Winners of the Don Carnahan Memorial Grant will receive up to $50,000 worth of Zonar fleet management technology. Seen here is the EVIR system.

Winners of the Don Carnahan Memorial Grant will receive up to $50,000 worth of Zonar fleet management technology. Seen here is the EVIR system.

SEATTLE — Zonar and the National Association for Pupil Transportation (NAPT) are again jointly sponsoring the annual Don Carnahan Memorial Grant.

Winners will receive up to $50,000 worth of technology designed to improve the safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of pupil transportation programs in the U.S. and Canada. NAPT and Zonar said that, to date, they have donated more than $6 million worth of school bus fleet technology over the past nine years.

"Partnering with the NAPT to give school districts much-needed smart fleet technology is very important to us, and we hope our efforts help bring parents peace of mind about their kid's bus trip to school every day," said H. Kevin Mest, senior vice president and general manager of passenger services at Zonar.

Grant winners will receive access to Zonar’s fleet management technology, including Electronic Verified Inspection Reporting (EVIR), GPS and real-time engine diagnostic reporting (V3), student tracking (Z Pass), Ground Traffic Control Coach, and the company’s latest release, Verify.

“With this grant we have been able to help dozens of … school districts with the tools to make their fleets the safest for students,” said Mike Martin, executive director of NAPT. “We hope that parents can feel confident sending their children to school knowing their buses are equipped with Zonar’s leading safety technology."

The association will accept and evaluate applications from NAPT members for full and partial grants of up to $50,000 worth of equipment/hardware provided by Zonar.

For more information and to apply for the Don Carnahan Memorial Grant, go to

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