MARIETTA, Ga. — A school bus driver here has been put on administrative leave as investigators look into a fight that allegedly took place between two students on her bus on Friday.

Tammy Garnes, the communication director for Marietta City Schools, told Marietta Daily Journal that the district’s understanding is that the driver broke up the alleged fight, continued to drive the bus, and the police were called once she arrived at the destination to drop off the students.

Officer Chuck McPhilamy told the news source that officers responded to an incident “involving an alleged conflict between a bus driver from Marietta City Schools and two students on the bus.”

Garnes added that the driver has 12 years of experience driving for the school district, and that the district called each student’s parents to make them aware of the incident. There is no video of the alleged conflict because the bus was not equipped with a recording drive, according to Marietta Daily Journal.

To read the full story, go here.

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