This story initially appeared in Metro magazine, School Bus Fleet's sister publication.
REV Group Inc. announced Kent Tyler will rejoin the company as fire division president, replacing Dan Peters.
Tyler will oversee all the fire brands, including E-ONE, KME, Ferrara, Spartan, Smeal, and Ladder Tower.
"The REV Fire Division is not just a collection of great companies … it’s a collection of great people dedicated to serving the needs of first responders and the incredible work they do on a daily basis," Tyler said. "It’s great to be back and leading the REV Fire Division. I look forward to working with all the companies to deliver operational excellence initiatives, innovative product solutions, and the highest quality fire apparatus in the industry."
Tyler has a long executive history with REV Group dating back to its original portfolio company, Collins Industries Inc and subsequent holding company, Allied Specialty Vehicles. Over this time, Tyler served as corporate VP, sales and marketing, of Collins Industries Inc., president of Collins Bus Corp.; and president/CEO of the Bus & Mobility Group.
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