School bus driver Chuck Smith’s emergency exit drill rap was one of the standout videos posted on  SBF ’s website in 2016.

School bus driver Chuck Smith’s emergency exit drill rap was one of the standout videos posted on SBF’s website in 2016.

A PSA on stopping for school buses and a driver rapping about emergency evacuations were among School Bus Fleet’s web highlights in 2016. Here are details on these two popular videos.

A School Bus Driver’s Greatest Fear
This powerful PSA tells the heartbreaking story of 12-year-old Adam Kempf, who was fatally struck by a van while crossing the street to board his school bus in 2012. Watch the video here.

School Bus Exit Drill Rap
School bus driver Chuck Smith uses rhymes and rhythm to hold his passengers’ attention as he teaches them emergency evacuation procedures. Watch the video here.

About the author
Thomas McMahon

Thomas McMahon

Executive Editor

Thomas had covered the pupil transportation industry with School Bus Fleet since 2002. When he's not writing articles about yellow buses, he enjoys running long distances and making a joyful noise with his guitar.

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