CHELYAN, W.Va. — Two school bus passing incidents were caught on video here last week; one resulted in a damaged stop arm, and in the other, the motorist nearly struck pedestrians, WOWK reports.

Bryan Shepherd, a bus driver for Kanawha County Schools, was preparing to drop off students at a bus stop when a vehicle passed, not stopping for the amber lights and then hitting the extended stop arm and damaging it, according to the news source.

Meanwhile, in the other incident, a motorist passed a stopped school bus in the turn lane in front of an elementary school, WOWK reports. The stop arm was not extended, because the bus was not picking up students, but the motorist nearly struck several people.

Both incidents have been reported to police, but so far, no one has been ticketed.

To read the full story, go here.

Go here to watch WOWK’s coverage and the district's surveillance video of the incidents.

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