GreenRoad Technologies has introduced an in-vehicle video system that records dangerous or noteworthy events, on the road and in the vehicle, as they happen.

The GreenRoad video solution can associate captured footage with driving behavior data for individual safety events, providing information about how external and behavioral factors contributed to the outcome, company officials said. The integrated data is designed to give drivers and managers insight into root causes of risky driving, and to help them develop strategies for safer behavior in similar situations.

In-vehicle video solution footage also provides concrete evidence that can protect drivers and fleet-operating businesses from fraudulent claims in the event of no-fault incidents or incidents caused by third parties or external factors, according to the company.

The in-vehicle video solution is fully integrated into the GreenRoad driver behavior event detection mechanism. An uninterrupted live feed, streamed via mobile connectivity, is available for viewing in GreenRoad Central, the customer’s web portal. In addition, video recordings that immediately precede and follow any risky driving event are stored for reference.

Safety events for which recordings are saved include braking, acceleration, corner handling, lane handling and speeding. GreenRoad associates stored recordings with the safety events that triggered them.