It’s a new year, and, accordingly, we have some exciting new things happening in the School Bus Fleet fold.

Before I get into those details, I want to encourage you to make 2015 a remarkable year. If you haven’t already made a New Year’s resolution, try setting one significant goal — whether it be professional or personal — for 2015.

Challenge yourself, but keep it realistic. Write down your goal, and specify the steps that you’re going to take to attain it. Also, tell a spouse, friend or coworker what your resolution is, and ask him or her to hold you accountable to it.

You may find that working toward a specific goal will have a positive impact on other areas of your life as well. For example, if you resolve to walk for 20 minutes each day at lunchtime, you just might return to work with more energy and focus for the afternoon.

Now, let’s discuss our “new business” here at SBF.

A valuable exchange
First, SBF has partnered with our friends at the National Association for Pupil Transportation to launch an innovative new event called School Bus eXchange (SBX).

SBX will be a unique gathering. It will bring together a select group of pupil transportation leaders and suppliers to — as the name suggests — exchange ideas and solutions for the challenges that our industry faces.

It will be a relatively small affair, and that’s intentional. The goal is to keep it focused and intimate for those who attend. For those who don’t take part in SBX this year, we plan to make it an annual event. You can read more about the upcoming inaugural SBX here.

Not quite goodbye
Another new development at SBF is that, after nearly 34 years with the magazine, I’m stepping down from my role as publisher. Although I won’t be overseeing the day-to-day operations anymore, I’ll still be involved with the magazine, handling some key accounts and taking on special projects.

I’ve been a part of the school bus industry since 1981 — when Bobit Business Media hired me as eastern sales manager for SBF — and I’m looking forward to maintaining the great relationships that I’ve built with the fine folks in this industry.

At the same time, I’m looking forward to seeing SBF continue to grow and innovate under the leadership of James Blue. James is the new general manager of SBF as well as its sister publication, Metro Magazine. I’ve been working closely with James to share some of the industry knowledge and experience that I’ve accrued over the decades, and he will add to that his own fresh insights and experience in publishing and events.

I’m proud of the vital service that SBF has provided and will continue to provide to the pupil transportation community — keeping our readers informed and bringing buyers and sellers together. Expect big things from James and the SBF team in 2015 and beyond.