Driver Behavior, the newest feature in online surveillance manager MotoTrax, provides data and analysis to help pinpoint behaviors of drivers that can cost the most in insurance, litigation and maintenance, company officials said.

Driver Behavior, the newest feature in online surveillance manager MotoTrax, provides data and analysis to help pinpoint behaviors of drivers that can cost the most in insurance, litigation and maintenance, company officials said.

NEWTON, Ala. — AngelTrax recently debuted its newest feature in MotoTrax: Driver Behavior, which is designed to help fleet managers instantly identify their riskiest drivers in real time.

Driver Behavior is the most advanced feature among an array of features in MotoTrax, the AngelTrax online surveillance manager, company officials said. The optional feature provides data and analysis needed to pinpoint the behaviors of drivers that can cost the company the most in insurance, litigation and maintenance. With instant alerts, advanced scoring algorithms and easy-to-read comparison charts, Driver Behavior delivers critical information in a user-friendly interface, according to the company.

Live, in-browser scoring can be accessed securely from any location with an active Internet connection, providing real-time vehicle, group and fleet comparisons. Fleet directors can now administer statistic-driven driver coaching with video of the incident and the moments leading up to it. Video clips correlating with event alerts can be downloaded to reveal the cause and effect of hard braking, swerving and other aggressive or distracted driving habits.

"Instead of relying on a third party to send you only the video clips they think you ought to see, you now have access to every video clip tagged with an event marker," explained AngelTrax President and CEO Richie Howard. "When a fleet manager is coaching a driver, showing the actual video of their own driving habits can make all the difference between an OK driver and the new safest driver in the company."

For more information about the Driver Behavior feature in MotoTrax, contact AngelTrax at (800) 673-1788 or at

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