. At least I will be able to tell a bus from some other vehicle going down the road...

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/13/2006 6:36:42 PM

That was a nice little event we even got on the local news. So far the bus seems to be doing pretty well I hope it runs smoothly.The man in charge said it might start to smell like soy beans they use recycled waste cooking oil to produce the mix so it does sound like a cleaner fuel although today I only took about 23 gallons the other bus used in the opening took about 42 gallons.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/17/2006 09:30:19 AM

Did anyone see pictures of the 2007 Vision BlueBird from Chespeake that caught on fire and burned up. They say the driver smelled smoke and got all 41 students off the bus they had a
picture in our Va. Pilot. Officials from Bluebird are coming to investagate.It pretty much destroyed the bus.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 09/17/2006 2:56:17 PM
Message: is the link to that article. That bus is completely destroyed, but everyone got off safely before it caught fire. I hope that it is an isolated incident, because I am thinking Newport News is going to get more of those buses this year.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 09/19/2006 03:44:15 AM

In Bedford county i know we have
1988/89 Thomas Ford-auto-are being replaced...only as backups
1991/97 Thomas Vista 3600-auto- Some are very lound and very bumpy
1999/05 Thomas Freightliner Autos-Benz or Cat engines-air suspension
06/07-SafT Liner C2-we have over 30 of them now

Est. # of each
Int 3600-85

we have #s 1-220
but the C2's are taking # of the busses they replace

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 09/19/2006 03:59:01 AM

and the C2's we got this year have LED taillights and numbers on the right side of the bumper....ours have the blck window posts grey seats and only one stop sign

The 99/02 f liners have cummins engines-Manual doors
most of the 03/05 ones have MB engines a few have CATS-Air Doors

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/23/2006 09:02:05 AM

well rumor has it they are parking all 4 CNG buses for now because they just are not fixing them to where they can be used. they are not sure exactly what is going to happen with them much talk is about changing them into a diesel burning engine which i guess would cost the school system but right now the way they are leaves little room for more trouble then what they are already having with them. Hats off to the folks who just bought some i hope they work for them.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/14/2006 1:14:45 PM

Any chance the state of Virginia will approve stop arms in the rear like some other states do?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/14/2006 3:38:56 PM

I think they are approved just not required. Loudoun County has some, and so does Williams Bus Lines.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 10/14/2006 5:24:28 PM

Originally posted by IC-RE

I think they are approved just not required. Loudoun County has some, and so does Williams Bus Lines.

They are currently approved on a pilot basis. They will be required on larger buses (optional on smaller)ordered during 2007. Arlington County also has several new C2's, HDX's, CNG powered HDX's with them. If I am correct, they are the county piloting dual arms on the shorter 54-passenger special needs buses.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/14/2006 7:13:11 PM

I bet that means our 78 Pax buses will be required to have them.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 10/14/2006 9:41:21 PM

It's nonsense....99.9 percent of the drivers that fail to stop for school buses, do so intentionally. The only thing that MIGHT deter them is a cop nearby....

The reason I say that, is the other day, at a stop I have on a 55 mph road where I'm used to 30-40 cars blowing by my lights....everybody stopped (??)...I didn't see him at first, but a State Trooper was stopped right at the left flank of my bus!

Reply author: vaoverland
Replied on: 10/15/2006 04:14:26 AM

Suffolk has at least one late model Carpenter probably built at the Richmond Indiana plant (which means it would not have the potential roof bow rust flaw the Mitchell-built units are all at risk of.) You have to see that photo of the Florida Carpenter with the roof that collapsed to the top of the seats during a soft roll on grass to appreciate the potential hazard of the Mitchell units. Last I heard, South Carolina was still operating hundreds of them. A shame, since I too liked Carpenters, and delivered many before becoming a Wayne dealer in 1975.

Reply author: vaoverland
Replied on: 10/15/2006 04:16:42 AM

BTW, Fairfax School, Purchasing, and EMTA officials got real sour on Carpenters after the 1978 fiasco. The problem was that the UAW at Mitchell went out on a long strike, and the chassis sat without bodies there for almost a year. That's the rest of the (old) story.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/15/2006 05:49:40 AM

IC, you bring up a good point! If they could create program that would show people the potentially fatal consequences of running a stopped bus, it might help reduce red light runnings.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/15/2006 5:19:04 PM

good points about running a school bus's warning lights but i have had people drive by while I was unloading and never even hinted they were looking at a school bus. I have noticed with all the bad drivers on the road these days it is a wander we do not have more students getting injuried at school bus stops.The ones that actually pass the bus and then stop really amaze me if we were just a stop light i could see the delay reaction but actually having someone else child as the invisible target scares me. Motorist need to be charged for lack of attention to driving because you have folks that just run it(they usually are looking at what is going on) but the ones just not aware of what we are doing is totally unacceptable.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/15/2006 5:53:49 PM

Does anyone know places where Fauquier County parks their buses? I only know of three places:

Warrenton, VA (at a compound)
Warrenton, VA (at a commuter lot on Rt. 29)
Marshall, VA (at a school)

Reply author: 04ICCE
Replied on: 10/17/2006 6:37:13 PM

marshall at the community center, we were there for a volleyball game and had to move for the buses that park there.

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Does anyone know places where Fauquier County parks their buses? I only know of three places:

Warrenton, VA (at a compound)
Warrenton, VA (at a commuter lot on Rt. 29)
Marshall, VA (at a school)

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/18/2006 1:08:53 PM

Today Williams Bus 21 was on a Field trip at my work so I got pretty close to it, and noticed it had VERY minimal specs, also on the side, you can tell that it used to say "Ryder Student Transportation Services" but was pealed off. Does anyone know if Williams bought there buses from Ryder? 21 is a Blue Bird International

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 10/19/2006 02:02:46 AM


bus # 20 & 21 were purchased three years ago from First Student, which had bought out Ryder earlier.

if you get the chance to get around many of the large contractors ( laidlaw, first student, durham, etc) you will see that unless the contract calls for special items, a plain bus will do for them. when laidlaw was in fairfax 93-96 their Genesis buses featured only a front heater and defroster as the only options.

gini have a great time in the new years. i remember those vans that was used for special ed in the late 60's, so you have put in your time, enjoy it.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/19/2006 02:40:44 AM

Man, it doesn't seem the contractors put much thought into their buses.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 10/19/2006 08:19:34 AM

it's what will get the job done as economical as possible.

Look at the basic Va. specs. Not really too many extras. After all in the suburban area's most of the kids are on the bus less than one hour.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 10/19/2006 08:22:12 AM

how are things at frying pan park?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/19/2006 3:14:02 PM

Disneynuts, could you shoot me an e-mail when you get the chance, I forgot your e-mail address and had a question.

Williams Bus Lines has some very NICE buses, but when you compair your all's HDX's and IC RE's to your old Blue Birds and Thomas's, there is a very noticable difference.

Which buses did Williams actually buy to their own specs, and which did they purchase from other contracters like buses 20 and 21?

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 10/20/2006 01:46:11 AM

This is the listing

# 1 - 2 -3 Left over from Loudoun County School Bid

# 4 - in stock on lot

# 5 - Ordered to our specs

# 6 - - 22 Ordered to another contractor Specs, could not afford them we purchased them

# 7 - - In stock

# 8 - - In stock

# 9 - - Our specs

# 10 - - In stock

# 11 - - Purchased from existing school

# 12 - - In stock

# 14 - - In stock

# 15 - - In stock

# 16 - - In Stock

# 18 - - Our specs

# 19 - - Existing school

# 20 - - 21 - - First Student

# 30 - - 31 Our specs

Existing school means that we took over the operation of the transportation dept and purchased their bus. In stock means we needed a bus that day and purchased what was on the lot. First student means we purchased from them due to decreases in their contracts.

Generally if you order a bus to your specs it takes about 6 months to get it built. We ordered # 18 in February and it was delived the last week of September. Even then, Sonny Merryman could not get all the specs right.

When a customer wants to add a route they usually want to add it now due to demand from parents or crowding.

The dealers have a hard time ordering our specs, due to the fact that we require items that they do not normally offer either because we are purchasing a MD spec bus from the VA dealer or the other way around.

Don't know if you know that the bus dealers have an exclusive agreement not to sell across state lines. That is Kingmor can not sell to anyone but Virginia customers, and American Bus in Annapolis cannot sell to anyone in VA.

WBL was the first in the area to have the blue interiors, and dark tinted windows. So although the older buses do not look like they have many options, for their time they were what the dealers called loaded.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 10/20/2006 04:03:48 AM

Also, when I say they were stock buses, we then have them add the polished wheels, a/c, strobe light, stop sign and crossing arms.

Consider that in 89 when Thomas first came out the the MVP model WBL had the 58th one built. It was loaded with the highest horse power engine that VA allowed, extras heaters in the rear, stepwell, AM FM cassette PA with 10 speakers, destination signs, roof hatches, all blue interiors.

WBL often bought the show buses that were on display at the VAPT confernce which were "loaded" with just about every option VA allowed.

WBL has pushed VA for many new options.

Currently we are trying to get a heated seat available for the driver. Simple options like this that are available to every other mode of transportation are not permitted for reasons unknown. Many options that are available to the trucking industry are not available to buses.

Currently we are experimenting with engine brakes ( aka Jake Brake ) on the new buses.

I know Thomas has a hard time building buses to Fairfax County specs. For some reason some of the things that Ernie Green had speced Thomas states are not available. One that comes to mind is the two lights for the stepwell. Thomas will not put those in. Instead they offer an addtional light overhead. Fairfax will not accept that.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/20/2006 11:45:00 AM

Fairfax has earned the nickname "State of Fairfax" by some in the bus industry. Reason for this being that we have many regulations that we've come up with ourselves in addition to VA's regulations. Ernie Greene told me that FCPS's regulations are tighter in some respects.

Also, Brian Waymire is the new guy. Ernie retired September 30, 2005. Oh and Ernie didn't come up with alot of the regs we have. Our TD came up with most of them. Ernie didn't like most of our regulations and tried many times to talk the TD out of it, to no avail.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 10/20/2006 3:55:55 PM

Interesting stuff, disneynuts, thanks for posting.

PS: And here's to Thomas' continued inabilty to build to Fairfax specs!

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 10/20/2006 4:46:50 PM

The Virginia specs committe has to approve everything placed on a school bus. While over the last few years some options have been permitted, rules were laxed, now are back to pilot,approved or they will not be permitted on future buses.

So some items that certain systems were using may not be permitted in 2007. I know that the dual stop signs will be required on 66 to 78 passenger buses and the red traffic warning light system will flash if the enterance door is opened, regardless if the driver activated the amber lights first.

This is all I know at this moment on 2007 specs.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 10/20/2006 5:06:23 PM

thanks for the info 722

your old boss mr. dixon was once a bus driver for franklin motorcoach, and that is where he got his start. he always liked the brown color seats. give me anything but the brown. even green seats are better.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/20/2006 5:21:59 PM

So if you open your entrance door without activating the amber lights, your reds will come on? Will you be able to cancel them with the Master Cancel?

Also, do you think FCPS will have that on the buses we buy for this school year?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/20/2006 6:12:29 PM

Disneynuts, that explains why no 2 or your buses look alike haha, except your HDX's look a lot like our MVP's except 9, that is a nice one!

This whole reds activating with the doors is SOOO our 87 Wards haha

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 10/20/2006 7:38:45 PM

i agree w/ you, disneynuts, anything but those ugly brown seats! i loved my '98 Genesis, but those seats were UGLY!

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 10/21/2006 06:17:27 AM

I don't see the seat color choices being limited back to the old days of only Green & Brown (Yuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I am sure that tan, blue, and gray are safe.

I very much like the blue, (thank you, WBL for bringing that to VA)

Yes, there will be an cancel switch, but the design I am not sure. I know it will not be like the old 4-light system since the majority of systems are using air doors now.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/21/2006 09:11:10 AM

I like blue & gray seats.

What is VA's logic for this new reg with the red lights?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/21/2006 7:28:34 PM

Seat colors interesting I liked the red seats in the AABluebird they were the best I ever had very nice fabric.They have actually held up very well.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 10/22/2006 05:59:34 AM

ir re

1, 2 & 3 are identical, even using the same ignition keys.

# 5, 9 & 18 have the same specs, just # 5 is a c2

4, 8 & 10 have the same specs, just # 10 is a CE instead of RE

20 & 21 have the same specs

30 & 31 have the same specs

6 & 22 are the same

like i said before, when a customer wants a bus, they usally want it NOW. Our new bus 18 was ordered on March 19th for delivery on June 1. It was delivered on Sept 21. I could not tell a customer you have to wait 6 months for new service. Would you wait 6 months for a slurpee or a burger? when we have time to wait, and are in a replacement cycle we order to our specs. when not we have to take what we can get to meet the customer needs.

you can't get the same specs from md as you do from va. and depending on your customer needs is what you have to order.

instaed of having tax dollars to spend we have to get money from the parents and schools to pay our way. we get no financial help from anyone but our customers.

and if you ask 722, they will tell you that some counties get away with a lot more than we are allowed to, especially when it comes to md inspectors. you have said you have seen buses with parts from another bus. like blue bird step treads on an amtram. that would not be allowed on any md. bus.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/22/2006 07:14:28 AM

very interesting. Are you HDX's aside from bus 9 former Loudoun buses because they look very similar?

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 10/22/2006 3:00:21 PM

Originally posted by disneynuts

ir re

1, 2 & 3 are identical, even using the same ignition keys.

# 5, 9 & 18 have the same specs, just # 5 is a c2

4, 8 & 10 have the same specs, just # 10 is a CE instead of RE

20 & 21 have the same specs

30 & 31 have the same specs

6 & 22 are the same

like i said before, when a customer wants a bus, they usally want it NOW. Our new bus 18 was ordered on March 19th for delivery on June 1. It was delivered on Sept 21. I could not tell a customer you have to wait 6 months for new service. Would you wait 6 months for a slurpee or a burger? when we have time to wait, and are in a replacement cycle we order to our specs. when not we have to take what we can get to meet the customer needs.

you can't get the same specs from md as you do from va. and depending on your customer needs is what you have to order.

instaed of having tax dollars to spend we have to get money from the parents and schools to pay our way. we get no financial help from anyone but our customers.

and if you ask 722, they will tell you that some counties get away with a lot more than we are allowed to, especially when it comes to md inspectors. you have said you have seen buses with parts from another bus. like blue bird step treads on an amtram. that would not be allowed on any md. bus.

Those Maryland Inspectors "ARE THE MAN !" and have no bones at letting you know, if you are gonna run that in Maryland, it's going to meet Maryland specs and you have to have dual(Virginia & Maryland) tags too, even if you are based in Virginia.

These guys take the Maryland spec book to bed at night. They are nice guys, but tough on bus specs.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/22/2006 3:56:27 PM

What are some Maryland specs that are different then VA?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/22/2006 4:13:21 PM

One real noticible one to me is that they have logos, and black ribbons above the windows. Theu just seem to look so much different

Reply author: vaoverland
Replied on: 10/22/2006 4:36:09 PM

Regarding restricting dealer sales areas, legally, due to antitrust laws, the factories cannot dictate where you can sell a bus as a dealer; however, through geographic pricing promotions, they effectively can do just that

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/22/2006 6:08:13 PM

We had a Loundon County C2 here in Va. Beach this weekend. It actually looked really nice I hope ours are just as nice. They actually had two yellow buses here do they still run the white activity buses.They had 676 the C2 and 176 a thomas transit here at the band competition.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 10/22/2006 6:51:18 PM

Brian- i've seen the white activity buses, i live in Loudoun Co.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 10/22/2006 11:01:17 PM

Funny you mention that Brian...I was up in Towson MD on Saturday, and I too saw three Loudoun County school buses at a band competition. All different too...One IC CE, One yellow HDX, and one C2. They all are very nice buses with all the Loudoun specs, but I too was shocked that the school (Briar Woods HS) diddn't take the white activity buses. My thought is this. Loudoun is by far the most rapidly growing county in the state, if not the country. Most of their high schools have been built within the past 10 years. They only have a hand full of white Thomas HDX activity buses, and on a Saturday in the fall, EVERY high school band is out competing. Many Fairfax County bands travel in 4 or 5 charter buses or up to 8 school buses. I'm sure those HDXs are a premium on those Saturdays, and only a few programs gain their use. The white ones are spected nicely too, with AC (like all their new buses), 100 gallon fuel tanks, underfloor storage, luggage racks, and activity seating with reclining seats. They are the next best thing to motorcoaches.

Also group has found that traveling in Motorcoaches tends to be cheaper than traveling distances in FCPS school buses. You have to pay for the school buses by the hour, while you pay for milage/day with the motorcoaches. I'm supprised that Loudoun County group went with the school buses as far as Virginia Beach.

Brian, you'll get a kick out of this...When I was in high school, we took motorcoaches (Gallop) from Salem High School to Princess Anne High School for a band competition. Most people there thought we were just snobby Salem, but the truth was we had another show that evening in North Carolina.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/23/2006 02:31:37 AM

FCPS makes you pay for the use of it's school buses for trips like that?

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 10/23/2006 06:55:05 AM

hey 722

they did away with the dual registations when the federal dot started the SSRS ( Single State Registration System). You now register with the state what stares you travel in and the send the bills to you for your road tax decals and fuel taxes.

hey vaoverland

who does the work for the private schools in the richmond area now? is va overland still in business?

some of the different specs are

no locks are allowed on anything.
the red lights will work without any key being on
bus has to be undercoated
different heater hose shutoff's and different locations
logos are allowed buy only after the first row of windows
some of the wiring is different
up unitl 2002 a/c was not allowed at all

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/23/2006 07:05:27 AM

I remember Salem doing that ;it did get everyones attention . Salem got Grand Champions at the cavilier classic this past saturday they have an awesome show.Robinson Secondary was at ODU for the Granby comp they were in 4 or 5 charters. I asked about the white Loundon buses because they have full time drivers doing that and i like the idea of just being a trip bus would beat doing everyday routes.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/23/2006 10:54:23 AM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

FCPS makes you pay for the use of it's school buses for trips like that?

OH YES THEY DO HAHA, and they aren't cheap! We tried to take a trip, and if it is not TOTALLY sponsored by the teacher and Director of Student Activities, AND the Principal, they charge a lot more. They do have set fees for the common trips like other high schools, D.C. and so other hot spots

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 10/23/2006 3:56:39 PM

Originally posted by IC-RE

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

FCPS makes you pay for the use of it's school buses for trips like that?

OH YES THEY DO HAHA, and they aren't cheap! We tried to take a trip, and if it is not TOTALLY sponsored by the teacher and Director of Student Activities, AND the Principal, they charge a lot more. They do have set fees for the common trips like other high schools, D.C. and so other hot spots

They are CONSTANTLY reminding us to be careful with the mileage on the field trip vouchers. The mileade you put on the voucher is to be ONLY when students are aboard.....not to and from the pick-up point....or if you go anywhere during the trip (like to eat, etc), DO NOT include that mileage either.

I guess they charge by the mile! LOL

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/23/2006 4:08:48 PM

They do give some nice deals, like if we do take a trip that doesn't really relate to the subject, like going to D.C. to go to the zoo for a Math class and so on. Sometimes we just like to take fun trips at the end of the year... Anyway, for trips like these they usually ask each student to pay $5... not that bad, but if the school sponsors it, the PTA or boosters (or whatever) pay for the trip. BUT if an after school club wants to take a trip, we are ON OUR OWN, unless we can get the activity bus to take us, but that takes a LOT of convincing.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/24/2006 02:30:11 AM

I thought the nice thing about using FCPS buses was there was no charge. Guess I was wrong on that.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/24/2006 12:35:24 PM

Yeah, last year I priceed it out, It was actually cheaper to ride Williams bus Lines down to D.C. than it was for FCPS. This was for a club trip

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/25/2006 08:16:15 AM

How far will WBL take you? Any limits on distance?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/25/2006 1:43:15 PM

I believe Williams took my Synogogue on a trip a few years back from Reston to a museum in Maryland, not sure, but I think it was them.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/26/2006 1:21:34 PM

Is that Special ed Blue Bird a Falls Vhurch bus, or a Fairfax bus, looks juts like one of ours. Actually I know those were your guy's Thomas ER's and IC RE's, but they sure look identical to ours. Our dirstricts have common taste in buses haha

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 10/30/2006 6:49:10 PM

man several of our brand new C2's have been in the shop already 9 weeks into the of them, bus 80 has spent 3 weeks in the shop already, most have averaged about a week in the shop though. When their in the shop the drivers get to enjoy one of our lovely 1988/89 thomas ford b600's that are capped to 45mph!!!!! our 1999-2005 FS-65's have done fine and only one of those have made its way to the shop, and it was a 2000 model with a Cummins, which is the year and engine of my bus, but i am on the list for the next 05 FS to open up, because those are un-governed with Benz engines and Air doors

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/05/2006 6:40:34 PM

Does anyone know if the 65 m.p.h. for Virginia school buses on interstates will be re introduced this year for a vote before the general assembly? I notice many rural highways have been allowed to do 60m.p.h. which is great in some places. I haven't heard much on the issue thought maybe someone might have heard.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 12/07/2006 5:43:36 PM

mtirv, how many buses are there total in Falls Church fleet?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 12/07/2006 6:09:22 PM

According to their website they have 16 buses so there must be a gap or two in there because I know they have a bus 18 as well which is an IC RE identicle to ours

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 12/08/2006 4:51:06 PM

Falls Church City bus 10 is a mid to late 90s Thomas International.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 12/12/2006 07:24:25 AM

mtirv I used to live in fcps, then I moved to loudoun county, the hdx's in loudoun are reliable, engines that loudoun got is cats and mercedez benz.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/10/2007 06:28:17 AM

I have noticed more Virginia school buses with the rear stop sign. I hope the Virginia State Board of Education approves them on all Virginia school buses. I would also like to see them allow the markings STOP STATE LAW put back on the rear of the bus. Anything that would help save the life of a child would be great. People today are in such a big hurry they sometimes do not even realize we are out there.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/10/2007 11:41:54 AM

The real stop arm idea sounds cool. One thing I think would also help would be TV ads telling people when to stop and what could happen if you don't stop. Most people don't know the laws. I asked my family and friends if they knew when to stop and what punishments you could get for not stopping and 90% of them didn't have a clue.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/10/2007 6:46:33 PM

Does DMV still always include a question about a school bus on the road in traffic on its written test for new drivers. I know at one time I believe there was always a question about regulations regarding when to stop for a school bus .

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/11/2007 2:23:44 PM

On my regular bus and late bus, most of the violators are coming from behind. My opinion on the dual stop arms comes mainly from personal experiences and observations I've made.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/11/2007 2:40:24 PM

I think what mtirv doesn't see is that most of our stops (when possible) have the bus pull to the far right lane or turn lane, and that leaves room to the left of the bus for cars to pass

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 01/12/2007 5:51:41 PM

Dual stop arms are required on new 64-passenger and larger school buses on future bus purchases in the state of Virginia.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/12/2007 7:26:09 PM

722- when did that requirement come into effect it seems to be a different opinion around here about those things being approved although i hope they are.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 01/12/2007 7:32:54 PM

If I were to order a Virginia spec school bus tomorrow and it was 64-passengers or more it would have to have dual stop signs. All new buses will also have a non-sequel warning light system. These are spec changes for the 2007-2008 Virginia school bus specs.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/19/2007 9:12:29 PM

none of our buses are supposed to have them, but some of them do anyway. Loudoun has a few buses that Have the RE300 logo next to the door and the IC badge on the rear bumper, sometimes they seemed to be overlooked. I know we had at least one or two come in with the badge next to the door in the past. I know of an AmTran RE or two near me that still have a badge next to the door that says "Chassis by International" or something like that

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/19/2007 9:48:15 PM

Arlington County's ICs have both the logos near the door, and the logos on the rear bumber.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/20/2007 07:24:54 AM

Alexandria City Schools has the logo near the door and the rear bumper logo. I know the logo painted above the driver's window and the entrance door is NOT allowed what so ever. I guess VA is lettting things slide a little if they aren't having the small logo by the door and the rear bumper logo removed.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 01/20/2007 07:57:09 AM

I saw one of our Thomas ERs the other day that did NOT have the mud flaps reversed.
You could read the word "Thomas"....for shame! I bet somebody just overlooked it...or didn't know any better.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/20/2007 08:07:43 AM

IC, yeah I know we have a few here and there like that, whenever I see them, it annoys me a little because AmTran doesn't advertise of the rear.... why in the HEL* should Thomas get to..... oh wait, I know, we love those buses so much we want everyone to feel the pain we do LOL... (jk thomas fans)

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 01/20/2007 11:26:27 AM

Bumper logos, by state guidelines they are not supposed to be on there (A heat gun will quickly remove them on a warm day).

The roof decal is a big no, no and I remember Fairfax receiving a few Wards (IC/Amtrans) with the decal in place on the roof and (Kessler Bus Sales of Maryland (there was not a VA dealer until the early to mid 90's) removing them from the buses before putting them on the road (I remember a few also having the chrome Navistar grills being exchanges for solid yellow, too. Usually these items are removed by the dealer or the shop during service if they were left on.

Of course the roof decal that was the best known was Blue Bird with the stripe behind the bird.

Virginia used to be much stricter, as interior panels were specially made because the manufactures embossed their logos on certain parts and VA would not permit logos in step wells, first aid kits, seat backs, barrier panels etc...

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/20/2007 11:57:04 AM

Why is VA so anti logo?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/20/2007 3:29:56 PM

My guess (simply a theory) is that Virginia wants to delete anything "interesting" from the body of a school bus that is not related to the safety of the kids. Logos not only add distinction between competitors (advertising), but they also provide something else for drivers to look on a school bus, instead of looking at the warning lights, kids crossing the street, etc. It's as if they are boring the drivers on the road, so that 100% of their attention is on the safety of the kids. BTW, by drivers, I mean people in cars.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 01/20/2007 3:34:13 PM

if 722 remembers, the state "does not want to confuse the motoring public" with any type of logos or ads

Reply author: sbdlax22
Replied on: 01/20/2007 3:54:54 PM

What is a non-sequel warning light system which is now required? I also feel that the dual stop sign is a great idea - if you are behind the bus you can not always see the front stop sign. While the red flashing lights require you to stop, I would think most people associate stopping for a school bus with the actual 'STOP' wording on the stop sign.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/20/2007 4:12:08 PM

Sequential Warning Light System - Currently in Virginia, the light system is wired in the following way. You activate the system by pressing a button, which activates the ambers if the door is closed. Once the door is opened, the reds/stop arm/crossing arm are engaged and the ambers shut off automatically. When the door is closed, the warning light system is shut off. Should the system be activated while the door is opened, the system bypasses the amber lights, and immediately turns to the reds/stop arm/crossing arm. Again, the system is turned off when the door is closed automatically.

Non-sequential warning light system - Starting this year apparently, warning light systems in Virginia will be wired the following way: The warning system is not going to be wired to the door in any way. There will be a switch to activate the amber lights, and a switch to activate the red/stop arm/crossing gate. This way, one could activate the entire warning light system without opening the service door.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/20/2007 5:30:20 PM

Our 2002-present buses can activate the reds without opening the door. You activate the amber lights, then flip the door switch to "WRN LIGHTS". The door switch is a 3-point toggle. From top to bottom, you have the following 3 positions: Door Open, Warning Lights, and Door Close.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 01/20/2007 6:14:40 PM

Originally posted by BusFreak

Sequential Warning Light System - Currently in Virginia, the light system is wired in the following way. You activate the system by pressing a button, which activates the ambers if the door is closed. Once the door is opened, the reds/stop arm/crossing arm are engaged and the ambers shut off automatically. When the door is closed, the warning light system is shut off. Should the system be activated while the door is opened, the system bypasses the amber lights, and immediately turns to the reds/stop arm/crossing arm. Again, the system is turned off when the door is closed automatically.

Non-sequential warning light system - Starting this year apparently, warning light systems in Virginia will be wired the following way: The warning system is not going to be wired to the door in any way. There will be a switch to activate the amber lights, and a switch to activate the red/stop arm/crossing gate. This way, one could activate the entire warning light system without opening the service door.

First, thanks Disneynuts, you and BusFreak are on the money. This is one reason that STOP STATE LAW was removed from the buses, although I believe it should be put back on. Virginia Beach has polited the lettering, and I would like to see it return.

The non-sequential warning light system will active the "RED" warning lights when the driver opens the door regardless if the driver has actived the "AMBER" warning light system.

I have yet to see propossed operating system, but I understand that the C2's can be programmed to do this already. There is a current bill in the state to mandate this on the school buses and bill currently does not a provision for the driver (or shop) to de-activate the red warning lights. (we got to work this one out)

We could be looking at something as simple as a three point door switch on air doors, with OFF, RED DOOR CLOSED, RED DOOR OPEN with a separate Master cut-off switch. (this is my ideal) If the driver forgets to active the "AMBER" when they move the door switch to the first position the "RED" lights come on.

Currently there is a three point door switch offer as an option on the Thomas HDX & C2 (I would assume that Amtrans/IC & Blue Bird would offer the same option) and I notice that several drivers with this swich active thier "AMBER" switch and once they stop, they move the switch to the middle position activating the "RED" warning lights, stop signs and crossing contol arm, but the door remains closed until they are sure that all traffic has stopped. Then they move it to the door open position in which the "RED" warning lights stay on and the door opens.

But we will have to watch and see what the bus companies come up with, and what systems are finally approved. Nothing in stone, yet...

BusFreak, you got the current system down pack, I think you are on the right track for the new system. It will be something close, but it will be tied into the operation of the door.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/25/2007 1:35:37 PM

Would like an idea as to how other systems run the basic to school and home stagger for schools ours is a High school , Elem. A, Elem. B, and the ever popular Middle School for most of drivers that is the basic to and from school routine . Just curious as to what other systems staggering openings are like. I understand how it works just wanting to see how much other systems expect from their drivers.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/25/2007 2:05:52 PM

Here most regular ed drivers that I know either do High Sch, Mid Sch, Elem Sch, or they do High Sch, Elem Sch A, Elem Sch B.

Reply author: LBDboater
Replied on: 01/25/2007 2:22:55 PM

I think that you should still have to activate the ambers. There are still times when I want to open the door without lights on. I already have the 3 position switches on all of ours. Thats the BOMB! I love it in the cold mornings, with kids crossing, and then waiting for them to get seated! But, like I said, the ambers should have to be activated first.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/25/2007 4:10:53 PM

IC RE 1629-- so Fairfax drivers basic number or routes is 3. ( i know it isnt there whole day).Thanks maybe others will response to.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 01/25/2007 4:23:14 PM

Originally posted by bsaund09

IC RE 1629-- so Fairfax drivers basic number or routes is 3. ( i know it isnt there whole day).Thanks maybe others will response to.

The basic number is 3...but that is am & pm, so that's a total of 6 a day. But many drivers also do a mid-day shuttle, a K-run, and/or a pm late run. If you want to do more, just listen to the radio....they constantly open-air requests for garage trips, transporting drivers here and there....and all kinds of "go-fer" stuff....the other day I took the big boss' Jeep and filled it up with gas! LOL

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 01/29/2007 10:09:22 AM

Wow, y'all know everything about buses! We received a batch of International's last school year that had a big "I" sticker on the back bumper, I don't like it. The second and third batch of Internationals don't have that (mine included)!

I drive high school, middle and two elementary runs.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/29/2007 1:47:29 PM

Lena, what district are you in?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/29/2007 2:21:39 PM

I'm guessing she is in Stafford County, who by the way has AWESOME looking IC RE Activity buses. They sound like they have the 365 though, which I'm sure we all feel the same way about.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/29/2007 2:36:38 PM

Oh, the good old "Virginia Penny Pinchin' VT365" gotta love them haha!

Welcome Lena, I am a student over here in Fairfax County, you guys have some real nice Thomas HDX buses, and I hear you have some nice IC CEs!!

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 01/29/2007 6:38:10 PM

Good guess....Stafford! I got my CE 200 International (I only know that 'cause I see that when I scrub it) in January mine has actually been a good one so far, knock on wood. Some have been L-E-M-O-N-S...I love it (dearly)...but it can't pull a hill for nothing when I am loaded, unless I seriously get some speed going ... I am actually waiting for a deputy to be sitting in one certain spot and I will just have to explain the situation to him. If I don't floor it when I am almost at the bottom I know there is no way I will make it up the hill, just aint happening!!

We have 5 activity buses...I have driven them...they also don't have enough power for what they are were purchased for. We just started this "trip driver" thing with these activity buses and they have no power whatsoever. No thank you. Plus they are a transit, which I drove for eight years and after seeing one accident in Stafford and the one in Arlington...I was glad to get out of that windshield.

What are HDX buses? I am not as knowledgeable as y'all when it comes to all this info but I do know that International is what's been purchased. Do you mean the special needs buses with the AC? They went all out for that!!

Oh...and thank you for the welcome! IC RE must be a real special student to be that interested in the buses!! That's pretty neat! I have an Aunt that's been driving for 25 or so years in Vienna...

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/29/2007 6:47:15 PM

HEYYY!! Vienna, my school is Vienna HOW cool, do you know any details, I may know of her!!!?

Your HDX buses are the Thomas Transit units with the Funny looking mirrors in front.

We have International REs that came in spring of 2005 with the same engine that your bus has and we got over 100 of them, and nearly all of them have gone out for service and been out for months at a time.

This year we got our New Internationals with way better engines, the DT466. You're lucky yours is still good!

Let me know some details about your aunt, I may see her everyday, heck, she may be my driver lol

By the way, I am IC-RE, icre1629 is another student here in Fairfax but from another part

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 01/29/2007 6:58:05 PM

Well, I am new to this forum and don't want to give too much info, but her name is Jackie and she is very sweet...I know she loves her job...I don't know what schools she drives out of because we never really talk about that, perhaps we should. But she definitely lives in Vienna, you probably know her! I will make it a point to call and ask what schools she drives out of.

oh, and yea, those white buses...good golly you really know your stuff...I can't imagine any of my high school kids knowing all this!! That is pretty neat

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/29/2007 7:03:12 PM

Haha.... too much time on my hands lol?

Yeah, I totally understand about not releasing info out on the forum, I am the same way, I try to stay private. Does she drive for FCPS, or does she just live in Vienna and drive somewhere else? Just curious. I don't think I know of anyone by Jackie, but hey, we call most drivers Mr/Mrs. last name.

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 01/29/2007 7:16:12 PM

is that it...too much time on your hands?? A teenager!

She lives in Vienna and she drives for Fairfax County....actually more than 25 years now. Her name is Jackie Hull...I will call her tomorrow and ask her what schools she drives out of....

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 01/29/2007 7:16:35 PM

Belated welcome to Lena! Wow, another Virginia driver....Richard and Co. will have a stroke! LOL

I'm a reg-ed FCPS driver of a '99 AmTran RE. Retired from US Gubmint and LOVING my new career!

Okay, Lena, you got a pen? We're going to need a complete roster of SCPS buses, Reg-Ed, SE, and Activity (please include capacity, engines, trannies, etc). Then we'll need interior and exterior pics of all buses posted on a WebShots or similar page.*

*Just kidding!

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 01/29/2007 7:19:45 PM

WHAT???? I have homework???

OMG too funny....thank you for the welcome. And you know, I can do that, really, but you gotta give me a few weeks!! At least two, anyway!! y'all are funny! Typical men...into all that engine stuff!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/29/2007 7:19:53 PM

Well, I do all the normal high school stuff, I am in clubs, I run, I go to the gym, I have an after school job, I spend money like it grows on trees LOL, you name it, I do it.

I guess I have just been interested in the cheese wagon since I was in Kindergarten, and my friends dad is a driver so it keeps me interested. There is just something that seems so cool about driving a vehicle that big... btw I love to drive!

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 01/29/2007 7:29:43 PM

that is really cute...and I don't mean that in a funny way. My best friend has been driving since high school and he knows EVERYTHING about buses too and is always teasing me that I don't have that "deep" interest...He's always quizzing's funny. We participate in Roadeos every year and all that...I have gotten better, I can recognize a Ford from a Chevy from an International from a Freightliner. And, trust me, that means something!! I am getting there!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/29/2007 7:30:59 PM

Haha, good start. I basically learned a lot from observing our own FCPS buses, and until a few years ago, I thought all buses looked the same, but this forum totally taught me otherwise LOL

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/30/2007 1:50:58 PM

What other school systems fuel at commerical gas stations on a regular basis? we have been doing it for a few years now.

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 01/30/2007 5:00:30 PM

IC-RE....that's impressive! I have a feeling I will be gaining some knowledge.

Oh yea, do you know who my Aunt is?

We fuel at commerical gas stations, through Watchcard, all over the state in case we are on a field trip.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/30/2007 6:30:16 PM

You are! Hey at least you know what type of bus you drive haha!

I actually don't think I know your Aunt, she May drive for Madison High in Vienna, and I go to Oakton High in Vienna. If I had her bus number I would probably know

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/31/2007 05:50:22 AM

I have heard of your Aunt, Lena. Back in the 90s, she drove one of the first Rear Engine transit buses the county had, a 94 Thomas ER. I want to say she was in 1393 or something. She was another hard cor Thomas lover (oh no, not that) who wouldnt give that bus up untill it was a spit away from being made a spare. She, along with a few others with the same type of bus, finally upgraded in 03 to an AC equipt IC RE. I think she almost immediately upgraded to an 04 after that, which she is still in. She is in something in the 1600s now. Ive heard many great things about Jackie, but I've never met her.

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 01/31/2007 09:39:02 AM

Yea, I do remember when she told me she got AC...I will call her this weekend and get her number and what schools....She is a sweetheart and I know she loves her job.

IC-RE, I am definitely learning...yesterday at the shop I found myself actually looking at all the numbers on the hood!! I am paying attention!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/31/2007 11:40:15 AM

Wait a moment....Did she drive 1396 per chance?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/31/2007 1:46:07 PM

No that is a different driver, that driver is in 928, an 03 IC RE

Well, if I find out the number I am sure I will know who she is. I Recognize that last name, Hull.... hmm, I may know her

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/31/2007 2:06:01 PM

The part BusFreak mentioned about a Thomas lover, drove 1393 or something like that, and wouldn't give it up, sounds alot like 1396 to me.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/31/2007 2:07:27 PM

no busfreak knows a lot about 1396, he would know!

they are both spares now

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/31/2007 2:25:31 PM

Wow, I am not sure if we are near them, I haven't heard of them, but cool the New Vision is coming to VA! What types of specs di they have

Reply author: B. Busguy33
Replied on: 01/31/2007 2:48:52 PM

The part BusFreak mentioned about a Thomas lover, drove 1393 or something like that, and wouldn't give it up, sounds alot like 1396 to me.

Yup, Saundra (1396) did NOT want to give up her Thomas for anything.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/31/2007 2:56:23 PM

No..She's not 1396...That's Sandra, but they do drive out of many of the same schools. Again, it's not just one driver that loved the Thomas buses..Most of the drivers who liked the 94s had the Straightup Diesels, not the CNG, or the Diesel/CNGs. Jackie parks her bus at Thorough (spelling?) Middle school. Its one of maybe two regular ed buses parked up there. Check it out!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/31/2007 3:09:03 PM

I grew up in Virginia Beach, which is right next door to Chesapeake. For the longest time, they were all Thomas ERs for regular ed. Infact, I'm pretty sure they were that way through all of the 90s and into the early 00s. I'm sure their visions are spected well. They have always had nice buses down there. Brian (bsaund09) would know more about them.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 01/31/2007 3:25:16 PM

IC look at the map darling:) you're at the top of VA and chesepeake is at the southeast corner (hampton roadz)

Bluebird- yes i see them coming to you, i passed about 6 of them the other day, i was on my way to Lynchburg Virginia. You have the (in my opinion) the better looking vision. I'm surprised that out of all the school divisions in the hampton roads area, Chesepeake and James city/ Williamsburg schools are the only districts that are remaining Thomas free! Bluebird do you know when Chesepeke will be getting rid of the remaing thomas fords and amtran ford "yall" have?

Question (for those of you who live in that area)

When did Princess Anne County become Virginia Beach city schools? also when did Nasemond county become Suffolk city schools. I remember seeing a bus that had both on there along time ago, when did it change?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/31/2007 3:32:34 PM

Originally posted by BusFreak

No..She's not 1396...That's Sandra, but they do drive out of many of the same schools. Again, it's not just one driver that loved the Thomas buses..Most of the drivers who liked the 94s had the Straightup Diesels, not the CNG, or the Diesel/CNGs. Jackie parks her bus at Thorough (spelling?) Middle school. Its one of maybe two regular ed buses parked up there. Check it out!

I was told once that they almost threatend to fire her for not giving up 1396. Any truth to that?

Also, my driver had 1396 last week as a spare bus. Compared to rest of the 94' Thomas ER's we have, it was in pretty good shape and drove pretty nice.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 01/31/2007 4:04:58 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Originally posted by BusFreak

No..She's not 1396...That's Sandra, but they do drive out of many of the same schools. Again, it's not just one driver that loved the Thomas buses..Most of the drivers who liked the 94s had the Straightup Diesels, not the CNG, or the Diesel/CNGs. Jackie parks her bus at Thorough (spelling?) Middle school. Its one of maybe two regular ed buses parked up there. Check it out!

I was told once that they almost threatend to fire her for not giving up 1396. Any truth to that?

No truth. Lots of drivers turn down upgrades...and some even turn down a new bus. Unless they're surveying it, you can keep it. The drivers behind them (in seniority) LOVE when this happens! LOL

I know a lady with over 30 years...they surveyed her '88 GMC (she got it new) last they gave her a '89 Ford for this year. She says, "When it goes, I go".

If it weren't for the balky (in cold weather) service door on my '99...I think I would turn down all upgrades except a new bus....and even then if they are buying HDXs at that point. My bus runs and looks great, and is VERY dependable...but that ******* door gives me FITS on cold mornings! Our fine mechanics say, "duhhh, some of 'em are like that.".

Oh Okay, thanks..

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/31/2007 5:27:06 PM

OK..Jackie was on 1392, and then took 921 in 2003. Now, she is in a bus in the 1600s. I bet she got rid of the 03 for capacity problems, as they were only 72 pax with the head start seating.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/31/2007 5:31:42 PM

The 03s and 04s were my favorite, but I really like the engines on the new buses!

My favorite part about the 03s is the seating, there is so much legroom because they are 72 pax buses, but they are the same length as the 78 pax buses, and the seats are the Child seats so they are larger and more comfortable, they are nice

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/31/2007 5:31:49 PM

921 serves my school. The lady that drives it lives right behind me.

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 01/31/2007 5:36:31 PM

I will definitely call her this weekend, unless we miss school because of bad weather tomorrow or Friday and then I will call her...

I can describe her a little, if that will help in the mean time....she's very petite, short and little, thin and small....used to love being very tanned...has a nice country accent.

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 01/31/2007 6:21:41 PM

ok, y'all, I called her and Bus Freak you were right she did used to drive 1392 but the only other correct part is she is now driving 1679...out of Madison and Thomas Jefferson

Mystery solved, I gave her a heads up in case y'all talk to her...she doesn't do the computer thing!! lol

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/31/2007 6:25:00 PM

YEAH!! I see that bus all of the time! I knew it!

I am at Oakton just down the street from Madison, our buses cross paths all of the time.

Hey guys that means she also drives with 928, the former driver of 1396

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 01/31/2007 6:28:01 PM

yea well you should have heard me trying to explain to her why I was asking all these bus questions out of the blue and then me telling her about you being a senior in HS and all that, that's a tough one to explain!!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/31/2007 6:29:40 PM


here is a picture of bus 1680 that I took and submitted to a website, this is a sister bus to hers, its the exact same

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 01/31/2007 6:37:22 PM

by the way, congrats to Chesapeake!! That is a very nice town, which has grown quite a bit over the years...we always passed through it going to my sister's in Elizabeth City...

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/31/2007 6:47:43 PM

Here is a picture of her old bus, 1392, which is now a spare
Looks like it could have been in an accident or something, notice the bottom of the front of the buses is newer than the rest.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 01/31/2007 7:38:23 PM

Originally posted by Lena

ok, y'all, I called her and Bus Freak you were right she did used to drive 1392 but the only other correct part is she is now driving 1679...out of Madison and Thomas Jefferson

Mystery solved, I gave her a heads up in case y'all talk to her...she doesn't do the computer thing!! lol

The Thomas Jefferson part means she does a "hi-tech" run, as we call them (TJHSST students come from all over the County). I'm a hi-tech driver too! Next time I see her, I'll wave. Oh wait...I wave at all buses anyway! LOL

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 02/01/2007 07:51:47 AM

I have kindergarteners always asking me "how come we always wave" to each other....I always answer that we are a team and family!!!

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 02/01/2007 08:17:58 AM

Originally posted by Lena

I have kindergarteners always asking me "how come we always wave" to each other....I always answer that we are a team and family!!!


I feel like a fool when I wave at a school bus while I'm in my car! After all...I've been waving all day, I just forget....

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 02/01/2007 3:32:41 PM

hahhahahha....I do the same thing when in my car...and then sometimes I don't wave and then later that driver will ask me why I was being stuck up!! better off waving!! lol

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 02/01/2007 3:39:30 PM
Message: actually came up with a picture of Jackie's old bus, that's impressive!!

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 02/01/2007 3:45:17 PM

Have y'all heard about the 8year-old child who was rather abusive on the bus today and then was abusive to the police? It was in Maryland. I looked at NBC's website, but couldn't find it, I guess it was just breaking....

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 02/01/2007 4:22:25 PM

Wow, thats crazy, I'll look for it too.

haha, yeah I had that picture back from October. I think that type of bus (her old one, 1392) is ugly and I just don't like it. I really like her current bus, I just think Internationals are nicer!

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 02/01/2007 5:21:32 PM

Originally posted by mtirv


No truth. Lots of drivers turn down upgrades...and some even turn down a new bus. Unless they're surveying it, you can keep it. The drivers behind them (in seniority) LOVE when this happens! LOL

And the kids hate it. MY driver turned down a new IC CE this year, my guess is that she's more comfterable driving transits... none of the kids liked that, but we did get an IC-RE that was driven by the driver who took the CE, so I'm happy enough.

But the kids of the driver that DID take the IC CE were happy, right?

What I meant by that statement buses are assigned by seniority. If a driver turns down a new bus, it is then offered to the next driver down the seniority list....who would not have gotten the new bus if the senior driver had accepted it.

BTW, what kind of a nut would take a or not, over a RE?? LOL

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 02/01/2007 6:27:01 PM

Thats what I was thinking, your driver was smart mtirv.

If I were a driver I would take one of our older IC REs over a brand new IC CE unless the RE didn't have A/C then I would be beside myself in confusion lol..... wait maybe I would just take the old RE... I just don't know. I am a transit fan though.

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 02/01/2007 7:00:22 PM

I used to be content in a transit until a year and a half ago when I saw the Arlington accident and the one we had in Stafford and I decided I couldn't wait to get out of that windshield. I have to admit though, I love the way they drive, even this past summer I competed in a transit in the rodeo....won locally, placed 4th in state in the transit...but drive a conventional...

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 02/01/2007 7:13:24 PM

That story about the 8-year old finally showed up at NBC's website, so I posted it under News.....if you haven't already heard about it...The scarey part is I had an 8-year old child just like that until just last week when I was told by the principal that his mother could no longer handle him and he went to live with his father in DC....I am very worried this could very well be the same child, it's unfortunate either can't help but worry about the children.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 02/01/2007 7:32:53 PM

Wow, from what you tell me this kid's got some real problems! I will go over to the news section and read it.

As far as transits, we had a Special Ed Thomas Front Engine transit bus get hit by a Metro bus last year, both buses were destroyed, and I believe the driver was injured. I will look for it in the NBC archives but it was pretty bad from what it looked like. The other FCPS drivers on here would know way more than I do.

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 02/04/2007 11:59:58 AM

where is everyone?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 02/04/2007 12:40:48 PM

Cold week ahead how many buses will not start by Tuesday? You got to love those guys who get out there on those service trucks trying to crank those buses up one after another. Our buses are all over so it is a huge job getting them going.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 02/04/2007 12:46:02 PM

Originally posted by Lena

where is everyone?

As in Location??

I am in Oak Hill/Herndon Reston area, and I go to school in Vienna, which is like 10 miles from my house (like 35 mins of traffic LOL)

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 02/04/2007 1:59:25 PM

Chesapeake had a Bluebird Vision burn up in Sept. i wonder if they are replacing that bus # 72 with a new one. The Visions they have gotten are very nice from what i can tell most are 72 passangers I know they have quit buying the transits altogather. Suffolk has a new C2 that looks to be a 72 passanger also. They had an article about Chesapeake needing new buses really bad i guess they are getting some action there is a story you do not hear everyday.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 02/04/2007 2:50:07 PM

Wow Brian. So, is suffolk off of the Rear Engine bandwagon too? Sounds like with Virginia allowing the longer conventionals, alot of people are switching back!

Lena, I'm in Arlington County in the Ballston area, but I'm origonaly from Virginia Beach.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 02/04/2007 2:55:53 PM

hi Lena- i'm in Ashburn, in Loudoun Co, a few miles N/W of Dulles airport. when i drove, i parked my bus in the town of Herndon. i'm from Fairfax Co, & went to the same HS as IC-RE!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 02/04/2007 3:01:33 PM

Suffolk i think is still getting the AA Bluebirds for how much longer i do not know. I noticed them taking trees out behind the Suffolk School Bus Garage you know if maybe they are building a new garage. I know their fleet has doubled since I first started driving.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 02/04/2007 3:16:40 PM

Brian, how many High Schools are out that way now? WHen i was in the area, it was just Nandsmond River, and whatever the one next to it is.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/04/2007 3:49:12 PM

Does anyone have an update on the new bus garage being built at Loudoun's Leesburg Facility?

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 02/04/2007 4:22:11 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Does anyone have an update on the new bus garage being built at Loudoun's Leesburg Facility?

Nope....but what's that place the are building next to WOX? The sign that was there before they started work said something about Transportation.

I wonder what they are going to do with 11 Oaks...I know an ALC driver who told me that ALC will be moved to Mountain View next school year. The long awaited razing of 11 Oaks must finally be going to happen....but what about the buses?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 02/04/2007 5:31:04 PM

Suffolk has 3 high schools now they just open one a couple years back. Portsmouth no longer has buses parked off Fredrick Blvd. either not sure where they moved them to. Those buses would be there during the school year and then gone they must have housed about 30 buses there during the year.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/04/2007 5:37:18 PM

Connector buses, etc are going at that place next to WOX. No school buses as far I know.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 02/04/2007 5:53:55 PM

That new place next to WOX is the new WMATA garage they are building. I diddnt know that the connector was also going to be a part of that, as it is not a part of WMATA. Maybe we are in for some changes with the mass transit in the area! The new location being built will house all of the metrobuses currently parked at the Ballston facility at the corner of N Quincy street and N Wilson BLVD. That location is shutting its doors, and the lot is being developed into a high-rise.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 02/04/2007 7:12:15 PM

WMATA...that's odd. The sign they had posted was one of those oval blue ones that the County usually posts to trumpet County projects. But I guess the County is a part of WMATA, eh?

Too bad it's not a greatly needed expansion of WOX!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 02/05/2007 3:30:59 PM

Chesapeake Schools have got the new style Vision Bluebird that looks really sharp to. I saw Bus 110 pulling in behind me at my high school activity run. It is a 72 passanger but everything else looks pretty much the same the front bumper has a redesign also not often you see them do that much redesign.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 02/08/2007 05:02:03 AM


When did Suffolk City Schools change over from Nansemond County Public Schools?

Anyone want a Job? Henrico County Public schools is looking for a transportation director, look at the ad in the school bus fleet classifieds

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 02/08/2007 09:42:09 AM

poor driver-- they have been City of Suffolk Public Schools as long as I can remember. you might have to research to get an answer to that question.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 02/08/2007 2:16:42 PM

ten four bsaund09 i'll do some checking

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 02/12/2007 3:21:56 PM

Va.Beach is actually fixing the poorly running CNG buses all 4 HDXs have sat still since early November. According to what I have heard they are attempting to fix them I know the newest two were gone last month. It will be interesting to see how far they get this time. I do like how quiet they are when they are running.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/05/2007 2:36:30 PM

I apologize, but I forgot who on here is the person from Williams Bus Lines. Whoever you are, could you send me an e-mail. Click the e-mail thing in my profile.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 03/05/2007 2:39:44 PM

That would be Disneynuts

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 03/05/2007 7:47:03 PM

Now I know why we don't have dual stop arms on our 2008 buses,.... THEY ARE OPTIONAL, but before were not permitted

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/06/2007 4:17:34 PM

Yes. Those units were pilots.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 03/06/2007 7:19:30 PM

They have them I know on CE's, but hey 1629, do you know if they have them on any C2s, HDX's or REs??

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 03/06/2007 10:03:19 PM

Arlington County has dual stop arms on all of their C2s, and newest HDXs. I believe that counts for two generations of C2s, and one generatoin of HDX. I do not however, know the model years of these buses, but they had the first C2s during last school year at some point.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/07/2007 03:29:08 AM

I believe loudoun only has them on the CE's.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 03/07/2007 08:00:15 AM

you know williams had the c2 with dual stop arms before arlington.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 03/07/2007 08:24:28 AM

No suprise to me. Williams has always been one step ahead of the rest.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 03/08/2007 07:46:50 AM

naw, the shorty makes the C2 look decent!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/08/2007 12:54:47 PM

Frederick County schools has several shorty C2's with wheelchair lifts. I used to have pictures, until my hard drive crashed.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/09/2007 07:34:59 AM

We have severval C2 52 passanger handicap buses rolling in Va Beach now they actually look pretty good have pics of a couple of them. I think they were getting 14 of them this year.They now have two of the 4 HDX CNG buses back in service. I still think the IC conventional with that International front is the coolest looking bus around.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 03/09/2007 09:13:00 AM

Brian- you have such good taste!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/10/2007 3:17:12 PM

Thanks Gini , I have always thought an International Ward(Amtran,IC) bus have always made an awesome looking combination. I still think the 1978 Ford Bluebird is still the one that would be my favorite look of all times but an International has always driven better then a Ford.

Reply author: ltrain2001
Replied on: 03/10/2007 8:54:07 PM

Just out of curiousity, are there any 4 way buses still in school service in Virginia?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 03/10/2007 8:57:41 PM

I'm sure! We just got ride of our last 1987 International Ward this past year and it had a 4-way system, so I am sure there are some in service somewhere in Virginia!

Reply author: Kodie
Replied on: 03/10/2007 9:08:30 PM

Going off topic but superiorgmc1963 (Ted Pelky) updated his site.(1998 BB TC/2000 FE, 2007 Thomas C2. Check it out.

Reply author: thomas86_a
Replied on: 03/10/2007 9:53:29 PM

Originally posted by IC Dave

Going off topic but superiorgmc1963 (Ted Pelky) updated his site.(1998 BB TC/2000 FE, 2007 Thomas C2. Check it out.

How many times are you going to mention this? And how many times are you going to say "hate to go off topic" or "going off topic" Quit going off the damn topic! Start a new thread if it is that big of a deal.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/11/2007 04:28:50 AM

Itrain2001-- Some of the rural counties might still have some of the 4 warning light system buses on the road as spares but i think that would be rare as they were last purchased in 1986-87. The city of Chesapeake is saling some of their 4 ways now not sure if that gets rid of all of them. A privately owned bus company in Norfolk still has some of them in their fleet but very rarely do you see them being used.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 03/11/2007 05:35:01 AM


could you tell me the name of the private company in Norfolk. Sometime we need help in the area when we take groups to Williamsburg, and the Tidewater area for sports. Thanks

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/11/2007 07:07:08 AM

disneynuts--- Transquest part of Dominion Motor Coaches was the company I referred to they hold a contract with most of the large private schools in this area and also do charter work. They were orginally part of Virginia Overland and have changed names a couple of times.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 03/12/2007 01:39:00 AM

thanks brian

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 03/12/2007 7:53:07 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Our 2002-present buses can activate the reds without opening the door. You activate the amber lights, then flip the door switch to "WRN LIGHTS". The door switch is a 3-point toggle. From top to bottom, you have the following 3 positions: Door Open, Warning Lights, and Door Close.

I remeber you can activate the reds on Thomas and amtrans buses in fcps, that starting with 97 at least.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 03/12/2007 8:05:13 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Frederick County schools has several shorty C2's with wheelchair lifts. I used to have pictures, until my hard drive crashed.

pats, that's why I always back up mine,
I see a C2 in my neighbor hood about everyday, nice looking, alot of times thought it's dirty.

Btw Gini I live in ashburn too, I live near Briar Woods.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 03/12/2007 10:34:47 PM

hey Drew- glad to meet you! i'm next to the little Giant, not far from Stone Bridge HS. so you're down near the new HS? i don't go down Belmont Ridge as much as in the past, friends i used to do pet sitting for down in South Riding moved to Chantilly. when i first moved out here, i parked @ a school in Centreville, & used to cut thru Arcola to get to my bus. it's changed!

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 03/18/2007 08:26:40 AM

Oh okay, after I moved from Herndon, I used to live near the old police station, We moved here almost four years ago. I went to south lakes, then once we moved went to stone bridge.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 03/18/2007 1:34:53 PM

ahh, so you moved out here AFTER civilization came! i was fortunate enough to see what it was like while the east still had a lot of rural areas. when i 1st lived here, we had to go to Leesburg, Sterling, or Herndon just to get groceries.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/18/2007 3:51:34 PM

Some days I wish i lived in a rural area. I guess rural area school bus drivers face the same challanges everyday just with a different twist.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 03/18/2007 4:36:23 PM

yeah, they do. here in Loudoun, while the east has been "Fairfaxed", the rest of the county still has a lot of dirt/gravel roads, w/ a good part in the Blue Ridge, hence all the school closings.
i'd love to live out farther.

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 03/18/2007 6:05:49 PM

just a little tidbit of info....Do any of you know where "Glengyle" is? It's an estate heading west on route 50, just before Gilbert's Corner, near Aldie....

That's where me and my hubby were married 20 years ago. I was their "gardener" and I loved loved loved working there! Anyone familiar?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/20/2007 3:26:38 PM

Still looking for photos of Virginia School Buses from the 1970s if anyone has some to share my email is in the profile. Mainly looking for photos of the bus not drivers or students but if there is a cool looking bus in background would be nice to have.

Reply author: sbdlax22
Replied on: 03/20/2007 4:21:03 PM

I'm not as big a buff as most others on here, so I don't have pics to show you, but I do have a suggestion: check out old high school yearbooks! Most yearbooks have a page or 2 with a story & pics about students riding the 'big cheese'. Several libraries in NOVA have collections of local high schools' yearbooks that go pretty far back. You may not be able to get the pics you want (they may have lots of students in them), but just thought I'd pass along the idea if you want to spend the day in a library.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 03/20/2007 4:34:24 PM

Funny you should mention that....just the other day I was sitting at my elementary school and a lady stuck her camera in my door and clicked a couple of pics of me at the wheel. She said, "For the yearbook" and went on her merry way. LOL

My high school (Class of '70) yearbooks have a lot of great shots of school buses.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/20/2007 4:42:23 PM

yes good suggestions , I might go the yearbook route. I have thought of going to library to look through the local community paper and see what they have.I do some newspaper photos from the early 80's but was hoping to see what came before that in the way of photos.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 03/20/2007 5:16:41 PM

Brian- i have one pic of the front of a 75 Ford, when i find it i'll send it to you. i'll also check my yearbooks, & if any of the bus pics are clean (no criminating writings, lol), i'll send them also.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/20/2007 5:25:26 PM

Gini-- thanks that is basically what i am looking for . i actually remembered one of my sisters having a photo in an album of a friend in front of a 1973 Ford she sent it to me better then i remembered. The Ford was a Ward body bus and actually showed the three stripes on the side and the color in the pic was still really good.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/21/2007 02:31:21 AM

I went through my school's old yearbooks and found tons of great pics!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/08/2007 8:55:54 PM

So, I've been checking out some of the state's school bus bids, and I found this one from Prince William County. Looks like they aren't even trying to bid on any more Thomas ERs. Looks like they are putting out an invitation to bid, but only the Thomas C2 will meet all of the bid specifications. It's like they are trying to spec the C2 into winning the bid. A 77 passenger conventional must have one heck of a tail swing! New for this year, it looks like they are getting AC! The bid sheets say only one free blow unit in the rear, and the rest should come from the dash. Interesting!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/09/2007 02:38:19 AM

That's interesting. When I talked to the TD a while back, he stated there wasn't much interest in the C2 for them. I guess that changed really quick.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/09/2007 08:08:48 AM

They already have a TON of C2s on the road, but they aren't of this bid/spec. They don't have the AC, but they are nice looking. As far as I can tell, they havn't bought an ER for atleats a year.

Reply author: Rich
Replied on: 05/09/2007 08:26:57 AM

Originally posted by BusFreak

So, I've been checking out some of the state's school bus bids, and I found this one from Prince William County. Looks like they aren't even trying to bid on any more Thomas ERs. Looks like they are putting out an invitation to bid, but only the Thomas C2 will meet all of the bid specifications. It's like they are trying to spec the C2 into winning the bid. A 77 passenger conventional must have one heck of a tail swing! New for this year, it looks like they are getting AC! The bid sheets say only one free blow unit in the rear, and the rest should come from the dash. Interesting!

They sure did write that to C2 specs, ha, wow. Bird and IC can attempt to match certain things, but in others they will have to write an explanation on why they don't offer it.

There are quite a few districts that do this type of bidding, and many times other buses win anyway just because of a price difference.

Should be interesting.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/09/2007 12:12:49 PM

bus freak

how do you check the state bids?...what's the website?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/09/2007 12:48:51 PM

The bid that was posted above is a local bid for Prince William County. In Virginia, each county bids. That information can typically be found on the county website or the school district website, depending on where they decided to post it. Do some poking around and you'll find it.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/09/2007 3:12:19 PM

Very interesting stuff

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/09/2007 3:52:07 PM

Brian, I was looking at Virginia beach's bid sheet, and it has some new things on it as well. The most interesting to me was the addition of strobing stop arms....something I havnt seen in that district before.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/10/2007 10:44:37 AM

yes, all the new buses this year have them i have not actually seen any in real action as i am usually in neighborhoods all by myself . i guess the bus i get next year might have them we will see.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/10/2007 2:15:33 PM

Actually ICRE1629, I have Virginia State bid sheets and options pricing for Sonny Merryman, Kingmore, and Commonwealth Truck Center. From what I understand, the districts bid, as does the state. Pretty much ANY option that is available to a Virginia school district is listed on these options bid sheets, and you'd be supprised they all add up for a FCPS or LCPS spec bus! They have all the options for type A, C, and D. Sonny Merryman even states on their pricing guide how much it would reduce the cost to get a manual transmission. They are the only one who is able to do that, so I'm guessing that the C2 is indeed available with it!

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 05/10/2007 2:33:52 PM

all of our busses come from Sonny Merryman, as do most districts around here just for the fact that he's the closest

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/11/2007 08:03:20 AM

Originally posted by BusFreak

Actually ICRE1629, I have Virginia State bid sheets and options pricing for Sonny Merryman, Kingmore, and Commonwealth Truck Center. From what I understand, the districts bid, as does the state. Pretty much ANY option that is available to a Virginia school district is listed on these options bid sheets, and you'd be supprised they all add up for a FCPS or LCPS spec bus! They have all the options for type A, C, and D. Sonny Merryman even states on their pricing guide how much it would reduce the cost to get a manual transmission. They are the only one who is able to do that, so I'm guessing that the C2 is indeed available with it!

What I was referring to is the fact that the state of Virginia does not purchase the buses for the districts. The school districts are free to buy what they want as long as it conforms to Virginia's regulations. The state of Virginia does not say "Loudoun County, your getting Thomas C2's this year, like it or leave it".

I know some states, like Florida I believe, purchase the buses for the districts. The districts get little or no say in what they get as far what buses, what options, etc.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/11/2007 3:36:34 PM

Right...I got you 1629. Florida actually does something very similar to what Virginia does. They recieve a bid from each of the manufacturers as a state, with a list of costs for upgrades, and then the district specs their own buses based off of the bids put out by the state. Florida districts actually have a wide range of vehicles on the road. Dade has been getting Visions, while Polk has been getting C2s. Florida in General has some NICE specs that fall onto their buses by default. North Carolina is one of those states who does the whole thing for the entire state, including type (A,B,C,D), options, etc. Districts in North Carolina simply say "we need more/replacment buses," and the state issues them accordingly.

I find this bidding process in Virginia very interesting! Districts can still choose whatever kind of bus they want, and they are all base priced accordingly. Say you want a 65 passenger conventional with hydraulic brakes...there is a sheet from each dealer with a base price, and then a WHOLE list of options that you can get on a hydraulic brake bus with prices. You can still get what ever kind of bus you want, but the state has actually started the work for you with their standard specs.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 05/12/2007 6:59:11 PM

BusFreak, how would I be able to view the bid sheets for Newport News buses? I go looking for that kind of thing all the time but never find it.

Reply author: InoYamanakaFanboy
Replied on: 05/12/2007 8:37:11 PM

does anyone have any pictures of any newport news buses. If so can you post them?

Reply author: InoYamanakaFanboy
Replied on: 05/12/2007 8:43:53 PM

Originally posted by bsaund09

Chesapeake Schools have got the new style Vision Bluebird that looks really sharp to. I saw Bus 110 pulling in behind me at my high school activity run. It is a 72 passanger but everything else looks pretty much the same the front bumper has a redesign also not often you see them do that much redesign.

that's funny, the newport news 110 is a 2005 Blue Bird Vision. except it is a 65 passenger with a wheelchair lift.

Reply author: InoYamanakaFanboy
Replied on: 05/12/2007 9:06:12 PM

My bus for 7th grade and this year, 19, a Thomas Saf-T-Liner EF

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/15/2007 4:19:28 PM

I see that Dinwiddie County has some of the new visions also. I saw one the other day parkd beside one of the older style visions..what a difference a new cowl makes! i thought the old style was hideous, i love the new look.

Traveling up 29 from Danville i noticed that pittsylvania county, instead of trading their buses in to sonnymerryman, they have alot of late 80's thomas fords and gmc's chevys both four and eight light systems off the highway in a field for sale to the public i think. I really couldn't get a good look because i was soo shocked to see those golden beauties that i almost ran off of the road...If anyone is from the Chatham or Campbell or Pittsylvania county are on here can help me out on what is happening?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/15/2007 4:34:19 PM

Anyone know what district these might belong too?

Reply author: Allamericanre
Replied on: 05/15/2007 5:11:13 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Anyone know what district these might belong too?

Those look like FCPS buses by the position of the numbers.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/15/2007 5:34:59 PM

They aren't FCPS buses, that's why I asked. Here's some differences:

1955 - FCPS 1955 is an 08' RE
1938 - FCPS 1938 is an 08' RE
292 - There is no Bus 292 in the FCPS fleet currently
128 - We have no BB AA RE's in our fleet

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/15/2007 6:23:07 PM

I'm going to GUESS that atleast the IC REs are from Henrico County, as they are numbering buses in the thousands. As far as I know, they are the only non-Northern Virginia district that has unit numbers that high. Just a guess though.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/16/2007 11:38:04 AM

Chesterfield has numbers that high and i'm pretty sure Albermarle does also.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/28/2007 08:16:33 AM

Do we have anyone here with any knowledge of Fauquier County's fleet? I have some buses I need help figuring out model years. Any help would be appreciated.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/28/2007 11:59:55 AM

I've got a good grap on their fleet. 95 they got Carpenter Internationals. 96 through 2000, they got Blue Bird Internationals and Thomas Internationals. Starting in around 2001, they got International ICs (now known as the CE), and thats what they've gotten ever since. Most of the older style Internationals fronts are manual transmission, with the T444E. If you email me some of the pictures in question, there are some tell tale signs for the model years that I can point out for you. masonguy81 at yahoo .

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 05/28/2007 2:18:14 PM

Back to LCPS Buses, I seen a few newer IC RE's with the badge on the sides saying RE 300. There are a few older ones that say international re on the back.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/28/2007 6:22:56 PM

The Rule in Virginia is no body logos. Chassis logos are OK. on International/IC products, it's hard to tell where the chassis ends, and the body begins. That's why the bumper logo on the ICs are allowed, as are a few other brandings.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 05/28/2007 6:53:40 PM

Not all of the units have them like you said some of them are allowed.

Wonder though doesn't some of bb's in Va have those logo's up top? how are those allowed?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/28/2007 7:47:46 PM

None that are owned by tax dollars.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/29/2007 06:57:19 AM

Logos on a Va State School Board owned school bus would be a huge infraction in some places they might overlook it but not in Virginia. One inspector back in the '90s when they use to try and inspect every fleet before school opened for infractions the one guy made them peal off the inside label from BlueBird that said "your childrens safety is our business" . He made everyone of them come off and that label had been up there for many many years. I am suprized the emblems on the grill have survived but some of that thorough inspecting has ceased.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/03/2007 8:01:32 PM

Does anyone know why the Town of West Point Public Schools have so many different items on the bus. I noticed they have a Bluebird with turn signals on the front mounted under the front windows not normal in Virginia and i noticed one of them had backup lights the size of the large brake and turn signal cover. They are state gov't licensed buses to.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/03/2007 8:11:16 PM

We have LED turn signals mounted under the windshield on our 2 CEs

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 06/03/2007 10:55:01 PM

Brian, the state mandates reverse lights of ATLEAST 4 inches. I know of a few districts who spec the larger 7 inch ones. As for the turn signals under the windshield, they are allowed in Virginia, just not required. They often dont show up, because of the slightly added cost. West point might have bought some stock buses from the dealership, in which case, the dealer spected them the way they wanted. It's kindof like the second roof hatch...Not required in Virginia (unless its an 84-90 passenger bus I think), but mose districts spec them on 78 passenger buses. A few districts even spec the second hatch on their special ed shorties.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 06/04/2007 11:14:52 AM

Don't like those large back up lights.

Having extra flashers make it easier to notice if it's light out.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/04/2007 1:45:34 PM

Yeah , I just curious the bus with turn signals under the window was a Vision at first I thought they were just Maryland buses but then I read the side of it but part of of what through me was that they had no front license plate mounted on the Vision. I don't believe other then transits I have not seen the signals up there expect out of state or private because I believe Virginia use to require signals attached to the cow of the bus.Transits sort of changed everything.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/04/2007 2:06:51 PM

We have the signals under the windshield AND on the cowl of the bus, but because ours on Internationals, they are integrated with the headlights

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/11/2007 3:20:36 PM

A Loudoun Bus. I can tell by the flag sticker near the number. A signature of the Loudoun buses.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 06/12/2007 07:17:19 AM

Yea, plus the black window frames, cept the brand new buses don't have the flags.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/12/2007 09:13:14 AM

They probably haven't put the flags on yet. Loudoun made it a regulation to put those flag stickers on the buses.

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 06/13/2007 6:27:29 PM

The bus pictured (Bus 60) is now a spare bus run out of the lot in Hamilton. I'm not sure that Loudoun is putting flags on the new buses.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 06/13/2007 8:40:36 PM

Wonder if 122 (lcps) is a spare now, in 04 it had 88k on it, it was MVP Thomas too, 97 or 98.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/18/2007 07:24:30 AM

So are transits going away in Virginia or just slowing down on the volume from a few years ago? We have a couple of transits but just dont hear where anymore will be purchased.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/18/2007 08:01:19 AM

It seems like transit purchases are slowing down around here, atleast from my point of view. From what I've seen, Loudoun and Alexandria City have been purchasing alot more conventionals.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/18/2007 12:27:44 PM

Interesting other then cost you know of any real reason for the change at one time things looked like they were just going to be all transits. I know severval school systems around here have seemed to have quit buying and some of those fleets are a pretty good size.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/18/2007 2:07:32 PM

We only bought 2 conventionals, so for Fairfax, it looks like we will stay with transit for a bit longer. i wonder if we will get a full-size Conventional next year though?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/18/2007 4:23:27 PM

Anyone going to the state roadeo tomorrow in Chesterfield County at James River High School. They arent as interesting since they started just using the same 4 or 5 buses for the event they use to have buses from all over show up that was pretty cool.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 06/18/2007 5:53:16 PM

Originally posted by bsaund09

Anyone going to the state roadeo tomorrow in Chesterfield County at James River High School. They arent as interesting since they started just using the same 4 or 5 buses for the event they use to have buses from all over show up that was pretty cool.

No, but GO JENNIFER!!! (the FCPS contestant)

edited to add: If she wins, I wonder where they'd get the brand new bus that she'll be awarded???

Reply author: ATRE 1507
Replied on: 06/19/2007 09:23:10 AM


FCPS is the BEST!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/19/2007 09:51:24 AM

they offer a brand new to bus in Va. Beach just for winning the local event.this will be the same drivers second year in a row getting a brand new bus.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 06/19/2007 12:57:38 PM

Originally posted by bsaund09

they offer a brand new to bus in Va. Beach just for winning the local event.this will be the same drivers second year in a row getting a brand new bus.

They've talked about doing that here...I guess nothing came of it.

They are always trying to increase participation...and a new bus for winning the FCPS Roadeo would really do that, I think.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/29/2007 11:06:23 AM

Does anyone know how the state roadeo turned out this year?

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 07/02/2007 1:11:45 PM

Conventional Competition (2004 IC Internation)

1st Jeremy Click: Accomack County
2nd Lacy Carruth, Norfolk City
3rd Sharon Richardson, Williamsburg-JCC

Transit Competition (2007 Thomas)

1st Russell Altizer, Montgomery County (usually competes in conventional)
2nd Tyler Reynolds, Virginia Beach City
3rd Jeff Long, Newport News City

Met Jennifer Dees from Fairfax County, she is very very nice, only been driving for 9 months she says....she placed 14th out of 22....not bad at all!!

It was a super super miserably hot day!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/02/2007 11:30:28 PM

Wow...I'm glad to see that Virginia represented the Transit division! That's kinda cool, being that they only have a handful of operational transit style buses.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/03/2007 05:46:29 AM

Thanks for the info I just hadnt heard how things turned out hopefully I will get to next years competition being that it is held here in Va. Beach.

Reply author: Busdude3
Replied on: 07/03/2007 09:34:39 AM

Hey - I'll be in Williamsburg and Virginia Beach later this month on vacation...

Does anyone know any bus yards or places with buses in that area?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/03/2007 7:31:56 PM

I am not even sure where the Williamsburg yard is most of the rest of them are pretty well hidden from human eye contact. the one in Va. Beach sets about a mile off the Interstate going in toward the beach. NewportNews has there very well hidden . Most of the school systems around here have more then one lot for summer parking. They are not that hard to fine.

Reply author: Busdude3
Replied on: 07/05/2007 09:41:44 AM

Originally posted by bsaund09

I am not even sure where the Williamsburg yard is most of the rest of them are pretty well hidden from human eye contact. the one in Va. Beach sets about a mile off the Interstate going in toward the beach. NewportNews has there very well hidden . Most of the school systems around here have more then one lot for summer parking. They are not that hard to fine.

Thanks for your help! Do you have any directions to these summer lots?

Reply author: The Thomas Vista
Replied on: 07/05/2007 12:33:55 PM


Sorry to break the topic (and I don't know if this has been mentioned), but Chesterfield County just recently got new Thomas C2s. I couldn't tell if they had the rear stop or not (Is that now an official rule in VA; to have the rear stop?).

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/05/2007 12:37:24 PM

From what I hear, dual stop arms are required now.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/05/2007 2:03:03 PM

VAPT site says they are not a Requirement on buses, simply that they are now permitted without hassle. (Im assuming in the past if you wanted a second stop arm you had to submit some sort of request) that is what I gathered from reading their site. It may however be required on buses that are 40 feet in length or more.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/05/2007 11:14:57 PM

Chesterfield recently took delivery of brand new Blue Bird Visions! This is the first non-Thomas order since the late 80s for them!

Reply author: The Thomas Vista
Replied on: 07/06/2007 11:12:28 AM

Originally posted by BusFreak

Chesterfield recently took delivery of brand new Blue Bird Visions! This is the first non-Thomas order since the late 80s for them!

They had those for a while and I think they are used as SPED buses. Are these new Visions going to be used on normal routes though (alongside the junkload of Vistas and C2s they have now)?

I have seen a rougue Bluebird Freightliner with Chesterfield titles on somewhere though.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/06/2007 1:06:15 PM

Loudoun County now has a IC BE 200. I saw it in Leesburg today. I was going to take a photo of it, but there was alot of people around. I'll be able to get a picture this weekend. The bus is either an 2007 or 2008 model. Most likely 2008.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/06/2007 1:35:03 PM

Loudoun has had atleast one BE for atleast a year now. They've always had quite a fleet of type A buses, so this should be a nice addition to the smaller class of their fleet.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/06/2007 4:07:37 PM

I've never noticed the BE until now. It looks like a nice bus though!

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/06/2007 4:52:30 PM

Yeah, I've seen a LCPS BE for quite a while. I chase LCPS buses on 7100 every morning (usually Type As). I think they are heading to TJ.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/06/2007 5:34:47 PM

Cool. Like I said, I've noticed the bus until now. I like how Loudoun has alot of different buses in there fleet. From what I've seen over the past few years, they have all the following:

AmTran RE
Blue Bird TC/2000 RE
Mid Bus Guide
Thomas International Conventional
Thomas Freightliner Conventional
Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER
Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP ER
Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX
Thomas Saf-T-Liner C2
Thomas Minotour

Am I missing anything?

Compare that to Prince William though:

Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER
Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP ER (I forget if they have these or not)
Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP EF
Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX
Thomas Saf-T-Liner C2
Thomas Vista

I know in the past Prince William has owned:

Ward Volunteer's
Superior International's
Thomas International's
Blue Bird Chevy's

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/08/2007 3:22:34 PM

Check out this photo from a VA school district. Can anyone identify the district?

Reply author: Busdude3
Replied on: 07/08/2007 3:41:41 PM

I know I'm not from Virginia, but I'm thinking Virginia Beach. From the pictures I've seen of their retired buses on eSurplus - some of those shots look like their yard not to mention the number font they used are the same as the ones I've seen on sSurplus' site.

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 07/08/2007 3:45:05 PM

I think it is VA beach too. It appears to be in the mid 80s because of the newer GMC and Ford cover in 2 of the pictures, also has an eight lamp GMC BB. It also has the old liscense plates that were around until 1990?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/08/2007 6:09:27 PM

Yessir, that is a Virginia Beach bus. Those fords were beasts too, and were among the last gas/manual/hydro buses the city purchased. The picture with ACT10 in it was taken in atleast 90, because it has one of the 1990 Thomas Fords in the background. Whats sad, is most if not all of those buses in those pictures have been retired by now. They are in the process of getting rid of the 1992s.

Some of those pictures were taken at the old Oceana High School lot right at the end of the master jet base runway. It's my understanding that the building still stands, and they are still parking buses there. That school hasn't been open during my lifetime.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/08/2007 6:17:11 PM

Someone actually notice my pics on flicker that is to cool. The Act 10 bus is the old 334. The others are all buses I had when I started back in 1985.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/08/2007 6:24:22 PM

The pic of 127 in the bullpen next to the GMCs was taken in 1987 as well as 376 which was a '76 Ford on the spare line and then 421 was a 1979 Ford my last stick shift bus.All the photos but one was taken at the Oceana Garage that act 10 was parked at Independence Middle with bus 192 in the background.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/08/2007 9:08:49 PM

Brian...were you driving 192 at the time of the picture? I know it was your bus for atleast a year before you got 400. What kind of bus is to the right of bus 127. It's awefully shiny, and looks brand new at the time. If it was taken in 1987, could it be one of the brand new GMC blue birds? That 86 GMC Thomas also looks pretty good in the same picture. Thomas buses look so naked with the 4 lamp system!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/09/2007 04:26:24 AM

yes I was driving 192 had it from '90 till '93 that was taken before starting my Governor's School run which back in the day started from the Jr. High with 9th graders.The bus next to 127 was the brand new 331 from 1987 not sure which GMC was in the background but at that point I was driving Bus 97 the '83 Ford BB.The '86 Thomas GMC is actually the old Bus 66 the handicap Ford in the background would have been either 405 or 406.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/09/2007 4:25:36 PM

Dang Brian. It's kinda cool that you have pictures of two 331s when they were brand new. Any word on Virginia Beach's latest bid?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/10/2007 04:52:54 AM

Yes I have some pics of three generations with the same number that is pretty cool.Every once in while I will make a good find. I am not sure about the bid exactly but they are getting more of the C2 and just a few Visions.The pics are just a result of these nice long summer days without much to do (hah,hah).

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/19/2007 3:33:26 PM

Looks like a bluebird landed in Va Beach for a change and what a difference. Actually 10 of them to be exact very nice looking to.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/19/2007 11:22:57 PM

Awesome Brian! Do you have any pictures yet? you must send some to me when you do! I know you just got a new bus last year, but you seem to have some good pull...are you going to get one of these birdies? The last birds I know of at the beach are the 02(ish) GMCs. Kinda crazy they've gone mostly Thomas considering that all but two years out of all the 80s were Birds, as well as a good portion of the 90s.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/20/2007 07:08:57 AM

Actually the new bus last year was just upgrade to curve high mileage so the one this year will be more on my cycle of new buses('97,'03,'08). The bus from last actually is already in the 30k range for some reason I did more driving. I think those birds are really nice I think they look nicer then the C2 but then the C2 has some cool features to.It takes them about a month to get them rolling anymore with having to get bar codes and fuel cards from Papco and then these will have to be carried out and fitted with two way radios so we will see.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/24/2007 11:11:56 AM

WOW That is goog to hear that VA BEACH is going back to the bird's!!!! I am from NEWPORT NEWS and they were buyig the visions for 2 years straight then swithed back to IC ce's *****, But this year I have herd they are down sizeing from the upper 400's to the lower 400's due the number of students that will be transported this year, and I dont think they are buying any new ones this because they had suck a large order last school year.

Reply author: Busdude3
Replied on: 07/24/2007 1:38:22 PM

When I was there last week, I got some photos of one of their new '08 Visions.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/24/2007 1:46:10 PM

hey busdude3 can you share the photos maybe when did you see them last week. I think they just arrived last week.

Reply author: Busdude3
Replied on: 07/24/2007 2:06:36 PM

I sent all the photos (about 80-some total) to Atlantic School Bus Yard. I got a lot from Virginia Beach (ones I just found - I really wish SOMEONE would have given me directions to their actual bus yards like I asked...:)) along with some Williamsburg-James City buses and many private organizations and a head start's buses.

I took that photo of 551, the new Vision off of Witchduck Road at some auto place on Wednesday - near the Virginia Beach Digital Academy.

He said he'll be posting them in August and September updates.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/24/2007 2:44:10 PM

Yep. Those photos will be posted. Stay tuned!

Reply author: Busdude3
Replied on: 07/24/2007 3:27:39 PM

I must say Virginia has some nice buses - very clean at least. I saw quite a few other buses (while I was sitting in rush hour traffic in D.C. area) from Fairfax, Prince William, and Williams Bus Lines - HDXs and IC FEs.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/24/2007 9:24:23 PM

I know our (fairfax) buses are pretty clean for a CHANGE!! They must have power washed them all at the end of the school year because they are all so clean right now, especially because there is no salt on the roads at this time of the year!!

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/25/2007 08:49:05 AM


Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/25/2007 1:39:02 PM

Its not something new, but when the black reflection tape on our buses begin peeling, the garage replaces it with whatever they have, and Im sure this "Florida Style" tape was sitting on the shelf. There are a bunch of oler buses with it that have it has replacement tape.

Oh and for some reason, I think 593 is an area II 99 AmTran RE, or it may be a 97 AmTran Genesis.

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 07/25/2007 2:08:55 PM

593 is an Area II bus.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/25/2007 3:50:03 PM

Yes, 593 is a '99 AmTran RE, currently in the Annandale pyramid. It parks at Holmes MS.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/26/2007 12:26:43 PM



Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/26/2007 12:57:55 PM

2006bbvision; Those "air foil looking things" that also look like shark fins are brush covers for our emergency roof hatches. We dont have them on any buses newer than 2004, not sure why, they sure give the bus a unique look!

And we probably arent switching to Conventionals for reg ed for a little while, seeing as we only have 2 Types Cs and they are special ed buses. Im thinking the county may try one or 2 out for reg ed though in the future.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/26/2007 1:10:05 PM

2006bbvision, can I offer some advice? Typing in ALL CAPS gives the impression that you are SCREAMING! Try typing with a mix of capital and lower case letters like normal.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/26/2007 3:43:54 PM

Ic RE1629 Thank you for the advice, but I am well aware what typing in caps normally indicates, I just was at work and I was using a software system which operates off of a mainframe, which only responds to inputs in caps, so I tend to forget when responding to a email or writing a document to take them off! but once again thanks for the friendly advice.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/26/2007 3:46:44 PM

IC-RE thank you for your the information on the brush covers! But may ask one thing what exactly purpose does it serve, I am having a hard time understanding that.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/26/2007 4:01:50 PM

The brush guards protect the roof hatches from damage that could be caused by low-hanging trees etc....

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/26/2007 4:05:46 PM

Originally posted by 2006bbvision

IC-RE thank you for your the information on the brush covers! But may ask one thing what exactly purpose does it serve, I am having a hard time understanding that.

Hey, 2006bb, are you talking about the single white plastic thing near the front of the roof? If so, those are the 2-way radio antennae.

edited to add: I've always heard that FCPS buys RE's for reg-ed for their better visibility (crossing students). SE doesn't cross students...hence the possible return to conventional buses. I don't see reg-ed returning to conventionals unless there is a SEVERE budget crisis that makes the significant extra cost of transits for reg-ed fiscally impossible (and that day may come given the real estate downturn!)

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/26/2007 4:10:39 PM

I forgot about those! We also have those things that look like triangles on top of all of our buses, Im still not sure what they are for. I think they are on all school buses

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/26/2007 4:10:50 PM

Yeah the single plastic thing near the front of the roof, I always thought that was used as a wind this is a 2 way antennae?

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/26/2007 4:17:03 PM

I know in the Hampton Roads area Portsmouth city school has them on some of there older buses, and my brother is in charge of the mant dept for Newport News city schools and he says they are used to keep balance of the bus during transit in bad weather(Really windy,rain storms) or while the bus is on the high way going at a higher speed when empty.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/26/2007 4:21:02 PM

The only thing like that I've ever heard of is that they have rear-mounted air foil that helps keep the back end cleaner.....

edited to add: By "they have..", I mean that such a product exists...I've never seen it in Va.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/26/2007 4:27:09 PM

Yeah I have ridden on some buses in Jefferson County wv, they have a few buses that have the air foil in the back, that really makes the bus look really nice and "hooked up if you will'' lol

Fair fax has some nice specs on their buses as well, does anyone know where you can buy some of the old retired buses from the county? are do they trade them in to the dealer? Please let me know would def be interested in purchasing a few!!!!

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/26/2007 4:45:18 PM

Originally posted by 2006bbvision

Yeah I have ridden on some buses in Jefferson County wv, they have a few buses that have the air foil in the back, that really makes the bus look really nice and "hooked up if you will'' lol

Fair fax has some nice specs on their buses as well, does anyone know where you can buy some of the old retired buses from the county? are do they trade them in to the dealer? Please let me know would def be interested in purchasing a few!!!!

They get rid of the old buses through an auction place in Maryland....Bus801 has posted the name and stuff, but I can't remember...

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/26/2007 10:45:12 PM

The brush guards are mainly in place to protect that small black screened vent which pops up. They are frequently ripped off by low haning trees and brush, and the fin like structures protect them. Virginia and South Carolina are the only places I've ever seen such roof hatches. They are manufactured by Specialty Manufacturing.

Fairfax has a unique breed of buses in Virginia, as most districts spec durable, yet basic buses. It is not uncommon to find districts in the state who still buy conventional buses with yellow roofs, no window tints, and one roof hatch. Air brakes have become common since the 80s, however some districts only recently started buying buses with automatic transmissions. I think one too many knee replacments has justified that cost.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/27/2007 08:49:59 AM

Bus Freak you are right, Just recently Glouster county schools in SOVA just starting buying buses with air brakes and automatic trannies, with in the last 2 years and most of there 2007 buses have white roofs, I think Franklin county schools and isle of Wright county and Sussex county are to small to spec there buses real nice, because they still buy only a basic bus, Yellow roof, one roof hatch, no tinted windows, no air brakes, and Manuel entrance doors. I guess it just goes by what your budget is.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/27/2007 08:52:29 AM

Does anyone know what type of buses London is purchasing this year? Are this sticking with IC our Thomas???

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/27/2007 08:56:15 AM

I am sorry I mean Loudoun county schools. Type london because I am going there soon and cant stop thinking it!!!!!

Reply author: Jim
Replied on: 07/27/2007 1:24:44 PM

Originally posted by 2006bbvision

Yeah I have ridden on some buses in Jefferson County wv, they have a few buses that have the air foil in the back, that really makes the bus look really nice and "hooked up if you will'' lol

I can only recall one bus having an air foil on it and it was removed a few years ago. Did you used to go to school there? Just asking because I'm from around that area.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/27/2007 1:45:13 PM

Hey Jim,

I used to go to school in that area for only 2 years, back in the mid 90's but I think is was a 1996 Amtran Genesis #100 really nice specd bus, I also used to ride on bus 101 that is used for a spare now so I heard. That is a mid late 90's Thomas safti-liner mvp. what type of buses are the buying these days?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/27/2007 2:02:00 PM

I believe Loudoun is going all conventional again possibly. Lately, I've seen alot more CE's an C2's. I'm sure some IC RE's and HDX's have also been purchased.

I went past the Rappahannock County lot today on my way to my dad's cabin. I saw that they purchased a 2008 Blue Bird Vision. Nice looking bus. I hope to get pictures soon.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/27/2007 2:10:58 PM

WOW thank's icre1629, It seems as if a lot districts a swithing back to conventional buses, I Guess it cheaper to do that, and from I have gatherd in the past they are more easier to work on from a mant stand point. Where is Rappahannock county located at ?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/27/2007 2:16:09 PM

Hey BusFreak, look at the link I emailed you and you will notice it says NO vents (screens) on the hatches anymore, instead they have to be able to tilt, I guess thats why they have to tilt instead, and now no fins are needed

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/27/2007 3:52:04 PM

Rappahannock County is east of Page Co.

Look here:

Look between Page County, Fauquier County, etc.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/28/2007 7:27:17 PM

I think I have seen one of Gloucester's new white-top buses recently. Nowadays it is weird to see buses with yellow tops near me as they have all been retired.

2006bbvision, what do you mean by NNPS will be downsizing their buses from the mid-400s to the low 400s? Are they getting rid of more buses than they are buying? Do you know anything about what kind of buses they will be getting this year to take the place of the retired buses?

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/31/2007 12:16:21 PM

Va bus lover, From my understanding they are not going to be purchasing new buses this year, and will be retiring more then they usual do this summer, do to a lot of buses where never used during the school year, some only being driven 30 miles in in between PMI services. my sources indicated that they will retire some of there 1993 fleet which consist of blue bird ford b-600 and tc-2000 re's but will what they call "DEAD LINING" a number of buses not taking them out of service for good but until they need them. I hope this makes sense.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/31/2007 12:18:36 PM

so they still will operate with a fleet of numbers in the mid 400's

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/31/2007 12:20:50 PM

so they still will operate with a fleet of numbers in the mid 400's

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 07/31/2007 1:52:34 PM

Originally posted by 2006bbvision

Va bus lover, From my understanding they are not going to be purchasing new buses this year, and will be retiring more then they usual do this summer, do to a lot of buses where never used during the school year, some only being driven 30 miles in in between PMI services. my sources indicated that they will retire some of there 1993 fleet which consist of blue bird ford b-600 and tc-2000 re's but will what they call "DEAD LINING" a number of buses not taking them out of service for good but until they need them. I hope this makes sense.

Bring them to Fairfax! We are pulling buses off the Survey line and putting them back in service after they were already blacked out.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/03/2007 10:34:09 AM

the Vision bus in Va Beach has a cat motor in it is that a good thing or a bad thing not sure of any other details about it just that it is a cat motor. they are getting closer to being released I hope. They look to be all prepped for use they are officially tagged anyway.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/13/2007 10:22:58 AM

Hey got the new Bluebird Vison man is that a sweet bus. i cant believe all the features only thing missing is the air conditioning. it had 739 miles on it when i left the garage the one in front of it had 715 i guess mine went for a little work somewhere.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/13/2007 12:06:39 PM

Wow so how many new Vison did Va beach buy this year? And what is you guy's fleet total now?

Reply author: BlueBirdMan
Replied on: 08/13/2007 12:19:48 PM

Why are there so many lengthy threads about buses in Virginia. How are buses any different in Virginia than any other state. I guess my question is..what's the big deal?!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/13/2007 2:10:34 PM

we are only getting 10 Vision and 20 sum C2s in the late fall. The highest number in Va Beach will be 719 and most all numbers are activitly working and we have lots of A buses to that have yet made it to full retirement.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/13/2007 2:20:52 PM

Congrats bsaund09! you're lucky!! Does it ride like a dream?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/13/2007 4:11:19 PM

The vision drove really good but it is going to be a hard habit to break using right hand to flip switches. All door and light switches are to the left including warning light system that will take some getting use to . The steering wheel is a bit thicker then the FS-65 so that will be another new thing it is weird knowing that air bag is in their. I still have not had it all the way up to speed yet but should be able to do that tomorrow on my field trip.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/13/2007 6:41:35 PM

wow I thought VA buses had to have the warning lights to the right of the driver! I bet its a really nice bus!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/13/2007 9:59:23 PM

VA specs simply stated that the warning light controlls had to be dash-mounted, and not side panel mounted. I'm guessing that, either the rule has been lifted in the latest state specs, or blue bird has been allowed to interpret that rule, and put the switches on the forward facing part of the switch panel. If you ask me, now that manual doors are becoming a rare find, it's a good move to move the switches to the left.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/14/2007 7:39:12 PM

The Vision did very good today excellent running on the interstate. Still very hard to get use to switch change and the bulky steering wheel. One thing for sure this Vision has awesome steering radius.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/16/2007 08:42:24 AM

Yes the visions have the best steering radious, Newport News schools have about 100 or more visions from 2005-2006 a phew 07's I love them.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/16/2007 08:45:33 AM

looks like all but 3 of the 1993 buses from are fleet were taking out service today. Man I am going to miss those tc2000 re and the ford b-600's

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/16/2007 7:00:26 PM

I am really enjoying the new Vision so far everything is A ok . Still it is taking time to get in rhtym with the warning lights on the left side but it will come. So far i have found the bus very driver friendly. By the way have yall read the forums on the C2 makes me glad i didnt wait for one of them we have almost 30 of them coming in Nov.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/17/2007 07:44:39 AM

07 Visions in Newport News? I never knew abut them. But it is a shame that those very first BB REs that NN had are now gone.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/17/2007 09:32:17 AM

VABUSLOVERYeah I think they have at 1 our 2 07 visions, Because some did not come in on time and others 06s where not put into to service until 06 do to state guide line issue were not met on the buses from the dealership, so they would not sign off on them. But I to am really upset to see the first RE's go ;( I especially love 274 that is a Tc2000 RE Handicap bus.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/17/2007 8:03:42 PM

I remember seeing #274 around sometimes. Was that the only RE handicap bus that NN had? Do you happen to know what numbers are assigned to the 07 Visions? Is there a way to tell them apart from the others?

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/20/2007 07:42:07 AM

I think 185 is a 07, it has a weird looking air condition unit on it, and is also is equipped with the (smc) back up monitor and has the led stop marquee on the emergency exit door, ( this was pilot project from state given to only a phew district state wide to see if this would prevent stop sign runners) no information on how it worked out I don't think it did to well because we took them off most of the buses that were retrofitted with them. And 274 I loved that bus it was the only Re bus with a lift that has y roof, but I think we have at lest a 1994-1995 RE TC 20000 with a lift, Oh I also forgot to tell you that we place like 1 1993 Tc2000 FE on the hill I think number is 4 or 333 not to for I forgot, But it has the suicide style doors on it so it apart of the first order in 1993.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/20/2007 8:57:36 PM

Back-up monitor? How does that work. Oh, and you said weird air-conditioning unit...does that mean it is really large looking on the back of the driver side? I have seen a handful of others like that too. Whatever happened to the foglights on the 06 BB's?

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/21/2007 06:27:50 AM

VABUSLOVER, Yes the large looking units on some of the o6 bb's, they actually look pretty cool I like they way Newport News was so anti not trying anything new and really expensive until the Thomas EF order in 2001-2002 those buses were nicely spec I wish we would have got more of them, I heard them and the visions are in the shop the least. oh yeah and the tc-2000's best buses NN every purchased in my eyes, Being we have about 200 of them lol!!!!! Oh and the fog lights should still be on the visions, they look really cool in the early morning! and the monitor I was talking about is that big black oval shaped thing that is on some of the 2003 Ic' FE's and CE's and visions that talks when the bus is about to move and back up? that is a project that was tried out in 2005 I think.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/21/2007 06:32:06 AM

Hey vabuslover since you are still in the are, do you get pictures of some of the buses?

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/21/2007 11:59:41 AM

I have not had time to get pics of any NN buses, and since I will be leaving to go to UVa on Saturday it will be a long time before I can do that again. I also didn't have a good camera to get any pictures with, but when I am in town again I may try to take some pictures of the NN bus fleet.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/22/2007 08:34:24 AM

Wow UVA my sis is going there to.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/24/2007 04:52:13 AM

If I am in town and I wanted to be able to get some pictures of NN school buses, is there a way that you would be able to help me do that, since I think you are involved with them a lot?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/25/2007 11:15:58 AM

i got a pic of a Bluebird Ford from say 83-85 the number painted over is 79 and looks like one from newport news. the bus was parked on big bethel rd. it look pretty good.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 08/25/2007 7:23:16 PM

Dinwiddie County has received/ing blue bird visions since they came out. I know alteast since the new cowl style they have alteast 5 or 6. I saw two back in July near I-85 and passed four of them on U.S 460 in Farmville. Seems like the Vision is catching on here in VA.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/28/2007 07:35:51 AM

I seen what looks like an 06 BB Vision #195 from Albermarle County yeaterday. They started school even before the college, and so you can see their buses out and about. How I know it is an 06 is the extra black around the warning lights (like a Thomas or IC).

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/28/2007 4:50:19 PM

So far the BB Vision I got has been awesome and the more I get use to it the better it seems to be although it is burning a lot of fuel but that maybe the newest of it. I like the child safety check system a lot better then Thomas it doesnt add in a lot noise unless you forget to cut it off and then it will scream at you.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 08/28/2007 9:35:31 PM

how cool for you, Brian, that you get to drive BB Vision! i don't know if i would have enjoyed one, but it would have been cool to try it.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 08/29/2007 1:03:52 PM


When you get tired of being retired, let us know.

We have routes that go from Ashburn to Arlington ( 1 stop ) and Ashburn to Fairfax ( 2 stops ).

Air conditoned bus, not new but still a/c. Can't quited match the county pay scale, but its not too bad.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 08/30/2007 9:59:12 PM

thanks disneynuts! i'm pretty sure my bus driving days are done w/. tho i gotta admit, driving from Ashburn to Arlington sounds tempting................

Reply author: jclick
Replied on: 09/06/2007 05:33:53 AM

Hello everyone. Here in Accomack county on Va's Eastern Shore we have started receiving C2's. We got 3 basic buses with white tops and one special needs bus with everything but A/C. Our fleet is all Thomas conventional, mostly Freightliners with about 35 internationals out of 108 buses. We always got manuals until the state mandated autos. Our neighbors to the south in Northampton County have been getting Thomas's with yellow tops for a couple years. They still have many Gasoline GMC's in their fleet as they only started switching to Diesel a few years ago. I may be wrong but I think I saw one of the New Bluebirds in their bus yard a few weeks ago. Good luck in the new school year!

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 09/06/2007 10:17:00 AM

welcome aboard jclick!

Reply author: jclick
Replied on: 09/06/2007 10:32:33 AM

Thanks Gini

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 09/06/2007 1:07:27 PM

The state mandated automatics? that's strange? why not the choice of 5 speeds?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/06/2007 8:04:43 PM

The state does not mandate automatics, and infact, in the state specifications, it still states the automatic as if it were an upgrade. The main transmission specification is for "mechanical" transmissions with direct shift into 5th. Also, on the state bid sheets, the line is available on the pricing guide for a manual transmission. The only company who bid on such a spec, however, was Sonny Merryman with Thomas. Just more proof that the C2 is indeed available with a manual transmission. I'd love to see that too...Power operated entrance door, with a clutch and stick!

Reply author: ltrain2001
Replied on: 09/06/2007 8:09:19 PM

How much extra is it for a manual transmission on a C2? How about for a Vision also?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/07/2007 05:33:39 AM

Va Beach still has four stick buses in the spare fleet all are 36pass buses for sped. the only others 1 or 2 are used out at Vo Tech for carring students to and from job sites. Some days I miss the manual trasmission but when sitting in bumper to bumper traffic glad to have an automatic.

Reply author: jclick
Replied on: 09/07/2007 07:32:31 AM

Hey Busfreak, whatever the change was, it caused our district to start getting automatics. I've spoken to our Super many times about it as he is opposed to getting the autos because of higher cost and maintenance, not to mention the headacke from drivers saying they have knee problems and need the new bus with the auto.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 09/07/2007 10:08:23 AM


What type of manuel buses does VA Beach still have in the fleet? I have seen I think #495 a Sped late 80's Inter that was parked at a school near one of my friends apt's when I lived in that area. Do you guys still have the Blue Bird GMC'S as Activity buses? What buses did you guys retire this year?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/07/2007 8:28:21 PM

They are all Internationals from 1992(540,541,542) and 1993(253). Yes , 495 is gone now they sold it a couple of years ago. All the GMC s of the '80s and early 90s are gone now to they sold the last ones last spring. The new buses coming in will start replacement numbers for the 1993 Bluebird Internationals and complete the final Fords in the fleet very hard to believe that Va Beach is that close to losing the Ford name on school buses. They have been here all my life it will just be weird.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 09/07/2007 8:42:30 PM

wow I did not know VaBeach has 1992's with manuel what made them only buy 4 of them? when is the first year you guys started having air doors as a standard option? I have always loved to see VABeach buses on the rode... What was the first year you guys got the first generation of FS-65??? oh and is bus 595 still in service I love the way that bus looks I think it is like a 1995-1996 Thomas international t-444e with a flat floor option, and a lift. it also has the black out window specs looks really nice, just needs to have a strobe light!!!!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/07/2007 9:44:59 PM

Virginia Beach stopped getting Manuals for regular ed buses in 83, which happened to conincide with the switchover to diesel/airbrake. They continued to get the manuals for special ed buses till 92, with the first automatic handi buses in the fleet. They were 92 Thomas Fords. For some reason, among the 93 Special Ed Blue Bird Internationals, there was one lonely manual transmission. The rest of the 93 special ed buses featured the 7.3 liter engine, with automatic/air brake options.

The first air door I remember seeing was bus 620 (I think), a 95-96 Thomas Vista regular ed. All buses purchased after that featured air doors. Strobe lights started appearing in spring of 97 on about half of the buses purchased that year, and were standard on Virginia Beach buses after that.

The First FS-65s showed up in spring of 99. The 99s are the only FS-65s to have cummins engines, and two roof hatches.

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 09/12/2007 08:42:28 AM

welcome jclick...are you Jeremy, who won the State Roadeo again this year?

Reply author: jclick
Replied on: 09/13/2007 11:28:02 AM

Hey Lena, thanks for the welcome. Yes, I am Jeremy.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 09/13/2007 1:57:24 PM

Hey IC1629, When is your web site going to be updated? Cant not wait to see the new pics!

Reply author: jjf221fe
Replied on: 09/13/2007 2:34:02 PM

Originally posted by 2006bbvision

Cant not wait

That's a double-negative

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/13/2007 3:52:45 PM

Hey jff221fe I see you're in a 2008 IC CE with the new Maxxforce DT! How do you guys like it? Does it have the updated guages?

Reply author: jjf221fe
Replied on: 09/13/2007 5:02:35 PM

Originally posted by IC-RE

Hey jff221fe I see you're in a 2008 IC CE with the new Maxxforce DT! How do you guys like it? Does it have the updated guages?

Well, from what I've experienced so far this school year it seems to be holding up pretty well, certainly a decent amound of power under the hood. One thing I don't care for too much is the air door it's equipped with. Don't get me wrong, I like air doors, but when I'm boarding the bus I have to purposely wait there for about 4-5 seconds or so. It almost seems "choppy". It opens fast, then it stops, and then it opens really slow the rest of the way open, and vise-versa. I really think my driver, Mikki, enjoys the air-ride seat (her and I were taking turns bouncing in it a few days ago) along with the driver's area. My former bus for at least 4 years has been a 1999-2004 Thomas FS-65. She doesn't need to heeve over to pull and release the parking brake, it's right next to her right hand as all CEs' parking brake knobs are, both for airbrakes and those wannabe hydraulic knobs. Standing very tall for my age of 13 at 6'1", I praised the lord for the standard high-head room of IC. I could've gone for highback seats like all my previous Thomases had, these are rather uncomfortable. I can feel and hear the metal in the seat when I sit... As far as the gauges go, I'm honestly not too sure, due to the fact that I haven't paid too much attention to our new CE's gauge cluster. Although, I do have a question: What was the former CE's DT466 governed at? I think our RPM gauge goes all the way to 4000 RPM. I'm not sure what the former CE's gauge went to, but I'm certainly not used to looking at it while my driver's driving and watching it climb those big diesel RPM numbers like that, all my former Thomas' RPM gauges only went to 3,000 RPM. They were all equipped with the Mercedes-Benz MBE 906.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/13/2007 7:03:29 PM

Cool, Im glad you like it. Yeah the ICs all have those seats, they pop when you sit down, they put a whole new meaning in the saying "POP A SQUAT!" hahaha

not sure about the RPMs

Reply author: jclick
Replied on: 09/14/2007 11:16:31 AM

Not sure if it's been mentioned yet but did anyone notice that VA School Buses are allowed to go 60mph on the interstate now as long as the speed limit is 60 or above?

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 09/14/2007 11:27:58 AM

Wow, that is a great improvement from doing 55 and everyone else was going much faster than you. When did that take effect?

Reply author: jclick
Replied on: 09/14/2007 11:33:56 AM

Noticed it in July while studying the CDL manual for one of the roadeo's.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/14/2007 1:06:50 PM

Hmm thats a good idea, but most all of the buses are already governed at 55 or less. Hopefully they fix that!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/14/2007 1:32:50 PM

Yes they did approve 60 mph for school buses on Virginia interstates and from what I understand the Virginia Beach buses coming in during the school year might very well be governed at 60. I hope drivers are able to use this to their advantage especially up in the counties where they travel interstates everyday.

Reply author: B. Busguy33
Replied on: 09/14/2007 1:57:05 PM

I do have a question: What was the former CE's DT466 governed at? I think our RPM gauge goes all the way to 4000 RPM. I'm not sure what the former CE's gauge went to, but I'm certainly not used to looking at it while my driver's driving and watching it climb those big diesel RPM numbers like that, all my former Thomas' RPM gauges only went to 3,000 RPM.

The tach on the former International/ICs went up to 3500 RPMs. The RPMs should be governed between 2,800 and 3,000 RPMs -- or less depending on your district's bus specs.

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 09/16/2007 1:44:55 PM

Lena, Could you give us a roster of the school buses in Stafford? I know of the 1990 GMC Thomas's, early 90s Ford BBs and 1997 Navistar Blue Birds.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/16/2007 5:54:09 PM

I was at a band show this past weekend, and saw some King George buses up there. They looked to be among the newest FS-65s around, and must have been among the last made. At any rate, I was shocked to see they are still ordering buses with Hydraulic brakes! These buses had white roofs/window tints, however their buses had manual doors and hydro brakes. I always thought that all of the full sized automatic buses in Virginia operated with air brakes. Boy, was I wrong.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/16/2007 6:26:34 PM

I had heard of that either in the modern era BusFreak. Manuals door dont shock me so much but the hydraulic brakes do I thought most everyone was using air brakes now.

Reply author: jclick
Replied on: 09/17/2007 04:48:38 AM

Our fleet is all hyrdaulic other than the handicap units and a few buses we have taken off the vendor's hands instead of ordering.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 09/17/2007 2:45:16 PM

I think York County still gets hydro brakes on their IC CEs.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 09/17/2007 3:42:10 PM

York county has not purchased HYDRO brakes since the early 90's, Newport New has only 2 Buses in the fleet now that is have HYDRO brakes.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/17/2007 4:38:10 PM

Does anyone remember the electric brakes on the 1980 Fords? they were a huge problem from what i remember I hated driving them or a least what i remember they called them electric brakes.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 09/17/2007 5:30:13 PM

bedford county has been gettin air brakes since we've been getting FS-65's in 1999

Reply author: LBDboater
Replied on: 09/17/2007 6:54:43 PM

Originally posted by pbfreak30

bedford county has been gettin air brakes since we've been getting FS-65's in 1999

We've been getting air brakes since the Vista's. I know all the 95 and above Vista's have air brakes.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 09/17/2007 7:18:52 PM

oh ok, see i've only ridden on 2 vistas, it was so loud and i was in the back that i couldnt have told you

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/17/2007 7:31:52 PM

Brian, are you speaking of the light switch parking brakes? I diddn't realize that Virginia beach's 80 fords had that system...I thought they had the stick coming out of the floor like the older fords. It wasnt long after that when Virginia Beach switched over to air.

Fairfax County had some SE hydro ford buses up through last year, and I dont know if they are still around. From what I understand, the county has been all air for regular ed since the early 80s, much like virginia beach.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 09/17/2007 10:54:45 PM

disneynuts- after consulting w/ my orthopedic about my shoulder, was told i had to be realistic about it. any driving for work would have to be in a car/van type vehicle, no more real school buses

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 09/18/2007 3:04:20 PM

Fairfax still has 7 Ford with hydro brakes. 300, 340, 356, 358, 363, 368, and 382.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 09/18/2007 4:13:08 PM

Originally posted by Bus 801

Fairfax still has 7 Ford with hydro brakes. 300, 340, 356, 358, 363, 368, and 382.

Are these the notorious Lucas-Girling (sp?) brake systems that mechanics complain so much about?

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 09/20/2007 3:40:10 PM

2006bbvision, I have seen many of York County's newer ICs and from what I could tell, their CEs did not have air brakes. I didn't hear the air parking brake when they parked, nor did I hear the characteristic sounds when the driver lets off the brake.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 09/20/2007 8:38:23 PM

HMMMM? maybe they have gone back to HYDRO not to for sure, I really don't follow York County's bused , but I can give them this, they really spec there travel buses nice. They have like a 2006-2007 IC re that has the extended skirting and the IC logo on that back bumper. They retire there buses early to...if you go by there main lot off of dare road behind york high school you will see all the Thomas int, and early 90's safti-liners in the field. I guess with smaller operations like them, they are able to afford new buses every year. I think there fleet size is around 140-150 .

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/20/2007 11:38:59 PM

Arlington County has a small fleet as well, and still keeps buses for the duration of their projected life cycle. They are still running early 90s Thomas ERs in Arlington, and I still even see the random early 90s random Blue Bird Chevy they use for training purposes. I think that the smaller districts in Virginia are simply more exposed to the newer fleet. The average age bus I see around here in Arlington is about 6 years old. In places like Fairfax and Virginia Beach, it is not uncommon to see buses built in the 90s, or even the 80s. York County has been known to spec some simple buses in the past, but they do keep their trip buses nice! They can't afford to be spending the kind of money that Fairfax County does on long distance trips (using motorcoaches and Loudoun style activity buse), so they keep a few nicely spected highway school buses around. Ultimately, that saves the district plenty of money for their couple high schools. As for their route buses, I'm old, and remember seeing their newly purchased 99 Thomas Internationals with stick shifts and hydro brakes. Just another day in country Virginia!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/25/2007 1:27:57 PM

i saw some Spots County buses with stick shift one International and one Freightliner both had hydro brakes to very nice looking bus. They were bus 18 and 267. The garage has finally sent three of the four last remaining stick buses to the graveyard I guess they are not far from being replaced.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 09/25/2007 6:54:36 PM

Bsaund : do you have any pics of the new buses Virgina Beach has?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/25/2007 7:19:14 PM

yes i have a couple pics of my bus. some of the new buses (C2s) have not arrived yet.the last of fords are waiting to be moved to the auction site across town it is hard to believe the fords are that close to THE END.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/27/2007 3:14:45 PM

This morning I saw an interesting bus. It was a Blue Bird Freightliner conventional. It was Bus #51 for a private company. I believe the company name printed on the side of the bus was "Eschels" or something very similar. The bus was at a construction site in the Sully area of Fairfax County. Anyone know of a company by that name or a similar name?

P.S. I wish I could have gotten pics!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/27/2007 3:54:28 PM

I've never heard of that bus company, but there are SO many around here (especially with MD contracting so much), that we get to see plenty of unique buses. There are actually a few districts in Virginia sporting the Blue Bird Freightliner. I believe that Colonial Heights City has a few, as well as some other smaller districts. It's such a shame that combination didn't last but so long. It wouldn't suprise me to see some districts in Virginia with manual transmission BB Freights.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/27/2007 6:32:15 PM

There is a web site from knoxville TN with school bus sales just had a truck load of BB Freights for sale it might be one of them. I like my Vision finally had the first servicing done today. They had to put in in a stall in stead of on the regular grease rack because the chassis is so different from the normal regular buses. The only thing i am noticing is that it doesnt make it last shift until you are between 40- 45 mph which i think is a bit odd.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 09/28/2007 01:49:15 AM


that bus belongs to a construction company. there are others around that use them to bus employees to the sites. some are off 123 just inside the beltway on the left as you head north.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/28/2007 06:15:40 AM

Thanks disneynuts! I saw the bus again today. The lettering on the side says "Eschelman's" not "Eschels" as previously reported. The bus appears to be in great shape, and should still be in school service if you ask me.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 09/29/2007 2:55:46 PM

2006bbvision, could the buses you were thinking about from York County that had air brakes be their Rear Engine buses? I was talking about the type C IC CE buses they have that are equipped with hydro brakes. What other buses would they have with air brakes that you know of?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/29/2007 5:53:49 PM

I was looking at used buses on Sonny Merryman's website. What does "M5" mean? Look at the second listing in the chart (1994 AmTran International), it says "M5" in the column "Transmission". What does that mean? Is that an automatic tranny or manual?

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 09/29/2007 5:56:12 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

I was looking at used buses on Sonny Merryman's website. What does "M5" mean? Look at the second listing in the chart (1994 AmTran International), it says "M5" in the column "Transmission". What does that mean? Is that an automatic tranny or manual?

I would think it means 5 speed manual.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/29/2007 11:23:04 PM

I saw a TON of Prince William County's newest C2 buses on the road today heading up 395 into the city, and they are pretty sharp! They too have started specing AC on all of their buses starting this year. Also, unlike their first batch of C2s, these do not have the extended skirting package. The shorter skirting makes those large C2s look SUPER long, and it doesnt help that they left the area around the last window yellow. It's cool to see Prince William County stick with Thomas over all these years. I believe that their fleet is 100% Thomas at this point.

Reply author: LBDboater
Replied on: 09/30/2007 06:02:29 AM

Here in Bedford County we have been all Thomas since at least 1990. Talk about manufacturing loyalty. We also have Sonny Merryman right here in town. Actually, we've been Thomas since '86.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/30/2007 3:49:06 PM

Well former Fauquier County bus 101 is for sale in Amissville, VA. It's a 1990 Thomas International with a manual tranny and hydraulic brakes. Only 6 seats still remain in the bus. The bus is in pretty good shape, no visible rust or damage. Only damage I saw was a small dent in a rub rail on the driver's side. The bus is selling for $3000 dollars.

I took photos of the bus today. Sorry, no interior pics, the bus was locked.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/04/2007 09:37:56 AM

Did any of our Spotsylvania (or their neighbors in other counties) see this?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/04/2007 3:40:00 PM

Newport News Schools are saling buses on e surplus auctions. I think that is a first time for them they have several TC2000s .

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/04/2007 6:16:40 PM

Well, I am going to answer my own question about newport news i went through the history auctions and found severval buses from the 80s on there being sold in 02 and up. nice pics to.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/04/2007 8:32:12 PM

Today I was on Campus (GMU) and Williams Bus Lines BRAND new Thomas C2 drove by me. It was bus 17, it was the first C2 that I have actually liked the looks of!!! It was so new that it even had Temporary tags!!!! It also has warning lamp visors on it

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 10/04/2007 8:40:46 PM

Wow I can remember riding on at least 3 of those buses listed on there, it is so sad to see the RE'S goes I just wish they would keep them in service for 2 more years. they are only 93-94's

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/06/2007 06:51:25 AM

A nice Loudoun CE:

I love the different font used for lettering the bus. It looks really nice. I used to have photos of two of the full size CE's with this lettering, but I lost those photos.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 10/07/2007 09:57:16 AM

Chesterfield over the years have had Amtran and then it look like they went to mostly Thomas from about 1994-2006. I went through Midlothian the other day and saw that they are now purchasing IC's CE and Thomas c2's. I thought this was quite strange considering around here we consider Chesterfield county to be the thomas vista capital. It was kinda strange seeing CHESTERFIELD COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS on the side of an IC CE instead of a thomas.

After they stop making the vista they started buying the Thomas EF, but now that i'm seeing the C2's and the CE's, i guess the transit style buses are on their way out. I can't help but wonder how Sonny Merryman is feeling knowing that most of the bigger school districts are going to either the IC or the bbvision. They are still quite a few up in nothern va getting them and the smaller counties here and there. I wonder..

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 10/10/2007 03:05:59 AM

YET Another sighting

As of October 9, 2007 i saw that chesterfieid has quite a few 78 pass visions also..I guess they're trying them all out to see who they will stay with for the next 10 years or so forth.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 10/10/2007 1:17:11 PM

well around here sonny is getting all the action, all the counties right near here(bedford,Campbell, and Amherst) are all getting thomas's

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/14/2007 1:29:54 PM

Suffolk has some new C2s this year to they are numbered now in the 300s.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 10/14/2007 10:51:22 PM

Went down to Chesapeake this past weekend (Indian River High School), and saw a TON of area buses! I saw chesapeake's new and old(not as new) visions for the first time, and it amazes me how diverse Virginia fleets are! Chesapeake was represented with a variety of visions, both old(er) and new, which is odd to me, because they have been all Thomas ERs since the early 90s up through two years ago! I only saw one chesapeake ER, which was the newer model.

Newport News had a little bit of everything there, except for what I am used to seeing from them (the TC REs). They had a few Visions, some IC CEs, some Thomas EFs, and a few AmTran Genesis. Something about their fleet I never noticed was a badge on the back of every bus that says "State Law Stop..." I have never seen that on any other Virginia public school buses! When did that start for Newport News?

Virginia Beach was also represented well with a TON of every one of their generations Thomas FS-65s. I also saw one of their 93 Blue Bird Internationals, which I had thought were nearing retirment by now! They are SOLID buses though, and it doesn't surprise me that they are still rolling. Tallwood HS actually pulled in with quite a few buses, including a special ed bus! I have never seen a short or lift bus on a field trip not involving a special ed student, but this was a short AND lift bus (98 Blue Bird International).

I also noticed quite a few Thomas ERs (MVP and HDX) from districts who have always had bare bone conventionals, like York County and Isle of Wight County. I'm guessing that these were bought as "trip buses," because they were spected out fairly well with luggage bays, etc. Something interesting that i only see in Virginia are rear engine transit buses with only ONE roof hatch! Arlington County has a bunch, as do most of the districts in southern Virginia! Nottoway has a beautiful, maroon Thomas HDX activity bus VERY well spected with only one hatch. To me, the second hatch adds to the safety.

NC had a bunch of activity buses represented, including the new Currituck County C2 (pictured on School Bus Central). Also seen for the first time was Elizabeth City's late 90s Thomas ER (not MVP) activity buses! I had never seen a transit activity bus in North Carolina before, as they usually share the same basic specifications as the state bid. These were pretty big buses too, looking to be either 84 or 90 pax.

It's always interesting to go to fall band functions, because you always get to see a huge variety of buses from the state. It's cool to see what everyone else's fleet is up to these days.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/15/2007 7:27:37 PM

Good hunting there BusFreak it is a cool thing to see when you havent seen them in a while like that. Do you remember which '93 you saw from va. beach? Tallwood is transporting a special needs student to the band competitions this year.The '93s are probaly our best spares on the line i really dont care much for the 95s and the 94s are still widely assigned onto regular routes as the beach continues to add drivers to the "standby list".Chesapeake still had right many Fords left the new ones they got will most likely send them to the spare line.I didnt see anything odd at Salems event most of the buses were the same as we see every week I guess TOB circuit doesnt allow much variety.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 10/15/2007 9:12:27 PM

I wanna say that the 93 was 193 from Tallwood, but I could be wrong. I really diddn't look at the numbers. It was quite intersting though! Man, I'm starting to miss that area, although I do think that transit ERs would have taken off better in the area had the shop mechanics been more open-minded. The type Ds in this area are starting to live up to their potential!

Salem and TOB have a long history together...but you're right...the circuit doesn't allow much variety anymore!

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 10/16/2007 6:10:10 PM

Arlington County specifications require "Two" hatches on all school buses. There are about 7 buses that have this oddity in their fleet.

If you notice, Arlington has two hatches even on it's 42 & 54 passenger special needs buses. I agree, two hatches is always better than one, especially when evacuating special needs students. In an emergency that would require this hatches to be used, time is of the essence.

Maybe in the future, two hatches will become the state requirement on larger buses. But until then the DOT formula on the required number of exits will be the norm. Fairfax's right hand emergency door is a option but they use two hatches in the roof also, if I am correct.

Did you know, that several 1996 model 66-passenger conventionals had side and rear emegency doors along with one hatch to meet the DOT formula ?. Look around you will find them. I have seen several Blue Birds built this way.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 10/16/2007 11:36:03 PM

Every 95 64+ pax school bus I've ever seen has a side e-door. Virginia Beach actually has two generations of these buses, Blue Bird Internationals purchased in the spring of 1995, while the second purchased in early fall of 1995 also includes the roof hatch. The first 95s did not have the roof hatch!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/18/2007 08:13:41 AM

I'm trying to piece together a fleet history for Loudoun County, much like I did for Fairfax County. Could anyone help? Here is what I have so far:

1995 Thomas International
1996 Thomas International
1997 Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP ER
1997 Thomas Minotour
1998 Thomas International
1998 AmTran RE
1998 Blue Bird TC/2000 RE
2000 AmTran RE
2000 Thomas Minotour
2001 Thomas Minotour
2001 Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP ER
2001 AmTran RE
2002 IC RE
2002 Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX
2002 Mid Bus Guide
2003 IC RE
2003 Thomas Minotour
2003 Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX
2004 IC RE
2004 Thomas Minotour
2004 Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX
2005 IC RE
2005 Thomas Minotour
2006 Thomas Saf-T-Liner C2
2006 Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX
2008 IC CE

Reply author: ICBuses
Replied on: 10/20/2007 06:09:38 AM

Bit of a correction here, Thomas and Internationals are 2 different types of buses. 3 main manufacturers are Thomas, IC (International) and Blue Bird.

Originally posted by IC-RE

I have seen several buses when I travel towards west Virginia, I know in Nelson County they have late 90's Thomas Internationals spec'ed to bare minimum, and most likely with mannuel transmissions and mannuel doors. it is a whole different scene here in Fairfax, we spec our buses amazing! Same thing next door in Loundon and In Arlington.

Reply author: busgeek++
Replied on: 10/20/2007 07:38:38 AM

He means a Thomas bus on an International Chassis.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/20/2007 08:41:03 AM

Does anyone know if the rear stop arm has been legally approved on Va owned school buses I thought I heard where they did. Does anyone know about the new speed allowance on interstate travel now for Va own school buses?

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 10/20/2007 08:49:32 AM

Buses may travel up to 60 MPH on roads that the speed limit is 60 MPH or above.

The rear stop sign is an option.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/20/2007 11:06:18 AM

IC-RE and I went to Loudoun's main lot in Leesburg and got many great photos! We weren't able to get many interior photos this time. Lots of C2's and CE's in the Loudoun fleet now. Also got pics of two BE's (626 and 678).

Also, anyone want to respond to this?

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

I'm trying to piece together a fleet history for Loudoun County, much like I did for Fairfax County. Could anyone help? Here is what I have so far:

1995 Thomas International
1996 Thomas International
1997 Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP ER
1997 Thomas Minotour
1998 Thomas International
1998 AmTran RE
1998 Blue Bird TC/2000 RE
2000 AmTran RE
2000 Thomas Minotour
2001 Thomas Minotour
2001 Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP ER
2001 AmTran RE
2002 IC RE
2002 Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX
2002 Mid Bus Guide
2003 IC RE
2003 Thomas Minotour
2003 Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX
2004 IC RE
2004 Thomas Minotour
2004 Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX
2005 IC RE
2005 Thomas Minotour
2006 Thomas Saf-T-Liner C2
2006 Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX
2008 IC CE

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 10/20/2007 2:30:34 PM

Their oldest buses are 1995's!?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/20/2007 3:31:21 PM

1995 is as far back as I know there bus history. I'm trying trace there bus history as far back as possible. I'm not sure what the oldest buses are they have in service today. I'll ask and get back to you.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 10/20/2007 4:24:46 PM

They definitley didnt have any Thomas MVPs that were older than 1996 because all of them has single headlights not double like the pre 96 MVPs

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/20/2007 5:17:01 PM

I should add 1994 AmTran Ford's to the list. Looking back at some of my old photo logs, I remember taking a photo of atleast one 1994 AmTran Ford they had. Those have since been retired.

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 10/20/2007 6:25:17 PM

Does anyone have any old pictures of Loudon county buses, 80s conventionals.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/20/2007 6:39:33 PM

They have a bunch of photos at their central office. I'll have to take pictures of them sometime. I looked for the photos today, but couldn't find them. They must be away in storage right now. Loudoun just built a brand new state of the art dispatch center and did some other renovations at the central office.

The new dispatch center is sweet! I wanted to take a closer look at all the fancy gear they had, but didn't get the chance. They have tons of computers and radio equipment there! It makes even the most advanced 911 center look like junk! Our dispatch centers are very bottom of the line compared to what Loudoun has. They also have atleast two dispatchers on duty at all times. Weekends, nights, holidays, 24/7/365!

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 10/20/2007 6:48:16 PM

what were the types, BB Chevys, Ford Thomas's?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/20/2007 6:50:33 PM

I don't recall. It's been two years since I last saw those photos. I'm going to ask my Loudoun buddy if he knows anything about Loudoun's history and if I can some images to post. I'll also ask my aunt who works at a Loudoun school if she can look thru some old yearbooks to find old photos of buses. Be patient, this could take a few weeks.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 10/21/2007 07:43:27 AM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

I don't recall. It's been two years since I last saw those photos. I'm going to ask my Loudoun buddy if he knows anything about Loudoun's history and if I can some images to post. I'll also ask my aunt who works at a Loudoun school if she can look thru some old yearbooks to find old photos of buses. Be patient, this could take a few weeks.

Loudoun also has some Thomas HD's think they were 00 or 01. And they did not have ac, some of them do have ac.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/25/2007 06:37:22 AM

Did anyone hear about the accident in Fauquier today? Bus 38 got into an accident involving another vehicle. 15 students and the bus driver transported with minor injuries.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/03/2007 07:32:02 AM

Two Arlington County buses blocking the highway. This photo was taken during the last Marine Corp race.

How many buses does Arlington County have?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 11/03/2007 09:59:59 AM

thats a cool shot!

Reply author: Lena
Replied on: 11/05/2007 10:05:03 AM

that is a cool shot...but doesn't it look like the one bus touched (or came mighty close) to the barrier?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/05/2007 11:23:22 AM

I think it is touching the barrier...

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 11/05/2007 4:19:59 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

I think it is touching the barrier...

Why, oh why, can't we have air horns like Arlington? :(

Oh wait, I know why....they're afraid we'd blastin' 'em! LOL

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/05/2007 6:16:03 PM

Like I've said time and time again, we need air horns!!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/05/2007 8:34:41 PM

I don't know if their Thomas buses have air might be a uniquly IC-Arlington thing. The new Thomas buses they have dont have the air horns mounted up top like that, if they even have them at all

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/06/2007 08:25:48 AM

Air horns now that would be a cool distraction to red light runners and other things.

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 11/07/2007 4:07:13 PM

I was looking through the VA bus auctions on Public Surplus and noticed bus 208 from Newport News has STOP STATE LAW on the back. I didn't think that was aloud in VA. BTW, Harrisonburg is giving away some 97-99 ERs already!

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 11/07/2007 4:23:36 PM

The lettering STOP STATE LAW was on the rear of all school buses in Virginia until 1975. Starting in 1976 the state wanted to limit the amount of lettering on the rear of the buses and have everything standardized.

In the proposed specifications for next year the wording "STOP WHEN RED LIGHT FLASH" is a possible option pending approved by the state.

Some districts did a pilot using STOP STATE LAW and recieved permission to decal thier buses with this lettering again. It is not found in Northern Virginia, but it can be found in a few coastal areas of the state.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/08/2007 10:35:26 AM

Yes Newport News pretty much retrofitted the entire fleet with that decals starting 2002 I think, But none of are new 2007 IC activity buses and regular ed buses have it on them. I know also Hampton City Schools has placed the decals on some of there buses, but am not sure if them continue to do so. By the way does any other district other then NPN place the abbreviations of the district and the unit number on the top of the roof in VA?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/08/2007 2:58:56 PM

In Fairfax and Loudoun the unit # is on the roof in 12" black characters. The school district abbreviation is NOT on the roof.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 11/08/2007 6:04:28 PM

What is the advantage of having the body number on the roof of the bus? I know it can help if the bus is flipped on its side, but are there any other reasons for having it?

Reply author: busgeek++
Replied on: 11/08/2007 6:09:31 PM

So you can ID buses in Google Earth :)

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 11/08/2007 8:08:31 PM

Originally posted by busgeek++

So you can ID buses in Google Earth :)

Or from Fairfax One....the police helicopter.

Note: the chopper's "home" is in the same complex as a major bus garage!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/09/2007 02:59:04 AM

Having the number on the roof could help Police locate a certain bus in an emergency where the driver is unable to communicate their location. Such a situation may be a hijacking. Hoping that never happens of course!

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/09/2007 11:04:27 AM

where is FairFax's major bus lot located at? I have never seen it.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/09/2007 11:19:16 AM

Our buses are parked at many locations. There is no "main" lot. Buses are parked a garages, schools, commuter lots, designated lots, etc. We have over 1,600 buses, so they are parked everywhere.

This question was more suited for the Fairfax County thread.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 11/09/2007 3:55:25 PM

The largest parking ompund would be Newington Garage, that is where all of the new buses arrive and are prepped before entering service

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/11/2007 06:54:14 AM

Chesterfield County C2:

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 11/11/2007 09:36:20 AM

I wonder why Sonny Merryman puts the bus numbers on the passenger side? I noticed that on Loudoun's C2s as well

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/11/2007 10:00:46 AM

Spotsylvania's C2's are the same way.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 11/11/2007 10:06:51 AM

Yeah thats why I assume its Sonny Merryman, and not the district

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/11/2007 11:21:58 PM

Arlington's new C2s are the same way, so you're must be a Sonny Merryman thing. Arlington's latest C2s (along with Prince William's) also feature the warning lamp visors, and yellow around the last window, and less black around "School Bus" on the front and back. Sonny Merryman might be making their own look with the C2!

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 11/13/2007 8:56:26 PM

our Sonny Merryman C2's have the visors this year,as well as the numbers on the passenger side bumper, as did the ones we got last yr. which in fact we had to have him add the driver side ones because they wernt on there when we got them...and ours this yr also have less black around the SCHOOL BUS lettering on the back, and yellow window posts, and auto tire chains

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/14/2007 4:16:16 PM

ICRE1629 When can we see some new photos on your site? I can't wait to see the new ones!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/14/2007 5:59:27 PM

An update should be coming. I've been swamped with stuff at work, school and at home. And to top it off, I just bought a car! (see my posts in the Fairfax thread)

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/15/2007 2:45:39 PM

Cool I will keep the look out for them soon ICRE1629!!!! and once again Congrats on the NEW RIDE!!!!

Reply author: jclick
Replied on: 11/16/2007 09:26:11 AM

I heard the state was making them add the visors over the lamps. Our C2's in Accomack County have the number on the passenger side also.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/16/2007 10:42:13 AM

The state specifications do state that the warning lights must have a hooded assembly. They also state, however, that the bus number be placed on the drivers side of the front bumper. Something else interesting, the state only allows the second stop sign to be placed on type C and D buses of 64 passenger capacity or larger. Arlington has been putting them on all of their buses, even the short SE C2s they have.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/16/2007 2:32:10 PM

Check this out, Virginia Beach city schools has a lot of buses for sale on Esurplus.,va/auction/view?auc=223746

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/16/2007 2:46:41 PM

I might add, those are GOOD buses too! It's a shame they are being retired. Those fords were very reliable to the system.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/16/2007 3:57:27 PM

I cannot believe Va.Beach is saling that old 177 that was a sweet bus back in the day. That was my last assigned Ford it was a really good bus.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 11/17/2007 5:39:35 PM

Arlington was one of the pilot counties. They installed dual stop signs on all buses purchased in 2006. If you see the new 2007's you will notice that the 54-passengers special needs buses are equipped with only one stop sign.

The warning light hoods and the different paint is because of the revised specifications.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 11/18/2007 1:35:59 PM


In Sept of 05 we took delivery of our # 5 & 9 buses with the two stop signs.

Where you been? Going away for Winter Break?

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/19/2007 07:22:33 AM

I agree with Bsaund09 the Fords are really good buses, I did not know
Va Beach had early 1990's Thomas Internationals.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/19/2007 3:52:58 PM

Manassas Park bus:

Some VA buses. Not sure of district:

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 11/19/2007 4:44:48 PM

I'm 90% sure the last 2 links with the Thomas ERs is Arlington.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/19/2007 10:04:49 PM

I'm with 801...Those are Arlington Buses...That Thomas fleet with a light mix of IC and those numbers are almost certain arlington. It helps to see Shirlington appartments in the background! If you want some good pictures, they only have one lot, and they do NOT allow parkouts. Every bus the county owns is in that lot, as far as I know. This includes School Buses, and Activity buses owned by Arlington County Parks and Recreation.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/20/2007 07:39:19 AM

just out of curiosity does any one know how many buses Arlington County operates with in there fleet?

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 11/20/2007 5:00:45 PM

Originally posted by 2006bbvision

just out of curiosity does any one know how many buses Arlington County operates with in there fleet?

120, I believe.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 11/20/2007 6:14:17 PM

Originally posted by IC

Originally posted by 2006bbvision

just out of curiosity does any one know how many buses Arlington County operates with in there fleet?

120, I believe.

Hi Disney,

I am not doing a lot of keyboarding with the carpo tunnel(sic)in both wrist (and the ones here that know me, know that I do hundreds of bus related emails monthly, so this has been tough on me) but I figured I would chime in on these last few post.

Hi Bus Freak, IC, IC 1629, and Bus 801,

Yes, you all are correct, the pictures are from the main parking lot and yes, that is a neat looking row of buses. Arlington is currently running 132 school buses. The schools actually do not have any activity buses, but the parks & rec department has a few activity buses that were purchased for county P & R trips.

True, currently all buses are compounded at a central location for security reasons, and guys you know your buildings well. Would you pay $750,000.00 to look at a bunch of school buses ???. Not me, I have official "no yellow weekends" at the beach, where I won't drive near the schools.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, Frying the big bird this year and staying up north. it gets cold on the water (burrhhhhhhh)

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/20/2007 7:20:52 PM

HAHA...I actually looked into buying one of those places, but you're right...seems a bit steep to be paying to look at school buses, when i could be paying just as much to actually live IN the city. I decided to go with a much older place in arlington which not only has MUCH more character, but also has a better location than Shirlington. All of that MUCH less than a Shirlington Condo!

There is also atleast one bus in the county that is used by some kind of county Senior Center. It's a SHARP Thomas HDX with a red white and blue paint scheme.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 11/21/2007 5:57:50 PM

Originally posted by BusFreak

The state specifications do state that the warning lights must have a hooded assembly. They also state, however, that the bus number be placed on the drivers side of the front bumper. Something else interesting, the state only allows the second stop sign to be placed on type C and D buses of 64 passenger capacity or larger. Arlington has been putting them on all of their buses, even the short SE C2s they have.

well up to this year the C2's we bought dont have hoods on the warning lights, but the most recent 2008 C2's we got do have the hoods on them

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/21/2007 9:11:55 PM

I actually saw one of Bedford's C2s in at Powhatan HS last winter, and it looked to be fairly new. It had the new forward mirror on the service side. That C2 looked to be a longer than average conventional bus in Virginia. What size buses is Bedford County ordering these days?

Reply author: LBDboater
Replied on: 11/21/2007 9:24:05 PM

Originally posted by BusFreak

I actually saw one of Bedford's C2s in at Powhatan HS last winter, and it looked to be fairly new. It had the new forward mirror on the service side. That C2 looked to be a longer than average conventional bus in Virginia. What size buses is Bedford County ordering these days?

66 passenger buses for the most part. I know that all of our buses from 1986 through 2004 have the warning light hoods. Then we started getting C2's for 3 years which didn't have the hoods, and then all the buses in the area (Bedford County and Lynchburg City) have the warning hoods. For PBfreak30, I noticed that Lynchburg's new C2's for the year have that small window in the very back of the bus on each side (in the side pillars), I was surprised to see them spec that and not us. We usually trump Lynchburg when it comes to specs. Looks like things might be changing for the county. I also know that they're about to place a huge order for next year's C2's since they've vowed to have all the Vista's off all routes by next year. Should be interesting to see if they pull through with all the expenses this year (MRSA cleaning at the high schools, bad economy, etc.)

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 11/22/2007 7:45:59 PM

Several districts are now purshasing 77-passenger conventionals, therefore purchasing less or no transits. The fixed window at the rear is standard, but from hear say, I understand you can order a sliding window in it's place for an additional charge.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/23/2007 11:44:40 PM


I must know...what is your job title around Virginia? You are certainly a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the student transportation industry across the state! Are you a driver for FCPS? or perhaps Arlington County? I'd love to know about your connections with Sonny Merryman, and the other Virginia dealerships.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/28/2007 08:50:34 AM

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/28/2007 08:52:43 AM

click on this link, Really nice 2008 ce owned by Hampton City Schools

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/28/2007 5:39:40 PM

Strobing warning lights and LEDs everywhere! Nice job Hampton! They have always had among the nicest buses in the Hampton Roads area. Are they still shipping high school kids home on HRT buses? Back in the day, i remember seeing PenTran buses with warning arms coming (like the stop sign on a school bus) all lined up in front of bethel high school. Ironic, seeing as they have such a nice fleet.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/29/2007 12:03:34 PM

BUSFREAK. YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!!! Hampton has always spec there buses really nice, and they don't generally run the buses for the anticipated state service time, Every since the earlier 90's they have had Air door, Tinted windows, strobing stop arms as standard spec for there bus orders. I to remember seeing the old MCI Pen Tran buses with the stop signs on the side, Since then Pen Tran merge with HRT. DO you know what the state bus age is these days?

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/29/2007 12:10:54 PM

It is still kind of weird seeing VA buses having Double stop signs on them!!!! it looks really good though!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/29/2007 4:17:37 PM

Yes , Hampton City Schools still use metro Hampton Roads Tranist to be exact for all secondary school transportation to and from home. Well the Bluebird Vision is on round 2 back at the dealership it came back and the first run of the next day the lights started flashing on and off again. This time however I was able to talk with the folks myself at Tidewater Truck and hopefully they have a better understanding of what is happening.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 11/29/2007 7:47:36 PM

LBD- Amherst has the small window in back too, and one other thing that i have noticed is that some Lynchburg FS-65's have Strobing stop signs... and it would have to be a HUGE order to get all those Vistas off, because we have a ton of them still running at JF at least...and do you know which engine our C2's have this year? because i heard the previous ones had the CAT in them, but it wasnt available for the 08 model C@, and from what i hear, the C2's this year have alot more power than previous years.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 12/05/2007 3:41:51 PM

Some VA Buses:

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 12/05/2007 8:14:43 PM

Those last two are most definitely Virginia Beach buses. 192 was possibly the most well kept 1990 Thomas Ford I'd ever seen in the school system. The blue bird ford was an 91. Both had nearly identical specs, with the ford diesel engine, automatic transmission, and air brakes. What a neat find!

I almost want to say that the MVP ER in the first picture belongs to Alexandria City, but I don't know for a fact. The reason for my guess is that it's obviously not a Fairfax Thomas ER because of the placement of the drivers side e-door, and the lack of brush guards on the roof hatches. It doesn't belong to Arlington because of the storage compartments. It could be a Loudoun county bus, but I don't know their numbers off the top of my head. Bus 98 is low enough for me to automatically assume that it is an Alexandra city bus.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 12/06/2007 07:47:00 AM


Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 12/06/2007 2:14:52 PM

another interesting this about our new C2's here in Bedford, they have reverse lights that are the exact same size as the brake and turn signals, where the others were about half the size, and the lights stick out more this year from the back of the bus, and like last year are LED

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 12/06/2007 5:56:03 PM

Thanks for that pics and you had the right caption. The are gone but i sure won't forget them. Question..........Why are the bus numbers on the c2 place on the front bumper near the entrance door? the last time i saw that was on buses made in the 70's. Ic and Bluebird still place the numbers on the driver side of the bumper.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 12/08/2007 10:29:16 AM

your welcome i wish i did have more pics from back in the day but i guess i will be content with what i got. just wish i had more of the old internationals and 4 light fords but that is ok .The Vision is back i got it back on wednesday and it is doing very well this time. it paid to talk with the official tech mechanic working on it.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 12/11/2007 2:45:24 PM

Well the Vision from Bluebird is gone again with blinking on and off parking lights this makes the 3rd round. However i am getting to drive my old Bus 74 the Bluebird All American Transit from 1999 so far so good.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 12/12/2007 08:17:18 AM

BSAUND09: Wow any word what could be causing the Vision to have problems? And bus 74 I love that bus I have seen that around many times.... I did not know that was a 1999, are you guys using that as a spare? How many Transit buses does VA BEACH have now a days anyway? and when was the first year you guys starting buying the T-444E motors for the international blue birds?

Reply author: BigChief
Replied on: 12/14/2007 05:42:46 AM

New guy here, work for Loudoun, although not as a driver. Amazing the amount of information you guys have gathered here.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 12/14/2007 08:36:55 AM

welcome BigChief!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 12/14/2007 2:34:40 PM

Welcome BigChief, you all have a great Fleet!!

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 12/14/2007 4:18:33 PM

I second that !I think the top best specd buses in the entire state!

Reply author: bluebirdvision
Replied on: 12/14/2007 6:11:17 PM

Originally posted by disneynuts

IC 1629

Williams had been buying all Thomas for several years. Then switched to IC. Now they are going back to Thomas for their new bus purchases.

I wonder why... Thomas is better than IC anyday (and i'm a Blue Bird Fan) so that basically means that anything is better than IC

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 12/15/2007 10:04:22 AM

hey Va Beach finally have gotten the C2 order coming in i have post pics on Flicker if you want to see them under schoolbus. I am happy with the Vision bad bugs and all we are back in it again i am hoping it works this time i havent even driven it longer then 3 days since Nov.8th and i really like the bus.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 12/15/2007 10:43:10 AM

Check out those sweet C2s! Other than private contractors, that is the first time I've seen a C2 in VA with yellow window posts the entire length of the bus! It seems to me that Virginia is starting to crack down on the unusual standards of the C2, by decreasing the black paint on the roof caps, adding the lamp visors, moving the bus number, etc. My only question now, is when is someone going to notice that the C2s don't have the second rub rail wrapping around the back of the bus. I believe that the state standards at one time required that.

PS, those are the smallest regular ed C2s I've seen in the state as well. It seems that most districts across VA have adapted the larger capacity conventionals to extend their routes.

Reply author: LBDboater
Replied on: 12/15/2007 1:08:56 PM

Originally posted by bsaund09

hey Va Beach finally have gotten the C2 order coming in i have post pics on Flicker if you want to see them under schoolbus. I am happy with the Vision bad bugs and all we are back in it again i am hoping it works this time i havent even driven it longer then 3 days since Nov.8th and i really like the bus.

Someone want to post a link, I can't find the pics on Flickr!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 12/15/2007 4:33:12 PM

Originally posted by LBDboater

Originally posted by bsaund09

hey Va Beach finally have gotten the C2 order coming in i have post pics on Flicker if you want to see them under schoolbus. I am happy with the Vision bad bugs and all we are back in it again i am hoping it works this time i havent even driven it longer then 3 days since Nov.8th and i really like the bus.

Someone want to post a link, I can't find the pics on Flickr!

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 12/15/2007 5:38:20 PM

wow those are very similar to ours in bedford..the only differences i see is that they are A-shorter and B- have that funky window at in the back, but other than that they look the same, with the 3 full size lights on the back and 5 hole wheels as well

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 12/16/2007 7:47:02 PM

The rub rail wrapping around above the tail lamps is not a requirement on the C2 buses. This a a hold over from year's gone by as a way to re-enforce the corner post on the bodies. I would expect them to slowly dissapear on Blue Birds & AmTrans in the future.

The yellow window post were part of the standards for 2007. As many districts have gotten used to the extra black (standard pattern) it took a little getting used to for the more yellow ,especially around the fixed rear side window that used to blend in.

BusFreak, check out Arlington's,Prince William's or Falls Church's latest C2's and you will see the new paint pattern. Upcoming changes on the C2 include a slightly redesigned front roof cap, and a new drivers swich panel with storage compartment for the driver.

Little tid bit, look for the return of lettering on the rear of the buses on 2008 specs "STOP WHEN RED LIGHTS FLASH" back when Disney & I drove they used to have "STOP STATE LAW" on the back.

Happy Holidays All, Merry Christmas ......

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 12/16/2007 8:38:35 PM

i remember when the buses had "Stop State Law" on the back. i used to drive one attendant nuts when we would pull into line @ our ES, i'd read the words 3 different ways- "Stop! State Law". then "Stop State! Law". finally, "Stop State Law!" poor thing didn't have a sense of humor.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 12/16/2007 9:22:06 PM

HAHA Gini! I love your first one!! "STOP!!! State Law!" haha

I think lettering looks awful! And it particularly looks terrible on the rears of IC REs because there really isnt room due to the grill being so large!

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 12/17/2007 6:45:46 PM

I can't help it. I still keep looking at those pics. I know where some of those 70's and 80's fords, and gmcs are in yards and other places...sure wish i had the money and restore them.

Ya know, kinda funny that you still see those buses body holding up in the awkward Virginia weather all these years...wonder if these newer buses can last like the oldies!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 12/17/2007 7:05:23 PM
Message: that you mention it, the new Arllington C2s do infact have the yellow between the window frames! I always thought the window posts were still black, and that only the back window was surrounded by yellow. Anyway, I would LOVE to see these new C2s in 15 years to see how well they have held.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 12/19/2007 5:29:20 PM

It's interesting how in some of the smaller districts in the state, the upgrades tend to fade in and out. Sometimes, i get the feeling that those districts buy buses right off the lot as opposed to ordering buses to their standard specs. Fluvanna County got a new IC RE this past summer, and one of FEW upgrades it has is the DT466 engine. No tinted windows, no LEDs, no extended skirting. They do, however, have an 02(ish) International RE spected IDENTICALLY to Fairfax's 02 International REs, only without A/C. At first sight though, the bus looks like it belongs to Fairfax. It even has the passenger side e-door. Their new IC-RE doesn't even compare to the old one. Some of the buses in Alexandria city are also very rare in their lack of upgrades.

I'm excited to see the new Falls Church bus on the road...the C2s are EVERYWHERE in northern virginia now. Talk about some LONG conventional buses!

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 12/19/2007 6:20:51 PM

Reston Childrens center just got a small C2 too, it doesnt even have window tints! I like the C2 in small capacities, but when they are big, they are UGLY!!! They had a Thomas Freightliner in crappy condition before they got the C2

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 12/22/2007 10:13:12 AM

Falls Church has also attached themselves to our bus bids in the past. Some of their IC REs were from our bids. Alexandria's bus 7 also is a plain bus. It it is an IC CE SE bus (05/06?) with non-tinted windows and no AC.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 12/22/2007 11:44:28 AM

Here's an imagined scenario.

We all know that the City of Fairfax owns four schools. Fairfax HS, Lanier MS, Providence ES, and Daniels Run ES. We know the City of Fairfax has it's own school board. We contract out to Fairfax County to have them run our schools and provide certain services, like transportation. But what if the City school board decided to start providing their own transportation for city school students? Would you think this would be a good idea? Let's imagine that the city decided it would buy it's own buses for city schools and then contract out to have the county service and repair them? Pretend you were at a school board meeting discussing this proposed decision. What you would you say at the meeting?

I personally think it would be neat to see that happen, but currently things are running pretty smoothly they way they are.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 12/22/2007 1:12:28 PM

I think it would be a very poor decision. This issue has come up before, I have read about it, and we have discussed it in my government classes in high school. It just wouldnt make sense. It wouldnt really affect FCPS so much as it would the City of Fairfax. If the City were ever to do this, I dont see how they would do it without contracting out to WIlliams or something. IF they didnt contract out they would have to start with nothing, i.e. buy all new buses etc.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/05/2008 06:48:42 AM

Hampton City Schools - AmTran RE:

That thing looks so similar to our RE's. Only it has a wheelchair lift, low profile roof hatches, and no rubber strip around the rear wheel. It's also missing the two-way radio antenna on the front of the roof like we have.

On another note, is the person who takes these photos a member of SBF Forums?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/05/2008 07:57:15 AM

Whoa that is soooo similar to our AmTrans

and Yes, that is bsaund09

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/05/2008 09:24:25 AM

That's what I thought! He's got some excellent pics!

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 01/05/2008 11:40:38 AM

Richmond City schools also has some Amtran REs with low headroom similar to ours.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/06/2008 08:57:01 AM

I always thought that REs with standard skirting looked top heavy...does anyone else agree?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/06/2008 09:58:40 AM

I do agree, they look long and skinny like Loudoun's! But doesnt that Hampton RE have the same skirting FCPS has?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/06/2008 10:14:17 AM

no...hampton has standard looks a little different because it doesn't have the lower rub rail, but it's regular skirting. Loudouns REs with standard skirting look even more wierd because they are longer buses. They have 14 windows on either side, instead of 13.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/06/2008 10:54:41 AM

Oh ok. Yes I agree, Loudoun does have very weird looking AmTran and IC REs! They have nice CEs and HDX's though.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/06/2008 1:20:34 PM

I also look at extended skirting as a safety feature, the less space between the ground and the bus, the less likely something is to go under the bus.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 01/07/2008 01:29:42 AM

IC-RE, i always looked @ the lower skirting as a safety hazard! i hated having lower bus parts on my transit, after having such nice clearance on my other buses. there were a lot of places in the past, like construction blocking most of the road, that i would've never made it through w/ a transit.

80-RE4, maybe admin got tired of looking @ all the bad spelling, lol.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/07/2008 2:19:24 PM

Gini, I was thinking that could be an issue, I just thought it would be better for preventing objects or animals (cats dogs) form going under the bus when at a stop or something, but maybe not

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/07/2008 4:12:10 PM

I think extended skirting is a great safety feature. In a collision where another vehicle strikes the side of the bus, the extended skirting can provide extra protection for the passengers on the bus. I can't say it will help the person hitting the bus though. Most car vs. bus collisions result in the car losing.

Extended skirting also makes luggage compartments look good.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 01/08/2008 4:51:57 PM

That user has posted a few of his photos on Wikipedia. I am a user there, and will try to get in touch with him to find out how he finds the wonderful-looking Hampton buses. I know they like to park them in school parking lots kind of like Fairfax does.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 01/08/2008 7:56:28 PM

Originally posted by vabuslover

That user has posted a few of his photos on Wikipedia. I am a user there, and will try to get in touch with him to find out how he finds the wonderful-looking Hampton buses. I know they like to park them in school parking lots kind of like Fairfax does.

Fairfax doesn't like to park 'em at schools...they have NO CHOICE.

I like where I park (at a school) but I know I'm just one good vandal attack away from having to move!

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 01/08/2008 8:00:00 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

I think extended skirting is a great safety feature. In a collision where another vehicle strikes the side of the bus, the extended skirting can provide extra protection for the passengers on the bus. I can't say it will help the person hitting the bus though. Most car vs. bus collisions result in the car losing.

Extended skirting also makes luggage compartments look good.

I think they buy extended skirting to lessen the chance of a kid climbing under a bus. The skirting itself is quite flimsy. You have to be real careful after a snow....snow iles will take that skirting out!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/09/2008 09:29:34 AM

A lady contacted me through my website asking for assistance in locating a good used school bus. She wants a Type C body, about 30-42 pax in size. She wants to use it for hauling around her family and friends on trips. Lastly, she wants it to be a used school bus that belonged to a Virginia school district.

Any suggestions or information I can give this lady? I'm not much of an expert on the used school bus market. Your help appreciated!

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 01/09/2008 10:57:18 AM

You may want to have her try to look on the Public surplus web site, I know Newport News had some 1993 Ford B-600 some with lift's and 34 passengers with out, They also may have some 1989-1990 Blue Bird GMC Activity buses all buses have no Air brakes.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/10/2008 07:28:35 AM

Loudoun County now requires seatbelts:

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 01/10/2008 11:15:57 AM

I wonder how that will work out. It always sounds like a good idea to the general public, but it can turn out to be something that is unrealistic to people around the buses all day.

Why is it that Fairfax cannot park their buses at lots where they are safer? I know they have tons of buses, but being in an area where buses are always parked in a secure lot it just seems weird to not have them parked there.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 01/10/2008 1:59:40 PM

vabuslover- Fairfax doesn't have enough secure lots around the county to park the buses in.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/10/2008 3:07:57 PM

Hey, even "secure" compounds can be infiltrated and buses vandalized. If someone really wants to screw with a bus, they'll do it.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/11/2008 7:40:51 PM

The Virginia General Assembly is considering a bill that will allow the districts to set there own starting date without getting waivers. I bet a lot of school districts will start earlier maybe they will consider ac for the rest of us who dont have that as standard equipment. The new Va Beach C2s for 2008 started going out this week sure does add a different look to the fleet.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/11/2008 11:28:43 PM

I know that Fairfax wants so badly to start the last week in August instead of after Labor day, they have been trying to get that for years. Thats what I have read, and what some teachers have been saying

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 01/15/2008 5:03:10 PM

BSAUND09 WHAT Year is bus 565 in that picture? it is said to see that bus being taking out of service so soon. what is the year? and what year did VA BEACH starting buying the T-444E style engine ?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/15/2008 8:35:19 PM

Rare fine to get the old and new bus side by side. 565 is a '94 the first year of the T-444 some are being replaced this year but will most likely be around a little bit longer.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 01/16/2008 11:13:22 AM

Thank you Bsaund09 I just love hearing about Va Beach school bus fleet!!! IT IS SO SAD TO HEAR THAT:( I used to see that bus around, in the Hill top area often! what type were brought in '94? does that bus have air door?

About how many new buses are coming in? It seems as if some of the Blue birds I have seen in Va beach all have air doors, except for the the 95 Internationals with the side exit doors, I have also seen that some of the newer Birds have the Dt466 engine.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/17/2008 06:36:18 AM

I think we are getting around 35 C2s most have arrived and then there are 5 or 6 IC buses arriving in the spring. The first air doors in Va Beach were in 1995 but that was only on two of the vista buses(620,621) and then in 1996 all buses were ordered with air doors.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 01/17/2008 10:50:07 AM

Sounds cool, how come you guys buy more then one manufacture a year? that is cool, but not common for most Va districts they tend to by only one type. But that is one of the main reason why I have loved the Va Beach school bus fleet for so long really diverse fleet, by far best in Hampton Roads and top in the State.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/17/2008 4:11:37 PM

not sure of the answer to that question but the fleet manager is doing an excellent job of keeping us more up to date . the last few years have been strictly Thomas so a change is good I am very glad they got the bluebird visions i think it is a little nicer then the C2.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 01/17/2008 5:16:25 PM

You are so right I will choose a Bird over a Thomas any day, that is good that the fleet manager is keeping the options open, I am guessing he is seeing what works best for the drivers, and mechanics' for upcoming purchases. I would love to see Va beach buy more Transit style buses, about how may do you guys operate in the fleet?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/18/2008 8:16:56 PM

we have 7 transits and dont believe we will see anymore anytime soon. they are still required to purchase on competitive bids but with basically only 3 main body companies and chasises things arent that competitive. i think now the main deal is in the options.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/26/2008 1:59:18 PM

I need assistance with some VA Beach buses. I need model years for the following buses:


Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/26/2008 11:24:04 PM

699 is a FS 65 2004, 309 is a FS 65 2001 , 80 is a FS 65 2000, and A 512 is or was an '89 Ford Bluebird gone to bus heaven.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/26/2008 11:28:01 PM

but the old 309 was a 1985 International BB older one was a 1973 Ford Ward 5spd., the old 80 was a 1982 Ford Bluebird older a 1969 Ford Thomas that might be more then you wanted but interesting.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/27/2008 08:07:18 AM

Thanks bsaund09! Someone sent me photos of those buses. The sender didn't know the correct model years for them.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/27/2008 12:26:07 PM

really that is cool someone else is getting photos from here if you want to sent that person my email stuff maybe we could compare notes by the way really liked seeing those old IHC buses those are really cool i like the ward but most likely because we had some of them.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/27/2008 1:31:10 PM

bsaund09, send me an email via my website:, so that I can get your email address. I will then forward it the photographer.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 02/08/2008 1:08:14 PM

well not having much good luck with the vision they went and got them from the dealership 3 of them after waiting for recall work some yet not completed and when i got in it something did not seem right so discovered two of them were not right and one was so they have once again sent it back. i still like the bus but this is getting old although the bus will stay newer longer by not being used everyday is that a plus?? the new C2s seem to be doing pretty good most of them are now on the road in full service.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/10/2008 1:03:41 PM

I've been seeing a 90's Carpenter IHC up in the Herndon area, off Centreville Road near West Ox Road. The bus has no markings that I can see. It has the newer Carpenter logo on the roof. It also has two A/C units on the roof. The bus looks to be 64-72 passengers.

Anyone else seen this bus?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/10/2008 3:33:38 PM

I saw similiar buses in Va.Beach a few weeks ago they are very shiny. I saw two of them I thought maybe they were from Maryland but i believe they have Va tags. What caught my eye were the ac vents. They were running from Little Creek Navy Base from what I could tell.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/10/2008 5:02:44 PM

bsaund09, are these Fairfax buses?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/10/2008 6:20:30 PM

no those are all va beach buses but i did post a pic of Fairfax's Bus 078 .i have a few other fairfax shots from a few years ago but not posted yet.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/11/2008 02:11:56 AM

I saw the photo with Bus 78 and others. I can't wait to see the other photos!

Reply author: jclick
Replied on: 03/11/2008 07:36:38 AM

The second picture with bus 417 reminds me of the first bus I rode in 1982 at Plaza Elementary bus 186. It was the same kind of bus.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/11/2008 3:39:34 PM

that is interesting jclick Bus 186 was a 1977 model and would have been in line behind 203 coming out of princess anne high school. I am trying to remember that drivers name I know her last bus was 692(561,113,186..) she lived over in magic hollow for years. I will work on posting the other fairfax pics the numbers are not that well defined.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/11/2008 3:41:33 PM

Bsaund09, in that photo with Fairfax bus 78, can you identify the numbers of the other buses in the photo? I know the bus parked next to 78 is Bus 21. What about the others?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 03/11/2008 3:49:26 PM

1629, those numbers are impossible to ID haha! Most are blocked. You can blow up the pic on FLICKR and it is still impossible!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/11/2008 6:01:51 PM

Maybe he had noted them when he took the pic and has it written down somewhere. That is why I asked him. I know you can't see them in the pic....

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/11/2008 6:19:51 PM

yes i cant make out those numbers either some of the other photos i make out a couple of numbers not to many sorry about that it was before the digitial camera.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 03/12/2008 1:30:53 PM

hey Bsaund09 thanks for the photos!

I KNEW we had Ford Wards for SE at some point in Fairfax. I remember seeing them occasionally.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/12/2008 2:24:32 PM

Bsaund09, can you ID the # on the Ward Ford?

According to Bus801, we only had a few of them. Very few. He's been looking for information and hasn't found anything. He's trying to find the model year.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/12/2008 3:19:39 PM

the pic with the little ford from left to right--202,1472,the little ford 320,249,1282,1348

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/12/2008 3:28:23 PM

the buses next to Bus 78 and 21 are bus 7, 722,cant make out the rest the magnifying glass is helping a little.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/12/2008 3:31:10 PM

the pic with the two thomas transits are left to right 259,the First Transit is or looks like 1468 the second looks like 1672 hard to tell.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/12/2008 3:35:36 PM

the pic with the bluebirds mainly look like 1399 and 1218 the amtran looks like a three digit starting with 8 or 4

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/12/2008 3:42:47 PM

the pic of the all conventials going from right to left are 1155,989,1160,the ward looks like 1278 not sure about that one the others cant tell.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/12/2008 4:26:14 PM

Originally posted by bsaund09

the pic with the little ford from left to right--202,1472,the little ford 320,249,1282,1348

This would be the pic with the Ward Ford?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 03/12/2008 4:37:58 PM

Those were all area III buses with the exception of the special ed buses. Where was this? Marshall HS?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/12/2008 4:58:22 PM

Yeah, those pics are Marshall.

Reply author: jclick
Replied on: 03/13/2008 11:23:42 AM

Originally posted by bsaund09

that is interesting jclick Bus 186 was a 1977 model and would have been in line behind 203 coming out of princess anne high school. I am trying to remember that drivers name I know her last bus was 692(561,113,186..) she lived over in magic hollow for years. I will work on posting the other fairfax pics the numbers are not that well defined.

Yeah, I road 186 home from Kindergarten which at the time was half day so that put her at Plaza around noon. As a walker, I didn't have the luxury of riding the bus to school in the mornings that year or any at all after Kindergarten. At one point I know we had a bus 400, 35, and a 45. I remember 45 getting rear-ended on Lamplight lane one time while it was parked overnight.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/13/2008 12:12:54 PM

JClick that is cool yeah 400 was Irene Williams her buses were (400,119,6,and 211) sadly she has passed away in the last year or so. the other one is 35 that would have been Sue Tatem she still drives but out near pungo and i think she is retired driving her regular routes she had 321 before 35 after that it was 109,556,652,672,335,and present day 705 she drives a lot these days. I am not sure about 45 i know it was from Kempsville orginnaly and got passed around a lot there for a while those 79 fords you had to love them to drive them. That is pretty cool remembering that stuff i try to recount drivers and there old numbers some of them dont even remember.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/20/2008 4:45:54 PM

Virginia bus. I'm thinking this may be the bus that I often see where I work.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/20/2008 7:11:33 PM

so is that like an old prince william county bus.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/22/2008 1:09:38 PM

It looks like Fauquier County has Thomas C2's now. I saw two of them on the road on Thursday. Now I know the following districts have them:

Loudoun County
Falls Church City
Prince William County
Spotsylvania County
Page County
Arlington County

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/22/2008 1:56:07 PM

Most districts around have a least one that or the ICs .It is cool though how they change the paint job makes it very easy to tell which ones are the 08s.The look this year makes look a little more shall we say "Classic Thomas Body" although the square look is all wayne style.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/22/2008 3:01:37 PM

How are the 08's easily determined? Can you better explain that?

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 03/22/2008 3:12:15 PM

well here in Bedford county, our 08's have yellow window posts, as opposed to all black and more yellow around the lights on the back, as well as warning light covers

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/23/2008 05:42:23 AM

yes pbfreak30 is right all the new C2s in virginia this year have that same look. Last year they all had the black lining across the top in the front and in the rear this year it is mainly yellow with covered warning lights.One weird thing i noticed Norfolk and Va Beach have some buses just a like (417 looks exactly the same expect for the name on the side).The only minor difference would be antennas for the radios.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/23/2008 08:51:00 AM

IC RE 1629 I have a photo of the C2 from last year and this year. It is the one with 206 and 421 that is posted on flicker.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/23/2008 09:08:20 AM

Thank you bsaund09!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 03/26/2008 3:58:14 PM

Virginia buses:

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 03/27/2008 10:02:46 AM

Nice little VA Blue Bird TC2000 for sale

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/27/2008 4:32:05 PM

very nice i have noticed lynchburg public schools auctioning there buses on ebay . it must work for them they only did one or two at a time.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 03/28/2008 1:29:11 PM

Yes I saw that too, seems like an ok idea. Do they have a large fleet?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/29/2008 12:59:00 PM

I dont think so unless they are merged with Campbell County that I am not to sure about. I noticed the two what look to be Crown/Carp Internationals again going down the interstate near Norfolk they might be owned by Charter Bus services there lot is really small blocked off so no real way to tell. I posted a few more pics on flicker some i forgot i had. Chesapeake Schools are auctioning a 1973 Ford Wayne on public surplus wish they had kept it a little more yellow but vintage none the less.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 04/14/2008 3:47:11 PM

I just downloaded the 07-08 pricing schedules for Virginia from all of the major bus manufacturers, and found some things interesting! First of all, the standard engine in IC CEs is the MaxxForce 7...even on the big buses! They can crank those things up to some serious horsepower though, topping on the pricing schedule at 245HP.

Thomas STILL offers the manual transmission option, for appx $1100 deduct from the base price of the C2. I have yet to see one of these, but it certainly was an option on the bid.

Blue Bird (Commonwealth) did not offer any transit options this year. The only pricing they put out was for Visions. I wonder if this is a player in the reason IC won the contract again for Fairfax. No FEs or REs were listed on the pricing schedule.

Cummins was bid as the standard engine in the Thomas C2 this year, and not the MBE904. The 904 wasn't even an option, as the 6 cylinder 906 is a slight upgrade from the Cummins.

I just found these items interesting.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/14/2008 4:22:38 PM

BusFreak, is that pricing schedule avaliable online somewhere?

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 04/18/2008 10:46:43 AM

Lynchburg and Campbell are still seperate

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/19/2008 5:57:42 PM

Good evening folks I have posted more pics on flicker today I had an interesting fine on Friday with the help of a co-driver friend. I was shocked how much was still in tact.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 04/22/2008 8:43:38 PM

I saw a Fauquier County C2 on the road today. This is significant because Fauquier has been 100% International for YEARS. I've never seen a non International bus from that district, although they have something from every make out there...including Carpenter! Also, lot's of Stick Shifts still floating around out in those parts. I don't believe they switched to Automatics untill the early 2000s, when they purchased AmTran ICs (the CE predecessor).

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 04/25/2008 1:25:45 PM

yea i was also told that when we got the bid back in from Sonny Merryman, that the Cummins was the engine, which i dont mind, but the Benz is better from what our drivers say. I not sure exactly what price they got on these buses, but we are supposed to get the majority of the vistas off of routes...i had heard we were getting between 40 and 50 C2's this year, which will get a chunk of the Vistas off, but not all of them.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 04/25/2008 8:57:11 PM

Looking at the bid closer, the 4 cylinder MBE was not even priced, and set to N/A. I think that was the engine that would have outpriced the ISB, however since the 4cyl wasn't even bid out, the ISB is the next cheapest! At this point though, I'd guess that plenty of mechanics have fallen in love with the reliability of the MBE engine, that most districts would go ahead and pay a little more for the upgrade.

Reply author: origcharger
Replied on: 04/26/2008 04:53:57 AM

The new emissions MBEs have been troublesome, excessive oil consumption a frequent complaint. Our Thomas dealer is now pushing the Cummins as they seem to have the new emission bugs worked out in comparison to the MBE.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/26/2008 08:26:43 AM

Our(VB) C2s all had the Cummins in them I believe the heating issues have been a complaint by the drivers during the winter not sure if that might have prompted the change from the MB motors.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/08/2008 4:41:06 PM

Virginia sure has had quite a few school bus accidents in the past couple of days...two in Chesterfield county on the same day (May 6 i think). Amelia County in which the motorist that hit the bus died (i believe that was on the 6th also). Then today a Charlotte County bus ran off the road killing the bus driver. I believe the driver had some complications because the news said that the kids saw the driver slump over the wheels prior to her running off the road. In all of these cases none of the kids were seriously hurt.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/14/2008 08:52:57 AM

this is the link or

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/14/2008 3:44:47 PM

I want to know who has bus "00" Is that a beach bus?

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/14/2008 4:40:05 PM


Love your school bus history pics. So many memories. I would like to share photos from my area but i'm shy. Don't want the people to think i'm some sort of terrorist or something crazy from walking around taking pics of school buses.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/14/2008 6:11:58 PM

Thanks , the collection of photos fell togather I have many more not yet published. I try to take photos without many people around but sometimes that cannot be helped. If I had known computers and the web were going to be so big and easy to use i might would have invested my time and engry into buses of the past but they are gone or all chopped up now so we collect what we have now and move on.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/15/2008 7:58:01 PM

remember these in virginia

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/16/2008 07:40:34 AM

Yep i remember those..We had the Thomas style "round" here! man're finding those golden jems!

Hey, when did it change from Princess Anne County Public Schools to Virginia Beach City or City of Virginia Beach public schools? I remember when Suffolk city schools had Nasemond County on the side of their buses..that was years ago.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/16/2008 09:52:29 AM

The Princess Anne County combined with city services in 1963 which is considered the year Va. Beach got on map you might say. I am sure they shared services before that year.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/17/2008 11:50:06 AM

Rare to see a Ford like this on ebay or anywhere

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/17/2008 2:29:50 PM

Went to the Spotsylvania County roadeo. Stafford County also participated. A full report and photos will be posted on my website in the next few days.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/17/2008 2:54:05 PM

The Hampton Roads area of Virginia holds a regional roadeo with most major cities and counties competing as well as Transquest a private school bus contractor. The Virginia Beach Schools took home 4 of the top 6 positions I wasnt there because I was near Richmond last week. I look forward to seeing your pics the state roadeo will be held here in Va. Beach.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/18/2008 09:03:57 AM

found an odd Thomas Body

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/18/2008 10:08:49 AM

I assume these are Loudoun buses?

Also, what county has Bus 00?

Lastly, why are Henrico's bus numbers so high?

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 05/18/2008 10:39:54 AM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

I assume these are Loudoun buses?

Also, what county has Bus 00?

Lastly, why are Henrico's bus numbers so high?

542 looks like a loudoun bus.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/18/2008 11:24:23 AM

Yes, Loudoun County buses and the 00 is from Ludenburg County 2 buses only in the county with one driver they are near Farmville Va. The Henirco number may just be a number some places use all school board vehicles in the same number pattern Chesapeake and Norfolk did at one time .

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/18/2008 11:39:45 AM

Ludenberg County only has two buses?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/18/2008 11:58:15 AM

well according to the driver and he seem pretty reliable the bus 00 is there activity bus so I am thinking they have an older bus they use on routes but he is the only driver .I checked the county website they claim to be the mother county of all counties in virginia they have an interesting history .

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/18/2008 1:40:32 PM

Did you notice the marker on the side of the Henrico Bus 1996 with the no. 207 in the window maybe that means something unless it is just a radio bus.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/18/2008 2:01:22 PM

What do you mean by radio bus?

This bus (#90) is from Pennsylvania. Greencastle Antrim School District is based in Greencastle, PA. I've got photos of one of there other buses on my site.

One of their other buses:

I have more photos of theirs to post later.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/18/2008 2:48:56 PM

cool i can change that i thought with the big lettering it was maryland thanks. A radio bus is a standby driver or on call.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/18/2008 4:40:06 PM

I've never heard that term before. Here a bus on standby is simply a "standby driver".

See the post I made about Greencastle Antrim in the PA thread.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/18/2008 5:14:37 PM

Hey , yes just saw the post . Some of the school systems use the term radio bus I think standby is the more commonly used term but radio bus is used to.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/19/2008 11:47:01 AM

Lunenburg county has a fleet of school buses mostly thomas. Now they are buying Ic. What i think bsaund09 was saying is that Lunenburg dosen't have a specific (painted) activity bus. They have two regular school buses with the luggage bays underneath that they use for in regular service and for trips. Not many virginia counties are buying buses specifically for activity runs anymore, though that was a big thing in Va back in the 80's and early 90's.

The only counties that still runs a bus specifically designated for activities that i'm familiar with are:
Prince Edward (sometimes because its' an old 93 Vista)
Campbell (sometimes because they are old the last time i've seen them)
Loundun (northern VA)
Halifax (uses them heavily. they have alot)
and i think Surry county has one.

If you are wondering about school districts with activity buses, check out North Carolina...they are full of them. I'm not the Virgina bus expert so if i'm wrong or left out anything, kindly let me know. Though i am pretty familiar with the districts below the capital city to the NC state line.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 05/19/2008 1:26:15 PM

i do believe Lynchburg City still runs at least one A-bus..i know here in Bedford, we have a driver at each of th high schools that does all the sports trips and such, and they get a new bus every we just run the newest C2's as our activity buses

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/19/2008 1:36:43 PM

Prince William has atleast one C2 activity bus.

Reply author: disneynuts
Replied on: 05/19/2008 1:52:13 PM


Can you give me more info on Transquest? How many buses, what types, what services do they provide?

I can't find anything about them on the web.



Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/19/2008 2:33:14 PM

Is anyone here going to Sonny Merryman's open house at their new Bristow, VA location? The event is 9am to 7pm on May 29th. I'll be heading down after my morning runs since I'm only a couple of miles away where my bus is parked. They will have 8-10 new Thomas school buses there. I'll get pics of the event and post it on my site.

I also just added 3 Spotsylvania buses to my website. One highlight is a 1997 Thomas International with Manual Transmission and Hydraulic Brakes!

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/19/2008 3:38:55 PM

Yep that's who i forgot Lynchburg and Danville...thankyou for telling me about Prince William for i'm not really familiar with them. Thanks

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/19/2008 5:41:59 PM

Virginia Beach also has activity buses, but they are small buses, with one seat removed to make them carry few enough passengers that the driver does not need a CDL

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 05/20/2008 8:09:47 PM

Newport News city still has some late like 89-90 Blue Birds Activity van buses but most were replaced with 2008 IC BE's last year , they hardly use them, I think one only has like 3500 miles on them. think they will never see 100,000 in there life time.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 05/20/2008 8:12:22 PM

Newport News city still has some late like 89-90 Blue Birds Activity van buses but most were replaced with 2008 IC BE's last year , they hardly use them, I think one only has like 3500 miles on them. think they will never see 100,000 in there life time.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/21/2008 11:48:28 AM

Did some checking Petersburg has some type "A" activity buses also. I'm glad everybody chippin in with the info!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/28/2008 3:45:27 PM

more pics added to my flicker photos here hopefully that link will work.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/28/2008 6:31:04 PM

Brian, Where are all of those AWESOME pictures taken? One looks like the guard show at Western Branch! I'd love to know if any of those "rural" C2s are equipt with the manual transmission deduct option, such as the Nelson County or the Matthews County ones.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/28/2008 8:17:06 PM

Looks like some of them were taken at a rodeo and the others at Kings Dominion amusement park

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/30/2008 1:28:11 PM

poor driver guess pretty well they were also taken at a track meet in fork union.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 05/30/2008 4:38:40 PM

Former Loudoun? type A Mid-bus

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/31/2008 08:35:26 AM

That is a former Loudoun bus. I have a photo of that bus when it was in service back in October of 2007.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 06/02/2008 07:45:48 AM

Why did they retire this bus so soon? It is only a 1999, very odd for a VA bus.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 06/02/2008 08:08:34 AM

WOW I must say I did not know Chesterfield county had such a large Varity of buses in their fleet. Does anyone know the history of their fleet.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 06/02/2008 2:44:26 PM

well i am by no means a C'field expert, but from what i've seen, they have like 2 million Vistas, thomas FE's, Thomas C2's among others

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 06/04/2008 6:08:01 PM

Yea chesterfield (from my experience) During the 90's up to about last year ran a mixed fleet from special needs Ford Wards to regular route Thomas GMCs to Vistas for example. Now they're beginning to phase out their vistas with the Thomas efs. Most of their special need buses are either thomas freightliners (not c2s) and the remaining "shorty" vistas. Their gmcs are gone now but they still have alot of vistas. They have been replacing the 64 passengers with either Ic CEs or Bluebird Visions which are very long so i'm thinking it's of the 78 pass variety. I too am not the chesterfield expert, just want to share what i know from my travels

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 06/05/2008 04:14:34 AM

Well Thank you for all the info! I do like the way there fleet is really mixed!

New Kent county has some old 1990 Thomas GMC'S on Publuic surplus for sale.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/08/2008 12:08:36 PM

still adding pics not sure where this will stop

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 06/09/2008 5:07:35 PM

i like that black grill on that chesepeake bus 185

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/09/2008 5:38:09 PM

hey yeah i thought that was bit odd makes you think maybe they were covering something up. This has been a sad day here in va. beach we lost our second driver to a heart attack he was a sped driver and was only 5 days from what would have been his retirement date. It seems this year in all the years I have been with the school divison we lost more active and retired drivers then I can remember but we honor their memory by continuing the job that I know most if not all loved and cared about very much.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 06/09/2008 9:02:28 PM

sorry to hear your news Brian. what a terrible way to end the year, on such a sad note. it's hard having a year like that.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/12/2008 6:23:55 PM

well, not to sound down in the mouth but we had a transportation supervisor pass away today we had hoped he was beating the battle what a last week of school this has been. he was a well liked supervisor and showed much interest in his drivers he will be missed.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 06/13/2008 02:35:49 AM

again Brian, i am sorry to hear about this latest loss that your system is going through. i can't imagine losing so many people from work like that, so close together. i hope this summer will be a time of healing for you.

on a lighter note (hope you don't mind Brian), i was reading about the elementary school down the street from me. they only have 6 bus runs out of the school, most of the kids are walkers, there's even a walkway under the road so the kids across the street can walk safely. yesterday (or the day before), the principal sent all the kids home on buses- due to a bear roaming through the neighborhood! a couple of days ago i received an e-mail notice from the manager of our condos about 3 bear sightings about half a mile from here.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/19/2008 1:19:57 PM

hey, they VAPT conference wrapped up today I got to drive some shuttles and meet some really nice folks from across the state of Virginia. I did get some pics of the demo buses hope to post soon.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 06/20/2008 5:31:30 PM

Originally posted by bsaund09

hey, they VAPT conference wrapped up today I got to drive some shuttles and meet some really nice folks from across the state of Virginia. I did get some pics of the demo buses hope to post soon.

Hi Brian,

Were you one of the drivers on Tuesday night?, As I rode with several different drivers in both the FS 65's and the C2's. The driver's were very polite and professional. The whole Virginia Beach crew was top notch. You all have a very nice fleet of buses. What does the number 2 mean on the lower panel behind the door ?

Great Job Virginia Beach Drivers......
From one the RED ribbons


Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/21/2008 1:24:54 PM

thank you , i was driving Bus 560 the first two days and by wednesday night I was back in my regular 546 the bluebird vision. The number by the door is the team number at the Oceana Garage where all buses are processed when they are new. It does help having the same guys working on the bus they remember it better. Our garage really does a job considering they only have just around 20 stalls to service the entire fleet of school autos.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/21/2008 2:09:43 PM

the demos

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/21/2008 4:11:33 PM

The HDX and PWCPS C2 were at Sonny Merryman's Open House at their new Bristow location. I have more photos of those buses.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/22/2008 1:16:39 PM

I believe old Williams Bus 2 is at the bottom of the florida church bus page

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 06/22/2008 2:22:25 PM

Looks like it. I see old Loudoun 340 on there along with what looks like some old Fauquier Thomas Internationals.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 06/22/2008 11:46:05 PM

Man. All of those Virginia Conventionals, some even from the last 90s, make you realize how behind the times Virginia was in some parts with those stick/hydraulic buses out there. As far as I know, Virginia Beach was among the first districts to spec the diesel/auto/air combo in 1981 with Ford Blue Birds. Fairfax was probably right there with them, but the rest of the state really did fall behind. I'm sure one too many workers comp claims brought them to the modern day of the Allison.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/23/2008 04:08:27 AM

Getting automatics were a huge move for some districts not knowing exactly what to expect. We had a garage supervisor who would not mix a lift and automatic transmission for some reason it wasnt till he was gone Va. Beach bought auto lift buses.I think some just did not think the bus would have power to climb hills/mountains without a manual transmission.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 06/23/2008 3:28:00 PM

bsaund09- we were told that SpEd didn't get automatics right away cos they were concerned about the E brake & hills, w/ the driver being out of the seat working the lift.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/23/2008 5:53:52 PM

Gini yeah that makes sense we purchased the last stick bus in 1993 which was the last year for hydraulic brakes in Va. Beach. I remember seeing other cities around here with automatic sped buses long before the beach switched to them if I remember correctly the garage boss said it would cause to much strain on the motor{?} not sure why those motors were huge.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 06/23/2008 8:41:50 PM

SpEd usually got great motors in our buses, if they ordered one powerful enough for the big (3/4) lifts, the same engines went into the half buses as well. my 86 Ford half lift could really take off! surprised a few guys in their trucks when the light would turn green

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/24/2008 08:21:56 AM

I drove a short Ford Bluebird like 252 pictured on my flicker site and the thing would just zoom off when you gave it the gas that was the first short bus I ever drove . I dont think I ever drove a short gas bus just diesel unless it was at the garage the summer I worked there.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 06/24/2008 4:41:35 PM

Brian, that sounds like # 1200, my half lift. i drove a Chevette back then, & it was so funny to be driving a school bus that could zoom from a stop when my car couldn't. the half lift gas bus i had before 1200 was fast compared to bigger buses.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 06/26/2008 05:48:52 AM


Love your updates. Actually i was looking at your pics when you uploaded to June 26 pics to my surprise!..thanks i must say this is the nicest collection i've seen on the net.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/26/2008 2:12:11 PM

it is my pleasure,but just a novice with this stuff. thanks for the encouragement.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/20/2008 1:04:12 PM

They start year-round-school here tomorrow is that to soon or just the way the calendar falls.We start fall football practises the next week. Where do the summers go?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/20/2008 8:00:34 PM

Summer DOES fly!! I start classes at college on Aug. 25, and Fairfax schools will be starting the following week, Sept. 2

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/25/2008 1:53:44 PM

Ok tried something new with the flicker photos for anyone that wants to check the link

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 07/25/2008 8:15:02 PM

cool! i like having the set to skim thru, & then be able to focus on the few i want to check closer. i also like being able to jump to different buses w/o having to go into a category.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/25/2008 9:03:33 PM

ok great thanks i am trying to organize since they have gotten to be so many now

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/29/2008 12:25:00 PM

I found this just looking on Youtube this is a short Video from back in the 80's with a Arlington county school bus in I think it is bus 60.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 07/29/2008 12:29:47 PM

Bsaund09 I was wondering why does Va beach place the letter ( A) on the buses you guys retire but still keep the oringal number on the bus?

Does the A mean Activity bus? and are the still accountant for in the entire fleet number?

Reply author: Bus 801
Replied on: 07/30/2008 2:48:33 PM

Does anyone have any old Arlington school bus pictures?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/31/2008 03:53:51 AM

The A is just away of keeping extra spare buses floating around so that they dont run out because I believe one year they came very close to doing that. The A would indicate that the bus has been replaced by a newer bus. Some of the A buses are actually really good especially those old Fords i dont think they ever really die they just keep moving.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/01/2008 09:21:58 AM


Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/01/2008 09:32:47 AM

BSAUND09: ON YOUR FLICKER photos Bus 227 I have seen that bus in person parked in Hilltop on time, and I am wondering if the mirrors were retrofitted our did Va Beach purchase the bus like that?
Also I notice in one photo a early 2000's Amtran IHC spec-ed bus How many of those models does va beach have in the fleet? I think it is great to have such a diverse fleet as va beach does I must say seems like the most diverse fleet in the state.

Not a lot of district purchase three different manufactures in one school year.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/01/2008 2:39:46 PM

Bus 227 was converted to those mirrors around 2000 they are heated and not positive if controlled from inside or not if i get a chance maybe i can get pics from the inside. The year those early Amtrans came in were 1998 that was one of those years where they decide they really need to retire some older buses. They bought 4 Amtrans in 1998, 6 in 2002, and 5 more this year or the IC as they are called now. Until they bought the Amtrans in 1998 they had not bought a Ward body bus since 1973.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/01/2008 10:24:34 PM

227 used to park at Luxford Elementary School off of First Colonial road. Brian, any ideas why they decided to retrofit that one bus? it seems to me that the trend of remote rosco mirrors did not catch on, as no other buses in Virginia Beach have the remote mirrors until those new Visions.

PS...Nice pictures on SBC! Loving the interior pictures!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/02/2008 03:18:42 AM

yeah the driver lived near first colonial rd. not sure why they picked that particular bus but those garage supervisors are always getting hit with salesman making a good pitch for something new on the bus. i believe they most likely provided those mirrors either very cheap or free because i dont think they would have bought them for just one bus.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/07/2008 11:23:50 AM
Message: I love this bus !!! I wish these buses were not so rare in are parts.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 08/07/2008 4:31:32 PM


Once again love the updates and i have to ask..When were you down my way! nice pics of those Mecklenburg county buses! Last weekend i was in Virginia Beach...around the rosemont drive area. I was helping a friend move last weekend and i remember driving past a local gas station with two Thomas HDXs park right next to it in the grass. I'm supposed to go down there and help finish, when i do i'll give you the numbers off them....maybe you'll know them!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/07/2008 6:21:48 PM

yes, you are talking about Bus 150 and 301 those are CNG buses and driven by a mother and daugther but they just mainly sit there during the summer monthes. I have family near or in Danville Va. so i am always going up and down Hwy 58 and through modern tech stuff i discovered how close to 58 that garage was so i just took a few shots would have gotten more but that is a very narrow road.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/07/2008 6:31:33 PM

I visited the Sonny Merryman shop in Bristow yesterday and a question came up. Are noise cancel switches now a VA regulation? I noticed all the 2009 Thomas's parked at Sonny Merryman's had it. Also, every one of our 2009 IC's in Fairfax have it as well. Are they required now?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/07/2008 8:51:14 PM

Not sure if they are required but all Va. Beach school buses last year came in with that on them . It might be something suggested by insurance companies who insure the fleets of the state to help the drivers control the situation on the bus especially at railroad crossing and then if there might happen to be an incidient on the bus. Very good question.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 08/10/2008 1:00:06 PM

I'm glad you know where i'm talking about because i sure couldn't explain it no better! haha. Yeah Mecklenburgs shop is located in Boyton Va and in order to get to it yea you have to go on that narrow "better watch out" road. Do you know where Southhampton, Greensville and Halifax yard is located?

That's interesting. Prince William and Halifax County activity buses are the same color and spec.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/10/2008 4:04:04 PM

i use to know where the southhampton yard was a few years back but has been a while going by there. I am not sure about the others. they use to be located outside of Courtland i think.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/11/2008 6:27:17 PM

check out this classic school bus

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/13/2008 10:23:57 AM

BSAUD09 : Just out of curiosity how many type A buses does Va Beach have in it's fleet? And when is the first year you guys started purchasing them? And the same for the GMC Cv200 it is kind of rare to see the later 2000's models in va period.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/13/2008 10:37:20 AM

BSAUD09 : Just out of curiosity how many type A buses does Va Beach have in it's fleet? And when is the first year you guys started purchasing them? And the same for the GMC Cv200 it is kind of rare to see the later 2000's models in va period.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/13/2008 1:52:46 PM

The A type we have 7 schoolbus and 16 white activity. The GMCs we had about 23 or so in 1998 and 2002 i think the number was 32 i will have to double check.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/13/2008 1:55:15 PM

The first A type was Bus 522 (first AC bus) that was a 1990 Bluebird Chevy no pic it just sort of dissappeared.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/14/2008 11:06:02 AM

Thank you so much for all the information!!! I just love hearing information about Va Beach fleet. I remember when I was in High School I just to see Va Beach buses in Newport News From time to time, and loved to see all the different models you all have in the fleet.

So I take it that 522 being a 1990 should be retired at this time?????

So anybody start receiving new buses yet for this school year?

From what I hear Newports News should be getting theirs Next week some time kind of a large order this year.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/14/2008 12:06:26 PM

i have no clue what happen to 522 it dissappeared they replaced after the trading of buses and never saw it on govt surplus auctions so they may have donated to the fire dept. sometimes they do that .This is going to be bumpy school year from what i understand the budget cutting axe came down yesterday huge changes in offering transportation to different programs.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/14/2008 2:02:34 PM

Tell me about Bsaund09, Newport Nes has taken atleast 30-35 buses out of service just to cut cost and stoped a lot of programs after school. Now I think the fleet total is 414-418 something like that.

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 08/14/2008 6:09:50 PM

I haven't posted in quite a while. I drive for Loudoun and was just assigned a 2009 C2 for the coming school year. It is an 84 passenger and looks so much smaller than the Thomas HDX I have been driving the last few years. I was able to see the new bus yesterday and was a little dismayed at how narrow the center aisle is. I'm not a particularly large person and I had to walk sideways down the aisle. All of the 2009 buses for Loudoun have seat belts.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/14/2008 6:12:16 PM

VAdriver, what bus number are you? I have some photos of Loudoun's new C2's. See my What's New? page.

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 08/14/2008 6:26:34 PM

I will be driving Bus #175

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 08/14/2008 6:35:54 PM

I have not driven the bus yet, but just from sitting in the driver's seat, there are things that I already like. I really like the fact that all of the operational switches are on one side. On my HDX I had to reach to the right to activate my lights. There is also a foot pedal that raises and lowers the steering wheel. I also really like the handle on the outside of the passenger door.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/14/2008 8:00:35 PM

How many 2009 C2's did Loudoun buy? It seems the've been coming in since May. I got to view one of there new ones in May (177) before it was delivered. I also viewed another one (260) awaiting delivery about 2 weeks ago. Seems like a long time for all the buses to be delivered.

In Fairfax, all of our new buses (typically over 100+) are delivered and in service within 2-3 months. We always get our new buses at the same time of year too. Every spring, from April to June.

Loudoun must get new buses throughout the year. I visited the Leesburg compound in October and two brand new IC CE's were there. They had just been delivered and were about to be put in service. VAdriver, does this sound about true?

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 08/14/2008 9:26:05 PM

Since I drive out of the western part of the county, I'm not sure how many and how often the new buses are received. I do know that the majority of the new buses are received towards the end of the school year and are prepped during the summer and assigned to drivers before school starts. When I was at the Leesburg garage yesterday, there were approximately 40 new C2's, but I'm sure that more than that have been ordered or delivered.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/15/2008 05:48:20 AM

VAdriver, go to my website's contact page, and send me an email.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 08/15/2008 07:40:48 AM

Hey VAdriver, glad you're back!

I'm still at it....last day of summer school today.

Did you want the C2, or is it like Fairfax where if you indicate that you want an HAVE to take it? I believe I'd have kept the HDX....if I had a choice.

Don't be a stranger!

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/15/2008 07:47:30 AM

So is loudon county only buying cs's now? no more tranist's?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/15/2008 08:02:00 AM

To my knowledge, only 2009 C2's were purchased. No transits for the 2009 model year. It also appears that there contract with IC is over. To my knowledge no IC products were purchased in the 2009 model year.

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 08/15/2008 09:17:28 AM

As far as I know, Loudoun only ordered Thomas buses this year, and only the C2's. I did not ask for the new bus, and from my understanding of what we were told at our in-service meeting, is that the new C2's, which all have seat belts, are being assigned to the drivers who have stops on the higher-speed roads. Since I have multiple stops on Rt. 287 (Berlin Turnpike), I'm one of the lucky ones! We are not allowed to 'require' the use of the seat belts, so it will be interesting to see how many actually will. I've been driving a transit for so long, it's going to be interesting driving a conventional again. I think the biggest issue is going to be the narrow aisleway. I'm going to miss my HDX, but it had it's own set of issues!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/15/2008 10:35:47 AM

VAdriver, do any of your routes go down Ivandale Rd in Hamilton?

Do any of Loudoun's buses have strobing warning lights? I know many of the new ones have LED warning lights, but do they strobe like the ones on FCPS buses?

VAdriver, go to my website's contact page and send me an email.

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 08/15/2008 2:10:23 PM

We do have buses that go down Ivandale, but mine does not. My route is on the other end of the western area, in Lovettsville. With all the new buses in the last year or so, I have no idea which bus or buses it would be. If you want to know which buses go down there, you can check on and on the left side click on Bus Runs By School. I don't think the site has been updated with the new route information, but it should be there soon.

I'm fairly sure that the newer buses have the strobing lights, but I'm not positive.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 08/15/2008 6:54:52 PM

All LED C2's can be set to strobe flash with a flick of the switch on the back of the light housing. Arlington County just took delivery of 10 with strobing LED warning lights and five with a LED strobing stop sign that is different from the LED stop sign that flashes STOP. All of them had the new (optional) lettering on the rear door STOP WHEN RED LIGHTS FLASH.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/15/2008 7:58:08 PM

I know they can be set to strobe, I'm just wondering if Loudoun has exercised that option...

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/15/2008 8:59:57 PM

That would be the first time that Arlington has had that option set on a Thomas. They've had the LED warning lights since 06, and only the IC REs have the strobing feature turned on. All of the ERs and C2s with LEDs have the regular flash pattern. I'm excited to see the new C2s (which were not featured at the Fair BTW).

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 08/17/2008 1:49:12 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

I know they can be set to strobe, I'm just wondering if Loudoun has exercised that option...

I know you like to take picures, so I thought you might have wanted to know.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 08/17/2008 1:53:57 PM

Originally posted by BusFreak

That would be the first time that Arlington has had that option set on a Thomas. They've had the LED warning lights since 06, and only the IC REs have the strobing feature turned on. All of the ERs and C2s with LEDs have the regular flash pattern. I'm excited to see the new C2s (which were not featured at the Fair BTW).

I would guess it was a budget issue for not being on display. I like seeing the new buses annually there.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/20/2008 09:05:56 AM
This look's like a VA bus... Any info let me know.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/20/2008 11:05:00 AM

Harrisonburg City Public Schools I believe.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 08/20/2008 11:19:12 AM

Does Harrisonburg City Public Schools have IC transits?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/20/2008 12:50:34 PM

Yes. That's why I believe it is from Harrisonburg. They have IC transits that look just like the one in the picture....A/C and all.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/20/2008 2:02:57 PM

And you can tell by the font of the numbers that it is from Kingmor

Reply author: LBDboater
Replied on: 08/20/2008 6:16:06 PM

Harrisonburg City Schools bus on Port Republic Road right by the campus.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 08/21/2008 04:54:04 AM

Thanks Guys for all the info!!!!! A really nice specd bus!

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/22/2008 1:35:25 PM

2006bbvision, do you happen to know what kind of new buses Newport News will be getting this year, or anything about them?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/22/2008 2:32:30 PM

These just arrived this week

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/22/2008 2:36:24 PM

Wow very nice!

How is your birdy doing?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/22/2008 6:17:06 PM

it is doing great has only been to the garage once all summer for regular check up . it is much nicer then that other stuff they got. those are going to be some lucky sped drivers i dont think we have ever gotten a sped with two roof vents plus all them have ac.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 08/23/2008 3:21:48 PM

That's awesome to hear! Does your bus not have a/c?

check out they have a few Loudoun buses on there... 21, and 175 and they used to have a mini bus

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/23/2008 7:13:21 PM

No ac on regular buses in va beach .

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 08/23/2008 7:37:44 PM

anyone seen any of the new deliveries for Bedford County, i havent yet, and was wondering if they are spec'd the same as last year

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 08/25/2008 12:46:11 PM

well school started today..and to my surprise, the 2 buses i ride are both C2's!! one is an 07, and the other is a brand new 2009 model...some notes about the new model...almost identical to last years bus...the only difference is that ours now have the cummins engine, which is louder than the MBE...and the auxiliary fans kick on frequently which makes it sound like the engine is either A: a jet ..or B: revving to 9000 RPM's but both are still very nice buses..i just perfer the MBE engine

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/26/2008 8:12:17 PM

hey another cool find thanks to a fellow driver enjoy it is a great pic.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/03/2008 08:46:15 AM

Well, 182 days and counting who wants to join in. It ought to be easier then that to get a first day of school going but i guess we faired pretty good we did not make the national news anyway.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/03/2008 3:23:01 PM

Michael Lundsford of Loudoun County Public Schools:

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 09/03/2008 5:13:55 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Michael Lundsford of Loudoun County Public Schools:

"Lunsford remembers when he started out as abus driver, gas was only 36 cents a gallon."

The guy must be talking about high-test....I'm his exact same age age and I remember 27 cents a gallon when I started driving. And that was the name brand stuff...Brand X was even cheaper, like about 24 cents....

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 09/04/2008 4:07:41 PM

vabuslover Newport News city schools purchased about 25 IC-Ce unfortunately again this year we retired most of the 94's Tc-2000 RE's and some Fe's.
I will try to get some pictures when I go back home.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/05/2008 4:56:55 PM

Va Bus 294:

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/05/2008 5:01:09 PM

LCPS 60?:

Henrico Co?

Something City Public Schools:

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/05/2008 10:20:53 PM

That last one is 100% a Chesapeake City Public Schools bus. They were buying Thomas ERs since 92, and only since Virginia started allowing 78 pax conventionals they have been buying Visions.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/07/2008 2:05:06 PM

Day care bus in the Herndon, VA area. From Fairfax County Station 31 website.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 09/07/2008 5:28:35 PM


With Virginia now allowing the 78 passenger conventionals, do you this this is the start of the Transit style fading away? This mostly focusing on the more rural districts because it know with the turing radius that the transits will stay strong in the city.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/07/2008 5:40:20 PM

I believe we may be seeing a decline in Type D bus purchases in Virginia. Even Fairfax is showing a decline in transit purchases by making the decision to purchase Type C buses for our special education office.

Loudoun and Prince William are also purchasing only Type C buses too.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 09/07/2008 7:55:58 PM

Oh yes!!! Even Williams Bus Lines gets C2's now as opposed to the HDX's it seems, same for IC's... CE's vs. RE's

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/08/2008 11:21:16 AM

I know that many districts will continue to purchase REs, not for their entire fleet, but as a few "heavier duty" trip buses. York county does this, City of Suffolk does this, and I'm sure that Loudoun will do this as they replace their fleet of Activity buses. Last I heard, Henrico County was getting HDXs along with their C2s. Does anyone know what Richmond City is getting these days? They used to have a TON of Vistas that they were replacing with REs. They used to have some old Thomas ERs too with round head lights, but I'm sure those are long gone.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/10/2008 6:07:23 PM

hey , i have another great classic from the past thanks to one of my co workers pic is of her mom in front of the 1975 Dodge most likely on last of operation with that bus they pulled the last three after the others were spilit into two auctions after bad weather made for a good give away.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 09/12/2008 6:21:33 PM

Not quite bus freak, Richmond still have a few poking around, mostly as spares i would imagine. I think the last i seen one was a couple of months ago, i believe the guy that runs the florida church bus website has most of them now. I do see alot of Ic Re's up in Richmond City now speckled with vistas here and there.

Petersburg is still running alot of Vistas and the freightliner fs-65 buses

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/13/2008 09:42:51 AM

School Bus Security:

Chesterfield 297:

Possible PWCPS:

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/13/2008 5:07:59 PM

New school bus arrivals in va beach

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 09/13/2008 8:35:16 PM

here in bedford, we always have been and always will be 100% conventional, and 100% Thomas...those C2's keep rollin in...Gotta love em

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/15/2008 08:46:13 AM

Found one of these old Fords the blacked out name was small so not sure of the district.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 09/26/2008 4:38:01 PM

Harrisonburg, VA getting into some trouble:

Rockingham County as well:

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/28/2008 05:51:01 AM

I guess the bus industry is getting hit hard this week hopefully things will get quiet again. A friend of mine got some cool pics of a great classic Ford Carpartner from the 1970s.Here is the link

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 09/28/2008 5:53:59 PM

Bsaund09: Love the new update!!!!! Wow I did not know that VA BEACH purchased new visions with the High profile strobe light... Does anyone know why ?Thomas started making every bus with them since like 2004?

Also it looked like bus 268 had one of the strobe light branch protectors on it, does it really have one, our am I just seeing things wrong in the photo?

Went down to Atlanta GA recently Saw a lot of nice IC all over the place, Man cobb county really specs there Ic Re really nice!!! and it seemed the City of Atlanta is 100% Blue bird transit.
once again wonderful add to you photo account.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/29/2008 05:38:55 AM

Thanks 2006bbvision , yeah some of the older strobes have tree guards on them not very many. I had just noticed last week that the strobes on the bluebirds were different this year not sure why they made the change .

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 09/29/2008 7:50:42 PM

Originally posted by 2006bbvision

Bsaund09: Love the new update!!!!! Wow I did not know that VA BEACH purchased new visions with the High profile strobe light... Does anyone know why ?Thomas started making every bus with them since like 2004?

our 04's still had the small strobe...we only got the big ones on the C2

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/06/2008 05:35:10 AM

hey , actually got a bus in motion

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/24/2008 1:37:29 PM

Look at the Ford Thomas someone posted on flicker from va.

Reply author: vaoverland
Replied on: 10/28/2008 6:16:59 PM

Regarding new bus sightings, I am in the Williamsburg area. After a few years of what seemed like mostly type D's being added in the area, for the most recent times, I have seen a lot more type C's again in the mix of what new buses are being purchased by the area school divisions. Mostly, they seem to be IC's.

For what it is worth, I like the appearance of the flat side panels on the IC products a lot better than the fluted ones used in the past.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 10/30/2008 3:04:56 PM

I saw something interesting today. I saw a 2002-2004 model IC FE for DC Public Schools. It was a short bus, no bigger then 42 pax. Apparently DC's fleet isn't all Type A & B buses.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 10/30/2008 9:02:12 PM

Something interesting about that particular doesn't have any roof hatches! They have a few type C buses in the mix as well. They have a nice fleet though!

Reply author: Jared
Replied on: 10/31/2008 03:10:43 AM

Originally posted by BusFreak

Something interesting about that particular doesn't have any roof hatches! They have a few type C buses in the mix as well. They have a nice fleet though!

I saw a 2003-2007 Thomas Freightliner (I think it was an 8 row bus) with NO roof hatches down at Arundle Mills Mall in maryland. I definitely thought that was strange.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/01/2008 08:00:46 AM

the new bluebird looks like the old VW bus from the 60s and 70s. but i do like the new console looks good.

Reply author: Thomas Ford 85-16
Replied on: 11/01/2008 12:14:00 PM

Why are the warning lights not recessed on this HDX? I saw a bus like this in a Thomas ad once, but I thought the lights were not recessed because of some photoshop guy that didn't know much about the HDX. This picture could prove that theory wrong.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/01/2008 6:54:50 PM

Not sure exactly but i do know it was one of the orginial HDX buses built. I had not even noticed that my self but they are different.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/01/2008 7:22:04 PM

Although it might be an original HDX, that roof cap was used for over a year prior to the HDX on the ER and ERHD, both of which had the recessed warning lamps.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 11/01/2008 7:33:59 PM


Love that old ford pic that Toby shot. Memories!

Reply author: tcarson
Replied on: 11/03/2008 7:45:14 PM

Hanover is about mostly conventionals. This year is/was a IC year with a few 78 passenger IC CE's. Hanover started with using LED's in stop signs last year with our new visions using the traditional 4 bulb signs, but the new CE's have the newer bulkier LED signs that flash "STOP". I am kinda mad because I have only seen one C2 in hanover, for special needs, but this is how hanover tests new buses (they did this with the vision 2 years ago). Maybe we will get a lot of C2s next year as much of our type C's are FS-65s.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/10/2008 6:01:24 PM

check this out everyone !!!! A 1985 Ford blue bird from Newport News .. I actually remember this bus it was taken out of service back in 2002 and used as a Fire drill bus for the city.

I still don't know what every happened to this type of numbering system ... Now we start from 1!!!!

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/10/2008 6:10:52 PM

bsaund09. came back to visit back in Hampton Roads area this weekend, and Stayed in Va beach... Love all the new c2's you all have there.

What year is bus 701 ???? That bus looks new?

What are you guys using for spares now?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/10/2008 7:55:35 PM

Bus 701 is a 2004. Glad someone likes the C2s although this years batch has turned out pretty good so far. Our spare line are old 94 ,95,96,and 97 internationals. All vistas from 95 have been pulled from service.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/11/2008 02:39:31 AM

Notice something interesting about the 85' BB Ford? Something on that bus is missing, see if you can spot it.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 11/11/2008 05:23:02 AM

the bottom half of the right rear window

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/11/2008 05:36:07 AM

that is a good eye the other thing that is weird is no reflective tape around the bus but that wasnt required until 1993 or 4 for most buses.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/11/2008 09:41:49 AM

Thanks for the reply!!!!

I did not know 701 was a 2004 looks really like an 2006.
Is there anyway you can tell me the entire bus purchase history since 1994? meaning what models were purchased on those years.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/11/2008 09:46:43 AM

Why did you guys take all the vistas out of service?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 11/11/2008 12:16:03 PM

That and there are only 2 tail lights on the back!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/11/2008 1:45:10 PM

2006bbvision that is simple we were mainly thomas,bluebird,amtran -- international,gmc,and lots of FS-65s in those years from 03 till 06 basically all we got were FS 65s the 99s were spilit FS65s and gmc bb , then in 02 it was gmc bb and ic s basically . they only varied a couple of times.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/11/2008 4:18:06 PM

Correct IC-RE! Two tail/brake lights are missing!

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 11/11/2008 8:42:23 PM

i wondered bout those tail lights, but when i zoomed in it looked like they might just be small, dirty reverse those are the lights that are missing

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/12/2008 06:22:04 AM

i am sure they werent concern over the way it looked as it most likely just sat and never really got driven. i remember when va beach at one time auctioned school buses with just 2 tires in the back talk about squeezing the buck out of it and many auctions they removed all rear view mirrors i guess for stock purposes.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 11/12/2008 06:24:45 AM

2006bbvision, why was it that just before they retired those buses they put an extra 1 before the bus number? what was that supposed to indicate?

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/12/2008 1:22:22 PM


That is a really,really good question, I am not one hundred percent sure why, But I am guessing is has something to do with the team it goes to, and what fleet belongs to at that time.

You see Newport News has a white fleet which services all the activity van and type c buses, all the New horizon votech buses, even the Department of Human affairs head start program buses.

Now the regular fleet of course goes to be service at 1 our of three lots, just depends on the bus number and team it is on.

But that bus is now a 2000 sp ed International 72 pass Amtran Fe , Really nicely specd bus to I might add.!!!!


Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/12/2008 1:25:06 PM

Actually correction.... bus 155 is only a seats 65 I for 2 wheel chairs though.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 11/13/2008 08:02:47 AM

I thought this would be a nice topic to put up, I am only really interested in knowing about the state of Virginia fleets, what is the oldest bus your county,city,town,etc, currently have still in service ? meaning used on a regular route, our used as a spare for a sub or activity.

Please also list what type,year and unit number!!!!!

Look forwarded to seeing all you guys and girls reply's !


Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 11/14/2008 04:13:42 AM

bedford county- 1994 Vista..several of them just retired the last of our 88-92 fords and our 93 vistas this year

Reply author: Kodie
Replied on: 11/14/2008 3:58:20 PM
Message: Looking through youtube I came across this video.. might this be a Fairfax RE? Its definately brand new.

Hopefully this link wasnt already posted, I didnt see it. Sorry if someone else already posted it.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 11/15/2008 12:15:14 AM

Yes that is

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 11/15/2008 09:04:47 AM

Yep. 1839 is one of our 2009 IC RE's. I believe someone else or even myself posted that link awhile back in the Fairfax thread. But thank you Kodie!

Reply author: Kodie
Replied on: 11/15/2008 12:04:30 PM

You're very welcome. Im glad to see new buses on the road, especially when they are as nice as that one.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 12/18/2008 7:04:27 PM

Ok any happeings in Va. this topic has gotten really quiet . our new C2s are the best set yet some with a few problems most are running everyday.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 12/18/2008 8:11:39 PM

our new C2's are running like a dream, there has only been one problem with any of our 15 new ones this year, the sensor in the emergency window was faulty, causing the alarm to go off for no reason.

and while were on it, we have most of the kinks out of all of our C2's now, there have only been a few out this year.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 12/18/2008 11:22:34 PM

Our 09 IC RE's are doing quite well as well as our CEs (knock on wood!) I have been given the great opportunity to be assigned a newer IC RE, with a T444e and I LOVE it! I do on occasion even get to take out one of our 09's.... I LOVE that even more! They are great buses contrary to what many people say! I was driving a 1990 Blue Bird for the first 2 months, so to be in an IC, is just amazing. I also drove 97 and 98 Thomas MVP ERs in between, and on occasion as spares.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 12/22/2008 05:26:14 AM

wow, Chesapeake has school today and tomorrow how about that Va. Beach isnt the last schools out before Christmas break in the country. I havent had a real week off since this time last year this is nice well hope all enjoy this Christmas week.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 12/22/2008 1:30:28 PM

Same to you! Fairfax also has school today and tomorrow

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 12/24/2008 07:34:00 AM

Hey IC-RE, are you going to drive on Inauguration Day?

I probably need my head examined, but I volunteered! They say it'll be a very long day, and I'll bet they ain't kidding. My right leg is sore just thinking about it...all the time it'll spend on that brake treadle in that traffic!

I bet the citizenry will question why FCPS buses are involved in the Inaugural....but I bet it;'s part of that "emergency" deal they have with the Feds.

How are you otherwise....doin a lotta trips?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 12/24/2008 09:28:34 AM

Yup Im on the road a few times a week, compared to the beginning of the year that is a lot! Im not in a POS Thomas anymore so that is the BEST part! I was getting ready to call it quits because driving has proven to be way less fun than I thought, but then I started driving an IC RE, and that made life 100 times better.... not perfect, better.

No way I did not volunteer to drive on Inauguration day! That is my first day back to class, and....I would have to be NUTS LOL!

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 12/24/2008 10:01:51 PM

Yeah, I hear you about calling it quits. My outlook on the whole thing is's just not as much fun as it once, management is getting nastier all the time. And while my portfolio has taken a beating of late, I still don't HAVE to put up with those pinheads out there...

I'll finish this school year for sure because I'll be vested in the retirement system and will get a few bucks a month out of them down the road.

Heck, I might even get laid off! LOL I don't think people realize how bad this budget shortfall is going to get. All my runs except for my high school are on the chopping block. Even if I don't get laid off, I ain't getting up at 4:30 am to just do my high scnool run and go home....wouldn't be worth it for a lousy 15-20 hours a week.

Happy Holidays and have a Great New Year!

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 12/26/2008 12:00:47 PM


the pics you put up of buses 248,470 and 453 are they still in the yard sitting or was that photo old?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 12/27/2008 06:50:55 AM

old photos although last i remember 248 is still at the glenwood garage.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/03/2009 12:15:04 PM

i have updated with my page with info added about the pics or the bus hope it shows a better history of the va. beach school bus fleet.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/03/2009 3:24:44 PM

Awesome work!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/03/2009 3:53:50 PM

thank you sir , after you prompted me i went to work on it

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/04/2009 07:58:48 AM

NICE pictures. i love to see the progression of all of the different buses that cary the same number. It's totally scary that some of those buses that were brand new when I was in school have been retired and replaced. i always love your pictures!

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 01/09/2009 3:08:05 PM

I see on VA Beach has alot of buses up for auction!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/10/2009 1:39:57 PM

yes , that will leave only one stick shift bus left in the entire fleet and that is Bus 253 . They still use it over at the ropes course.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 01/11/2009 06:51:56 AM

Saturday while traveling through Nottoway County i saw three VA Beach buses at their high school for it looked like some type of ROTC program going on. I couldn't see the numbers because the person who i was riding with was in a hurry. I think one number was 676 or 67_? the other buses were parked beside a bus from Norfolk public schools and a couple of charters buses. Oh and one from Suffolk was there too.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/11/2009 12:21:36 PM

yeah i know one was 674 and not sure of the others i heard some of them talking early in the morning but didnt recognize the voice.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/11/2009 4:46:43 PM

What county would this bus have belonged to?

VA Beach??

What County?

Prince William Buses??

What County?

Anybody that can ID these buses, your help is appreciated!

Reply author: MongoKen
Replied on: 01/11/2009 6:41:50 PM

Yes, those are all former Prince William buses.


Reply author: MongoKen
Replied on: 01/11/2009 7:14:36 PM

Seriously, I think this is Prince William bus 364, same bus on your website. Compare the buses carefully and you will see that they are almost identical. For example check out the paint that is chipped away on the bottom of the crossover mirror bracket (right above the passenger side headlight) both pics have the same black paint chipped away.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/11/2009 8:46:59 PM

The Blue Bird International is NOT a Virginia Beach bus. Virginia Beach has not gotten stick shifts on regular ed buses since 1980, and stopped getting them on special ed buses in the early 90s. That's a cool bus though. It's rare that you see such a nicely spec'd bus in Virginia with a stick shift. If I had to take a stab, here's how it would go.

1) The Thomas Vista looks like a Prince William County bus
2) The Blue Bird International - Staunton City Public Schools
3) The 89 TC2000FE - Roanoke City
4) The Thomas ER - Price William County
5) The AmTran International - Powhatan County

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 01/12/2009 08:13:36 AM

Good Stab busfreak!

That Bluebird bus (19) is a Rockingham County Public Schools

The Amtran is from Amhearst or Amherst County.

As far as the Bluebird transits, i think i read on the side on the bus that they were from Staunton.....i think don't hold me to that.

And the rest are from Prince William (Thomas er's and Vista).

The older model Thomas internationals are from Faquier, at first it look liked Campbell county's old buses.

I travel U.S 29 alot so i stop by there occasionally just to look around.

p.s. Come to think of it....those Bluebird transits might have been from Roanoke........i think:)

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/12/2009 10:02:10 AM

I think Staunton's TC2000s had luggage bays in the back, behind the rear wheels. They were "trip buses" for them, in an otherwise all Blue Bird International time. I could be wrong though...I'm having to think WAY back.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 01/12/2009 6:58:13 PM

The Bluebird Transit is old Manassas City school bus 10. When they replace a bus with the same number as the old bus becomes a 100 series number until it is decomissioned.

Arlington County uses a 200 series number in the same manner, if the number is already used in the fleet.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/13/2009 08:48:16 AM

Va.Beach added numbers on the end of the fleet at one time but only once i think and ever since then they all get an A added to the number.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 01/15/2009 6:45:18 PM

well it goes to show Virginians dont handle the cold very well, the low is 10 tonight, and most all of the counties here in central Va have closed for tomorrow, and gave us a long 4 day weekend

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/15/2009 8:25:04 PM

wow , now that is something all schools around here are open and running on time so far. i remember back in 1994 or 95 we had 7 degree days and opened schools late and most buses that were broke down had to be towed.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/15/2009 10:11:47 PM

We're open on time, but I know there are going to be plenty of no-starts.... or ones that are VERY hard to start!

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 01/16/2009 06:14:36 AM

yea...Bedford, Amherst, Campbell, Lynchburg city, Henry county, Montgomery county, botetourt, Allegheny county, Covington city...all are closed, and theres a bunch of 2hr delays as well

bedford had closed by 1030 yesterday morning...they were the 1st

Reply author: bus724
Replied on: 01/16/2009 08:09:17 AM

Eh, quit complaining. -2 overnight here (20 below wind chill), we're open and on time. I went in at 4:30 this morning to fire up the Webasto heaters on the CATs. One bus needed a jump (kept cranking till the battery ran down), but otherwise they all eventually started. And we don't have block heaters...

Reply author: Thomas Ford 85-16
Replied on: 01/16/2009 09:12:14 AM

10? We haven't topped 0ºF all week and we have windchills of -40ºF and are open. Actually though, there is a threshold for safety at which we must close, but we must not have made it. Surrounding counties (up here in Michigan) have closed, but not our ISD. Again though, they have closed because of safety...flesh can freeze in minutes in that weather...we must be moderated by the water. I think closing for 10ºF is just an excuse to save money.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 01/16/2009 09:34:46 AM

yea, it probably was so that they can turn the heat off in the school and not pay the heating bill for this 4 day weekend...idk around here we have actually closed at the threat of snow...but then it didnt snow, so we looked like fools...but thats central VA for ya

Reply author: bus724
Replied on: 01/16/2009 10:35:01 AM

Well we've done that. If they think the roads are going to be bad, they'll cancel. Our first snow day this year was in anticipation of a mid-day storm, that didn't start until after 2:00 (when buses would have been parked after an early release). But last year we got hammered with a mid-day storm that came earlier than expected and resulted in an early release with buses being out when the roads were at their worst.

Yesterday we took a gamble that paid off. We were expecting 3-5 inches in the morning, which ended up going south of us (we got about 3-5 snowflakes). The call was made at 5:00 to go on a regular schedule, which I'm sure was partly due to the exams at the HS.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/16/2009 1:43:14 PM

It took me about 25 mins today to start of one of our 95 Thomas's today... but I got it, only issue was it kept turning off but finally it stayed running!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/16/2009 8:10:00 PM

My cranked right up or my sub bus did doesnt do bad. i think we faired very well here in va. beach today nothing to abnormal. i remember one year when all the 1987 GMCs kept having the air systems freeze up even after people start driving them i know on my end of town we had about 4 or 5 that got messed up that way.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/16/2009 11:08:06 PM

Yes there were a few reports of units that had their brake lines freeze up, and they lost pressure, and had to pull over. One particular case was about 2 hours after the bus was pre-tripped and out on runs, and she had to pull over. Very interesting. It's abut 7 degrees here right now.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/20/2009 6:40:19 PM

Hey! I found a photo of Fairfax County bus 1076 (from 1988) which I'm almost 100% sure was an 1987 Ward International. The photo is B&W and a bit fuzzy, so being 100% sure is difficult just going by the photo. In the photo, the bus number (1076) is painted on the passenger side of the front bumper as opposed to driver's side as we see today. It also appears the bus has no crossing gate.

Now here's my question. When did crossing gates become mandatory in Virginia? If my assumptions are correct, I believe that the first Fairfax County buses to come equipped with them were the 1990 Blue Bird's. I also believe that the 87' Wards, and 88-89' Waynes were retrofitted with them as all of them had crossing gates upon their retirement.

Can any of you history buffs help me out?

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 01/20/2009 6:51:11 PM

1629, not sure how completely accurate this is, but to my knowledge, the buses in the mid-700's, 900s and early 1000's were 1986 Wards, and the late 1000's and 1100's and some other odds were 87 Wards. This would make the bus you are referring to, most likely an 87, so that would probably be correct.

You can also see the correlation between our 86's and our 2007 model IC's. Many of them have the numbering of the 86's, while our 09 IC CE's seem to have the numbering of our 87's. Two particular cases I can think of are 1140 and 1141 which are now 09s.

For 86's that are now 07's I can think of 1000.

This is what I am assuming to be the case, I'm not for sure.

Reply author: Gini
Replied on: 01/20/2009 6:53:02 PM

my 86 Ford half lift, which came in spring 87, was retrofitted, but i don't remember just when.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/21/2009 01:44:52 AM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Hey! I found a photo of Fairfax County bus 1076 (from 1988) which I'm almost 100% sure was an 1987 Ward International. The photo is B&W and a bit fuzzy, so being 100% sure is difficult just going by the photo. In the photo, the bus number (1076) is painted on the passenger side of the front bumper as opposed to driver's side as we see today. It also appears the bus has no crossing gate.

Now here's my question. When did crossing gates become mandatory in Virginia? If my assumptions are correct, I believe that the first Fairfax County buses to come equipped with them were the 1990 Blue Bird's. I also believe that the 87' Wards, and 88-89' Waynes were retrofitted with them as all of them had crossing gates upon their retirement.

Can any of you history buffs help me out?

Let's see if BusFreak or someone with more historical background can help me out with my crossing gate question.

Reply author: MongoKen
Replied on: 01/21/2009 06:42:51 AM

I know that in Prince William County, the first buses that came equipped with crossing gates were the 1988 Bluebird Chevy Diesels. These buses were the first buses ever purchased with automatic transmissions and diesel engines. They were also the first buses with the 8-lamp warning system. We had 1987 GMC Bluebirds (last year of the 4-lamp systems)that did not come with the crossing gates. They were later retrofitted in 1988.

Hope this helps

Reply author: MongoKen
Replied on: 01/21/2009 06:53:14 AM

Also, just to add to my last comment....I remember when the bus numbers were painted on the base of the crossing arms. The 1988 buses came this way. The buses that were retrofitted also had the numbers on the crossing gates. Then, in 1990 our next batch of new buses had the bus numbers on the drivers side of the bumper (came this way from the dealer). We then converted all the numbers from the crossing gate side to the drivers side bumper.

Here is an example pic of of the original bus number location taken from bsaund09's site: Prince William buses were the same way.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/21/2009 09:03:29 AM

in Va.Beach in 1987 half of the GMCs bought came in with crossing arms already installed the ones with out the crossing arm had overhead compartments in them. the '88 models all came with installed crossing arms and during that summer all buses were retrofitted with the crossing arms. Norfolk installed crossing arms on school buses that didnt have stop signs weird but it must have been a rather serious mandate from the state.

Reply author: MongoKen
Replied on: 01/21/2009 10:12:24 AM

bsaund09 - do you remember the old buses with the poles in the front and the "tick-tock" of the warning lights? I remember many of the old internationals we had did not have power steering. Boy, those were the days. No crossing gates or stop arms back then either and I think there was only one crossing mirror.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/21/2009 2:22:35 PM

BusFreak or Disneynuts, are you out there? Can you answer my question?

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/21/2009 3:02:55 PM

I'm pretty sure that by the fall of 89, all buses had to come with them, or be retrofitted. As far as the number being on the service door side of the bumber, I don't think there was ever a requirement to move the existing number, and actually, I think that the requirement just says that it should be visible even when the crossing gate is in the open position. There were plenty of buses that had the number in the middle of the front bumper. I think that rule has recently been changed to the driver's side though, as we all saw the freak C2s from Sonny Merryman in 2006-07 which had the number on the service door side. They are now coming on the driver's side.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 01/21/2009 3:56:43 PM

You guys just made me pull out my '60s Annandale HS yearbooks.

In the '68 yearbook there is a frontal photo of a row of buses at dismissal time. The bus number is on the service door side right next to the license plate. It appears to have been spray painted on with a stencil...can't tell what color (b&w photo. Most of the buses are mid 60's GMCs with Superior bodies (I think).

Incidentally, one of the buses has it's hood up and the driver is messing around in there....Heck, they couldn't get 'em started 40 years ago either! LOL

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/21/2009 6:25:15 PM

So our 1989 Wayne Ford's may have been the first FCPS buses with factory installed crossing gates? or was it the 1990 Blue Bird's?

The October 2007 VAPT regulations state the bus number is to be on the driver's side of the front bumper. I found that interesting that several Loudoun and Arlington C2's have it on the service door side.

I remember looking at either a 88' Wayne GMC or 89' Wayne Ford at Newington a few years back and noticing the number painted on the service door side of the bumper. The number was blacked out, but you could see if you closely looked behind the motor for the crossing gate. The "visible" number was on the driver's side as we currently see today.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 01/27/2009 07:42:22 AM

well we are all out here again today..some icing...tomorrow morning will be bad, so im expecting at least a 2hr delay tomorrow as well

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 01/30/2009 9:37:56 PM

In Newport News, all buses as far back as I can remember had crossing gates. Whether they were original I do not know, but I would think that the ones that weren't original were retrofitted. All of our buses always had the number on the driver side, and never on the crossing gate.

When did they go from that wire crossing gate to the yellow one? I know that our AmTrans were most likely the first to get them, as all of the 'Birds we were getting until 95 had that wire gate, and most still do. Some of them were retrofitted with the yellow one, most likely due to the wire one getting heavily damaged.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/31/2009 07:00:56 AM

I believe the first of the FCPS buses to get the yellow gate were the 1996 AmTran's we got. The "newest" buses I've seen with wire gates are the 95' Thomas ER's. Almost all have since been replaced with the yellow one.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/31/2009 11:02:28 PM

I know that Sonny Merryman (Thomas Dealer) made the yellow crossing gates standard in 96. I think that the Blue Bird dealer was the last to fall onto the bandwagon with them though, as the 99 Blue Bird GMCs in Virginia Beach came with wire ones. For a minute though, they upgraded the wire ones. They had yellow ends on them, with a cool rubber thing at the tip so that it did not scratch the paint when it smacked into the bumper. Come to think of it, the 97 (ish) AmTrans that Virginia Beach got for special ed also had the yellow gates, so 1629, I'm thinking your dating is correct! Blue Bird did not offer that as standard until later though.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 02/01/2009 1:24:56 PM

Originally posted by BusFreak

I know that Sonny Merryman (Thomas Dealer) made the yellow crossing gates standard in 96. I think that the Blue Bird dealer was the last to fall onto the bandwagon with them though, as the 99 Blue Bird GMCs in Virginia Beach came with wire ones. For a minute though, they upgraded the wire ones. They had yellow ends on them, with a cool rubber thing at the tip so that it did not scratch the paint when it smacked into the bumper. Come to think of it, the 97 (ish) AmTrans that Virginia Beach got for special ed also had the yellow gates, so 1629, I'm thinking your dating is correct! Blue Bird did not offer that as standard until later though.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 02/01/2009 1:29:42 PM

Originally posted by BusFreak

I know that Sonny Merryman (Thomas Dealer) made the yellow crossing gates standard in 96. I think that the Blue Bird dealer was the last to fall onto the bandwagon with them though, as the 99 Blue Bird GMCs in Virginia Beach came with wire ones. For a minute though, they upgraded the wire ones. They had yellow ends on them, with a cool rubber thing at the tip so that it did not scratch the paint when it smacked into the bumper. Come to think of it, the 97 (ish) AmTrans that Virginia Beach got for special ed also had the yellow gates, so 1629, I'm thinking your dating is correct! Blue Bird did not offer that as standard until later though.

1629 is correct about the 1986 IHC/Wards (Amtrans)being the first buses delivered with the crossing arm installed. They were dealer installed. The early delivery buses were retrofitted and the later ones were deliveried with the arm installed. They were the early loop design.

My bus was retrofitted about two weeks after I got it in 1985/86.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/01/2009 4:40:38 PM

Originally posted by 722

1629 is correct about the 1986 IHC/Wards (Amtrans)being the first buses delivered with the crossing arm installed. They were dealer installed. The early delivery buses were retrofitted and the later ones were deliveried with the arm installed. They were the early loop design.

My bus was retrofitted about two weeks after I got it in 1985/86.

I believe we have some slight confusion about my question. My assumption was that Fairfax County's 1990 Blue Bird TC/2000 FE's were the first in Fairfax to be delivered with crossing gates installed.

The 1988 photo I have of an 1987 Ward IHC (FCPS bus 1076) doesn't appear to show a crossing gate of any style on the bus.

1) Anyone know how many 1986 Ward IHC's we had in Fairfax? I know we had a large number of 1987 models.

2) What buses were the first in Fairfax County to be delivered with crossing gates? (I know 722 stated the 1986 Wards, but I want to be sure he is talking about Fairfax...)

3) What buses were the first in Fairfax County to be delivered with the numbers painted on the driver's side of the front bumper?

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 02/01/2009 5:37:38 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

Originally posted by 722

1629 is correct about the 1986 IHC/Wards (Amtrans)being the first buses delivered with the crossing arm installed. They were dealer installed. The early delivery buses were retrofitted and the later ones were deliveried with the arm installed. They were the early loop design.

My bus was retrofitted about two weeks after I got it in 1985/86.

I believe we have some slight confusion about my question. My assumption was that Fairfax County's 1990 Blue Bird TC/2000 FE's were the first in Fairfax to be delivered with crossing gates installed.

The 1988 photo I have of an 1987 Ward IHC (FCPS bus 1076) doesn't appear to show a crossing gate of any style on the bus.

1) Anyone know how many 1986 Ward IHC's we had in Fairfax? I know we had a large number of 1987 models.

2) What buses were the first in Fairfax County to be delivered with crossing gates? (I know 722 stated the 1986 Wards, but I want to be sure he is talking about Fairfax...)

3) What buses were the first in Fairfax County to be delivered with the numbers painted on the driver's side of the front bumper?

There were about 200 IHC/Wards purchased at FCPS. It was a very large order that came in over a year and a half. Now I am going off memory and it's not as good as it used to be. I know a have a streak of "oldtimers" so lord knows sometimes.

You got me on the other question, but I had one of the Blue Bird Transits new and it had the gate on it from the factory.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/01/2009 5:46:26 PM

Most of the Wards I remember were 87's. I there were some 86's, but it seems to me that most of those were special ed buses.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 02/01/2009 6:54:31 PM

What I believe 722 is saying is.... That FCPS ordered 200 IHC Wards, and that they trickled in over a year and a half from 86 to 87... correct? If so, that is also what I heard to be true a while back.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/02/2009 01:37:06 AM

I know what 722 is saying, I'm just wondering what the break-down was of 86-87 models. (i.e. about 25 were 86's, etc)

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 02/02/2009 5:21:48 PM

hey, one of my supervisors shared some photos of some great old buses thanks G. Ponton

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 02/09/2009 3:03:43 PM

they moved the Vistas to the Glenwood garage finally i guess there days are numbered now till they auction them. i saw a few others going over with them to .

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 02/11/2009 09:19:41 AM


Is there a 4 light system bus still floating around the garages in VA Beach? like the thomas gmcs in your photos?

Reply author: schoolbuslover207
Replied on: 02/18/2009 03:46:23 AM

hi all. i went to great wolf lodge in va last week, and all in the williamsburg area i only saw Ic buses. i saw a few ihc vistas but other than that it was all Ic. i got a picture of a ic re 200 loadstar in a parking lot but not much else.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 02/19/2009 04:17:20 AM

poor driver-- all the 4 light buses are gone they have two in the junk yard at glenwood but that is it and the only 4 light gm s i know of are at the wave church on great neck rd.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 03/01/2009 10:58:37 AM

Does anyone know of any districts in VA that still purchase manual transmissions? I was just looking at the pricing schedules for Virginia posted in October (buses are getting EXPENSIVE BTW), and Sonny Merryman (of course) is STILL offering the manual transmission deduct on the C2.

BTW, Blue Bird did not offer a bid on type D again....only Type C.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 03/01/2009 9:13:05 PM

i know bedford, campbell, amherst, and lynchburg city are not ordering manuals...bedofrd hasnt since the early 80's, how ever campbell and lynchburg have some mid 90's thomas international's that are manuals, and pittsylvania has some manual FS-65's

Reply author: shadowrider257
Replied on: 03/03/2009 3:50:29 PM

What I hate is that Newport News hasn't brought any Type-D buses since 2002 when they brought the International FEs. Since then, all we've had were IC CEs and Blue Bird Visions; and what's even worse, the REs (my favorites in the fleet) are now the oldest ones and they'll probably be retired before I graduate.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 03/04/2009 06:57:03 AM

shadowrider, I am from Newport News, and graduated from Woodside in 2007. I think the reason behind moving from transit (type-d) to type-c, is because it is saving them money. There was a year recently, that they did not get any new buses at all, and retired some older ones. Anywhere they can save money they are doing so, especially with how tight it is now.

Reply author: shadowrider257
Replied on: 03/04/2009 1:59:03 PM

Thanks for the info. I was wondering why because in a few years the fleet went from being dominated by type-d buses to overrun with conventionals.

BTW, I also made a flickr account and added some pictures of Newport News buses:

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 03/04/2009 2:32:54 PM

I'm pretty sure Lunenburg and Nelson Counties are still buying sticks. Amelia county just started buying automatics about 3 or 4 years ago. Brunswick still have a few floating around i believe (spares)

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 03/04/2009 5:05:04 PM

Sweet. Thanks! I'm on a mission to get a picture of a C2 stick shift.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 03/05/2009 10:43:47 AM

You have some very interesting photos shadowrider. Do you know anybody within the Newport News transportation department? I like their bus fleet, and would like to at some point get in contact with some people and find out more about what they have.

Reply author: shadowrider257
Replied on: 03/05/2009 1:58:24 PM

No, I'm just a student.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/01/2009 3:55:59 PM

Something new in Va Beach this week we have 11 more new Bluebird Visions

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/11/2009 09:29:33 AM

Finally, spring break for those going on or off it, enjoy the time off. Not much school bus news going on around va. beach just waiting for the new birds to be assigned.

Reply author: Jared
Replied on: 04/18/2009 05:23:03 AM

I found this bad boy down the street from my house yesterday (in Baltimore). Thought you'd all wanna see!

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/18/2009 07:16:44 AM

That almost looks exactly like one of our old 89' AA FE's. Except this one is in much nicer shape.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/18/2009 07:17:23 AM

What a great find looks like new.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 04/18/2009 09:42:14 AM

I always thought these were some cool looking buses, I'm kind of sad that all of ours are gone!

Reply author: Jared
Replied on: 04/18/2009 5:22:44 PM

Originally posted by IC RE 1629

That almost looks exactly like one of our old 89' AA FE's. Except this one is in much nicer shape.

The owner said it is a 1989!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/18/2009 8:36:44 PM

i would say it was it has the Va. style reflectors which are basically the same throughout Va. and it is not unheard of to see someone sup it up a bit rare but it does happen.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/19/2009 06:17:49 AM

I was comparing this bus to a photo of one of our 89' AA FE's and this bus exactly matches. If only I could see the driver's side of the bus, I could be sure.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/19/2009 2:28:00 PM

just curious did the number match with that bus or that kind of bus.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 04/19/2009 3:07:25 PM

we did have a bus 1254 that was a 1989 All American, BUT the numbering was on the bumpers and sides of the buses, not above the door, but that I'm sure is easily changeable

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/19/2009 4:35:43 PM

yeah , it look like they try to keep it looking the same but those chrome hubs now that is a very nice touch. We have a church here use to adopt the number on the bus into their fleet of buses especially if they were just two digit numbers but then they went to numbering everything starting with an eight.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 04/20/2009 12:19:12 PM

I see on that VA beach is starting to get rid of their Vistas..... Thought it was weird when they came.....hate to see them go......

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/20/2009 5:55:30 PM

yeah, let them go let them go

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 04/21/2009 10:04:37 PM

It's definitely possible, that bus could be our old 1254, here is a link to pics of it when it was in service....


In FCPS they black out all lettering, numbering, and remove the cross views....

You can tell they repainted where our lettering would have been, and it has newer silver mirrors added

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/22/2009 03:38:28 AM

Not to mention nicer wheels....

On the Vista note, let em' go. Can't wait til ours are all gone! We still have a few left.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/22/2009 06:11:48 AM

the vistas were cool in the beginning but they became troublesome when they discovered some could only run with better then a half tank of fuel. Then the down time when they needed repairs was twice as long as other buses.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/16/2009 11:43:39 AM

[quote]Originally posted by BusFreak

The Blue Bird International is NOT a Virginia Beach bus. Virginia Beach has not gotten stick shifts on regular ed buses since 1980, and stopped getting them on special ed buses in the early 90s. That's a cool bus though. It's rare that you see such a nicely spec'd bus in Virginia with a stick shift. If I had to take a stab, here's how it would go.
Hardybusman says.....
1) The Thomas Vista is a PRINCE WM. COUNTY
2) The Blue Bird International - ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY
3) The 89 TC2000FE - MANASSAS CITY
4) The Thomas ER - Price William County
5) The AmTran International - AMHERST COUNTY
these buses are at sonnymerryman inc.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/16/2009 2:13:28 PM

I drive for a private school and just wondered if anybody kept up with the private school fleets around central/southside va.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/20/2009 06:22:50 AM

Are you talking about Amelia academy, Kenston Forest school, Fuqua school, Brunswick Academy, Tidewater academy? like that?

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/20/2009 4:17:36 PM

Exactly. I have friends working at Fuqua, Amelia and Brunswick. I drive our activity bus and travel to all these schools on a regular basis. It nice seeing the different specs. for each school. What do you think about the silver ring on some of the wheels? We do it at BSHCS and used to paint our grills silver to stand out of the boring county buses.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/21/2009 6:17:20 PM

Yeah i do like it but the only way the county buses are like that because of state specs. private schools and contractors can spruce up and make it look good. The only one i seen with the silver ring is Fuqua. Amelia has a nice( or used to ) wayne/international...that bus looks sharp. Brunswick i believe is the biggest private school in southside virginia, i went by their school last summer and they had like 15 or more buses. Is your activity bus a 80ish international/ward painted green and white? I can try to help you about info if you want. I'm smack in the middle of Fuqua, Amelia and Kenston...Brunswick is not too far away.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/21/2009 6:28:39 PM

My bus is a 1990 GMC from Chesterfield, its yellow #10. I have a good friend at Fuqua and at Brunswick. Brunswick Academy runs 17 routes this year but their enrollment has fallen off like all of us. Amelia does still have that IHC it is their activity bus. Their fleet is all DT360 autos.
They might be old but dependable. We are located in Powhatan. My fleet is old but it cleans up pretty good each August befors school starts. I met Kenston's activity bus on 153 the other day, boy its colorful. I think the green and white bus you are thinking of belongs to Level Green Riding School. They have a summer horseback riding camp and pickup kids from Midlothian. I think it is an old Va. Beach bus.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/23/2009 06:59:06 AM

oh ok...your bus garage is located at the intersection of route 60 and....shucks...the road that takes you to Chula junction in Amelia county right at U.S 360?

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/25/2009 3:51:17 PM

No,no im on Academy Rd. in Powhatan. You are thinking of Combs fleet maintenance. They run a small shop and take care of all of the Greater Richmond YMCA fleet of buses and vans. We are about 1 1/2 mile down Academy behind the Foodlion Shopping center. Drop by one day if you are around. I enjoy meeting other drivers and transportation employees. Who do you drive for?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/25/2009 6:52:51 PM

Nasemond Suffolk Academy on 460 near 58 have a nice fleet of buses they have new ICs and some Thomas Internationals from the 1990s. Their buses from what I hear are leased. They have always had an awesome fleet usually specd just like the city school buses.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/25/2009 7:05:04 PM

most of the private schools in our area use buses like these

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 05/25/2009 9:46:01 PM

oh no i don't drive anymore, just an advid supporter.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/26/2009 3:43:19 PM

We need all the support we can get!! bsaund09 I've talked with the transportation director at NSA and he said they run them till they dont run anymore so if they lease maybe its lease to own? They do have a very nice looking fleet. I believe Greenbrier Christian Academy has a nice fleet as well. I've been there on sports trips. You have a very nice photo collection. I have tons but they arent digital. If you are around Richmond or Powhatan feel free to snap our fleet. You might add them to your antique collection! HA HA

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/27/2009 09:22:45 AM

ok cool Hardybusman i graduted from GCA wish i had pics of those orginial buses. You should post your old photos to it always cool to see the old buses. I miss those old '70s Fords they were cool but i guess we all have our favorites.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/27/2009 1:29:30 PM

I graduated from Huguenot Academy which later merged with another school that is now the present one I work for. I too wish I had pics of those old buses. I rode a 71 Chevy Thomas and a 78 Ford Ward and they were old when I rode them! I'm not a ford man. I miss the S series IHC, loved hearing those 9.0L with 5spds. I also miss the GMC/CHEVY with the 366's. Ill try to post some pics. Im still new at this so bear with me.

Reply author: Drew19
Replied on: 05/27/2009 2:10:47 PM

I saw at Brambleton in ashburn, Loudoun county has a Brand new Blue Bird Vision for special ed.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/27/2009 6:17:15 PM

I see a lot of counties are getting bb vision for special ed. Must be a good package.

Reply author: VAdriver
Replied on: 05/28/2009 4:53:04 PM

Loudoun County has several of the BB Visions for special needs. I have not seen them up close, but I did see several at the central garage before they were put on the road.

Reply author: 2006bbvision
Replied on: 05/30/2009 6:49:56 PM

WOW Loudon has Blue Birds???? I have never seen any bb's in there feet, they have always been mostly Thomas and ward,amtran, ic's.... I most admit they do have a very nice diverse fleet as so does Va beach !!!!

Went to Cedar point amusement park last weekend the there had to be close to 150 bus parked,and saw so many buses from every ....ranging from Pa,,Mi,Oh have lots of pics to share with everyone, need to upload them.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/30/2009 9:33:27 PM

I must say if the vision is as good of a bus as it looks they might be the best bet out there!!!!!!!!!

Reply author: IC-CEiswhereiwannabe
Replied on: 06/01/2009 07:01:33 AM


has recently acquired the entire ROANOKE VIRGINIA contract and will start operations July 1st!!

KRAPF's will be operate some of the first contracted vehicles in Virginia.

Reply author: IC-CEiswhereiwannabe
Replied on: 06/01/2009 07:06:54 AM

UPDATE: Apparently KRAPF BUS COMPANIES will operate under the new company badge of

MOUNTAIN VALLEY TRANSPORTATION in the Roanoke Virginia Contract.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 06/01/2009 5:41:45 PM

I heard that too. Pull up Roanoake Times web page and you can read the article. You must not have a VT365 in that ICCE ha ha

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/19/2009 04:01:08 AM

School is finally out in Va. Beach what a long year. Next year should be interesting we are getting over 20 ICs ce s .

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 06/19/2009 04:41:06 AM

Brian, what are those 20 CEs replacing? Didn't the new Visions and C2s replace the last of the 94s and the 95s?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/19/2009 07:06:34 AM

some but they will be replacing the '94s and '95s that are left not sure of the exact numbers but i heard orginially 18 reg buses and 11 speds.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 06/30/2009 4:41:20 PM

Wonder if any body will get the new blue bird transits? bsaund09 if you ever out this way I would love to see some of our fleet on flickr. You have a great photo showcase

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 06/30/2009 7:18:53 PM

Virginia Truck Center (the virginia Blue Bird dealership) did not offer a bid on any Type D buses this year. Only Type C and A. Only transit bids were Thomas and IC.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 06/30/2009 7:29:26 PM

News.... FCPS has deadlined ALL 90 and 91 Blue Birds TC2000 FEs!!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/01/2009 8:27:04 PM

Really? Have they gotten any new buses in this year to replace them? I for one haven't seen any...

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/02/2009 03:37:24 AM

40 new IC RE's and CE's. Less then 10 are on the road. They were late arriving this year.

Reply author: 2006.AAFE.#21
Replied on: 07/02/2009 3:09:34 PM

Fairfax went back to FEs for SE this year?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/02/2009 8:07:19 PM

Ooops. My mistake, I meant to say CE's. Nope, no FE purchases.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/03/2009 07:50:46 AM

Our next order of new buses will replace some of the '96 Bluebird Int. and '97 Bluebird Int. but that still leaves 3 '95s and 3 '94s.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/05/2009 06:20:31 AM

Hey Fairfaxers (or anybody),

Does anybody remember the name of the place in Maryland where our old buses get auctioned?

I've been searching the threads for an hour and I can't find it.

A buddy of mine wants to buy one of the Birds that just got surveyed...


Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/05/2009 10:27:33 AM

I've seen fairfax buses auctioned at Upper Marlboro MD. at Colonial Auctions I've also known them to be sold over in Brandywine, MD. Hope that helps.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/06/2009 3:25:11 PM

I think it was IAA Insurance Auto Auctions up in Brandywine. The birds havent been removed yet, they are all lined up with the deadlined stickers

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/06/2009 4:43:37 PM

It could be. I bought an '85 Ford years ago at Colonial Auction. Where those Birds good buses? They seem uncomfortable to drive.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/06/2009 6:32:57 PM

Honestly they are VERY solid buses and they still run pretty strong, but when I switch from an AmTran/IC RE or a Thomas ER to one of them as a spare it is a pretty big adjustment. The mirrors are skimpy, a wicked tail swing, no tinted windows, no A/C, no music, no air door, no air seat, not even a full-backed driver seat (it goes halfway up your back haha). But they accelerate very nicely and I love the way their engines sound.... I just prefer a newer bus!

I'm complaining about these tail swings and these were only 78 pax, I never even got to drive our 89 All American FEs that were 84 pax! They were beasts!

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/06/2009 6:48:54 PM

Did any of you all read that story in the Post about the idea of Fairfax County possibly incorporating into an independent city? If so, what do you think about the idea?

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/06/2009 6:53:32 PM

I saw in the Newport News Public Schools Wikipedia article that they are adding 2010 Thomas HDX and 2010 IC RE buses to the fleet. I cannot say for sure if this is happening, and these edits were made by anon IP addresses that I traced to an ISP in Maryland. However, these would be the first new Transits in 6 years, and over 10 years since the last RE bus.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 07/06/2009 7:20:49 PM

Does anyone know what district these buses are from?

Sorry if these have been asked already. Thanks!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/06/2009 7:47:56 PM

I know for sure that the short MVP ER with a lift is from Loudoun County. They seemed to be really into the short rear engined transits for their special ed routes for a while. I'm guessing that the TC2000 short lift bus is from Stafford County. I'll also take a guess that the FS65 is a Chesapeake City Public Schools bus. They were getting a mix of conventionals and ERs up through most of the 90s and early 2000s. Now, they are getting all conventionals. The other two could be from most any rural district in virginia.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/06/2009 7:50:53 PM

Thanks hardybus and IC-RE. I went to IAA's website and it looks like they have a few of our '90 Birds. I'm going to tell my buddy to wait 'til the 91's (1300s) get there. I'm going to give him a few numbers to look for....Birds that I drove this year and I can vouch for how well they ran. I'd buy one myself if my wife would let me! (NO chance of that...)

I always asked for a Bird for a spare when everybody else wanted a Thomas. Thomases are still my least favorite bus, especially the older ones...junk.

Hey IC-RE, towards the end, they finally fixed that left side mirror on some of the Birds. They swung that arm out to where it's supposed to could look at the mirror through the side window instead of through that sliver of windshield glass.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/06/2009 7:56:10 PM

Originally posted by BusFreak

I know for sure that the short MVP ER with a lift is from Loudoun County. They seemed to be really into the short rear engined transits for their special ed routes for a while. I'm guessing that the TC2000 short lift bus is from Stafford County. I'll also take a guess that the FS65 is a Chesapeake City Public Schools bus. They were getting a mix of conventionals and ERs up through most of the 90s and early 2000s. Now, they are getting all conventionals. The other two could be from most any rural district in virginia.

You don't think that TC2000 lift bus might be a Fairfax bus?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/06/2009 8:06:39 PM

I dont think the FS 65 is Chesapeake unless it had major issues they are still running Fords in chesapeake from the early '90s. The short 110 might be Mecklenburg County but not positive.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/06/2009 8:21:28 PM

Hey IC I also always ask for a Blue Bird just for fun! Either one of those or a 94 Thomas... I like the big ol' Thomas' with the Cummins better than the newer ones! Its fun to mix it up every once in a while! But after a few days in a Birdie I start to miss being able to hear the radio and having music to listen to!

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/07/2009 3:06:22 PM

The shorty at florida church bus is old Fauquier Co. Sonny Merrymen
The TC2000 was either a Manassas or Albemarle Co. SMI
The 88 Intl was also Fauquier Co. SMI
the 97 Freightliner was Loudon
Pusher was also Loudon. All of those were at Sonny Merryman, dont know how they get to Florida church bus.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/07/2009 3:09:52 PM

Hey Fairfax'ers are your buses eqipped with seat belts and if so are you required to make sure the children are buckled up?

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/07/2009 3:15:57 PM

Originally posted by IC-RE

Honestly they are VERY solid buses and they still run pretty strong, but when I switch from an AmTran/IC RE or a Thomas ER to one of them as a spare it is a pretty big adjustment. The mirrors are skimpy, a wicked tail swing, no tinted windows, no A/C, no music, no air door, no air seat, not even a full-backed driver seat (it goes halfway up your back haha). But they accelerate very nicely and I love the way their engines sound.... I just prefer a newer bus!

I'm complaining about these tail swings and these were only 78 pax, I never even got to drive our 89 All American FEs that were 84 pax! They were beasts!

You'd hate to drive for me then. We have a dinosaur fleet.

Reply author: IC-RE
Replied on: 07/07/2009 3:27:36 PM

Our only buses that have belts are the Special Ed buses, and what I understand is that preschool and elem have to wear them, Middle and High do not unless otherwise noted

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/07/2009 4:22:29 PM

The AmTran/IC general ed buses have seat belts in the first couple or three rows.

They're mainly used by drivers to tie down their own kid's car seat.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 07/07/2009 7:34:18 PM

Originally posted by hardybusman

All of those were at Sonny Merryman, dont know how they get to Florida church bus.

Sonny Merryman and Florida Church Bus share inventory.

Yep! That '97 Thomas MVP was a Loudoun County Public Schools bus! Here's a picture of it from the Atlantic School Bus Yard:

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/08/2009 7:58:37 PM

I was just curious because I heard rumor they had belts. We have a couple of Minotours "unfortunetly", and they all have seatbelts and I was just curoius if the children were supposed to be wearing them.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/13/2009 1:44:37 PM

Found this pic in my moms unmarked photos the only pic I have of that old 400 when i had it

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/13/2009 1:51:08 PM

a little info -- On Thursday of this week July 16 there will be a field trip through the Va. Beach Parks and Rec. Dept. with numberous sites going I think they have estimated that roughly 60???? Va. Beach School Buses will be making their way to KINGS DOMINION in Doswell, Va.. It should be a very cool site to the school bus fans along I-64 and I-95. I wasnt going but I am now what a sight that should be I am hoping 546 does good hate to be the one with a problem.I will post if that event changes.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/13/2009 3:32:28 PM

Saying goodbye to an inspirational person:

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/13/2009 5:13:00 PM

I believe He was at one time involved the VAPT . I know I have seen him at severval of those events a very nice man. He will be missed my prayers and heartfelt sadness goes out to his family and the Loundon County Transportation Dept.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 07/15/2009 06:22:06 AM

bsaund09, do you know about what time the buses will be going through on I-64? I am in the Newport News/Williamsburg area and will be going along I-64 in the morning and would want to look out for your buses.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/15/2009 12:49:54 PM

vabuslover --- the roll time is suppose to be 7:30 am with buses from all over the city I am sure it will be spread of aleast a half hour up to an hour. I am thinking of using the M and M to get to the other side since I will be on the western edge of the city anyway but not sure at this point. I know some drivers have communciated and will be driving togather right now I am not in that position.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/17/2009 08:32:15 AM

I got a few pics from yesterday at Kings Dominion we were spread out all over the parking lot so no real group shot if that is even possible. They all made it there and back the oldest bus to make the trip was the Bus 78 the transit and Bus 39 a first year FS-65 only ones I didnt get in a pic were 375,368,39 and i think 135.

Reply author: Jared
Replied on: 07/17/2009 5:30:50 PM

Originally posted by bsaund09

I got a few pics from yesterday at Kings Dominion we were spread out all over the parking lot so no real group shot if that is even possible. They all made it there and back the oldest bus to make the trip was the Bus 78 the transit and Bus 39 a first year FS-65 only ones I didnt get in a pic were 375,368,39 and i think 135.

1. I LOVE VA's newest C2's with the warning light covers and the extra black around them. Plus the extra black above the entrance door and the side windows looks VERY nice. Dont know why, but I really think it looks good and I know I may be the minority on this.

2. I also like that Freightliner FS-65 with the single pane entrance door! Very rare!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 07/18/2009 11:04:31 AM

Believe it or not, the C2s with the extra black up top are the older ones! I think that VA put their foot down with the black paint on the Thomases when the C2s came out. All of the new ones for the past 2 years or so have had more yellow. Some of the newest ones though, have saddled (or rounded) corners on the white roof paint, which looks pretty decent on a C2.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/18/2009 8:59:57 PM

The C-2 is getting to look a whole lot better now that its yellow. Still looks like a Wayne from the rear. Mark Fisher will be happy to see that.

Reply author: pbfreak30
Replied on: 07/24/2009 07:58:58 AM

i saw a very good thing today, our new C2's are here, and i saw a blacked out vista goin down the road. i love seeing them being retired, it is a great sight

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/24/2009 11:15:40 PM

I'll never say hooray to seeing a C-2. They just dont impress me. They look cheap and if you get up close they are cheap. A whole lotta plastic is in that bus, I'll never believe they will last 15-20 years. However I do agree seeing a blacked out Vista heading away from you is a decent site to see.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 07/25/2009 08:01:58 AM

Originally posted by hardybusman

I'll never say hooray to seeing a C-2. They just dont impress me. They look cheap and if you get up close they are cheap. A whole lotta plastic is in that bus, I'll never believe they will last 15-20 years. However I do agree seeing a blacked out Vista heading away from you is a decent site to see.

I'll agree with this!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/25/2009 10:31:03 AM

Well, who ever bought the Vistas in Va. Beach bought all of them and jumped on them the first time so someone must see something good in them any thoughts on what.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/25/2009 2:04:50 PM

Russell Auto and Truck Parts in Dinwiddie buys lots of buses fro scrap. He may have got them, I know he bought some of the last batch Va. Beach sold. They werent Vistas but he scraps them out so he doesnt care what they are. Otherwise I'd say they are on their way overseas.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/25/2009 8:17:15 PM

cool deal I did a web search of that place using maps he has a lot of buses in back of his salvage yard. that would be a cool place to find some great old buses i bet.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/26/2009 08:44:28 AM

I sure hate to see them go that way. Our school has bought a bus or two from him over the years. We only buy used and he is very reasonable on price. Also a great place to get used parts especially tires. The buses dont sit there very long, he likes to keep moving inventory. If they dont sell pretty quick he cuts them up. He may be stocking up right now for scrap price to go up. You can buy buses at auction right now for little of nothing. I bet he didnt pay over 500 or 600 bucks for those.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/27/2009 12:27:42 PM

Something new for the Va. Beach City Public School Bus Drivers & Assistants Association is online now and up and running . Check it out

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 07/28/2009 4:24:39 PM

Aww why is everyone so hard on the Vista's? they served their purpose? am i wrong yall? now i know they are not the most popular bus in the world but they did serve their purpose. Actually i sort of like them especially around 96 and 97...they looked better. One of these days they are going to be a collector's item just like a Thomas dodge. I have an idea, all of the Vistas that are not welcomed anymore in your bus yard, send them to me still yellow with the lights on them, i'll take them all!!!

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/28/2009 5:13:09 PM

I bet you will and probably all the Ward body GMC as well. Am I right? he he

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/28/2009 6:46:15 PM

poor driver you do have a point there, I know when we got them in 1995 our drivers by senority were given a chance to choose either the Vista or a reg conventional IHC Thomas and I guess to be honest most jumped on the Vistas because they were different and most that drove them liked them sort of like back in the day when school bus drivers that had a Dodge loved them everyone else wondered why.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/29/2009 3:15:09 PM

The Vista was decent at first but beating around after a few years they quickly lost their luster. I live just outside Chesterfield and they were Vista capital for a lot of years. Those drivers didnt know any difference so no one ever complained about them, until just recently. I never drove a Dodge so I cant judge them. bsaund09 I think you told me you went to GCA. What kinda buses did they run back in the day? They have a nice fleet now. We play them in football every other year.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/29/2009 8:02:30 PM

When they opened back in 1983 they started out with a 1973 Ford Thomas a 52 pass. (Bus 6)from Danville Christian Schools which went out of business in that same year they also had two short Carps Chevy 100 and 103 the little bus not a conventional. The second year they bought a 1973 Ford Wayne a 66 pass. bus from Lynchburg Public Schools also got a longer short Carp Chevy Bus 139 and really after that not sure the direction they went. I know they ran a 1989 Chevy Bluebird B style bus in Va. Beach . They bought a couple of FS 65s brand new recently and one of them got wrecked not sure what they do now. I see there Coach Gator Bus every once in a while.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/30/2009 8:00:10 PM

They definately have some sharp looking activity buses. I've seen the coach and the FS 65 activity bus. The little Chevy doesnt fit in to well around those newer conventionals. GCA has a very nice looking campus and fleet, I'd say they have their act together.
Poor Driver, give me a call and let me know your plans for the bus, I've got another bite on it and just want to know what your plans are.

Reply author: poor_driver
Replied on: 08/01/2009 1:28:45 PM

Give you a call on what bus? you got the right person?

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/01/2009 4:47:05 PM

I thought so? If not I'm sorry.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/01/2009 10:39:02 PM

Hey, bsaund09 would you happen to know anything about VB570? Its a 95 Intl 52 passenger with a lift. Its for sale on craigslist. Our school could use a bus that size but didnt know if it was a decent bus. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/02/2009 4:03:39 PM

it was a really good bus some of those buses were pulled simply because of mileage. i honestly dont know of its running condition it does not have ac i know that. it was on every day routes until this past year.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/02/2009 6:45:34 PM

Cool, I appreciate that information. Those 52 passengers work very well for us. We usually remove the lift and seat it for nine rows. They are hard to find with automatic transmission. Works very well when you only have 20-25 children riding and you got a bunch of turn arounds. Thanks again!!
Like I've said if you are ever out my way let me know and you snap some photos of our fleet. We'll be washing them and painting wheels real soon. That silver ring takes a little extra time but they stand out from Powhatan so nice.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/02/2009 7:08:45 PM

We have severval 1996 Bluebirds Int. that are 52 pass. buses without lifts that have been replaced the buses have yet to been sold but they still use them as spares and reg bus routes with an A in front of the number. they are buses 412,416,417,418,419,420 at some point soon i am sure they will be on the auction block.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/04/2009 4:29:19 PM

I appreciate that info! Its nice having an inside contact. I'll keep a sharp eye on Gov. Surplus and you keep sharp eye on the lot. When do ya'll crank back up for the fall? We start on the 1st. Thats late for us.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/04/2009 5:31:22 PM

We dont start till Sept. 8 but I started my fall activity run on Aug. 3 but still lots of summer stuff going on .

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/05/2009 7:10:03 PM

Keep cool, its going to hottt next week! Hope that Bird got a/c. ha ha

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/13/2009 09:07:40 AM

hey found a cool bus on ebay great pics of the 1973 IHC Carp

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 08/13/2009 5:20:18 PM

Does anyone have any ideas where this bus came from?

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/13/2009 8:04:33 PM

I think that bus came from Sonny Merryman Inc. And from the looks of the tiny black out I'd say ISA out of Northern Virginia. If it is, its a real rag. I looked at some a year ago and they were in terrible shape. I'm not real sure what "ISA" stands for but I do know they are up north maybe in Fairfax or Loudon? They have a nice fleet buying new buses. Thats rare for most private school, at least it is around here.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 08/13/2009 8:33:40 PM

^ I've seen that private school buses aren't kept in good shape as public school buses.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 08/13/2009 8:49:52 PM

Originally posted by hardybusman

I think that bus came from Sonny Merryman Inc. And from the looks of the tiny black out I'd say ISA out of Northern Virginia. If it is, its a real rag. I looked at some a year ago and they were in terrible shape. I'm not real sure what "ISA" stands for but I do know they are up north maybe in Fairfax or Loudon? They have a nice fleet buying new buses. Thats rare for most private school, at least it is around here.

ISA stands for Islamic Saudi's a controversial school run by the Saudi government. That's probably explains why they only use the initials on their buses. The guard house at the campus gates is another clue.

They have two campuses, one is a former Fairfax County school building that the County leases to them. The other is on 38 acre property in Fairfax Station very near my house. The County just approved a major expansion of the Fairfax Station campus over the strenuous objection of us locals.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/14/2009 4:33:40 PM

I couldnt remember the name of that school to save my life. But I'm sure thats one of their trade ins. I didnt realize the Saudi Gov. ran that school. Why is the schol controversial? Have you decided to hang up driving and head to the beach yet? I read your post on that. Are you sure that you would like driving those little 52 passengers.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 08/14/2009 4:55:17 PM

Wikipedia shouldn't be trusted, but this is what it says for the ISA:

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/16/2009 1:04:08 PM

Originally posted by Tatum

^ I've seen that private school buses aren't kept in good shape as public school buses.

You should come see my fleet. It's older and not the best looking but I would place them beside any public school bus as far as safety and maintenance upkeep.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 08/16/2009 4:02:46 PM

^ I'd love too! :)

I'd love to travel America looking for school buses!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/16/2009 5:07:55 PM

older school buses are usually better all the bugs have been worked out and if you had it for a while you can read it like a book. i only have broken down in one spare ever and that was Bus 74 the AA Bluebird but seeing as how it that when i had it as a regular bus not sure that counts.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/16/2009 8:40:16 PM

Like I said I would put my old rags up against any fleet. We considered buying new buses but found it wasnt feesable in the long run. What we spend on our buses, we would have to keep a new bus thirty years before it would payoff. You find me a new bus thats gonna last that long with all the plastic inside. I'm gonna ride my 1990 GMC Thomas as long as I can.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/23/2009 08:46:08 AM

I was coming through Southampton County on Friday and passed by their shop and saw they have an IC with the roof brands on the roof of the bus. I believe thats the first VA public school bus I've seen with roof brandings. It looked pretty sharp and really stood out from the pack.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/23/2009 09:30:38 AM

nice but i am sure they will be removed just isnt legal with state owned buses.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/23/2009 10:45:11 AM

It looked like it was a couple of years old. It wasnt a new bus. They number them after the year model and I wish I'd payed attention to the number.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/23/2009 11:22:36 AM

now that is interesting of course i am not sure they really check those things now they use to have a team of inspectors to check all buses at one time for state funding issues but not sure how they do it now.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/23/2009 12:36:26 PM

I think I remember reading in the state regulations manual there was a section on that but I think since you could have chassis emblems and maybe they overlooked that because of the integrated units now. I saw a Freightliner a couple of weeks ago at SMI that had an automaic trans. and hydraulic brakes. That is also a no no for a VA bus. That bus was a spec. ed. bus for Buckingham Co. I had to go to SMI for some recall stuff and was there most of the day. Its pathectic to see the inventory they have in stock. Usually this time of the year there are at least 100 or more buses in stock and I bet I didnt see 30. Times are definately getting tough for everybody.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/24/2009 06:14:57 AM

There are PLENTY of VA buses out there with Automatic Transmissions and Hydraulic Brakes. There is nowhere in the state regs that states you can't have that combination.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/24/2009 3:09:11 PM

VA code states that you cannot have an automatic transmission without a "park pawl" or a hydraulic locking brake such as Lucas Girling. A cable operated "hand brake" was not allowed because VA felt there was no way to secure the bus if the cable broke or other problems occurred with the brake. Thats from the states specifications for public school buses. I've never seen a public school bus with hydraulic brakes other than a Ford until I saw that Freightliner the other day and I've seen PLENTY of buses.

P.S. My book is from 1996 so if the rules have changed than I was wrong.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/25/2009 07:45:21 AM

I think York County has been getting the IC CEs for several years (even before it was called IC) with Automatic Transmissions and Hydraulic Brakes. I was surprised to see that, but apparently that is the way they wish to spec their fleet.

Also, is there anybody else, other than me, that is familiar with Newport News school buses? There used to be a couple but I cannot seem to get in touch with them anymore.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/25/2009 5:02:57 PM

Thats a first for me. Ive always known VA to spec auto with air unless Lucas Girling, or Low Profile package with 19.5 rims. I work for a private school and we have to buy our buses outta Maryland because of VA specs. We prefer hydraulic disc brakes. I cant find that regulation but Im almosty sure that was the rule, but if I'm wrong I appoligize. I'm still still sure the bus has to have a "park pawl"

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/26/2009 9:39:00 PM

King George and Powhatan Counties, to name a couple, are among those with many auto/hydro combos. They both spec their buses pretty nicely too, with tinted windows, etc. For some reason, the air brake thing just did not take off with them. I will notice though, that I' have seen the trend when the school districts started going with the autos, they also went with the air brakes. Virginia Beach started going with the automatic transmissions on big buses in 81ish, and ever since then have gotten air brakes on those buses. Even the fords.

As far as the Newport News fleet, I havn't lived down in that area for over 10 years now, however I used to admire their fleet of all blue bird transits! When those TC2000 REs came in, I thought they were the sharpest in the area! My only issue with them is they did not get air doors for a very long time. I hear they have gone back to conventionals lately, which sadens me. That seems to be a trend though with budget cuts around the state.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/27/2009 8:04:14 PM

I live in Powhatan County and the only Auto Hyd. brake buses were two 1985 Ford with Lucas Girling and 2 1994 Ford spec. ed. buses. I've been in the "bus" business for 15 years and I'm telling ya there arent any in VA unless they are equipped with LG or have a newer Allison with the park pawl. I'm not trying to argue but I believe I'm right on the air brake issue. I admire your knowledge of the fleets in VA but I think if you look close youll see I'm right.

P.S. go to the Dept. of Edu. website and you will see that a "automatic transmission is allowed when equipped with a park pawl or approved braking system."

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 08/30/2009 6:23:47 PM

Well, isn't it possible that these fleets with automatic transmission and hydraulic brakes have those systems you are saying are required by state requirements? We are not trying to prove you wrong, but I would not think that public school districts would intentionally violate these regulations.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/31/2009 5:48:35 PM

I'm just saying that Air is required on buses with autos. I think busfreak is very knowledgeable on the fleets but is wrong on the brake issue. I'm not trying to argue. I think a "park pawl" came around with the newer Allison trans. in 2000ish which would be allowed. I just have never seen any auto/hyd. in VA other than Ford or Lo Pro IHC and I've seen a plenty of buses. We all learn from each other and I'll be the first to say I've learned alot since I began and I learn a whole lot posting on here

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/31/2009 7:39:52 PM

At one time, I bet the hydraulic break rules applied, however the rules are definitely different now. I have pricing schedules from all three bus dealerships in VA drilled down to Virginia Specs. All three have bids out for up to 64 passenger Type C buses with either Hydro or Air Brakes. They also have options, such as Air Ride that they specifically say are only available with the air break option. They specifically used the word option though. There is even the option now for the parking break to be a left side lever.

I will say though, I do bet the specs were changed at some point along the way. The trend in VA has always been for districts to convert to air brakes at the same time they converted to automatic transmissions. For one reason or another though, I think that with the demise of the manual transmissions, they allowed districts to spec autos with hydro brakes to keep training costs down. Currently, the ONLY bus dealership in VA to offer a manual transmission is Sonny Merryman.

I do know for a fact that King George county has many late model FS-65s with the hydraulic brakes and autos. Their newest C2s, however, do have the air brakes. I could very well be wrong about the Powhatan fleet having hydro brakes though. I was basing that off of their AmTran ICs that I see ALL the time (the older models with low head room). Last spring, I happened to look inside of one through the driver's window, and did not see a spring break knob, AND I saw a manual door. Both were a suprise to me, as they look like nice buses otherwise, with white roof and tinted windows. I could have just missed the spring break knob though.

I'm actually really suprised that Virginia allowed a full sized conventional bus to be equipt with a park prawl. Even the fords that I've seen in the state had the T handle shifter (even ones I've seen with the lightswitch parking break). The first time I ever saw a column shifter was when the C2 came out, and even those did not have a P position on the column. Hardybusman, other than Type As, have you seen a bus with a column shifter in VA in a public school district? I'd be curious to find that out. I always thought there was some kind of rule back in the day that prevented column shifters.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 09/02/2009 12:58:57 PM

I actually remember a few of Newport News' Thomas Fords having some kind of column shifting transmission, but they were rare. There were also a few Blue Bird and Thomas Fords in their fleet that had air brakes, but maybe as some kind of test to see how well they held up. Those were the first to be retired of all the Fords, though so maybe it was not too successful.

Edited to add: These were early-to-mid-80s buses. I do not remember when Newport News switched to Automatic transmissions, but all I can remember them having is automatic transmissions. They had only just started getting Type-d buses when I first started riding.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 09/02/2009 1:47:05 PM

I dont remember ever seeing a column shifter on anything other than a type A or the early C2. I would also like to see someone order a C2 with a 5 speed. I think the theory of the park pawl on a large vechicle is to apply the parking prake then use the "park". It seems to me that is a lot of pressure on a transmission to rely on a pawl espescially on a grade. Powhatan does have a fairly decent fleet of buses. The oldest on the road last year was 1996 but no new buses were purchased and I'm sure a few older ones will head back on the road. They bought automatics in 1985 and went back to 5 speed in 1986 for one year. Powhatan has always been on top of buying new models. They were the first around here to buy Freightliners and the first to get the newer IC in 2000 and again in 2005. They were the only county I've seen to own a 1990 GMC Thomas Vista in Virginia. Vabuslover, I looked to buy a NN bus that was a 1986 Ford 34 passenger and it had hydraulic Lucas Girling brakes. Matbe they retired those first because of the headaches of those brakes? Busfreak, next time you roll through Powhatan you can check out my fllet anytime you want. We have a mixed bag of VA and MD buses of all shapes and sizes.

p.s. I may be a little out of date with all of the regulations. They change so often lately and its tough to keep up. I see a lot of buses on the road with stuff that wasnt up to code a couple of years ago and maybe they are bit more relaxed on those things now. I never thought that you would see a 77 passenger conventional in VA. but they run everyday.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/03/2009 12:39:32 PM

Norfolk had diesels with the T-brake system no air on them at all. Hampton had Fords from the Carpartner bus company with column automatic shifters not sure of the regulations just drove what ever they put under me and hope it made it from point a to b and back.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 09/03/2009 4:09:35 PM

Thats interesting. I never cared much for a column shifter. As a mechanic they are more troublesome to replace than the others. Where those Norfolks Fords? I did like driving Fords with the 8.2L diesels, they sounded good and were very dependable.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/03/2009 8:29:25 PM

Alexandria City also had at least one GMC about an UGLY excuse for a school bus. They were running up through 2002. It seems as though a few districts (caugh chesterfield caugh) fell in LOVE with the Vista. I think the reasoning behind buying the Vistas is that they offered a slightly higher capacity without going with the Type D bus. Thank goodness that trend didn't last.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 09/05/2009 11:02:35 AM

Hampton also has (or used to have) a ton of Vistas too. I remember them still being on the road in 2007, the last time I really was in that area. Since they just started offering school busing for ALL students (decided to not renew the contract with the public transit company for middle and high school students) they might still be using those Vista buses. I know they just got 45 brand new IC CEs for that reason.

When were you trying to buy the 1986 NNPS bus? I know for all the hydraulic brake buses they had, they all had a light switch-like thing to set the parking brake that would buzz when activated. The last of those have been gone for at least 5 years now. I know they never got any transits with hydraulic brakes (not legal, but is possible, I have seen).

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 09/07/2009 12:28:35 PM

Wow it was like 6 or 7 years ago that I looked at thoses NNPS buses. I backed out of the deal when I learned how much trouble LG brakes were. They were 34 pax Ford Bluebirds without lifts. Other than high mileage and a little rough around the edges I think they were decent little buses. I dont remember what they sold for. Boy Chesterfield was definately Vista city for many years. Those buses were actually pretty nice when they were new. I drove for 1 summer and was given a 1996 (the first white top) and I actually liked it. I think they were different and I guess when thats all you've got to choose from you learn to like them. That was also before I turned wrenches full time. I always wondered if anyone other than Powhatan had the GMC vista. That bus never did much for me. What are some of the older buses still on the road? I know Brunswick Co. still has a 1989 for a spare Powhatan has some 1993 IHC on the reserve line.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 09/08/2009 2:26:56 PM

I would think that the only people in favor of the Vista were the people that were in charge of the money, and the people that drove them. They looked like they would be hard to repair or do any "under the hood" work with. I am sure if they were spec'ed properly they would be good buses that serve their purpose well.

Also, I think it should be noted that most of the buses NNPS had right before switching to transit style buses were 4-ways. Only one generation of the Blue Bird Fords had 8-way lights, and those were the last to be retired. They did have some shorty in both 4 ways and 8 ways, but if it was 5-6 years ago it is more likely than not you were looking at the ones with 8-ways. It should also be noted that when the switch from 4-way to 8-way lights occurred, that was when they switched from what sounded like a T444 engine to the Cummins engine. I know the two aren't related, but figured it was significant enough to point out.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/08/2009 3:28:58 PM

i just love breaking down on the first day of school.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 09/09/2009 4:12:45 PM

Vabuslover the buses I looked at were 1986 models with 4 way lights and the engines you are thinking of was the 8.2L V8 to the Ford 6.6L in-line 6. Both were very good engines by the way. It may have been longer than 5 years that I looked to bid on those little babies, time really seems to fly lately. Vistas seem like they were only built to last 5 or 6 years, after that they rattle and just dont seem to hold up well. Our 1996 model is in pretty good shape but it was a sp. ed. bus that didnt get much abuse.

How was everyones first few days? bsaund09 you sound like not too good!!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/09/2009 5:27:56 PM

yeah, i think my bus has some sort of electric problems everything that should shut down with the key kept staying on and it finally got to the Child Safety Check System which meant i couldnt disarm the alarm but it did finally work at the garage . Our spares had not been processed yet so finding a bus was interesting and then it had problems today but one of the better mechanics got it going so Hats Off to those guys. i have always liked the '99 GMC s not a bad bus at all.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 09/09/2009 6:18:03 PM

Sorry you've had a rough start. At least you got a nice spare it seems, must be nice to have a 99 for a spare. Elsctrical issues stink because they can be hard to trace and cause a lot of down time. Other than having a inner rear tire blow out on one of ours its been a smooth start. We started last week so we got a head start. Hope they get your bus straight bsaund.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 09/23/2009 4:42:45 PM

How is everyones school year going so far? Hopefully not a lot of problems.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/04/2009 07:34:32 AM

Basically , I am having a great year so far breakdown and all the biggest things going on here are the installation of the GPS system in all school buses and I think they are doing trucks and cars after that. We also have had a school with severe discpline issues that are about to take possession of a brand new multi million dollar green equipped building not sure what their furture will be but they are an alternative school. Our bus routes were pretty messed up when school started so that is slowly being fixed they really ought to employ drivers to help with that job instead of paying people supervisors pay that have no clue exactly how this stuff works-I think they forgot that our times should include the traffic we encounter along that route since Edulog can't see or think traffic jam.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 10/07/2009 5:44:59 PM

Now you know the computer never lies and is always right. Other than constant minor mechanical problems we have had a pretty good year so far. Hope it keeps up, I've been logging 400-500 miles a week running activity trips alone, getting kinda burned out!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/08/2009 05:57:39 AM

i can imagine well, our buses that have full schedules easily do about a 1000miles plus every week I am around 800-900 miles a week.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 10/09/2009 06:01:04 AM

Wow you do somw rolling. My problem is my day starts at 6:30 at the shop turning wrenches or mowing grass and doing repairs around school. If I'm lucky I wont have to sub. on a route then grab some lunch before I head 100+ to Greenbrier or Isle of Wight, or Roanoke Catholic, sit through a game then head 100+ home, get home 12ish get 5 hrs. sleep and do it again. Most of our route buses travel 500-600 miles a week. I imagine you would wear out a bus pretty quick.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/11/2009 05:39:59 AM

yeah, i do but so far this Vision is doing very well.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 10/11/2009 10:07:14 AM

Our biggest problem is our buses are pretty well worn when we buy them. I am pretty amazed sometime how well they hold up. Most of our buses have 200k+ miles and one is over 300k and one over 400k, but engine has been replaced.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/11/2009 12:00:06 PM

Ours now when being sold are usually 200k+ on them unusual to be below that marker. We do multiple runs during the day so the buses and drivers are used to there fullest potential we may never get paid like that but you never know.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 10/17/2009 12:55:00 PM

Mileage goes up and pay goes down. Thats an interesting scale isnt it!!!!!! Lets just be thankful that we have a job to complain about.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/28/2009 05:31:46 AM

Mr. Hardy they are selling two of the 1996 52 pass.buses on public surplus for the next 5 days.I not to sure about 420 but 416 just came off the road but i think has more miles that leaves 4 others yet to come.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 11/01/2009 12:03:15 PM

Thanks bsaund09, I've been watching them and was going to ask you about them but you beat me too it. Does 416 have a lift? I see it needs a lot of work but that does keep the price down. I like the fact that Va. Beach lists the defects that are known.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/01/2009 2:40:30 PM

no lift on 416 or 420 yes it has been around the block a few times but those have been some really good buses along the way.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 11/02/2009 5:27:38 PM

bsaund09 thanks again for the heads up. I gave a bid on both and we'll see what happens. I'd love to get a couple of those 93 with the DT360 engines. They dont come much finer than those buses in my book. I just dont need anything that big right now. What are ya'll using for spares now? Did Va. Beach get a large order of new buses this year?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/03/2009 07:02:51 AM

So far no new buses at all, the spare line consist of the '94s,'95s,'96 and '97 Internationals on a bluebird and thomas body. They have a few '99 GMCs in use as spares to the new buses should be arriving anytime now. Those 52 pass. are the ones like that in Va.Beach ever all the rest of the 52 pass. buses are lift equipped buses.They do have one Vista with ac and lift still running Bus 473 not sure when they plan parking that one although it has mega miles I am sure that was the second lift bus ever bought equipped with ac. The '93s they sold with it were installed ac units after purchase.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 11/03/2009 4:23:16 PM

Well I didnt get any buses. We really dont need anything right now but I dont like to let those 52's get away. Those are hard to get with no lift and a auto. trans. I been getting a couple from Loudon Co. but they are even getting hard to come by. Thanks again for the heads up! I really appreciate it.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/04/2009 07:05:00 AM

Sure, have you ever checked out the North Carolina State school bus sales site . They have all kinds of buses every size and year just mainly they are all Thomas built but they have low mileage.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 11/09/2009 07:58:14 AM

i've browsed through N.C. but they seem to be older and are kind of pricey. I do like the Thomas body the best. Hopefully we will be getting a bus or two this summer. I've got two 5 speed buses I'd like to replace.

Reply author: 722
Replied on: 11/10/2009 5:28:42 PM

Dear School Bus Fleet Friends,

With great sadness I have to report that we have lost one of our forum members. Rick Williams a.k.a. Disneynuts lost his battle to cancer last Friday. As you may know Williams Bus Lines is a Northern Virginia school bus contactor for the private and parochial schools. The company will continue with the family operating it as it has been since 1983.

A message from Rick's family

Hello Family and Friends,

Thank you all for your loving care and support. As we are saddened by the passing of my daddy, we have the following information for his celebration of life service.

The service will be held on Saturday, November 14th at 11:30am at
The Alive Gathering Ministries
6820A Commercial Drive
Springfield, Virginia 22151

Donations to the American Cancer Society in Rick's name in lieu of flowers.

Please send your thoughts and prayers to Rick and his wonderful family.

Rick's journal can be found here:


James Day, CDPT
Executive Secretary, VAPT

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 11/11/2009 4:21:22 PM

I enjoyed chatting with him. He will be missed.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 11/12/2009 4:41:26 PM

Hey bsaund09, keep your head above water. Hope you dont get flooded out.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/14/2009 12:22:35 PM

Hey, thanks no flooding on this street but plenty of streets still covered in water. We lost power during the night Thursday and was restored today- saturday.I hear we have a bus with a tree on the top of it.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 11/17/2009 3:33:03 PM

Glad to here all is good. No major issues here except a lot of roof issues with hatches leaking. Other than that no problems. I have to come your way football this Saturday to play finals at Isle of Wight Academy. I would have liked to seen that barge up on the beach. I caught a glimpse on the news.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 12/04/2009 5:02:38 PM

Any updates from anyone on the Roanoke contract? I'm really interested in hearing how that is going.

Reply author: SWVA Busdriver
Replied on: 12/04/2009 7:02:35 PM

I know someone who drives for Roanoke and it has been tough with route issues and lack of drivers...PR in the news was not good at first. I know the drivers lost sick days and personal days and retirement...but pay is decent.. I hear they are training new drivers daily and still have garage people driving..Much turnover..State regs. have made it difficult for them also as a contract operation..Geared toward public run operation....Seems also much of the problems there are because of Roanoke City management issues that the contractor had to deal with...

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 12/05/2009 7:59:51 PM

I thought it would be rocky for the first year. I work for a private school which merged with another school and adjusting to the new way of doing things is not always accepted at first. I can imagine the contractor had their hands full with good 'ol government mangagement and drivers and staff angry over losing their benefits. It seems like it would be tough to make a profit with the state regs. like you are talking about. SWVA, where do you drive? I'm Transportation/Grounds Maintenance Dir. at Blessed Sacrament Huguenot Catholic School in Powhatan, Va. Dont let the title fool you. Basically I'm a driver that works on buses and cuts grass.

Reply author: SWVA Busdriver
Replied on: 12/06/2009 5:10:50 PM

I am a driver , and trainer for Montgomery County schools. This be my 31st year driving.. I have a few friends that drive at other systems near me and in other parts of Va. Met several of them at state conferences and bus driving competions.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 12/08/2009 5:10:23 PM

Well its nice to meet you. I enjoy chatting with other drivers and mechanics, especially from Virginia. I looked at a couple of buses that were sold on public from Montgomery Co. a couple of weeks ago. We buy all of our buses used so I'm always on the look out. Some of my family is from Carroll Co. and I do love traveling down that way every year for reunion. I've been in this buisness for almost 14 years and have really enjoyed every day of it.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 12/12/2009 4:33:31 PM

Prince William County?

Anyone know? It doesn't look like it's from Prince William.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 12/13/2009 08:21:10 AM

I don't think either one of those are from Prince William. For the Vista, by 1996, they were getting tinted windows. The second one i REALLY don't think is prince william for two reasons. It looks to have an air door, and it has green seats. It could be any one of many Virginia districts as it looks to be speced as a trip bus (storage, etc.). Quite a few districts bought a handful of REs to use as trip buses (york county is the first that comes to mind). City of Richmond also had some Thomas ERs of that vintage in their fleet.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 12/14/2009 5:20:27 PM

That Vista is an old Henrico County bus and is actually a '95.
The pusher is an old City of Richmond bus. Rode hard and put up wet.
The Prince William pushers were '91 and up and had brown interior.
Both were at SMI this summer. We own a '96 from Henrico and it has a white roof, tinted glass, and is not high headroom.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 12/19/2009 5:48:58 PM

Why do we get record snow fall the FIRST day Christmas break and not the LAST day before we go back to school?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 12/23/2009 4:46:31 PM

Hey! Been quite awhile since I've been on here. Remind who here is our Prince William County experts? I have a few buses I need to ID. Thanks! You can shoot me an email via the Contact Us page on my website:


Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 12/25/2009 12:33:27 PM

I can only ID what I've seen for Prince William. But always up for a challenge.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 12/26/2009 1:28:32 PM

MongoKen was the prince william county guru, but I havn't seen him on here for a LONG time. I'm decent with identifying their buses as well though. They tend to buy busses in spurts (meaning there are years with little or no purchases leaving gaps).

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 12/27/2009 06:09:04 AM

hardybusman & BusFreak, shoot me an email via my website:

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 12/27/2009 2:04:24 PM

I tried to and had trouble. Thats why I posted my address. I'll try again, my computer skills arent the greatest.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 12/28/2009 11:11:58 AM

It's nice to see an update at The Atlantic Bus Yard! :) I enjoyed seeing the new pics!

Can anyone say where this bus came from?

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 12/28/2009 1:20:32 PM

Thats a tough one. Cant tell the specs really well but definately Va. and sitting at BGA Sales in Florida. IC RE 1629 I need to update my microsoft as it will not let me email through your website. If you send me an email I can respond through mine. If you dont want to do that it's cool.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 12/29/2009 07:31:00 AM

My first guess would be Chesapeake, however they were getting white roofs by 94, and that's clearly newer (MVP).

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 12/29/2009 5:15:25 PM

Its listed as a 99 on website. Anybody heard from bsaund09?

Reply author: 96AmTranRE
Replied on: 12/30/2009 10:28:31 AM

IC RE 1629, do you have any photos of your old bus#1531 or photos of your bus#1629 from Fairfax? and do you have any photos of the 1996 AmTran RE's Fairfax owns, 1425 and 1426?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 12/30/2009 12:49:10 PM

96AmTranRE, those materials will be coming soon. Keep watching the website, as we are in the process of a massive update. New FCPS material will be the last to be added, but there will be plenty to look at. Keep checking back.

Reply author: 96AmTranRE
Replied on: 12/30/2009 6:16:46 PM

I'll be sure check to check back daily, thanks IC RE 1629, and I'm glad you have updates to your site daily, thanks again IC RE 1629

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 12/31/2009 5:24:29 PM

Anyone know the model years of the following Prince William buses?

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 01/03/2010 06:35:18 AM

Does Fairfax still have Waynes, or they all gone now?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 01/03/2010 3:26:23 PM

No. Our last Wayne's (1989 Wayne Lifeguard Ford's) were retired the summer of 2008. Currently our oldest buses are 1990 Blue Bird TC/2000 FE's in the special ed department. All regular ed Blue Bird buses have been retired.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 01/03/2010 7:41:27 PM

I owned a 1985 Ford Wayne from Fairfax. I miss that 'ol bus it was a very dependable one. Wish I had a picture of it. It belongs to a church now and it's still used quite regularly.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 01/04/2010 8:26:16 PM

So, I think Arlington County is 100% done with the Rear Engine transit purchasing! They have been getting pretty intense with the C2 for the past 3 years or so, however today, i just saw a brand spanking new IC CE on the road! It looked great too, although it had one heck of a tail swing... especially for the tight turns all throughout Arlington! Has anyone else noticed the new reflective material that IC has been using for the "SCHOOL BUS" lettering on the roof caps? I've seen it on Fairfax, Arlington, and Loudoun county buses from this year. It's like a neon yellow color, and REALLY stands out! It would be cool if they used it for all of the reflective material on the bus!

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 01/12/2010 5:56:23 PM

New Port News has just listed two Blue Bird TC2000 REs for sale on Public Surplus.

That reminds me, who is the Blue Bird dealer for Virginia?

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 02/10/2010 06:29:43 AM

Antone tired of snow days yet? 6 here so far in Powhatan.

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 02/11/2010 05:11:09 AM

Fairfax will have been off 10 days as of this coming Friday. Monday (Feb 15) is to be a make-up day, hopefully things will be cleaned up by then, but I won't hold my breath on that.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 02/11/2010 3:35:44 PM

I hear ya. Looks like spring break will be a thing of the past. We've gat around 8 or 10 inches still on the ground and calling for more on Monday!

By the way the website update looks great ICRE1629!!

Reply author: Admin
Replied on: 02/12/2010 11:05:53 AM

Anyone have a photo of their school bus yard with all the snow? We're looking for photos to put in our email newsletter today with a story on the east coast snow storms. If you have something we can use, please email it to with your name, title, district name and location. Thanks.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 02/15/2010 7:40:24 PM

Do any of our Virginia bus experts know where these buses originally came from? Fairfax?

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 02/22/2010 6:01:41 PM

Wow those are tough! The 89 Ford is definately old Richmond City. I think the 92 TC2000s are going to be Albemarle Co. The 91s I'm not sure and the pusher I'm not sure. The GMCs I'm thinking southwest Va. but not sure exactly. I've got to Sonny Merryman next week to pick up a used trans. so I'll check them out.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 02/22/2010 6:48:07 PM

Those photos are REALLY old, so I doubt any of those buses will still be there.

Thanks for your help!

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 02/24/2010 4:04:50 PM

O, I thought you had found a few treasures hiding about. I was kinda surprised to see that Richmond City bus because I thought they were all gone.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 03/15/2010 2:10:48 PM

Virgina Beach has some buses up for auction at Public Surplus right now.

Reply author: SWVA Busdriver
Replied on: 04/04/2010 11:15:46 AM

Hello everyone,, Weather is really great today which is a big change from just a few months or even weeks.. I am just curious if anyone is having local bus road-e-o and how many going to state conference this year.I think everyone is having budget problems..

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 04/04/2010 7:38:07 PM

Are these former Prince George County buses?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/07/2010 1:23:13 PM

i think i am able to post now on here. hope all are doing well we are enjoying spring break this week.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/08/2010 12:59:47 PM

Does anyone know if the life extension on school buses in Virginia from 12 years to 15 years got approved or not by the general assembly?

Reply author: 96AmTranRE
Replied on: 04/08/2010 5:07:18 PM

When will the next update be to Atlantic Bus Yard? just wondering

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 04/09/2010 01:53:53 AM

Originally posted by 96AmTranRE

When will the next update be to Atlantic Bus Yard? just wondering

I hope to continue work on it soon. My busy school/work schedule has taken my time from me. But hang on! I've just received a massive load of submissions and I'm anxious to get them posted.

Reply author: Kodie
Replied on: 04/10/2010 6:14:14 PM

Here's a couple for you guys.

Chesterfield County Ward Ford #461

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 04/11/2010 11:11:28 AM

Other than the cost and headaches of Lucas Girling brakes they were darn good little buses, most were retired with well over 250k miles with original engines.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 04/13/2010 3:02:26 PM

This is a rather rare bus for Virginia!

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 04/13/2010 6:34:22 PM

They were rare but there was a few around. I'm surprised Roanoke had a Carpenter. Goochland Co. had a few and so did Henry Co. I dont know of anyone else but I guess they were here and there. Tatum those Fords are Prince George Co.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 04/17/2010 4:05:40 PM

bsaund09, what exactly will that rule change do for the age of buses? I think most folks are running them at least 15 years now. It will be an interesting rule change.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/17/2010 5:47:51 PM

Hardybusman-- basically it would give the school districts the authority to run school buses as part of the regular school bus fleet that are funded by the state. Most districts for years could run a bus for 10 years in regular service with the diesel bus that got changed to 12years.The life of the school bus depending on its usage has many more years to go they basically move the bus from regular use to a spare bus status although many school districts run them on regular routes past the recommended retirement dates nothing new there. It basically is a money thing but the industry itself pushes replacing older school buses for the advanced technology options.

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 04/17/2010 7:30:42 PM

I think Gloucester had (and possibly still has) quite a few IHC Carpenters. When I first saw them I thought they looked quite weird but then again I never really see that many Gloucester buses.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/17/2010 7:54:04 PM

vabuslover,my photo site use to have a pic of there Bus 60 that bus went everywhere. If is not on there I can post it severval districts had the Carps I know Halifax County had some and Chesapeake use to have some '88 GMC s that were Carps to.

Reply author: Jared
Replied on: 04/17/2010 8:23:46 PM

Originally posted by Tatum

Are these former Prince George County buses?

I dunno but the Blue Bird GMC's in the background are ex Baltimore county public school buses. they are 1990's.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/18/2010 3:05:40 PM

I have some different pics on the school bus collection not sure they had been on here or not. I am hoping to restore other pics the last couple of monthes have been rough with my dads passing but hopefully getting back to normal a little bit at a time.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 04/18/2010 8:54:21 PM

I'm sorry to hear your loss, Brian.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 04/19/2010 7:31:49 PM

Interesting how the topic of age of buses in Virginia has come up. I was just down in Fluvana County today, and noticed quite a few VERY old buses on the road out there. One in particular had to be an 87 or 88 IHC Thomas! I also saw an 89 Thomas Ford out there. Both buses looked to be in very good shape, and the motors sounded great.

I've never heard of any official rules in Virginia requiring districts to retire older buses after a certain age. I think that's mostly up to the district to decide, and at some point, they will all figure which is cheaper...keep and maintain the old bus, or replace it with the new, less hassle (haha), more fuel efficient bus.

I have also noticed that Spotsylvania County is quickly coming up to the times with their fleet, as their latest additions are IC CEs with LED lighting! Funny how just a few years ago, they were among the last districts to switch to automatic/air buses, and here they are coming out with their super stretch CEs with LED lights and dual stop arms! Also, Albemarle county has fallen onto the bandwagon of putting air conditioning on all of their buses. Virginia buses are looking good!

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 04/20/2010 5:44:53 PM

BusFreak I was through Fluvanna a couple of weeks ago myself and was surprised at the older buses. I saw a couple of those Fords with the older alligator hoods.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/21/2010 04:54:21 AM

BusFreak, those rules are there part of the funding from the state rules but over the years that stuff hasnt been strictly enforced at one time they were adhered to but not much anymore.They still can run surprize inspections throughout the year checking documents and vehicles if needed I was shocked to that the state had actual regular use limits on the years of the bus but then learned how they get around it. Gov't stuff you know.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 04/21/2010 4:00:45 PM

I guess it all looks good on paper but nobody is aware of what goes on in real time. I know this tough economy and longer use of buses is killing me for finding good clean used buses. A bus with less than 200k is going be rare in Va.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 04/26/2010 2:57:47 PM

Any ideas of where these buses came from?

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 04/26/2010 6:25:17 PM

The little Vista is either Richmond City or Petersburg, I believe. The conventional bus is a 1998 International from Prince Edward Co. T444E with a 5 spd. (a real slugg for pulling out in traffic)

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 04/26/2010 7:36:55 PM

There's also a few 1997 Thomas International shorties from Spotsylvania on their website too.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 04/26/2010 9:05:13 PM

that thomas international is TOTALLY a Prince Edward county bus. Good find! I love the spect'd out bus with the manual transmission.

Oh, and as far as that shorty vista is concerned. There is also a good chance that it is a Norfolk City bus...They had quite a few of those floating around.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 04/28/2010 5:26:26 PM

Norfolk buses had a different driver seat unless this one had been replaced. I sure wouldnt pay 5k for that thing.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/28/2010 7:26:36 PM

the vista the flordia church bus sales has that is short with ac and lift is from va. beach it was our old 473. it was running everyday till they sold it.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/01/2010 11:59:47 AM

They buy alot of Va. buses. They got one of your GMCs also. A12

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/02/2010 1:01:36 PM

Ok so that is the old Bus 12 i thought it looked like it they must have gotten that from Merryman or something it has been gone a long time now. That Russell's salavage must get most of ours they dont stay around here.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 05/02/2010 7:13:33 PM

It was listed on Public Surplus.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/02/2010 8:01:49 PM

A12 was sold on there with public surplus a few years ago but the lettering and number were removed - I am pretty sure you are right that is the one they just sold which would be A121 because my pic shows the tag pretty similar in digits but not the best few of the tag on there.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/03/2010 6:43:03 PM

I saw it on Public Surplus also a few weeks ago and I mighgt have been wrong on the number. I thought it was odd to see such a old bus still on there. Do you know any thing about Eddie Upton? I'm guessing he is Eddies Bus Service? He is supposed to have a large selection of buses down off 58 close to Suffolk, but I'm not exactly sure where.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/03/2010 8:09:32 PM

Eddie's Bus Service is now Ed and Son Bus Service not sure what he did with his inventory but the lot where he had lots of old buses has been cleared.It is hard to believe he scraped all those things but it is possible he had some really cool stock items at one time. He use to be on Military Highway for years and I think he still has a small lot next to the big one but the big one has commercial trucks in there now.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/04/2010 3:38:03 PM

Yeah thats right I remember now. Its been a while since I've been that way. I bet he scrapped out 2 years ago when it was bringing top dollar. I watched buses that didnt even run sell at auction for 800 to 1000 bucks just for scrap. I found a neat old 50s model International with a Superior body the other day on 460 just this side of Lynchburg. The bus was in decent shape for the age. I'll try to get a pic or two next time I'm that way.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 05/05/2010 8:15:09 PM

Charlottesville City Schools?

Reply author: vabuslover
Replied on: 05/06/2010 4:48:38 PM

Well, the lettering not being blacked out really gave that one away. Kind of surprising to see they are getting rid of that one so soon. Wonder if something was wrong with it?

Reply author: IC RE 1629
Replied on: 05/06/2010 5:14:44 PM

Originally posted by vabuslover

Well, the lettering not being blacked out really gave that one away. Kind of surprising to see they are getting rid of that one so soon. Wonder if something was wrong with it?

I was at Sonny Merryman's not long ago and they had a ton of their old buses on the used bus lot. They have a good size order of new HDX's coming in. I was honored to drive one that had only arrived from High Point about 45 minutes prior.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/06/2010 6:38:54 PM

Does anyone know if there are any gasoline buses still in Virginia? I know of some Minotours but I was curious about larger buses. I think Brunskick Co. had a few but they are having an auction next Thurs. and all the buse listed are gas, 87-89 model Ford and Chevy.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 05/06/2010 7:03:15 PM

Originally posted by vabuslover

Well, the lettering not being blacked out really gave that one away. Kind of surprising to see they are getting rid of that one so soon. Wonder if something was wrong with it?

There are three more Charlottesville AmTran REs on the used bus site, too.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 05/07/2010 1:25:53 PM

There are a few of the newer style GMC/Chevrolet Bluebirds running around VA running on gasoline. I want to say Northampton county has/had a few...stick shifts too!

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/08/2010 07:59:11 AM

Yeah Northampton had a few for sale on eBay a while ago. They were 1996 models and I thought they might be the last ones. I always wondered why they stuck with gas so long.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/08/2010 08:40:17 AM

Northhampton County use to travel with Bus 28 everywhere they went it must have had one good gasoline motor. I think the life of the transit I had Bus 74 is about to come to an end in Va Beach the motor has gone again and I dont think they are going to repair it anymore. It about 190K miles on it still a nice bus.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/09/2010 07:23:17 AM

I believe 28 was the one I saw auctioned off. It was a 1996 GMC. How does Va Beach go about assigning new buses? I have a friend in Chesterfield and he said they give out new buses based on seniority and then hand down the older one. The senior drivers get a new bus every 5 years. Here in Powhatan they place the new buses between the senior drivers or whoever has the longer routes. As always the subs. and field trip buses are thr oldest.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/09/2010 4:23:07 PM

We are on a 5 year rotation also senority first. The older buses kind of end up just about everywhere we are a running a really nice fleet right now expect people dont care to much for the C2s.

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 05/09/2010 8:32:08 PM

Let me see if i can catch up on previously asked questions.

Where did you here that Brunswick County is having an auction, i would like to go? I went by Nottoway County the other day for a game and saw they still have a few fords from the early to mid 90's running but im not surprised most rural districts are going to hold on to those buses if they are still good. I was told by a friend of mine that work there that they ones that they retired earlier this year, the county administrator got a better price for the buses to be scrapped then to sell right off. Sad to see them head up to Farmville or Kenbridge to be scrapped but you gotta do what you gotta do now.

And yes i too have see Fluvanna County's fleet, it is old but just like my screen name states. i kinda admire the them for keeping the old school buses look and working good. Charlotte County has an sort of old fleet too, not too bad though. Halifax and Pittsylvania im not too sure about. Do any of you VA Beach drivers know anything about Southampton's fleet? They have recently started playing the schools up in this area.

That bus 41 that was mentioned earlier that is being sold is from Prince Edward County. I used to drive there and the lady that had that bus got a c2 now. Even though im not driving anymore, i try to keep up with friends i made through the years traveling to games throughout the Southside and James River Districts affiliated counties.

I don't think Brunswick is running full size gasoline buses n e more but if they are that will surprise me. Appomattox, Amelia and Lunenburg counties are the only counties i know that still run sticks, Amelia is buying automatics but still have a few sticks running routes. Prince Edward got out of that back in 1998/ 1999 but still run a few as spares. Not sure about Buckingham or Cumberland. Appomattox still run the smaller 54 pass. buses instead of the 64. Nottoway is all automatic. Mecklenburg ,Greensville and Dinwiddie i believe is automatic also.

Sorry for the long post, but i hope to have answered some of the questions.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 05/10/2010 4:40:08 PM

Hello there old school!! Brunswick's sale was advertised on I think its this Wed. They do have 1 or 2 gassers for spares but they may be parked now due to the sale. You seem to cover a lot of turf here in Southside. You asked about Southampton Co. and from what I see they still have some 88 model Minotours and 91 Int'ls for spares. The 91's are 52 passengers and have 7.3Ls and automatic. Its neat how they number their buses after the year model. ex. 941,942,943 would be 94 models, 051 would be a 05, etc. I'm in Powhatan Co. and I think we have a very nice fleet. I work for the academy in Powhatan and all our buses are bought used.

bsaund09, it seems the drivers around here dont care for the C2's either. I have a friend in Chesterfield and they are not big fans of the bus. Most of their drivers prefer the EF Thomas.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/31/2010 7:21:24 PM

ok added lots of new pics to my flicker site will added details later with more time but some of these are just old buses and special thanks to hardybusman for providing some super great finds of school bus history days for sure.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 05/31/2010 10:31:36 PM

How many All Americans does/did Virginia Beach operate? How old are those units?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/01/2010 02:58:52 AM

We had 3 All Americans bought back in 1999. They have retired 2 of them now selling a least one shortly.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 06/01/2010 10:21:52 AM

Those are the only All Amreican REs I've seen in Virginia (at least in pictures). I'm sure it's sad to see them go.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/01/2010 1:34:38 PM

It is sad i put many miles on Bus 74 and 78 when they were new. It is hard to believe they are being sold but time marches on.

Reply author: HCPSFan
Replied on: 06/02/2010 10:12:03 AM

Any other VA drivers have issues with the kids "Pooting" on their busses? Its a big issue where im from, I was wondering if anyone else had the same issue.

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 06/02/2010 5:02:26 PM

@hardybusman...That c2 "up on the hill" is in Pittsylvania County near danville va right? The Bible Way church bus (chevy) is off of hwy 58 in Mecklenburg County near or passed Boydton. Mecklenburg still has alot of older buses just like most of us rural folk will soon find out. but hey, if it runs and looks good, why junk them?

@bsaund09...One of the pics you uploaded on May 28th. The group of older bluebird fords with the thomas ford in the middle. I went to Nottoway County growing up and they had a load of those 4 light mostly yellow with the one black stripe in the middle of the bus. In my travels i've basically seen every type of bus that you have posted in someone's back yard except for that one. mannnn i miss them

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/03/2010 08:38:31 AM

Hardybusman deserves the credit for some of the recent pics added he has a great collection very happy to show them off. Yes i actually took the time while driving down Hwy 58 to stop and take a few pics. there is a house very near the Bibleway Church bus going toward South Boston with a 1966 or so Chevy Wayne still labeled with the front bummer now painted green use to be black with a number 158 on it.However that bus in the backyard i tried getting shots from the road but no good to house doesnt have much of a side strip to stop on if anyone is game go for it. That would be a great find not many of them around.

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 06/03/2010 6:23:23 PM

Yeah i the only thomas ford i seen like that was behind someone's house i saw a couple of weeks ago, went by there today and now it's gone:(. Scrap metal business is getting alot of people's business now adays. There is a guy (junk yard) near concord,va (Appomattox/Campbell county line) that i see every now and then with some oldies.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 06/03/2010 6:56:59 PM

Originally posted by bsaund09

It is sad i put many miles on Bus 74 and 78 when they were new. It is hard to believe they are being sold but time marches on.

It's pretty sad to see that 74 has a 'POOR' status on Public Surplus. :(

Virginia Beach has listed some buses on Public Surplus today.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/03/2010 8:11:56 PM

Yeah Tatum it needs some work but overal still a very nice bus.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 06/03/2010 8:52:02 PM

What do the A and B letters on Virginia Beach's buses mean?

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 06/05/2010 12:08:55 PM

bsaund09, thanks for all the credit you gave me. I have had the best time over the years finding and taking pics of those buses. Working in School Transportation has been a great venture and I've made a lot of great friends. I may not know anyone on here but I do consider you all friends.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/07/2010 7:14:22 PM

yes, sir your find is a great addition some of us still remember those great buses of the past.the petersburg Bus 105 is a huge find and to see in full operation that is to cool. I wish i had been more of a picture taker back in those days but have a nice little bit of most of those days. still looking for an early 1970s Bluebird IHC pic with" school bus stop state law" but no luck around here.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 06/08/2010 4:50:14 PM

I wish I had started taking pics earlier as well. The first bus I drove was a 1978 Ford Ward. It was a gasser with an Automatic transmission. It came out of Maryland. That Petersburg bus was contracted from Virginia Overland. It is a 1974 Ford. I belive the picture was taken in the very early 80's. I have a friend that worked there several years back in the good old days and he gave me several old pics of their buses. I worked there in the shop for a while in 96-97. I'll keep my eyes peeled for that old bird pic you are looking for.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/17/2010 2:13:05 PM

We have one more day left in the regular school year I feel like I am driving summer school. I understand they had a good auction with the old Bus 74 here in va.beach.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 06/18/2010 10:05:21 PM

Yeah I bid on the older bus with no hhod and it sold for way more than I expected. I saw today Powhatan has pulled licence off 4 of their 98 - 99 Freightliners. I remember when they were new. It was really cool seeing those for the first time. Odd they pulled those when they are still running older buses. We have been out since last week. I'm off for a couple of weeks then its crunch time getting buses and classrooms back together for another year.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/19/2010 08:36:58 AM

yes they did very good on that auction from what i heard (good to hear used buses are of value)we still have some 95s and 94s running around as activity buses. The first students I carried on regular route with Bus 74 graduated last night strange how they all went away in the same week. Thanks again Mr. Hardy for the bus pics I am getting very good feedback on them.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 06/19/2010 12:24:19 PM

Thats neat the timing of that. I'm glad you like the pics. I will send you more when I get them loaded. Are you driving summer school?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/19/2010 1:14:35 PM

Driving parks and rec field trips because it is so much harder then the other stuff(maybe). It should be a fun time with parks and rec hoping 546 holds up noticing it is leaving a stain on its parking location underneath the left side of the engine.It has almost 62k on it now so could be anything but it is such a cool bus.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 06/20/2010 1:46:45 PM

546 your regular bus? Has anyone heard any news on Roanoke's first year under a contractor? I also hear the state roadeo is being held here in Chesterfield Co. this year over at James River H.S. this week on tues., I think.

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 06/22/2010 04:54:02 AM


What is the reason for the removal of Powhatan's freightliners? are they going to auction them on site or on line? will you try to get some of them?

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 06/22/2010 07:21:09 AM

I dont know what they are going to do. I'm sure they will sell them this summer because they pulled them outside the gate. If you've seen Powhatan's lot in the summer you know its full back there. They really need a bigger lot to park all those buses. I am not interested in them at all. They have added a 2000 TC2000 as well. Common sense tells me if they are getting rid of 99-2000 model buses and still running 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, and 98 there must be problems with them. They all have Cummins engines and I know they have been troublesome. I'll let you know if I find out more.

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 07/07/2010 09:08:31 AM

I thought Amelia Academy sold that Wayne! good to know they still have it. they had a late 70's early 80's model thomas gmc that look just as good as that one. oh well when it comes down to aution time....she's all mine!!!

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/09/2010 3:39:51 PM

I doubt they sell that bus any time soon. I know one of the board members and he says they gonna keep those old mechanical diesels as long as they can. They use that bus for activity and changed the rear so it will run 65+....

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/13/2010 1:18:53 PM

Some of us really miss those old Internationals those things were great I will never understand changing things that work and work well. I will be in Petersburg tomorrow with a group and then going to Kings Dominion on Thursday with a much of other buses from Va. Beach not sure of anyone with a brand new one going. Our first set of regular C2s from 2008 have started losing their battery door it is getting kind of funny to hear that called in there is another what was wrong with the old style body.

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 07/19/2010 7:57:58 PM

Today i rode by Southampton's garage on hwy 35 in Courtland, VA. Their yard is small and they didn't have alot of buses. I was surprised not to see a football field full of buses because last time i looked on the map...Southampton County isn't small at all. Im going to try and see each bus yard in VA atleast once before i kick the bucket.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/20/2010 09:07:35 AM

yeah there fleet is small maybe only like 100 or so buses .they use to stuff there lot with buses at one time maybe they house them else trying to find all those lots i try sometimes.

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 07/22/2010 3:31:22 PM


I forget you're from VA Beach so just 100 buses is small to yall!:)

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 07/22/2010 6:25:58 PM

Speaking of VA Beach, how large is their fleet? (total number of buses)

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/22/2010 7:12:31 PM

highest # 719 -- maybe 40 A buses most spares are in the regular fleet of numbers.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/22/2010 8:00:55 PM

Hey old school, Powhatan just announced those buses to be sold on a sealed bid due by the 6th of Aug. I would be afraid of them being as that they are keeping much older buses and knowing of the troubles of that Cummins engine. If yu want to see a nice shop visit the Nelson Co. bus shop. Its only 5 or 6 years old and I really like the set up they have. Its behind the H.S. just before you get to the apple orchard.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 07/24/2010 4:23:13 PM

We are building a new garage but the lot is to small to house the fleet. go figure.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 07/29/2010 4:04:10 PM

You gotta wonder who plans these things. Powhatans bus shop is smaller and older than ours. They have 80 some buses and we have 12. Ha

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/07/2010 4:23:03 PM

Mr. Hardy you have got some great pics Isle of Wight Academy has some cool buses. I am happy to be rolling in the same bus for the 4th year maybe the next 4 years will be as good. I have only done about 20,000 this last calendar year but going back on the longer runs so let see how it holds up . I just no dont like the newer buses very unusual for me but then done of them are specked out as nice as mine without ac i enjoy the 2 roof vents.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/08/2010 06:58:21 AM

I've been driving my 90 GMC for 5 years now and I really am going to hate to see it be put down. I know it wont last forever but with money as tight as it is here I may be in it for a long while. Only 3 more weeks till school starts here. Does any one know if there are any more 4 light buses left in Va? I know of a couple private schools but I am curious of the public schools.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/08/2010 10:29:04 AM

i think most 4 light buses are gone now there is a private school still running a 1983 Ford Thomas.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 08/08/2010 10:57:13 AM

Why don't private schools' buses follow the same things that public school buses do? I noticed many of those private school academy buses have logos.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/08/2010 1:50:55 PM

They are not gov't owned buses only requirement to be a school bus is routine state inspection. Some of the bigger private own companies come pretty close to the city school buses.The Virginia Pupil Transportation office for the state has specific guidelines regarding school buses funded by the state.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/09/2010 3:08:14 PM

As a private school, bus operator I have to follow federal regs. for a School Bus such as lettering, color, and safety equipment but we are not bound to Virginia Department of Educations regulations. We are a private organization and do not transport public students, only our own. We have our own in-house set of guidelines for our fleet. If we had to meet state standards we would have to either buy our buses new, speced. for Va. or buy used buses from Va. schools. Most of our buses come from Maryland. Bsaund09 is right on the guidelines.

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 08/12/2010 5:03:32 PM

Thanks hardy, i rode by powhatan the other day, one of the freightliners grill is gone and the hood looks busted up. Also, how long will you keep driving your gmc, why are you putting it down. I like the fact that private schools are still running the older buses.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/14/2010 2:10:33 PM

Well I dont plan on putting it down its just that its getting a little ragged. If the bus was a liitle newer I would probably consider a new engine. Its making a strange noise and smokes a lot on the highway, other than that it drives and rides REALLY good and is very comfortable to drive on long trips. Private schools dont run older buses because we want to its because its all we can afford. lol. I have friends at several academys and we all do agree that the older mechanical diesels especially the Internationals are far more dependable than the newer ones. I'm not sure who bought those buses from Powhatan, Three of them needed transmissions but 2 were in great shape, I'm not sure why they sold them being they havent bought a bus since '08. and not looking to get any more for another year or 2.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/17/2010 12:40:31 PM

Wow, Mr. Hardy those are the fasted most viewed photos I have seen yet.You have a great selection thanks very much for the sharing . It does make me miss those days time never stops but they were fun days . Looking forward to the new school year 3 weeks from today we still dont have route sheets yet but I am sure they are working on them.

Reply author: hardybusman
Replied on: 08/17/2010 5:29:36 PM

We get back to rolling on the 30th. Those were some good 'ol buses and most were retired with well over 200-250k miles. I looked yesterday and we only have 3 buses with less than 200k, three buses with over 300k and one with 430k miles. I'll send you the rest of our old buses when I geta chance to scan them. Thanks again for posting them I'm glad people enjoy them!!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/23/2010 5:07:27 PM

Found an interesting sell item on ebay

Reply author: SuperiorGMC1963
Replied on: 08/23/2010 8:51:06 PM

Originally posted by bsaund09

Found an interesting sell item on ebay

It certainly is interesting! The chassis, according to the manufacturer's plate was manufactured in June of 1978 and the body in May of 1981. Seems strange for a chassis to sit around that long. I liked the looks of those ol' Ford chassis.

Reply author: Thomas Ford 85-16
Replied on: 08/24/2010 06:40:47 AM

Ted, I'll agree with you in that I like the old Ford hoods from that era, but not because they were good looking. I'll call them nostalgic and beastly, but they are somewhat plain, bordering on ugly. I have to wonder who designed that, stepped back and said, "Damn that looks good."

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 08/24/2010 3:37:15 PM

^He must've helped design the Vista, too.

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 09/27/2010 5:02:39 PM

I went by two scrap yards, one in Farmville, Va (Prince Edward county) and the other in Kenbridge, Va (Lunenburg county). I see that it must be cheaper to sell buses for scrap than to auction them off. Nottoway county has sent several of their early 90's fords to the businesses.
Sadly, they looked like they were in pretty good shape.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/27/2010 7:47:26 PM

yes, they are worth lots of to scrap yards . they do sell some that way and i guess if it is damaged they pay to have it scraped . just about every piece is worth something to recycle.

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 10/25/2010 8:59:19 PM

It's a shame, i drove passed ABC recycling in Lunenburg county and saw a 67-68ish thomas dodge that was apparently in someone's yard that was sold to them..The old bus actually looked really good,enough to restore, i couldn't see the name of what county it may have came from. shucks i wonder if they will resell it?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 10/27/2010 06:49:26 AM

Considering age and location I doubt it is up for a resell. It would be cool to see a pic of it. The 67 Dodge was the coolest look to me of the Dodge years. Great find .

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 11/04/2010 2:42:40 PM

I will try the next time im the way love your pic website and the additions by hardy bus man is the way...Hadybusman..where is richmond outreach center located? midlothian turnpike?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/14/2010 5:27:00 PM

hey "old school" Mr. Hardy wanted me to pass the info about ROC it is located on Midlo. Pike right next to the old Overnite Terminal. He is having troubles logging into the Forum.

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 11/15/2010 04:31:33 AM

10 4 thanks

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 12/27/2010 08:58:51 AM

To Fairfax Drivers.

Do "yall" have any waynes as spares in your fleet?

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 12/27/2010 8:51:29 PM

Originally posted by old_school

To Fairfax Drivers.

Do "yall" have any waynes as spares in your fleet?

No. The last Waynes were 1989's (64 pax on a Ford chassis). I believe they were auctioned in the summer of '07...they gotta go when they're 18 years old. My first assigned bus was one of these '89 Ford/Waynes. (Man, the air brakes were noisy on those buses!).

After '89, they started buying 78 pax BB TC-2000s in '90 & '91...they're gone now too. (They also had a handful of '89 BB AAFEs)

Current spares are mostly '97 & '98 Thomas ERs and a few '99 AmTran REs.

For some reason, unknown to me, they just got rid of all our '94 Thomas ERs. They hadn't reached mandatory retirement age and I can't imagine that ALL of them needed major repairs that were not worth it. They were pretty good buses...they had high headroom and Cummins engines....the '97s & '98s are low headroom with Cat engines.

Reply author: Jake
Replied on: 01/02/2011 4:10:13 PM

I figured I'd reply to this thread.. i've been reading through the other pages trying to catch up. I've really started to gain interest in VA buses since I visited VA for the first time over the summer while I was participating in a church mission project.

VA is a really nice state and I always thought VA buses looked pretty bland due to the lack of logos, small fonts, etc.. but it was really cool to see the buses in person. I visited the VA Beach area and it was definitely worth the trip, what was also interesting was those huge tunnels that went under the ocean... never seen anything like it!

Bus-wise, I saw a lot of buses from Chesapeake Schools, they had a pretty nice fleet. Lots of Thomas ER's, HDX's and some first generation Visions. I have some pics I'll share whenever I get around to updating my website. I was also surprised to see some early 90s ER's on the road there, they looked to be in pretty good condition. The highlight, though, was I saw a late 1980's Wayne Chevrolet that was converted into a "Mobile Store".. painted baby blue but it was still obvious that it was an ex. VA bus.

Overall I was very impressed and I think i'll probably start trying to keep up with this thread and contribute in if you all don't mind.

Also, saw this on flickr today.. I can't believe people have the nerve to do this kind of stuff:


Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/10/2011 04:14:26 AM

Yeah, I know that driver and bus she takes everything in stride i guess that was a vandlism job done on her bus the pic is at the garage. We do have a bland fleet in Virginia but everything is in uniform according to policy adopted by the state. Great comments Jake and yeah tunnels are a way of life here.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 01/23/2011 8:47:09 PM

A 1995 Thomas International from Virginia Beach on eBay:

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 02/05/2011 05:58:49 AM

Look what I found! Clearly a piggy back from the FCPS 2002 order (Just without A/C). I'm 99% sure this is from Fluvana County, which is ironic that they'd be selling such a new bus since they are still running 89s. They used to send this on long distance trips. I guess they must not have a shop geared toward servicing REs, which we all know how the T444E likes TLC...

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 02/05/2011 07:45:59 AM

^That 2002 AmTran RE is from Rockbridge County Public Schools (#31).

Later today, I'll post the rest of the buses from Florida Church Bus that are from Virginia along with the names of the school districts thay owned them becAuse I know who they previously belonged to.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 02/05/2011 5:32:29 PM

Here's what I know for sure, I'm 100% positive. Greensville County Public Schools #44 Rockbrdige County Public Schools #31 Greensville County Public Schools #33 Gouchland County Public Schools #32 Gouchland County Public Schools #33

Now, since I've told you what all of the above previously belonged to, can you Virginians help me out? :) 1991 GMC 366 5 speed/hydraulic brakes 1998 GMC 366 5 speed/hydraulic brakes 1995 AmTran Genesis FE..From what I can make out, it looks like it's from Buena Vista County Public Schools #4. I'm not certain about this one, though.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 02/08/2011 5:58:00 PM

hey great finds for sure good work

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 02/11/2011 09:04:20 AM

Tatum -- Mr. Hardy said to let you know the older gas GMC s your talking about are from Scott County.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 02/11/2011 12:59:21 PM

^Thank you to relaying the info to me.

If you get a chance, tell Mr. Hardy 'thank you' for me! :)

Here's a nice looking FS65 from Powhatan, VA up for auction on eBay.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 02/12/2011 9:48:54 PM

Check that out! A full size automatic transmission bus in VA with hydraulic brakes! I thought you all said that was not possible unless it had the weird Lucas something break system. I KNEW I had seem this before, and was certain I had seen it in both Powhatan County and in King George County. COOL FIND!

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 02/12/2011 11:50:38 PM

^I guess since it's from a private contractor (Mr. Hardy's), his buses don't need to be spec'd like buses purchased by the state are.

I wonder why Mr. Hardy doesn't trade his buses in?

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 02/16/2011 1:34:08 PM

Any ideas?

This one is from Buena Vista County Public Schools (#7)

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 02/17/2011 08:42:30 AM

Suffolk had a transit bluebird numbered Bus 1 not sure if that is it.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 02/17/2011 12:53:51 PM

On second thought, I do know the former operator of the 1991 TC2000. It belonged to Buena Vista County Public Schools.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 02/17/2011 4:01:15 PM

Hey all! I'm back. I've been busy and my account went inactive. I'm selling that bus for a friend, and its not a county bus its private. They ordered it with hydraulic brakes. Its a decent bus and they couldnt get much for trade in. $6000.00 will buy it.
BTW its Buena Vista City not County just so nobody gets upset with ya. The International is from Scott County. Theres a pic of it on bsaunds flikr.

Reply author: Jake
Replied on: 02/17/2011 4:49:35 PM

New photos of the IC RE. Nice bus!

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 02/19/2011 06:46:57 AM

King George County Public Schools #52.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 02/20/2011 7:57:28 PM

Originally posted by BusFreak

Check that out! A full size automatic transmission bus in VA with hydraulic brakes! I thought you all said that was not possible unless it had the weird Lucas something break system. I KNEW I had seem this before, and was certain I had seen it in both Powhatan County and in King George County. COOL FIND!

Thats a private school bus and Powhatan is all air brake, not sure about King George.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 02/22/2011 6:31:09 PM

Here's a video of a former Rockbridge County Public Schools bus in some foreign country.

Reply author: Maynard
Replied on: 02/24/2011 1:44:31 PM

Originally posted by Tatum

^That 2002 AmTran RE is from Rockbridge County Public Schools (#31).

Later today, I'll post the rest of the buses from Florida Church Bus that are from Virginia along with the names of the school districts thay owned them becAuse I know who they previously belonged to.

I just found this because I'm actually looking at buying this bus. Does anyone know how I can get service records? What's the best way to go about this?

Thanks for any advice I certainly appreciate it.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 02/24/2011 3:21:24 PM

^Your best bet is to email Greg Archmabault at or his son, Greg Archmabult, the owner of BGA School Buses at

Reply author: Maynard
Replied on: 02/24/2011 4:28:02 PM

Thanks, Tatum, I appreciate it. I've been talking to Greg--very nice guy. I don't want to hijack your forum for my own purposes here because I'm not a professional bus mechanic by trade, but he said he saw the service records and couldn't take them, but the bus is perfect. I'd love it if the bus was perfect, ha! Just trying to find a way to get a faxed copy of the records or something.

I'm not sure if schools do that anymore... I found the directory of Rockbridge County school administrators though so the secretary or transportation may be able to help me.

If anyone has any other ideas please let me know! Thanks, all.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 02/24/2011 4:59:27 PM

I'm glad that you're interested in that bus! :)

Reply author: Jake
Replied on: 02/24/2011 6:21:00 PM

Originally posted by Maynard

I don't want to hijack your forum for my own purposes here because I'm not a professional bus mechanic by trade..

Feel free to post here and make yourself at home. Tons of bus enthusiasts and other bus owners that lurk here as well! Good luck with your bus and hopefully somebody at the school district can get you copies of the records.


Reply author: Maynard
Replied on: 02/24/2011 6:38:01 PM

Thanks for the nice words and friendly welcome!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 03/05/2011 10:24:35 PM

Saw a Pittsylvania County FS-65 today, and it looked brand new! Guess what else? It was a 65 passenger with hydraulic brakes! The other specs on this bus made it look super new, like it had just left High Point. My thoughts are, could this have been a used bus purchase? It had all of the bells and whistles, except for no air brakes. Tinted windows, fresh black window frames, a white roof, that HUGE new style strobe, etc. I'm wondering if this was a used bus that was "Virgniafied" prior to their purchase, therefor allowing for these hydraulic brakes.

Also saw an interesting 2001 Thomas ER (new style) from Henrico County. This one was a 78 passenger (big), and had the crappy AT545! Obviously, with this being a non-electronic transmission, it had a T handle. On the new style ER and the HDX, they put the T handle on the FLOOR next to the driver's seat! It kindof reminded me of the old MCI Coach buses with the shifter mounted there....

Anyway, does anyone know if Pittsylvania has any air brake buses?

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 03/07/2011 1:38:32 PM

Pittsylvania was still shifting gears up until 2000s. Not exactly sure when they went to automatic transmissions but it was definately after 2000. Remember buses that have the "park" option on the transmission are allowed to have hydraulic brakes in Virginia. That 2001 pusher could have a MT643 transmission and still have a manual shifter.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 03/18/2011 9:03:46 PM

There are some more Virginia buses listed on Albemarle County Public Schools 1994 Ford Blue Bird Prince William County?

Does anyone know who these belonged to? They're 1996 DT466's.

How about this 2000 AmTran? Maybe it's a Charlottesville bus?

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 03/19/2011 10:27:02 AM

The seven row Vista is more than likely a Prince Wm. bus. I have a friend that runs one identical to that and his is from Prince wm.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 03/19/2011 2:46:23 PM

^I don't see the handicap lift on them anywhere, yet they have handicap stickers on the rears.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 03/22/2011 3:27:10 PM

Those werent lift equipped but do have the handicapped decals. I have a Pr. wm. in my fleet that had a handicapped placard but no lift. The 96 model lift buses were conventional 52 passengers but the non lift handicapped were those Vistas. I dont know why?

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 03/22/2011 4:18:00 PM

Any ideas? 2000 AmTran RE.

I believe the buses below are from Northhampton County Public Schools. I could be wrong, though. 1997 GMC Blue Bird (gas/5 spd) 1998 GMC Blue Bird (gas/5 spd) 1998 GMC Blue Bird (gas/5 spd)

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 03/23/2011 6:43:39 PM

I would think that pusher is from Charlottesville City but not sure. Those gas buses are for sure from Northampton. I believe they were the last ones to operate gas powered buses. I never knew why they didnt switch to diesel until so late.

Reply author: Jake
Replied on: 03/23/2011 7:19:40 PM

Here's another ex. VA unit, appears to be contractor owned (or at least at the time of retirement).

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 03/23/2011 8:37:15 PM

^I like that one. It has a 3116 Cat, too.

Reply author: Jake
Replied on: 03/24/2011 2:45:10 PM

I hate to post again, but heres a really nice '00 TC2000 with VA specs on the bay .

Some scrap buses:

Ford Thomases:

AmTrans/ IC:

totaled HDX:

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 03/24/2011 5:09:59 PM

^If that bus really is Virigina spec'd, I'm surprise the see the absence of the chain box/storage box in the rear.

The passenger capacity in the description also seems way of, too.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 03/25/2011 06:49:36 AM

Charlottesville City's AmTrans didn't have extended skirting, and were one row shorter. The only ones who bought a bunch just like that one were Fairfax and Loudoun counties....This one could have been tagged onto those orders. From the looks of the black outs, it's Something COUNTY public schools, as the second blackout isn't near short enough for CITY. I can 99% say it's NOT a fairfax bus though. My guess is Loudoun, as it's about the time they'd be retiring those.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/25/2011 08:42:00 AM

hey, got to go to the new garage and transportation office yesterday very nice place not much room for buses but otherwise very nice. it is a little more ways to travel .

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 03/25/2011 11:52:03 AM

Where is it Brian? How's the new bus?

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 03/25/2011 4:05:34 PM

I never thought about Loudon County. I didnt know they had Amtrans pushers that old. I thought they were Thomas buses.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/25/2011 7:48:15 PM

hey, thomas -- yeah the new Va. Bch School Bus Garage is on Harpers Rd. the other side of Oceana base it is nice place but very limited on space as far as bus parking. The new bus wash is not working yet and there is fueling on that site at all. The new bus not sure it is there now waiting repair it kept showing engine warning lights and then would lock the gas pedal out causing recycling to be needed which is a pain if you have already made pupil stops because of child check systems. There are links on the school systems website with pics of the new place.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/25/2011 7:50:43 PM

sorry typo on last -- no fueling allowed at new site Oceana Base made some restrictions that is one of them to.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 03/26/2011 09:54:34 AM

You gotta wonder why they build a shop that doesnt have the room for buses like it should. The old Oceana shop was tight also wasnt it?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/26/2011 2:05:03 PM

yeah,not sure why they built there but they orginally werent not going to be able to house all the spares there but from what i could tell they are all there. Yes tight parking all over Glenwood Garage is nice but small. They will still use the old site for overflow parking and compound parking for the summer.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 03/26/2011 3:06:22 PM

Expect an announcement, or something new, from Sonny Merryman, Inc.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 03/27/2011 09:23:32 AM

wow, are they bringing back the FS 65 improved.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 03/27/2011 11:57:08 AM

No. :P The announcement probably won't be a for a little while, but at least it's something.

I'd love to see the old FS65 roll out of High Point again!

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 04/09/2011 2:57:02 PM

Newport News?

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 04/17/2011 5:17:55 PM

Gloucester County lost 17 buses during the tornado the other day, and a middle school was either destroyed or heavily damage. Just come to show, Tornadoes are not just in the midwest anymore. Unfortunate that lives were lost...Be thankful, when you think you have it bad, somewhere/someone else have it worse....just pray yall.

Reply author: Jake
Replied on: 04/17/2011 5:35:30 PM

Reminded me of this photo i saw earlier today. Even though thats not VA, I'm sure its a familiar sight all over the east coast. Thankful we were spared from the worst of the storm here in KY, though my thoughts and prayers go out to all the rest. Very bad outbreak for this year.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 04/28/2011 12:17:27 PM

Was over in King William yesterday and it was cool seeing S series International Bluebirds still hauling kids. I would say they were 88 models. DT360s with 5 speeds and looked to still be in decent shape.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 04/29/2011 12:02:48 PM

Virginia Beach is auctioning more buses off on Public Surplus, and it looks like this may be the end of the All American RE's. :(

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 04/30/2011 08:55:53 AM

Yes, it is the end of them they were great in their day. The four CNGs from Thomas are also out of service and slated to be bought by another school district ending the transits in Virginia Beach.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 05/02/2011 3:07:54 PM

Hey Brian didnt you drive 74? I thought it was already gone?

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 05/02/2011 4:42:10 PM

Just thought I'd pass it along that Mark Fisher, Pres. of the former Virginia Overland Charter Service and Overland Bus Sales "Virginia's Wayne dealer" passed away over the weekend. Mark was a big supporter of the yellow school bus, and a firm believer in Wayne Body buses. I dont know any more details but will pass them along as I find out. Mark used to post on here quite often.

Reply author: Jake
Replied on: 05/02/2011 4:55:17 PM

Originally posted by C.HARDY

Just thought I'd pass it along that Mark Fisher, Pres. of the former Virginia Overland Charter Service and Overland Bus Sales "Virginia's Wayne dealer" passed away over the weekend. Mark was a big supporter of the yellow school bus, and a firm believer in Wayne Body buses. I dont know any more details but will pass them along as I find out. Mark used to post on here quite often.

Very sad and sorry to hear that and my thoughts and prayers go out to the families who have to suffer with this loss.

Is this the same Mark who used to go by "vaoverland" and operates the Wayne Bus Enthusiasts group on Yahoo?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/02/2011 6:10:33 PM

Sorry to hear of Mark Fisher's loss seems like someone everyday. Yes, Mr. Hardy I had Bus 74 they did attempt to sell it last spring not sure what happen there but its not unusual for things not to be picked up by the bidder.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 05/03/2011 03:03:37 AM

Yeah Jake that was Mark. I couldnt remember his screen name. I worked for Overland Bus Sales back in 1996 for just a little over a year. Mark was a good guy.

Reply author: Jake
Replied on: 05/03/2011 05:04:00 AM

What a shame. I remember Mark's many contributions to the forums, and also the Wayne Bus Enthusiasts group which I've followed for several years now. I think I talked to him once or twice outside the forum as well.

Here's a good read about VA Overland Transportation if you haven't seen it already:

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 05/04/2011 3:03:31 PM

I posted some on Flickr as well a while back. They were the only contractor and dealership around at the time.

Reply author: Jake
Replied on: 05/05/2011 6:33:01 PM

Article about his death:

I posted a message in the Wayne Corp Yahoo Group but I'm not sure if he left any moderators who would approve it to be sent out.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 05/06/2011 2:45:50 PM

Thats a great article. I'm glad you posted it.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 05/15/2011 12:51:36 PM

I stumbled across an interesting find the other day. I was on a field trip and two buses from Matthews County rolled up. One was a fairly new Freightliner and the other a very shiny International. I got to talking to the driver and he said it was a 1991 model. School board said no new buses last year so they decided to repaint the oldest buses. This thing looked brand new. It was repainted profressionally and had a white roof that looked factory. He didnt know who painted it but it looked great. Thats the first county bus I've ever seen re-done like that. They must plan on keeping it a while.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 05/15/2011 6:01:35 PM

Virginia Beach just got in some new C2s . I know I should be interested in the new but more interested in what they traded out like those old buses.!/media/set/?set=a.10150170814653603.308771.191775473602

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 05/16/2011 4:48:17 PM

Wonder why they arent decked out with chrome like ours?

Reply author: Jake
Replied on: 05/22/2011 10:46:25 PM

Here's some toasty VA Thomases:

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 05/23/2011 1:20:16 PM

I like the description of the exterior color. "Brown"!!! LOL LOL

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 05/25/2011 5:29:29 PM

Gosh! When did that happen?

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 06/08/2011 5:25:25 PM

Well.....I see Va. Beach made the cover of SBF magazine. Interesting article on their new facility. I have a roof top garden on my shop but its moss growing in the

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/10/2011 09:31:53 AM

Yes it is a charming place. I just enjoy being totally restricted on where we can walk when we are there. You never see the bus once it goes through the automated black iron rod fencing so I guess we trust them to keep us safe. The transportation office now you have to sign in to visit the people you need to see they hired someone for that job yet they have no money. It is nice green building but someone really needs to cut the weeds looks snakey.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 06/10/2011 5:26:04 PM

Yeah you dont see any of that in the article.....

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 06/11/2011 08:51:21 AM

I noticed that it was a great pic of Bus 26 . I mean I know it was well deserved and some rules were required under new guidelines but it just doesnt feel very friendly.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 06/26/2011 7:02:56 PM

I've got a question for the northern Va. guys. Did Loudon County have Fords with Thomas bodies in 1986 and 87? I believe they were automatic transmissions. Also were there some 1987 Internationals with both Thomas and Carpenter bodies? They had 5 speed transmissions. I seem to recall these but not 100% sure about the Carpenters.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 08/09/2011 12:16:00 PM

Look at this oldie!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/09/2011 7:11:02 PM

Yeah, got a few pics a couple of years ago from outside the fence -- sad to see it sold but would love to see someone get it and redo it.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/10/2011 10:19:38 AM

Interesting they call it a Warrick body company -- should be Ward Body Co.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/10/2011 11:15:51 AM

Brian. It looks like that new BIG church on Great Neck road bought up those All American REs you used to drive. I saw them lined up in their parking lot the other day. Looks like they are painting them white, and they really do look pretty good! Those will be good for their highway driving they likely do.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 08/10/2011 1:19:53 PM

yes, they bought 73 and 78 both were running when sold I hope they like them. we still have the 4 CNG buses not sure what is happening with them.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/10/2011 2:27:37 PM

I wouldn't be surprised if they shipped them up here to Arlington. They LOVE CNG up here. They have at least one CNG school bus, but the whole Arlington transit system runs on CNG, and most Metrobuses (DC's Transit System) that run through ARlington are CNG.

Reply author: pwcsken
Replied on: 08/16/2011 09:58:49 AM

Here is a link to a former Prince William County school bus # 488. This is a 1991 Thomas ER This bus was part of the second batch of the first transit buses used in Prince William (#'s 488-501).

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/17/2011 6:15:13 PM

nice find! I'd assume they retired that a few years ago. In the video, the bus looked and sounded pretty darn good....It's a shame a perfectly good bus has been retired. I hope a private school gets some good use out of it...

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 08/26/2011 10:18:24 PM

Saw on the news that the earthquake damaged Louisa County H.S. so bad they are holding classes in the middle school. They are alternating days. Mon Wed and Fri. they hold high school classes and the middle school kids attend tues. thurs. and sat. from 8 to 5 I believe. I think they said this will go on through January. Louisa is about 50 miles from me and we didnt have any damage around here.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 08/27/2011 06:36:48 AM

I'm not surprised. That sounds like a great solution to the mess that has been caused there. That'll cut driver hours down for sure though. Mineral, where the epicenter was, isn't too far from Louisa high school...

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 08/28/2011 08:04:02 AM

Yeah I would say mineral is maybe 10-20miles from the high school?? A lot closer if you drew a straight line. I hope Brian is doing ok with the hurricane. Its been a busy week here in Virginia.

Reply author: Jake
Replied on: 09/01/2011 6:39:03 PM

Two VA buses featured on my latest update:

Any idea on the year of the HDX?

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/02/2011 5:29:12 PM

wow, where did summer 2011 go ? I think every school system around here has gotten new C2s in over the last couple of weeks I know Va. Beach has a bunch starting out on Tuesday.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 09/03/2011 08:42:54 AM

C-2s are the stnadard around here as well. I guess Thomas must be building a good bus. I do know that offering the trade ins helps them to win the bid. Dont see any new IC buses around here and really new buses are kinda rare. Thanks for the directions the other day Brian. I rolled right up with no problem. We won our game 28 to 16 and it was a good game. It took me 2 hrs. and 50 min. to get there with just a little traffic at the high rise bridge.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/06/2011 09:33:28 AM

good deal yeah that bridge is usually slow.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/08/2011 5:36:36 PM
Message: <BR>
Does anyone else think that was originally a VA bus? The Emergency Door label in the back, the cage on the lower glass of the E door, the holes where the VA standard (what was standard) warning light activation box is, etc. No roof branding.. Looks like it was bought by a place in AZ, and turned into an AZ bus with the aftermarket black paint around the tail lights and window tints.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 09/08/2011 7:51:19 PM

It doesn't look like an old VA bus to me. The roof doesn't look like it is white, but rather off white, and it looks like it was painted like that.

Don't VA buses have another set of rub rails above the tail lights? They're absent on that All-American.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/09/2011 5:22:18 PM

Oh, you're totally right about the rub rail....GOOD call...

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 09/11/2011 07:34:30 AM

I just saw one of the first Prince William C2s they got a few years ago (Their ones with the long skirting)...Looks like they've been retrofitted with A/C to match the newer C2s they have! Are many districts going with A/C in the states? The few I know of are Fairfax County, Loudoun County, Prince William County, Albemarle County, and Harrisonburg City. I'm surprised that Arlington County (relatively affluent) doesn't even have A/C on their Special Ed buses!

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 09/13/2011 4:01:05 PM

Does anyone else hear of other districts having a diffcult time getting spare bluebird bus parts. We have buses waiting on parts and it seems to take weeks even monthes to receive them?

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 09/17/2011 7:21:50 PM

Cumberland County which is a fairly poor county has been ordering A/C for quite a few years now. I have heard that Brian from the guys here at the county shop. They are not at all pleased with their Bluebirds or the parts and service. At least with the Visions.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/05/2011 05:01:32 AM

OK you Virginia Smarties.... Who's the original owner of this beauty? What a catch! All the good stuff AND a 5 speed!

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 11/06/2011 1:47:40 PM

^I'm not sure where that one came from, but I'd love to know!

These three buses came from Caroline County Public Schools`

Reply author: bjkhokie
Replied on: 11/06/2011 8:22:54 PM

I saw some messages posted earlier about PWCS school buses. At some point, I'll try to upload a bunch of photos I took in the mid 1990s that has a good collection dating back to the 1980s back when Prince William was predominantly a Blue Bird county! Also, does anybody know what happens to old PWCS buses? I would really like to have one that retired several years ago (one of the Blue Birds) from 1990.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 11/07/2011 4:46:29 PM

ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY :) I've got it posted on bsaunds flikr. Bryan the school I work for has a Prince Wm. GMC but its a 90 model Thomas 34 passenger. They trade most of their in to the dealer towards their new buses. I would love to see some those pics!!

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 11/07/2011 11:17:33 PM

Mr. Hardy, I heard that your school has a new addition to the fleet. It seems like you have a nice bus with a new engine inside of it. ;)

I hope she treats you well! :D

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 11/08/2011 3:25:34 PM

Boy news travels FAST!! It's not new by any means but its perfect for a shuttle we will be doing and I think it will be fine. It's a little rough around the edges but mechanically sound and tight driving. Met an awsome "bus nut" in the process. Super nice and honest man that knows buses inside and out.

Reply author: Carson
Replied on: 11/13/2011 4:33:47 PM

Sorry for bumping, but I live in Manassas Park, VA. I was wandering if anyone knows of a Virginia School Bus Photo Site? Thanks in Advance!

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 11/14/2011 02:59:07 AM

Check out and search "school bus history" bsaund09 has over 1600 pics.

Reply author: Carson
Replied on: 11/14/2011 3:06:46 PM


Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 11/14/2011 5:15:22 PM

Virginia Beach Blue Birds are now showing up on Taylor Bus Sales's website. From what I understand, the TD of VA Beach was glad to get rid of these buses!

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/14/2011 7:59:26 PM

Goodness, those aren't even 10 years old yet! I heard that they liked to ride down the road a bit crooked, but aren't bad little busses! Surprise to me too, as the rest from that era in VA beach are all the 4 cyl Mercedes Thomas FL65s...

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/15/2011 3:26:54 PM

Yes, they are trying to let the GMCs go first I saw them bringing them in to the garage on Thursday from the overflow lot. They are really good buses and low mileage to but there is something about getting parts for these buses that are the issue . We had this same deal back in 1986 when Dodge quit making parts for those early mid to 70s school bus line of vehicles .

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 11/15/2011 4:40:46 PM

He paid good money for them.I watched them and believe they sold for over 4k a piece. You dont often see Va. buses at Taylor Bus. GM likes to consider a vechicle obsolete after 10 years old and since these arent produced anymore it is tough to get parts. Normal car dealerships cant get them and the medium duty departments dont seem to stock many. I work on a 1995 for a local school and go through the same thing each time it shows up for work.

Reply author: Dennis S
Replied on: 11/19/2011 09:40:16 AM

Hello Everyone. I am new here and I have read all the post on this thread. I must say we have some of the most knowledgable people here pertaining to VA buses. I grew up in Spotsylvania county. Seen many different buses over the years. I even remember when the county was growing so fast they had absolutely NO spares and if a bus broke down the bus had to sit and wait for another bus to empty out or the repairs were done right there. And I remember when Spotsy got 4 buses from Henrico county that Henrico had retired. Everyone called them "the junkyard buses". I remember they were Internationals. They were put on regulars runs. Still no spares. Today they have plenty of spares partly because of lack of drivers.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/19/2011 7:58:41 PM

Hi Dennis, Boy has Spotsylvania come a long way with the buses they are ordering. They went from being one of the last ones to get Automatic transmissions in the state to ordering 77 passenger buses with tinted windows, automatic transmissions, and LED lighting! I know they still have some of those 5 speeds running around on quite a few runs. I bet part of their driver shortage is because the newer drivers are starting out their driving career with the possibility of getting a knee replacement from those clutches! I remember the first time I saw a Spotsylvania bus in person was in 99 in Virginia Beach. I was shocked that it was a near new Thomas Internation with a stick shift! Virginia Beach had been getting automatics since the early 80s, and even still, I thought those weren't fancy compared to some of the others in the area.

Site note, does anyone know if Harrisonburg City is still getting Rear Engine buses with A/C? The last buses I knew them to get were mid 2000s IC REs.

Reply author: Dennis S
Replied on: 11/20/2011 09:23:18 AM

BTW, I used to be a substitute driver for Prince George County. All they had at the time were Fords. Although they did get 5 new Thomas Internationals while I was there, but they were not happy with them and never got any more. Now they have Fords and Freightliners as far as I know. They did not start getting automatics until 1990 (Thomas Fords).

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 11/22/2011 5:05:30 PM

Isle of Wight Academy

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/22/2011 5:43:45 PM

no that is an old va. beach bus they sold 5 a few weeks ago the number sold was 958 they added the 18 after sell.the stickers on the inside are all va. beach.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 11/22/2011 5:57:36 PM

Originally posted by bsaund09

no that is an old va. beach bus they sold 5 a few weeks ago the number sold was 958 they added the 18 after sell.the stickers on the inside are all va. beach.

According to unedited pictures I have of that bus, it says Isle of Wight Academy on the side...

Maybe it was purchased by Isle of Wight Academy after being sold off by VA beach?

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 11/23/2011 07:20:18 AM

Wow Isle of Wight Academy just bought that bus this summer. That doesnt make any sense...... That is an old Va. Beach, they bought two buses this summer. A pusher and that GMC. Both came from Sonny Merryman.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 11/23/2011 09:25:40 AM

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 11/23/2011 12:30:44 PM

Hmm they musy have retired their old number 18 a 1990 GMC Bluebird. I wonder why they traded this back to SMI? Thats their stock number on the door.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/24/2011 3:35:09 PM

Good question yeah i did think that 958 went out with the trades last spring not sure why they d get rid of it so soon. I just dont remember the orginial number if i did might have a clue as to why.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/25/2011 1:24:15 PM

Does anyone know if the FS-65s that Northhampton county has are 5 speeds? They were up there with SPotsylvania as being one of the last to get automatics (If they are currently getting automatics). Does anyone know if they are still getting stick shifts?

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 11/25/2011 4:49:31 PM

Thats a good question. I would like to know if they still operate any gas engines. I'm not sure what year they went to diesel.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/26/2011 03:18:58 AM

I am pretty sure they have automatics now and I think they are buying diesel to they actually have a very nice fleet now.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/26/2011 08:38:32 AM

Although I am not an authority on Northhampton County seems as though I was told they have autos now . I cant see having a gear shift in the floor of a C2.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 11/26/2011 11:51:50 PM

The C2 manual transmission is indeed an option! See below

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 11/27/2011 06:56:25 AM

I know the newer diesel they have are automatic. I've seem a couple myself but didnt know when they switched. Do they still have any gas buses left Brian? The C2 is the only bus available with a manual transmission option any more.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 11/27/2011 09:18:11 AM

wow, Thomas that is almost to scary maybe we should get some of them lol. I am not sure if Northhampton has anymore gas buses they have really been getting more new buses .

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 12/03/2011 6:52:34 PM

I think we got too much time on our hands up here in Fairfax...

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 12/03/2011 9:15:10 PM

Wow Bill,

Please tell me you are a part of that video in some way. That is hilarious!

Are you still driving for the county? I'd imagine you're in a brand new bus by now...oh wait, FCPS hasn't seen one of those for a while...

LOL Long time since we've heard from you, so I hope you are well.

Reply author: ltrain2010
Replied on: 12/04/2011 01:30:47 AM

Just out of curiousity, any Waynes from the late 80s still in service down in VA? Up here in the midwest I see one around here and there.

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 12/04/2011 1:12:02 PM

Originally posted by BusFreak

Wow Bill,

Please tell me you are a part of that video in some way. That is hilarious!

Are you still driving for the county? I'd imagine you're in a brand new bus by now...oh wait, FCPS hasn't seen one of those for a while...

LOL Long time since we've heard from you, so I hope you are well.

Yeah, I'm still at it. Everything's great!

No, I wasn't involved in that video, but I know some of them. It's a year or two old, but I just noticed somebody put it on Youtube.

I'm still in my 2007 ICRE, they're the best buses they have IMO. Unfortunately with that defective paint it looks like hell, but it runs GREAT. It's my last bus. They are saying that they are going to be buying some new buses next year, but most of them will be small buses. I don't care, I wouldn't take a new bus anyway. The new ones don't run near as well as my '07!

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 12/04/2011 3:36:16 PM

Originally posted by ltrain2010

Just out of curiousity, any Waynes from the late 80s still in service down in VA? Up here in the midwest I see one around here and there.

Man, I dont know of any Waynes left around here in central VA.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 12/04/2011 3:40:09 PM

The Field School of Charlottesville operates a BEAUTIFUL recently repainted 1995 Wayne Lifeguard if that counts. :)

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 12/06/2011 1:40:22 PM

Virginia beach getting rid of 2006 cng buses? i wonder why brian?

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 12/06/2011 5:39:39 PM


Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 12/07/2011 1:58:00 PM

It looks like Va. Beach is trying to rid their fleet of any problem buses and odd balls. I think thats a good idea if they are getting to be troublesome.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 12/14/2011 06:31:50 AM

yes, the CNG s cost them a few dollars along the way although the two they are selling were both up and running when they pulled them off the routes.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 12/19/2011 2:27:15 PM

Here's an ER from some county in VA.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 12/19/2011 4:44:16 PM

Arlington County

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 12/19/2011 4:56:04 PM

Nice looking bus

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 12/29/2011 4:04:57 PM

Prince William?

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 12/30/2011 07:17:29 AM

Yep. Super nice little buses that are like brand new. I'm not a transit fan but these are in excellent shape inside and out. Really makes you wonder why they would be retired so soon simply for age.

Reply author: bsaund09
Replied on: 01/01/2012 1:47:20 PM

sometimes they arent as sweet as they look. epa rules really have changed the industry.

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 02/28/2012 6:23:48 PM

Sorry to bring up this old topic, but does anyone know if there is a new mandate or something requiring new Special Ed buses to be air conditioned? Arlington County until this year has never had a single air conditioned bus in their fleet. I saw not one, but TWO new special ed buses today with AC! THey have been making some huge cut backs to their specs here too. They went back to buying conventionals a few years ago, and as of last year no longer spec LED lighting or air ride suspension. WIth all of those spec cut backs, the last thing I'd expect them to do is introduce AC. That's why I'm wondering if there is a new requirement or something.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 03/04/2012 5:21:19 PM

Any ideas?

Middlesex County

Reply author: BusFreak
Replied on: 03/05/2012 6:17:25 PM

Nice finds from Middlesex County! I love those rare 5 speeds with air brakes. I think Agusta County or Staunton City had some too.

I really think that Type A bus is a private school, as it doesn't look like it was numbered in the places that VA buses are numbered. I have no clue on the Thomas Ford. SO many districts around the Richmond area had those. The automatic transmission could narrow it down a good bit for that year though, as most of the state was still on manual transmissions.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 03/07/2012 3:44:52 PM

I think that Minotour belonged to a private operator in northern Va.Are you sure those Internationals arent from Essex Co. I know they speced. 5 speeds with air brakes. I've seen it at SMI in the past. Those Fords are tough. I dont really know of any around here at all. They could be from Prince George Co. they had a ton of Fords.

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 03/07/2012 4:39:33 PM

I would say that ford came from Greensville County. They were the only one's i remember with the shorty fords....Think bout it.. If you look at the side and try to picture a longer name before the "county" greensville seems to fit right in.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 03/07/2012 4:42:08 PM

Maybe Greene County Public Schools? I know they traded in a small Ford Thomas like that about this time last year.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 03/08/2012 6:14:28 PM

I think Greene would be 5 speed but thats just my guess?

Reply author: pwcsken
Replied on: 05/10/2012 10:08:41 AM

For those who are interested in photos of old Prince William County buses, I put together a collection on my Flickr account. Enjoy!

Reply author: old_school
Replied on: 05/11/2012 2:39:08 PM

Nice photos pwcsken. Im assuming those buses are long gone to the scrap yards?

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 07/30/2012 11:10:14 AM

Here are some rare VA Crown by Carpenters up or auction.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 11/12/2012 8:02:48 PM

Anyone know who this bus could have belonged to back in the day? Pic was taken in 2005.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 11/19/2012 3:41:46 PM

I'm saying 1990 ER from Richmond City Public Schools.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 11/20/2012 10:53:03 AM

Sonny Merryman called me today! What a sweet man! It was so nice talking on the phone with a man who is so influential in the bus industry. I hope to meet him this summer. He kept telling me, "I'm 88 years-old, I won't be here much longer, so don't keep putting off coming up to Virginia."

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 12/06/2012 6:59:12 PM

I can tell you he is a great guy full of knowledge. I am proud to know him and deal with his company. MAKE THE TRIP!!

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 12/10/2012 10:53:52 PM

Originally posted by C.HARDY

I can tell you he is a great guy full of knowledge. I am proud to know him and deal with his company. MAKE THE TRIP!!

That's EXACTLY what I'm doing in a few weeks. My parents have given me permission to take a trip to see the most influential bus dealer in America!

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 12/13/2012 2:41:54 PM

Poor Sonnny is almost completely blind but still knows who you are when you visit. Take the time to meet the great staff there as well. They are really a top notch dealership that truly believes in and backs their product to the fullest. You will be glad you came to Virginia.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 12/13/2012 3:17:28 PM

Originally posted by C.HARDY

Poor Sonnny is almost completely blind but still knows who you are when you visit. Take the time to meet the great staff there as well. They are really a top notch dealership that truly believes in and backs their product to the fullest. You will be glad you came to Virginia.

Unfortunately Sonny has also recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer as well. :(

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 01/08/2013 4:57:26 PM

Are there any districts still running gasoline powered conventional buses in Virginia? The last county that I am aware of was Northampton County and they just recently traded in their last two gasoline powered buses..

Reply author: CarsonMP
Replied on: 01/19/2013 05:01:49 AM

Originally posted by Tatum

Are there any districts still running gasoline powered conventional buses in Virginia? The last county that I am aware of was Northampton County and they just recently traded in their last two gasoline powered buses..

If you are talking about fill 'er up smelly buses, Manassas Park still has em'. We recently received some new CEs. 3 2011 CEs and a 2010-2011 CE Handicap. The handicap, numbered 33, is a normal sized bus. It has been out though recently because of having to regen the engine a LOT in the past few weeks. I was riding one of the new CEs, 34, and we had to pull off the road and get another bus to pick us up. It smelled terrible outside the bus. IC/Navistar is going down the hole in my opinion. Funny thing is, 32, my bus, is the first 2010 CE with full LED and it hasn't had a single problem.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 01/19/2013 10:10:55 AM

Originally posted by CarsonMP

Originally posted by Tatum

Are there any districts still running gasoline powered conventional buses in Virginia? The last county that I am aware of was Northampton County and they just recently traded in their last two gasoline powered buses..

If you are talking about fill 'er up smelly buses, Manassas Park still has em'. We recently received some new CEs. 3 2011 CEs and a 2010-2011 CE Handicap. The handicap, numbered 33, is a normal sized bus. It has been out though recently because of having to regen the engine a LOT in the past few weeks. I was riding one of the new CEs, 34, and we had to pull off the road and get another bus to pick us up. It smelled terrible outside the bus. IC/Navistar is going down the hole in my opinion. Funny thing is, 32, my bus, is the first 2010 CE with full LED and it hasn't had a single problem.

No, I wasn't really talking about normal gasoline powered buses. Nothing smelly about them. ;)

Carson, if you want to see the pics I took at Sonny Merryman, they're right here:

Reply author: CarsonMP
Replied on: 01/19/2013 5:36:16 PM

Sweet! I told my dad about them and we might take a trip there! Thanks Tatum! BTW, I miss you XD

And BTW, my friend and I walked behind one of the buses and the teachers thought we were high. Thats how bad our ER smells.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 01/20/2013 08:10:22 AM

Uhhh Manassas is all diesel as far as I know.....Maybe a gas minotour but no large buses. Northampton was the last to switch to diesel for the large buses and they still have a few left.

Reply author: CarsonMP
Replied on: 01/21/2013 2:37:49 PM

A lot of interesting new things in here!

Anyone on here from Northern VA? There was recently a Vista Handy for sale from Chesterfield County and theres a nice Thomas Int'l Handy with LED rear lighting and an AC unit sitting up on 28 just pass the McDonalds. I got pics of the Vista but its gone. I think it was $5,300 for the Int'l.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 01/22/2013 8:43:33 PM

I saw a ton of Prince William County HDXs, EFs, and C2s, plus a Mintour of theirs. Do they have many 96-98 ERs left in service or have they all been retired? Also saw a few Fairfax REs and an ER that had an emerged exit door almost right by the driver's window!

Reply author: CarsonMP
Replied on: 01/23/2013 2:37:07 PM

Oh yeah! I forgot! I see PWC's Mintour every morning! I see it at the top of the school's street. Its nice. I think they still might have them as spares, I see old yellow roofed ERs being used sometimes.

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 05/08/2013 12:10:53 PM

Is this one of the Fairfax buses that was sent to the Gulf Coast after Katrina?

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 05/09/2013 7:13:47 PM

Yes definately an old Fairfax war wagon

Reply author: Tatum
Replied on: 07/11/2013 8:50:47 PM

Any idea which county these are from?

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/17/2013 9:32:39 PM

I would guess Greene County.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 07/19/2013 4:10:24 PM

I wouldnt think so....they are still running buses in the 80s

Reply author: IC
Replied on: 07/19/2013 7:33:05 PM

Originally posted by C.HARDY

I wouldnt think so....they are still running buses in the 80s

I base my guess on the grounds that the seller is in Ruckersville which is in Greene County. Also because the blacked out word on the beltline is short like Greene.

Reply author: C.HARDY
Replied on: 07/20/2013 9:35:27 PM

I think they are getting trade ins from Kingmoor Supply. I just know Greene is a poor county and they still have a ton of older buses and didnt think they would sell something that new. He has several buses right now from several counties is why I'm thinking Kingmoor must be doing trade ins. I bought a bus from M&M a few years ago and the title had Kingmoor's name on it.

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