GREENSBORO, N.C. — A loophole in state law makes it tougher to convict motorists for illegally passing stopped school buses, WFMY reports.

The state legislature has increased penalties twice and allowed bus camera video in court. However, a different law makes it difficult to get a conviction without clear identification of the driver, according to the news outlet.

The state legislature passed the Nicolas Adkins School Bus Safety Act following an incident in 2009 in which Adkins was fatally struck by a driver who ran a school bus stop arm, WFMY reports. The law increased the penalties for drivers who pass a stopped school bus and allowed video captured by school bus stop-arm cameras to be used in court.

The law that makes convicting stop-arm runners difficult also prevents school districts from receiving free bus stop-arm cameras, despite districts in other states being allowed to get the cameras for free, according to the news outlet. Meanwhile, WFMY has asked state representatives and senators if they would vote for a change in the law, and some said they would, the news outlet reports.

To read the full story, go here.

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