LITTLETON, Mass. — School bus drivers here took to their personal cars to advise students of a school start delay on Tuesday when some buses stalled due to the cold temperature, CBS Boston reports.
At 7 a.m., the bus company that serves Littleton Public Schools notified Kelly Clenchy, the district’s superintendent, that seven of the buses would start but would not continue to run, and likely wouldn’t be able to run safely and consistently, according to the news source.
Clenchy ordered a two-hour delay in the start of school, and some of the bus drivers were asked to take their own cars and drive on the routes to ensure that no students were standing outside in the cold waiting for a bus. If there were students waiting, drivers were instructed to tell them that there was a delay and to go back inside. Clenchy said that if students couldn’t do that, the driver was instructed to call on the radio and a police cruiser would transport them, according to CBS Boston.
Clenchy clarified that none of the drivers were picking up students in their cars at the bus stops, and they were not asked to do so, the news source reports.
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